
GAIQ Holder’s Access Analysis and Site Improvement Proposal

gaiqThe business marketing environment is rapidly changing nowadays. Particularly, the success of online marketing is becoming increasingly crucial for business success.

First, a website necessary for web customer acquisition is created, followed by gathering user sessions through PPC advertising and SEO measures. Subsequently, the site’s conversion rate is enhanced through web analysis.

Google Analytics plays a significant role in this process. Utilizing Google Analytics allows for a calm approach to the situation and helps get the business on track.

At our company, we offer high-level analysis conducted by GAIQ qualified professionals. We provide high-quality analysis at the most affordable price. Let’s take a look at an actual proposal we offer.



GAIQ Holder’s Site Analysis Example


Let’s see what kind of proposal you can receive for a one-shot fee.


Competitive Analysis


When starting SEO, our company conducts a detailed competitive analysis. This analysis compares DA (Domain Authority), Linking Domain (number of backlinks), and the number of indexes to measure the power of the site’s domain and keyword rankings.

The analysis identifies what keyword strategies are lacking compared to competitors, how many backlinks and page contents are needed, etc., to strategize for higher SEO rankings.


So, what does competitive analysis using Google Analytics entail? At our company, we initially conduct the following five analyses:


  • Past Two-Year Traffic Trends
  • Search Trend Research
  • Comparison of Traffic Sources with Competitors
  • Comparison of SNS Utilization
  • Access Situations to Competitors from Referral Sites

Let’s take a closer look.


Past Two-Year Traffic Trends


Data from Google Analytics can reveal how users have been visiting the site. In the data shown above, the sources of traffic are broadly divided into SEO: 56%, Favorites: 24%, and Listing Ads: 10%.


Search Trend Research


Google Trends is also used to check the number of accesses for the same search words. It is evident that access increases in October and March each year. The increase and decrease in traffic to the strategy site correspond with the search trends. In such cases, it becomes clear that investing in PPC advertising during months of high demand is more cost-effective.


Comparison of Traffic Sources with Competitors

GoogleアナリティクスDATA3Comparing the sources of access with other companies can reveal what is lacking. In the case shown in the figure, there is no significant difference in the composition ratio by source, allowing us to propose plans to expand each channel.


Comparison of SNS Utilization

googleanalitics-data5The breakdown of traffic from SNS is also compared with competitors. The strategy site, as shown in the figure, has a higher proportion of traffic from Facebook compared to competitors. It can be inferred that the product characteristics match the age group of Facebook users.


Access Situations to Competitors from Referral Sites


The proportion of traffic sources to the site becomes clear. Tools other than Google Analytics are also used. The data shown above is from SimilarWeb.


Target Analysis

Having understood the differences and gaps between our site and competitors, we now delve into analyzing our site. We extract detailed data on the users visiting our site, including their demographics, area, number of sessions, and pages viewed. Furthermore, we analyze the behavior of users who have reached the actual conversion (CV) button, identifying areas for site improvement.


  • Customer Demographic Analysis
  • High-Traffic Pages
  • Customer Behavior Analysis


Customer Demographic Analysis


We extract data on customer demographics, focusing on age and gender distribution. From the data above, we see that the highest number of accesses comes from males aged 25-44, while the highest booking numbers and conversion rates are from females aged 35-44. As an improvement strategy, we could consider increasing content targeted at women in our columns or appealing through female-targeted campaigns in our advertising.


High-Traffic Pages


By segmenting attributes per page, we can determine the number of page views, duration of stay, and bounce rates. Pages with high views but also high bounce rates indicate some issues with the page. Pages with long stay durations and low bounce rates are well-viewed, so it would be beneficial to incorporate a CV button (conversion button) and skillfully create a pathway leading to inquiries.


Customer Behavior Analysis


We conduct multiple analyses of customer behavior leading to conversions. Analyzing customer behavior reveals specific customer journeys.


We visualize everything from the touchpoints leading to the first session to the number of visits before conversion, and the actions taken during the final conversion. Repeated analysis of numerous cases helps identify common patterns.


For example, if users frequently visit columns or FAQs, placing a CV button there could be effective. In cases where users take a long time to convert, retargeting ads to follow up with users and encourage conversions can be a specific strategy to implement.


Improving UI and UX

UI stands for User Interface, which refers to all elements that users interact with visually. UX, or User Experience, denotes the experiences and impressions users gain while using a website.

To enhance conversion rates, it’s crucial to identify improvement areas from UI and UX perspectives. This involves utilizing heatmap analysis and EFO (Entry Form Optimization) improvement strategies.


EFO Improvement


EFO focuses on optimizing input forms to facilitate conversions. Proposals include design changes like altering the background color of reservation forms from black to white, making them more user-friendly.


Heatmap Analysis


Heatmap tools reveal user interests on a webpage, based on mouse clicks and areas where users spend time reading. This information is used to enhance menus and content, aligning them with customer needs.


Site Improvement Proposals

The final step involves compiling site improvement suggestions. Strategies to increase site traffic include targeted advertising through Google Ads placements and revising site navigation. For sites without a search function, adding one enables tracking of user search terms via Google Analytics. This data can inform content creation and offer various improvement suggestions.

Successful elements can also be identified and applied across other pages, potentially increasing the site’s overall web conversion rate.



In-depth site analysis and improvement proposals are crucial once SEO strategies begin to improve keyword rankings. Regular site analysis, ideally every three to six months, is recommended. Incorporating A/B testing can further enhance conversion rates.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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