
First Ranking in Medical YMYL SEO Achieved|Ueno Internal Medicine & Diabetes Clinic

First Ranking in Medical YMYL SEO Achieved|Ueno Internal Medicine & Diabetes ClinicUeno Internal Medicine & Diabetes Clinic, a diabetes specialty clinic in Kobe, focuses on treating lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, obesity, gout, hyperuricemia, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, and sleep apnea syndrome. They had previously continued SEO measures with other companies and on their own but were unable to rank higher than 6th for their target keywords. After approaching our company, they achieved first place for their desired keywords.


Client’s Background and Request

In September 2021, they first contacted us. They had been consistently ranking 6th for ‘Kobe Diabetes’ but were unable to improve their position. Seeking a competent SEO company, they found Tokyo SEO Maker through an internet search and reached out with a request:

‘We’ve been told that it’s difficult in the YMYL area, but we want to achieve first place.’


Client’s Challenges

  • Desire to achieve first place for ‘Kobe Diabetes’
  • Lack of keyword optimization
  • Not being recognized as an authoritative site
  • Inadequate SEO measures in the YMYL industry

Key Points and Strategies of the SEO Campaign

  • SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis
  • Content SEO
  • Measures for YMYL and EAT
  • Off-page SEO (Link Building/SEO External Measures)

SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis

First, we issued instructions for keyword optimization and made site modifications. Mainly focusing on titles, meta descriptions, and internal linking, we also fixed numerous source code errors and ensured compliance with W3C HTML standards.


Content SEO

The doctor had been updating the blog, but it wasn’t aligned with content SEO techniques. We revised the titles, content elements, and headings. Each blog’s author and profile were added to strengthen the EAT component.


Measures for YMYL and EAT

We enhanced EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) by highlighting the doctor’s achievements in the medical field. This included linking to industry articles and journals in which the doctor was published, and modifying the site to showcase expertise in diabetes. We also actively communicated participation in domestic and international conferences and introduced research papers published in international media to strengthen authoritativeness.


Off-Page SEO (SEO External Measures)

We acquired links from media operated by companies specializing in medical-owned media.


Post-SEO Campaign Results

  • Kobe Diabetes’ ranking improved from 6th to 1st place
  • Achieved high rankings for related keywords

Ranking Fluctuations

Despite being in the challenging medical YMYL field, precise SEO measures enabled us to achieve the coveted first place, establishing authority.



Client’s Testimonial

Ueno Clinic Director
‘We are extremely satisfied with achieving our goal of first place. Even after reaching first place, we receive notifications from Google Search Console about issues within the site, especially regarding coverage and errors. We regularly consult with Mr. Amano from Tokyo SEO Maker for these issues. They are truly a capable SEO company. Highly recommended.’ (Clinic Director)


From the SEO Consultant

SEO measures for sites in the YMYL field are particularly challenging. Blindly acquiring backlinks or increasing page count doesn’t improve ranking. Expertise like ours is necessary to identify effective strategies. For medical sites, feel free to contact us.


Supervised by

SEO Consultant

Takeshi Amano, CEO, Admano Co., Ltd.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, Takeshi Amano worked for an advertising agency for 12 years before encountering SEO. He began researching SEO during the early stages of its development and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. He founded his own company and is currently in his 11th year of operation. Takeshi handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (Google Analytics Individual Qualification holder), coding, and website creation. The company has been involved in SEO for over 2,000 websites to date.


