
Traffic increased 30-fold in 2 years through content SEO | MDI Corporation

Traffic increased 30-fold in 2 years through content SEO | MDI CorporationMDI Corporation is a specialized comprehensive thermal engineering company, combining waste heat utilization, heat recovery, and heat pump technologies. Although it operates a corporate website within a niche sector, the company has achieved high search engine rankings and successful web customer acquisition through content SEO, particularly for keywords related to its heat exchanger services.



Client’s Background and Request

Seeking alternatives to the current, costly SEO service provider to enhance existing performance.

Client’s Challenges

  • High cost of SEO services
  • Desire for further improvement in search rankings


Strategy and Execution

  1. SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis
  2. Development of a keyword strategy
  3. Content SEO
  4. Off-page SEO (Link building/SEO external measures)


SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis

Optimized keywords as part of the SEO site internal modification diagnosis. This included revising the site URL directory, internal links, and reviewing the site titles and meta descriptions. We also undertook site modification services.

Keyword Strategy Development

Identified additional search queries for products without affecting the rankings of existing keywords. Began phased implementation of strategies, including previously untargeted keywords.

Content SEO

Enhanced existing content SEO articles, which lacked sufficient detail and word count, by increasing the word count and adding necessary elements to enrich the content.

Off-page SEO

Acquired high-quality links from owned media with specialized themes.

Results After SEO Implementation

Achieved higher rankings for each targeted keyword. Here are some examples:


The site’s traffic has increased thirtyfold over two years (From 400 visits per month to 12,085 visits per month), as per Semrush data.


Insights from the SEO Consultant

Trading and manufacturing company websites can yield results with sustained content SEO efforts. It’s crucial to separately strategize for search queries aimed at articles and those targeting services or products. Persistently increasing page index numbers and acquiring external links can significantly grow a site over a few years. In content SEO, adding articles with thin content is ineffective. It’s essential to implement article pages with necessary content elements and connect them internally as unit content.


Supervised by

SEO Consultant

Takeshi Amano, CEO, Admano Co., Ltd.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, Takeshi Amano worked for an advertising agency for 12 years before encountering SEO. He began researching SEO during the early stages of its development and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. He founded his own company and is currently in his 11th year of operation. Takeshi handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (Google Analytics Individual Qualification holder), coding, and website creation. The company has been involved in SEO for over 2,000 websites to date.


