
Successful Case:First Ranking in ‘Area + Dental Clinic,’ SEO | Sanno Dental Clinic

Successful Case:First Ranking in 'Area + Dental Clinic,' SEO | Sanno Dental ClinicSanno Dental Clinic, located in Sakuragawa City, Ibaraki Prefecture, specializes in dental implants, cavities, periodontal disease, pediatrics, and oral surgery. Effective SEO for dental clinics mostly involves ranking high in searches for ‘Area + Dental,’ ‘Area + Dental Clinic,’ and ‘Area + Dentist’ to succeed in web acquisition. Dental SEO, part of the challenging YMYL sector, can achieve top rankings with precise strategies.


Client’s Background and Request

The client wished to enhance web traffic to their site, aiming for a top ranking in ‘Sakuragawa City Dentist’ searches.


Client’s Challenges

Persistent ranking below the top 5 in search results
Desire to achieve the top position for successful web acquisition

Key Points and Strategies of the SEO Campaign


  • SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis
  • Addressing YMYL and EAT requirements
  • Off-page SEO (Link Building/SEO External Measures)

SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnosis

We began by issuing keyword optimization instructions in the SEO Site Internal Modification Diagnostic and made site revisions. Our unique know-how was applied to the dental clinic’s site for modifications like keyword optimization, title and meta description edits, H1 tag adjustments, internal link building, etc.


Addressing YMYL and EAT Requirements

We implemented specific strategies for the dental clinic’s YMYL and EAT compliance.


Off-Page SEO (SEO External Measures)

Links were acquired from media operated by companies specializing in medical-themed owned media.


Post-SEO Campaign Results

Sanno Dental Clinic achieved the top position for ‘Sakuragawa City Dentist.’ Initially ranked 6th in January 2019, the clinic reached the top spot within three months.

However, it fluctuated between 1st and 4th positions due to competition, eventually stabilizing at the top spot from September 2020.

Despite a brief drop to 2nd place in 2022, the clinic regained and maintained its top position.


From the SEO Consultant

The dental clinic’s site, especially after Google’s core updates, has maintained its top position, highlighting the success of both internal content and external link strategies. Caution is advised in the YMYL medical sector, especially regarding external links.


Supervised by

SEO Consultant

Takeshi Amano, CEO, Admano Co., Ltd.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, Takeshi Amano worked for an advertising agency for 12 years before encountering SEO. He began researching SEO during the early stages of its development and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. He founded his own company and is currently in his 11th year of operation. Takeshi handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (Google Analytics Individual Qualification holder), coding, and website creation. The company has been involved in SEO for over 2,000 websites to date.


