
Privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy applies to the handling of personal information collected from users across all services belonging to our site’s domain ‘‘.


About Personal Information Protection

At Tokyo SEO Maker (‘the Company’), we are keenly aware of the importance of protecting personal information in recent years and comply with relevant laws and guidelines.

We establish the following privacy policy (Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection):

Personal Information refers to information about customers (those who have purchased our products, used our services, or similar) that can identify a specific individual through descriptions such as names contained in the respective descriptions.


Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company will not acquire or disclose any personal information without user consent, except as outlined in this Privacy Policy, including information voluntarily submitted by users through our inquiry form.

The acquisition of personal information is minimal, only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use, and we do not acquire personal information by false or other improper means.


Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The personal information held by the Company is used for various notifications and DM deliveries related to our services to our customers, user support, and various announcements regarding products and services. It is also used for communication related to business customs, including billing with our business partners.


Personal Information Management Responsible

Personal information and information equivalent to personal information provided by users are managed by Tokyo SEO Maker, the operator of this site, based on this Privacy Policy.


Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

For inquiries about information obtained and published on this site and about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our inquiry form.

If a user requests the deletion of personal information within the scope managed by this site, the responsible manager will respond promptly.


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