
What is Zero-Click Search? Explaining Google’s Increase in Zero-Click Searches and Its Relation to SEO


Zero-click search refers to instances where users can find all the information they need directly in the search results list, without clicking through to any of the actual pages. This phenomenon is also known as a “zero-click search.”

The rise of zero-click searches has compelled web marketers to not only focus on SEO strategies for organic search results but also to plan for the future displays of various SERPs where zero-click searches occur.


The Impact of Zero-Click Searches and Future SEO Strategies

Understanding Zero-Click Search

Zero-click search occurs when users, through SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) alone, satisfy their queries without visiting individual site pages. 

For example, a search for “weather in Kita Ward” might display an emphasized snippet at the top of organic search results, showing weather information clearly, allowing users to conclude their search without further clicks.

Previously, individual sites aimed to attract visitors and drive purchases by ranking high in SEO results. However, with zero-click searches, users increasingly bypass content, reducing site traffic and potential conversions even if the site ranks well.

For businesses that have focused heavily on SEO-driven customer acquisition, the prevalence of zero-click searches across all queries necessitates a reassessment of their web marketing strategies.

Background of Zero-Click Search

The background to the rise of zero-click searches lies in Google’s efforts to enhance features to provide users with efficient and accurate information quickly. In the US, as reported by Search Engine Land in June 2019, over 50% of searches were zero-click searches. This trend has been increasing annually and is expected to continue accelerating with Google’s evolving algorithms, further enabling users to obtain necessary information from search result pages and conclude their searches without clicking.

The development of zero-click searches is primarily attributed to enhancements in Google features, particularly;

1. Rich snippets

2. Knowledge graphs

3.Featured snippets

Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are prominently displayed on the search page, providing detailed information so that there is no need to click further. For example, when you search for the weather, the explanation and data displayed prominently are considered rich snippets.

Related Article: What are Rich Snippets? Explaining the SEO Benefits of Rich Snippets

Knowledge Graph 

The Knowledge Graph displays detailed search information along with images and maps on the right side of the screen after a search. This feature allows users to quickly assess the information, reducing the need to click further.

Related Article: What is a Knowledge Graph? Exploring its Features, Advantages, and Display Methods

Featured Snippets 

Featured snippets display the information users are seeking at the top of the search results, accompanied by images and text.

Related Article: What are Featured Snippets? An Explanation Including Knowledge Panels and Rich Snippets

These enhancements in Google’s features have made it possible for users to obtain information without needing to click.

Causes of Zero-Click Searches 

The following reasons explain why zero-click searches occur.

Satisfaction on the Search Results Page

One reason for the increase in zero-click searches is that users can obtain all the necessary information just by viewing featured snippets and knowledge graphs displayed after a search. Due to Google’s enhancement of features, more users are finding satisfaction directly on the search results page, eliminating the need to click further.

Unable to Find the Desired Site 

Another reason is when users do not find the information, they are searching for prominently displayed. This can happen when searching niche words that do not yield relevant results easily, or when the titles do not clearly indicate the content users are seeking, leading them to leave without clicking. In such cases, revising the content or reworking the title is recommended.

Advantages of Zero-Click Searches 

The primary advantage of zero-click searches is undoubtedly the ability for users to acquire information without clicking. This saves the effort of navigating through lengthy texts to find the necessary information, leading to greater efficiency. Additionally, prominently displayed images that are easy to understand also demonstrate consideration for the user’s needs.

Google aims to enhance user convenience, so quickly providing the information users seek increases user satisfaction and is a positive trend for Google. Therefore, it is essential not only to focus on organic SEO results but also to plan for various SERPs displays where zero-click searches occur.

Disadvantages of Zero-Click Searches

While zero-click searches offer several advantages, they also come with distinct disadvantages.

Content Goes Unseen

As zero-click searches become more prevalent, users no longer need to visit individual pieces of content that rank highly in SEO. Even well-crafted content may not receive the visibility it deserves.

Google Becomes a Competitor 

With the enhancement of Google’s search capabilities, Google itself becomes a competitor in information provision. Websites must now optimize to appear in featured snippets, rich snippets, and knowledge graphs, and also pay attention to various SERPs displays beyond organic SEO results to effectively increase traffic.

Strategies to Counter Zero-Click Searches 

As zero-click searches are expected to increase, strategies to drive website traffic from sources other than SEO are becoming crucial. This includes improving visibility across various SERPs and generating leads from sources other than searches. Here are seven strategies to consider.

1.Utilize social media.

2.Aim for visibility in SERPs beyond SEO.

3.Use listing ads.

4.Aim to appear in featured snippets.

5.Implement image SEO strategies.

6.Create titles that encourage clicks.

7.Develop content that attracts visitors beyond search results.

Utilize Social Media 

Increasing site traffic from organic search can also be achieved through social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. These platforms allow linking within posts, potentially driving significant traffic.

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Operating SNS and publishing SNS ads can increase traffic to your site. However, each SNS has a different management method—Twitter attracts with text, and Instagram with images, requiring specialized knowledge in SNS operation.

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Aim for Visibility in Non-SEO SERPs 

Continuing to create content with SEO in mind is crucial. However, considering the increasing trend of zero-click searches, it is important to implement strategies to ensure your site also appears in non-organic SEO search results.

Visibility in SERPs beyond organic SEO depends on the enrichment of your website’s content and a strong domain resulting from SEO efforts. Websites that rank high in SEO tend to also appear frequently in non-SEO SERPs. Let’s focus on SEO as a core strategy while also considering other aspects.

Using Listing Ads

Using listing ads can help achieve a higher position on the search results page. These ads can appear above top SEO articles and featured snippets, potentially increasing traffic.

However, listing ads require a budget, and depending on the competition, costs can be significant. It’s important to calculate the costs and budget accordingly before proceeding. Listing ads should only be used when the cost-effectiveness matches the type of service offered.

Recommended Article: The Differences Between SEO and Listing Ads? Explaining How to Maximize Traffic Through Strategic Use

Focusing on Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are part of Google’s strategy that contributes to the increase in zero-click searches. Creating content that qualifies for featured snippets can lead to an increase in traffic.

There is a certain number of users who are not satisfied with just featured snippets; viewing a featured snippet implies that these users are interested in your content. Crafting content that makes users want to click through after viewing the featured snippet can further increase traffic.

Being displayed as a featured snippet means that Google highly regards your content, which can lead to more traffic to other content as well. To appear in featured snippets, it is necessary to first implement strong SEO practices, as sites with good SEO are more likely to be featured.

Implementing Image SEO 

Let’s focus on optimizing images for image search, including setting the alt attribute and choosing the right images. Creating content is not only about text; the importance of image searches is also on the rise. Given the increase in zero-click searches, it’s clear that there’s a growing trend of users making quick judgments based on visual information.

Therefore, it’s crucial to post images on your site that match the text, ensure high image quality, and set alt attributes to cater to image searches. By understanding what users visually seek, you can create more effective content.

Recommended Article: What is Image SEO? Explaining Effective Settings for SEO-Friendly Images

Creating Click-Worthy Titles

Try refining the titles of your site as they appear in search results. It’s vital to make titles compelling that users feel they must click on them. Adjusting titles is similar to creating catchy slogans, so looking at best-selling products for inspiration is beneficial.

Attempt to craft engaging titles with the main keyword positioned towards the left, employing SEO techniques that make users want to click spontaneously.

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Creating Content That Drives Traffic Beyond Search Results 

Releasing content in series that turns users into fans can lead to visits to your site beyond just search results. By consistently producing connected content, users who have viewed your content once may become curious and return. If the number of repeat visitor’s increases, neither zero-click searches nor search results will matter as much.

Even if not serializing content, including links to related content on your site can encourage a cycle of visits within your site. To gain fans and increase repeat visitors, consider developing characters or plots that make readers think, “I want to read more articles by this person.”


Zero-click searches will continue to be a critical issue for web managers and SEO professionals. Currently, zero-click searches exceed 50% of all searches, necessitating strategic responses. It is important to remain adaptable to search engine changes and strive to increase traffic going forward. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks, so it’s important to experiment and find strategies that suit you. SEO and Google’s algorithms are constantly updating and evolving. The strategies that work today may not always be effective, so it’s essential to remain flexible and tackle web marketing from various angles.


Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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