
What You Can Do with the WordPress Plugin All in One SEO

Wordpress SEO

When operating a website on WordPress, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial. Without proper SEO measures, your website may not appear at the top of search results, leading to decreased search traffic. However, SEO doesn’t have a clear-cut solution and can be challenging to fully grasp in a short period

This is where the All in One SEO (formerly known as All in One SEO Pack) plugin comes in handy. It offers numerous SEO-effective features without requiring complicated operations. Even beginners can easily implement SEO measures. Let’s dive deeper into this.


What You Can Do with All in One SEO

All in One SEO is available in both free and premium versions, but even the free version offers sufficient SEO capabilities. The following are six features available with the free version of All in One SEO

  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Integration with Google Search Console
  • Generation and submission of XML Sitemaps
  • Setting up meta tags
  • Setting noindex
  • Social media settings

Integration with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to analyze users who visit your website. To use this feature, you need to link your WordPress site with your Analytics account.

While there are various ways to integrate, such as embedding the tracking ID directly into the theme or using a plugin, the simplest and most beginner-friendly method is using All in One SEO.

Analytics can analyze elements such as

  • When
  • Who
  • How long
  • Through what pathway

These analysis results are essential for exploring improvements to increase page views and session counts, making Analytics a must-have for SEO measures.

Integration with Google Search Console

Just like Google Analytics, Google Search Console is essential for SEO. Search Console is a tool that analyzes the stage before accessing a page, and if you’re using All in One SEO, it’s easy to integrate.

First, log into Search Console and hover over ‘Property’, then add your homepage URL by selecting ‘Add Property’. The step of verifying ownership is streamlined if you’ve already registered with Analytics. Once the admin panel appears, the integration is complete.

Linking to Search Console allows you to measure the following elements about your homepage

  • Search queries
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Average position

You can see for which words your page appears in search results, how many times it was clicked, and the average search position of your homepage for each keyword.

Generation and Submission of XML Sitemaps

New or updated pages won’t be evaluated if not recognized by crawlers. An XML Sitemap is an xml file listing all pages, helping crawlers efficiently recognize pages.

All in One SEO includes an auto-generation feature for XML Sitemaps, and you can manually submit them whenever needed.

Setting Meta Tags

Meta tags are used to communicate page information to browsers and search engines. The page title and description are particularly important for SEO. Including targeted keywords in these tags can make your page more likely to appear at the top of search results.

Too long titles may not display entirely when searched on a PC or smartphone, which can be disadvantageous for SEO. Descriptions appear below the title in search result pages and can significantly increase click-through rates.

Setting noindex

noindex is a setting used to prevent a page from appearing in search results. It’s applied to pages that don’t need to be searched, such as error pages like 404 pages or sitemaps. With All in One SEO, you can easily toggle this setting on and off for any page you wish to noindex by simply checking a checkbox.

Social Media Settings

Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook have strong dissemination power, as indicated by the term “going viral,” and can significantly increase page visits when used appropriately.

For instance, imagine a social media user finds a page they want to share with friends or followers. If nothing is set up, sharing that site’s URL on social media will only show text, making it less likely for the URL to be clicked.

All in One SEO allows you to set up social media so that when a URL is shared, it displays an image and summary text, leading to improved visibility and higher click rates.

Benefits of Installing All in One SEO

The three main benefits of installing All in One SEO are

  • Easy to use even for beginners with no SEO knowledge
  • The free version is sufficiently functional
  • Detailed settings can be applied for each page

Easy to Use Even for Beginners with No SEO Knowledge

All in One SEO enables those without SEO or HTML knowledge to implement basic SEO measures.

Once All in One SEO is installed, you can toggle functionalities like noindex settings and web page access counting with just checkboxes. Its intuitive design makes it possible for beginners to conduct efficient SEO measures effectively.

The Free Version Is Sufficiently Functional

All in One SEO comes in both a free and premium version. The premium version offers four plans ranging from $49.50 to $299.50 per year, allowing you to choose features that suit your needs.

The advantage of upgrading to the premium version includes unlocking detailed settings like video sitemaps and news sitemaps, plus access to advanced content that allows you to utilize those features on more sites.

However, the main features needed for SEO measures are covered by the free version, so purchasing the premium version is not necessary for implementing SEO strategies.

Detailed Settings for Each Page

With All in One SEO, you can adjust detailed settings for each page, such as title, meta description, and comment settings. These settings are made in form fields separated from the main text, enhancing visibility and maintainability.

Installing All in One SEO

Installing All in One SEO is straightforward and can be completed in three steps

  • Add the plugin
  • Type “All in One SEO” into the search box
  • Install and activate

Adding the Plugin. 

To add the All in One SEO plugin, open the left side menu in the WordPress admin panel, select “Plugins,” and click “Add New.”

Type “All in One SEO” into the Search Box. 

Once on the plugin screen, type “All in One SEO” into the search box at the top right. Being a popular plugin, it should appear towards the top of the screen.

Installing and Activating All in One SEO

Once you find All in One SEO in the search results, click “Install.” After the installation is complete, the button will change to “Activate,” so click it to finish installing All in One SEO. If you close the screen before activating, you can activate it from the “Installed Plugins” screen.

Settings in All in One SEO. 

Next, I’ll explain the three main settings used in All in One SEO and the role of each setting

  • General Settings
  • Social Media
  • XML Sitemaps

General Settings. 

Open All in One SEO from the left menu of the WordPress admin panel and select “General Settings.”

From General Settings, you can configure basic site-related settings like Analytics, Search Console, and Breadcrumbs.

Even if you didn’t set up Analytics or Search Console during the initial setup of All in One SEO, you can configure them later in the General Settings screen.

Setting Up Social Media. 

From the left menu of the WordPress admin panel, open All in One SEO and select “Feature Manager.” Under “Social Meta,” you’ll see an “Activate” button, from which you can access detailed settings.

You can set how your content is displayed when shared on Twitter and Facebook. For example, you can add a summary text besides the URL, display a featured image, or change the size of the featured image that appears.

Social media (SNS) is a crucial tool for increasing social media traffic. Installing attractive summaries and images can lead to higher click rates.

Setting Up XML Sitemaps. 

From the left menu of the WordPress admin panel, open All in One SEO and select “Feature Manager.” Under “XML SiteMaps,” you’ll find an “Activate” button for accessing detailed settings.

For instance, while images or category pages have URLs, they may not need to be included in the sitemap. You can exclude such unnecessary pages from the sitemap in the settings.

Differences Between All in One SEO and Its Competitors

There are other SEO plugins for WordPress besides All in One SEO. Here are three SEO plugins and some disadvantages of All in One SEO compared to each plugin.

  • Premium SEO Pack
  • SEOPress
  • The SEO Framework

Premium SEO Pack

Premium SEO Pack is an SEO plugin aimed at advanced users. It offers both free and premium versions, and its basic functionality isn’t much different from All in One SEO, except the free version doesn’t include support.

A unique advantage over All in One SEO is the ability to perform more advanced SEO measures

  • Measuring page speed
  • Direct posting to Facebook
  • Checking social media responses 

Additionally, unlike All in One SEO, it offers automatic optimization of image sizes, which reduces file size and leads to faster page loading times. With All in One SEO, if you combine it with an image lightening plugin, it can significantly slow down operations, so you need to optimize images with a separate software before uploading them to the site.

SEOPress . 

SEOPress is a plugin known for its simple and user-friendly UI, making it suitable for those who want to implement SEO measures cost-effectively. While All in One SEO’s lowest price is $49.50, SEOPress is available for $39.

Although All in One SEO offers more features, SEOPress excels because both its free and premium versions support an unlimited number of sites. With All in One SEO, you can’t manage multiple sites under one account unless you spend at least $99.50.

The SEO Framework . 

The SEO Framework is designed for those looking for a plugin that offers straightforward and efficient SEO measures. While it may not have as many features as All in One SEO, it excels in automatic content optimization powered by AI. It also features the ability to color -code SEO elements that need improvement.

The biggest difference from All in One SEO is its operation speed. The SEO Framework has pared down unnecessary features to keep it lightweight, minimizing any negative impact on page loading speeds. All in One SEO, due to its feature richness, could potentially slow down page display and operation.


All in One SEO is a plugin that allows for effective SEO measures even with its free version. Installation is quick, completed in three steps, and it includes basic functionalities like integration with Analytics and Search Console, as well as meta tag settings, making it easy for SEO beginners to implement strategies. Beyond website settings, it also enables share settings for Twitter and Facebook, not only improving search traffic but also boosting social media traffic. For those new to SEO and looking for a free, beginner-friendly solution that supports Japanese, All in One SEO could be a perfect match.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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