
How to Effectively Utilize External Links on Wikipedia : SEO Strategies

Wikipedia SEO

Let’s break down the SEO impact of external links on Wikipedia. Wikipedia often ranks high in searches and is a reputable website. So, it’s natural for many to want to leverage external links to their own sites to boost SEO.

I’ll explain effective ways to utilize Wikipedia as part of your SEO strategy .


The Relationship Between SEO and Wikipedia

Basically, there’s no direct correlation between Wikipedia and your site’s SEO. It’s important to understand that SEO and Wikipedia are separate entities.

-SEO is a strategy to attract customers on search engines

-Wikipedia is one of the websites

Although Wikipedia often ranks high in search results, let’s not assume it directly impacts your SEO efforts. Let’s delve into the distinct features of SEO and Wikipedia.

Characteristics of SEO 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is one of the methods used to attract traffic by utilizing search engines like Google or Yahoo!. The goal is to rank high in search results for targeted keywords and efficiently drive traffic to your own site.

One notable feature of SEO is its high cost-effectiveness compared to other marketing methods. For instance, using web advertisements for marketing incurs ad costs. However, with SEO, you can strategize for free. While it’s not guaranteed to be effective, the ability to attract visitors while keeping monthly expenses low is a significant advantage.

Moreover, utilizing SEO not only drives traffic but also enhances branding. Typically, companies build their brand image through advertisements or promotions. With SEO, appearing at the top of search results catches the eyes of many users, enabling self-promotion.

Once a website achieves high rankings through SEO, it often maintains its position, prompting many companies to prioritize SEO strategies.

Characteristics of Wikipedia 

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia edited and enriched by people worldwide.

It has three main characteristics.

  • -No Web Advertisements
  • -Anyone Can Edit
  • -No Guarantee of Reliability

Wikipedia does not host web advertisements

Operated by the nonprofit organization Wikimedia Foundation, its costs are covered by donations from individuals and organizations.

Anyone Can Edit

Wikipedia allows anyone to edit for free. There’s no need for a pseudonym when writing articles, and there’s no review process for publication.

No Guarantee of Reliability

Because anyone can edit Wikipedia, there’s a possibility, even extreme, of false or incorrect information being posted. 

However, the range of topics covered is extensive, providing access to a wealth of information through Wikipedia.

While Wikipedia garners a lot of traffic due to its abundance of information, its open editing policy can lead to instances of vandalism and misinformation. Therefore, it’s crucial to verify information.

Do External Links on Wikipedia Have SEO Benefits?

One reason often cited for the SEO benefits of Wikipedia is its external links. While external linking is crucial for SEO, unfortunately, external links from Wikipedia don’t contribute to SEO benefits.

In fact, Google has confirmed that external links from Wikipedia don’t impact SEO. Let’s delve into the details.

The Use of Nofollow Links

Links on Wikipedia are processed with a nofollow attribute. This attribute prevents search engines from evaluating these links, hence negating any SEO benefits from external links on Wikipedia.

The reason for linking on Wikipedia from authoritative sites is that it’s considered an effective SEO strategy. Typically, authoritative sites cannot be edited, which enhances the effectiveness of external links.

However, because anyone can add external links to Wikipedia, it compromises the fairness of website rankings. Moreover, creating external links improperly can lead to penalties from Google. Ultimately, resorting to unethical SEO tactics won’t yield results, emphasizing the importance of consistently implementing effective strategies

Why Wikipedia is Strong in SEO

Wikipedia consistently ranks highly for numerous keywords, demonstrating its SEO prowess.

While creating a website identical to Wikipedia is unrealistic, there’s much to learn from it that can benefit your own site’s SEO. Here are three strengths of Wikipedia in SEO.

-Contains content with comprehensive information

-Has many backlinks

-High in credibility and authority

Comprehensive Content Coverage

Wikipedia boasts an extensive volume of content that covers nearly every word and topic. Moreover, its information is detailed and of high quality, which is crucial for SEO as search engines prioritize both content quality and quantity.

Despite primarily consisting of text, Wikipedia’s content quality significantly contributes to its SEO strength. If you’re not seeing desired SEO results, reconsidering the quality and quantity of your content is advisable. Reflect on whether your content surpasses that of competitors and fulfills users’ needs, aiming for high-quality content akin to Wikipedia.

Acquisition of Many Backlinks

Numerous websites cite or reference Wikipedia, contributing to its abundance of backlinks and bolstering its SEO prowess. Additionally, search engines likely recognize the multitude of relevant links within Wikipedia’s content.

However, attaining a significant number of backlinks like Wikipedia is challenging for regular websites. Since increasing backlinks within days or weeks is unlikely, focus on creating share-worthy content. Social media platforms are recommended for effective content sharing.

High Trustworthiness and Authority

While Wikipedia allows the possibility of incorrect information being added, it’s predominantly maintained by many contributors to ensure accuracy. As a result, it’s not only recognized by the public as a trustworthy site but also evaluated favorably by search engines.

Since Google considers factors such as trustworthiness, authority, and expertise when evaluating content, emphasize your site’s strengths when creating content.

How to Outrank Wikipedia in Search Results

Even though Wikipedia is strong in SEO, it doesn’t necessarily mean it always takes the top spot. Therefore, if Wikipedia appears at the top for your target keywords, there’s still ample opportunity to surpass it. Let’s delve into strategies to outrank Wikipedia in search results.

Enhance Content Quality

To outrank Wikipedia, creating content of higher quality than Wikipedia’s is effective. Start by analyzing Wikipedia’s content.

Upon examining Wikipedia pages, it’s evident they provide clear answers to search queries, making the content user-friendly. Beyond content, considerations like headline structure and appropriate paragraph breaks cater to user experience.

However, as Wikipedia tends to lack images or graphics, reading solely text can be tiresome for users.

To address this, incorporating images or graphics alongside text can enhance user comprehension. Moreover, content with expertise exceeding that of Wikipedia is more likely to be favored by search engines. Though challenging, enriching content substance is key to achieving higher rankings.

Build a Fanbase for Your Own Media

One reason Wikipedia garners significant traffic is its large fanbase. While Wikipedia covers a broad range of topics, narrowing your focus and targeting specific audiences is crucial when competing with Wikipedia.

To acquire a substantial fanbase, specializing in expertise is effective.

For instance, if operating a website for an English language school, focus on disseminating information related to English. More specifically, precise targeting, such as “young professionals in their twenties looking to learn English” or “mothers interested in online English learning for their children,” is essential.

Once the target audience is identified, converting sought-after information into content is straightforward.

For the demographic of “young professionals in their twenties looking to learn English,” ideal content would include topics like “How to Start Learning English in Your Twenties” or “Benefits of Learning English in Your Twenties.”

With a specialized website, crafting content that resonates with users becomes more manageable, facilitating fan acquisition. Once acquired, these fans can contribute to ongoing customer acquisition efforts, yielding benefits beyond SEO.

Utilizing Wikipedia for SEO Strategies

While direct SEO benefits from Wikipedia are unattainable, its wealth of information enables indirect utilization for SEO.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into leveraging Wikipedia for SEO strategies

Using Broken Links from Websites for Content Ideas

Even though external links from Wikipedia don’t directly impact SEO, they do tend to attract more backlinks from other sites, indicating high-quality content. Leveraging this insight, you can analyze content from these sources and apply it to your own.

Additionally, since Wikipedia contains many broken links, it’s worth combining this strategy with others.

Here’s a step-by-step guide

  • Find broken links on Wikipedia.
  • Use the ‘Wayback Machine‘ to input the URL of the broken link and review its content.
  • Analyze the content and create higher-quality content based on your findings.

While there are various methods for content analysis, websites with numerous backlinks typically indicate high demand. While outright copying is not recommended, leveraging this information to create better content is advised.

Identifying Target Keywords

Finding keywords with high SEO potential isn’t easy. Typically, suggestions from tools like Google’s ‘Suggest Keywords’ feature are useful, but you can also discover new keywords from Wikipedia.

Simply pay attention to keywords within Wikipedia. Not only those in the main text but also those in the table of contents or footnotes are recommended.

Once keywords are selected, research their search volume and competitiveness in SEO.

Keywords with low competition and high search volume are prime targets.

This method, effective for discovering entirely new keywords alongside suggestions, is highly recommended for reference.


There’s no direct relationship between Wikipedia and your site’s SEO, and external links from Wikipedia won’t boost your SEO directly. However, as Wikipedia is a powerhouse in SEO, there’s a lot to learn from its content quality and quantity. By utilizing Wikipedia, you can research SEO-effective keywords and content topics. Depending on your content, there’s a significant chance of outranking Wikipedia, so don’t hesitate to take on the challenge.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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