
What is a Search Engine? Introducing a List of Search Sites in Japan and Around the World

What is a Search Engine? Introducing a List of Search Sites in Japan and Around the WorldA search engine organizes the vast information on the Internet, making it easier for users to access the information they seek.

Well-known search engines are like Google and Yahoo! Japan. This article will discuss the state of search engines in Japan and worldwide, explaining their features and how to use them.

Related Articles on Search Engines

  • How Google Search Engine Works
  • What is Google?
  • What is Google’s Algorithm?
  • What is a Crawler?

Search Engines Explained

What is a search engine? It is a system that finds information related to the keywords entered in the search bar, from all the websites available on the Internet.

The Internet hosts a vast amount of information including web pages, images, and videos. With new information constantly being updated, it’s impossible to access everything.

By using a search engine, users can instantly obtain the information they need.

This section will explain the types and roles of search engines.

Types of Search Engines

There are two main types of search engines: directory-based and robot-based. Today, robot-based search engines are prevalent, although there was a time when directory-based ones were more commonly used.

Here, we will explain the classification of search engines.

Directory-Based Search Engines

Directory-based engines, exemplified by Yahoo! which started in 1994, involve manually gathering information and registering it in a database.

This type requires a significant amount of time for manual registration of site descriptions and categories.

Initially, there was no system to enter keywords in a search bar; instead, users had to search for site names within organized categories.

For example, in the ‘Sports’ category,

  • Sports
  • Ball Games
  • Soccer

In this way, users progress through deeper levels, such as the “List of Soccer-Related Sites,” to search for sites on their own.

This flow of delving into deeper layers is referred to as “directories,” hence the classification as directory-based search engines.

Robot-Based Search Engines

Robot-based search engines automate the process of crawling websites on the Internet and registering them in a database on behalf of humans. AltaVista, launched in 1995, was a pioneer of this type, and today, Google is classified as one of the most used search engines worldwide.

These engines automatically display related sites in response to a user’s search. However, directory-based engines also added search functionality later, so the major difference lies in the process of registering data in the database.

Nevertheless, robot-based engines have introduced new concepts such as search ranking and keywords, simplifying the encounter between users and sites.

The Role of Search Engines

The primary role of a search engine is to present the best possible search results for the information sought by users.

Users daily search for solutions to problems or information they wish to know. If they cannot obtain information through a search engine, its usage is likely to decrease.

Conversely, if users receive satisfactory search results, they are likely to continue using the search engine long-term.

Ultimately, this leads to increased ad views and clicks, contributing to the revenue of the companies providing the search engines.

Thus, most search engines, including Google, evaluate sites daily to consistently provide search results that satisfy users.

History of Search Engines

With the spread of the Internet in the 1990s, early search engines emerged. Among them, the first to succeed was the American Yahoo! It began as a web directory and later added the ability to search based on keywords.

As Yahoo! enhanced its capabilities, other search engines like Goo and Excite emerged, rapidly developing the market. However, these search engines faced challenges with the quality of search results and display speed. Amidst these issues, Google was introduced.

Founded in 1998, Google quickly became popular by offering superior searches compared to existing search engines. Today, Google is the most widely used search engine globally.

Search Engine Mechanics

While we’ve touched on the types of search engines, today, robot-based search engines are the standard. These engines, aptly named, use robots in their operations, and their mechanics consist of four key elements:

  • Crawling
  • Indexing
  • Algorithms
  • Ranking

Here, we will delve into the mechanics of search engines in more detail.


Search engines utilize robots called “crawlers” that navigate the internet to collect information from various sites. This process of gathering information is known as “crawling” and represents the initial stage of recognition by a search engine.

Even if a site is published, it will not appear in search results unless it has been crawled.

In reality, hundreds of millions of pages are created daily on the internet, and it is not possible for crawlers to visit every site. Therefore, building a site that is easy for crawlers to recognize and updating it regularly are crucial to ensure it is crawled effectively.


The information collected through crawling is organized and stored in the search engine’s database. This storage process is called “indexing,” and it is an essential step for appearing in search results.

An important point to note during indexing is that not all site information is registered in the database. The quality of content and duplicate content is checked at the time of indexing.

If the content is of low quality, it will not be indexed regardless of its novelty.

Thus, to be properly indexed, it is vital to provide “useful information” that search engines deem valuable for users.

Related Article: Why isn’t your site indexed by Google? Here are some tips to handle it.


The algorithm of a search engine is a set of calculations and rules used to rank web pages. It is a critical factor that affects the quality of the search engine.

Typically, algorithms consider various factors such as the content of the web page, link structure, credibility of the operator, page evaluation, and the context of the search query to determine the ranking of web pages.

Besides ranking, algorithms also include criteria for imposing penalties. However, major search engines keep their algorithms confidential, and only an overview is made public.


After crawling and indexing, the final step involves ranking by the search algorithm.

Each time a user performs a search by entering keywords, the search engine ranks the information in its database by relevance and reflects this ranking in the actual search results.

Google does not disclose the specific criteria used for ranking, and its search algorithm is updated regularly.

There have been significant updates like the Panda Update and Penguin Update that have dramatically changed search rankings. Nowadays, core updates occur several times a year.

It’s essential to check for announcements prior to updates as they can strongly impact search rankings.

Search Engine Market Share

Let’s discuss the market share of search engines in Japan and globally.

Japan Market

In the Japanese search engine market, Google holds a dominant share. According to research firm StatCounter, as of December 2022, the market shares in Japan are approximately 76% for Google, 14% for Yahoo!, 7% for Bing, and about 1% for others.

Search Engine Share
Google 76.98%
Yahoo! 14.43%
Bing 7.51%
Others 0.8%

Source: Search Engine Market Share Japan – StatCounter (Dec.2022)

The backdrop for this situation includes Google’s continuous improvements to the quality of its search engine and search algorithms.

Global Market

According to research firm StatCounter, as of February 2022, the global market share for search engines is approximately 93% for Google, 2% for Bing, 1% for Yahoo!, and 2% for others.

Search Engine Share
Google 93.18%
Bing 2.87%
Yahoo! 1.12%
Others 1.9%

Source: Search Engine Market Share Worldwide – StatCounter (Dec.2022)

Like in Japan, Google dominates the market share.

A notable difference in the global market is Bing’s position as the second most popular search engine, after Google. Bing is embedded in products such as Windows OS and Microsoft Office, which contributes to its popularity among a certain user base.

Major Search Engines in Japan

As mentioned, major search engines in Japan include Google and Yahoo!. Here, we introduce three of these Japanese search engines:


Google is not only the most used search engine in Japan but also globally. In Japan, the term “Guguru” (to Google) has become synonymous with performing an online search, indicating how integral Google is to searching the internet for the Japanese.

Google offers various tools and services, but its main attraction is its user-first philosophy in features and updates.

Google’s homepage features a centrally placed search bar with a simple interface. While placing ads on the homepage could be profitable, Google prioritizes user convenience and sets standards in its search algorithm updates to better evaluate websites.

Thus, while it’s not easy to achieve high search rankings, the benefits and access volume when ranked high are greater than with other search engines.


Yahoo! Japan is the second most popular search engine in Japan, a household name.

Traditionally, it utilized its own search engine technology, but since 2011, it has been using Google’s technology, resulting in mostly similar search results.

Unique features include Yahoo!’s own services like

  • Yahoo! News
  • Yahoo! Chiebukuro (Q&A)
  • Yahoo! Shopping
  • Yahoo! Maps

They making it a user-friendly option for those who frequently use Yahoo! services or want to utilize additional apps and services beyond search.


Bing, a proprietary search engine of Microsoft, is the default setting in the Microsoft Edge browser. Its main feature is the use of search technology distinct from Google and Yahoo!, with search results often including video and other non-text content tailored to the user’s context.

Since 2011, Bing has offered a feature where searches from the Edy Paradise search box earn users two yen in Edy points.

Its price information and comparison features for shopping sites are highly convenient, marking Bing as a noteworthy search engine moving forward.

Major Search Engines Globally

As previously stated, Google dominates the global search engine market share. However, different search engines are used in various countries. Here are seven notable ones:

  • Baidu
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Ecosia
  • CocCoc
  • Seznam
  • Naver


Baidu is the most used search engine in China, with features and advertising revenue mechanisms similar to Google.

Baidu also allows for various types of advertisements similar to Google and Yahoo! such as;

  • Listing ads
  • Ad networks
  • Brand links
  • In-feed ads

Moreover, Baidu offers a range of services including news and maps.

However, due to China’s internet censorship known as the Great Firewall, some images and posts may be regulated, which means the functionality is excellent, but the volume of searchable information is less compared to Google.


Yandex is primarily used in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other Russian-speaking regions.

It is known for its technology called “MatrixNet” which continuously improves search rankings. Yandex uses a “Citation index” similar to the “Page Rank” system previously used by Google to evaluate backlinks.

Due to its high-quality search results, it is widely used by many users, dominating about 80% of Russia’s internet advertising market.


DuckDuckGo is a search engine that focuses on protecting users’ privacy.

Unlike other search engines that use cookies to track user activity and login information on PCs and smartphones, DuckDuckGo does not store users’ search history or behavior, ensuring their privacy is not compromised. It also does not use user information for retargeting ads, resulting in fewer ads on its search engine.

With increasing emphasis on privacy protection, it is a search engine expected to see growing demand.


Developed in Germany, Ecosia is a unique search engine that also supports global tree planting projects. Like other search engines, it has basic search capabilities, but every 45 searches through Ecosia results in one tree being planted.

Using a regular search engine, a single search emits about 0.2 grams of CO2. However, by using solar energy, Ecosia removes 1kg of CO2 per search, offering various benefits.

The simple act of ‘searching’ we perform daily can lead to CO2 reduction and tree planting, making it a very attractive feature.


Developed in Vietnam, CocCoc is tailored to meet local needs and features unique functionalities that have gained international attention. Specifically, there are three main points.

  • A video download feature that splits videos into eight parts for easier downloads
  • Predictive text completion for phonetic symbols with alphabet input
  • An updated map service utilizing motorbikes

Among these, the map service stands out by using bikes equipped with small cameras, allowing for fresher updates than Google.

Particularly in Vietnam, where store formats change seasonally, this system ensures the search engine constantly updates with the latest information.


Senzam is the first search engine in the Czech Republic and holds the second-largest market share after Google. It features a unique ranking algorithm designed to meet the needs of Czech users

It offers functionalities similar to Yahoo! Japan, including local and international news, weather forecasts, horoscopes, and email services.


Naver is South Korea’s largest search engine. In South Korea, Naver is used more frequently than Google. Originally, Naver was also the parent company of LINE. One of their big hits was “Knowledge iN” (similar to Yahoo! Answers in Japan), launched in 2002, though it has since been discontinued. They also offered a curation service in Japan known as “NAVER Matome.”

As a search engine uniquely developed for South Korean users, Naver operates like a portal site similar to Yahoo! Japan, categorizing search results to optimize user experience.

It is specifically tailored to Korean internet regulations, language, and culture, helping it maintain a strong market presence.

Common Questions About Search Engines

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Search Engines.

Q: How do search engines display results?

A: Search engines crawl web pages, storing information in a database called an index. When users enter keywords, the engine retrieves related web pages from the index to display in the search results.

The search engine also considers users’ search history and location information to display the most relevant search results.

Q: How is the ranking of search results determined?

A: Rankings are influenced by various factors including keywords, page quality, and links.

However, the algorithms used by search engines are constantly changing and not publicly detailed.

Q: Why does Google dominate the search engine market?

A: There are several reasons why Google holds a dominant market share.

  • Advanced search algorithms
  • A wide range of search targets, including images, videos, news, and maps
  • A large-scale database
  • A strong brand image built over many years

Due to these factors, Google boasts a dominant market share in the search engine market.

Q: Does the popularity of search engines vary by gender?

A: There is no significant difference by gender. The choice of search engine is more influenced by individual preferences, search purposes, devices used, and location. However, women might use social media more frequently for searches than men.


This article has explored different types of search engines, their mechanisms, and the features of both domestic and international engines. While Google possesses advanced technology and the largest market share, other engines like DuckDuckGo and Ecosia also have unique features and are gaining popularity. It’s advisable to stay updated with new features and technologies in the search engine space.



Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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