
Explaining Access Analysis by Advanced Web Analysts and GAIQ Certified Professionals

access analysis

In this section, we will explain access analysis conducted by advanced web analysts and GAIQ certification holders.


Who are Web Analysts?

What is Web Analytics?

Web analytics is the analysis of websites displayed on digital devices such as computers and smartphones. It involves analyzing user behavior data on websites visited. The ultimate goal is to succeed in web marketing, contribute to sales, and contribute to business expansion results. Web analysts specialize in improving websites based on data and improving businesses.

Flow of Work for Web Analysts


Analysis Tool Selection


Proposal of Measures

Hearing using a unique hearing sheet to identify USP (unique selling propositions) for products or services.

Setting up various analysis tools such as heat maps, mouse movements, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console.

Analysis of the site

Proposal of optimal improvement measures taking into account your company’s budget and resources based on the analysis results.

So, what exactly do web analysts do? Here are four key points.

>>Here is a concrete proposal for web analysis

Check1: Website Building Ability

They’ll check if the site is properly constructed with W3C compliant coding. They’ll verify directory hierarchy, crawlability, and ensure there are no penalties from Google algorithms. They’ll inspect if there are any issues with site construction.

Check2: Design Capability

They’ll validate if the site design enhances usability based on UI (user interface) and UX (user experience). 

UI refers to the user interface, which encompasses all the visual and textual information displayed on PCs or smartphones. 

UX, on the other hand, refers to the user experience on the site through UI. A site with high usability tends to have a high conversion rate and is more likely to lead to transactions.

They’ll ensure the design maintains credibility and is conducive to higher conversions with well-designed pathways.

Check 3: SEO Measures

They’ll check if the site is designed for SEO to attract traffic, which is crucial in web analysis. A site that appears in search results for search keywords requires SEO design. 

A high design quality alone won’t help users find the site.

Keyword selection for SEO measures should begin with testing through PPC advertising (listing advertising) for initial market testing. They’ll then devise specific strategies.

Check4: Traffic Generation Capability 

They’ll analyze if the site has the ability to attract traffic. Even if a site appears in top rankings through SEO and the site sessions increase, it’s meaningless if it doesn’t lead to actual inquiries. There are many strategies to increase site traffic. One method is to always include an inquiry button on the screen for easy access. They’ll work on developing a site with strong traffic generation capabilities.

Check5: Customer Service Ability.

For e-commerce sites, it’s crucial to engage users with various products once they visit the site. It’s important to convey information about desired products clearly through text and images and also appeal to users so they can consider other products. Amazon’s e-commerce site is packed with many strategies like these. They’ll implement such strategies by aligning them specifically with the web analysis of the target site.

Analytics Analysis

Now, let’s introduce what specific analysis is done by web analysts.

Analytics Analysis 1: User Analysis

-They’ll understand the attributes of users . This includes their gender, location, visit times, the devices they used to access the site, and their interests. Understanding users enables targeted content and planning considerations.

-Identifying new and returning users. They’ll grasp the percentage of new users versus repeaters. For repeaters, we want to continually appeal with new information. Understanding the content preferences of repeaters informs advertising and content planning. Additionally, we can consider strategies to bring back new users.

-Understanding users that lead to purchases. They’ll ensure alignment with initially set personas and identify users leading to purchases. Increasing this segment contributes to increased sales.

-Tracking the visit frequency of users leading to purchases. Understanding which visit leads to purchases and the page paths on the site leading to purchases informs follow-up planning.

-Identifying when users who visited made purchases. They’ll also check differences between weekdays and weekends. Knowing the time leading to conversions informs campaign timing and advertising delivery.

Analytics Analysis 2: Access Analysis

-They’ll identify incoming keywords to the site, known as search queries. Understanding search queries helps determine keywords for SEO measures. Testing various keywords through PPC advertising becomes part of test marketing.

-They’ll understand the pathways users take to enter the site. They’ll review effective and ineffective pathways to revise pathway design.

-They’ll also analyze advertisements. They implement strategies to improve and maximize the effectiveness of advertising by specifically identifying which ads are successful and which are not, based on concrete numbers.

Analytics Analysis 3: Page Analysis

-Understanding the number of visit sessions for each page allows us to grasp which pages receive access and which ones are popular. They identify popular content and leverage it for content production and planning. 

-They pinpoint underperforming pages and analyze why they are ineffective. Even for sites already attracting traffic, we prioritize improvements by identifying problematic pages and enhancing the site. 

-They identify issues on each page, such as where transitions are stagnant. By identifying bottlenecks, especially across different devices, we efficiently improve site navigation. We aim to improve loading speeds by analyzing which pages have slow loading times and determining specific improvement strategies. By improving loading speeds, we reduce bounce rates and minimize abandonment rates. 

-We identify pages with high contribution rates. To increase sales, we aim to install inquiry pathways on pages with high contribution rates to further boost revenue.

Usability Check

We can understand how users are using the site through heatmap analysis and mouse recordings. We analyze whether users are using the site as expected, which pages are experiencing abandonment, and which page content users are interested in.

Heatmap Analysis 1: Attention Map Analysis

We can determine which content on the site users are interested in. Information from popular content helps with improvements such as adjusting placement or increasing production. Areas where users spend a lot of time appear as deep red based on their cumulative stay.

Heatmap Analysis 2: Scroll Map Analysis

We can quantitatively analyze data from scroll heatmaps to determine how far users scroll and where they drop off using graphs. It visualizes how far users scroll on the page and at which positions through colors or funnels. We use this data to make adjustments to content placement.

Heatmap Analysis 3: Click Heatmap Analysis

Click heatmap displays where users clicked within the page. It shows where users clicked on the site. Discovering areas where users click where there are no popular content or links can be effective for site improvement. A site with excellent usability allows users to perform desired actions with simple operations.

Mouse Recording

Mouse recording involves recording the movements of users’ mouse on the site to see what actions they are taking, which content they are interested in, and where they are dropping off. This helps with pathway design.

User Testing

Gathering subjects to have actual target users use the site and conducting interviews to understand the good and bad points of the site and the points they consider important when considering the service.

Competitive Market Research

Various methods such as tools, Q&A sites, forums, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and LPs of competitive products can be used to analyze the market and competitor sites. Using tools, they research the incoming keywords, traffic generation methods, and average dwell time of competitor sites.

They thoroughly analyze and compare your company’s site with competitor sites. This helps in defining USP (Unique Selling Proposition), which is consolidating and clearly defining your company’s strengths to make them easily understood by customers.

User Surveys

Using user surveys to directly ask users about issues with the site or requests for services. It’s crucial to understand what users are seeking from a buyer’s perspective rather than a seller’s perspective. Conducting user surveys enables us to gain insights into users that we may not have noticed before.

Web Analytics Case Studies

Interior Sales E-commerce Site 

“Achievement” Site analysis resulted in reaching the highest monthly sales of 15 million yen three months after site renewal!

-Annual sales of 100 million yen 

-4 employees. 

-“Contract Period” Four years after the launch of the e-commerce site (average monthly sales at the time were 7 million yen). 

-An interior shop specializing in selling curtains sourced from around the world and processed in-house, allowing for custom orders in increments of 1 cm and creating miscellaneous goods with preferred fabrics. Despite spending a significant amount on advertising through listing ads every month, sales were gradually declining and growth was stagnating.


[ Extraction of Challenges ]

[ Improvements ]

Despite spending a significant amount on advertising, sales hardly increased…

Modified the homepage to a stylish page, but no response was felt…

Mouse recording and analysis revealed that many users were leaving the site near the first view. From the analysis, it was discovered that there was a significant issue with the order form on smartphones. As many users accessed from smartphones, drop-offs within the form were confirmed.

Changing the catchphrase and banner of the first view resulted in a decrease in bounce rate and improvement in advertising effectiveness!! Significant increase in sales!! Successful sales improvement achieved by improving the order form (EFO)!!

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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