
What’s VSO?! : Explaining Voice Search Optimization Strategies for SEO

voice search

With the advancement of IT technologies, voice input and search have gained significant attention. Unlike traditional typing on keyboards or smartphones, voice search allows for hands-free input.

Many wonder how SEO applies to voice searches. The answer is that SEO exists for voice searches too, known as VSO.

In this article, we’ll explore VSO, the SEO for voice searches. If you’re looking to leverage voice search, stay tuned for comprehensive insights into optimizing for this growing trend.


What is VSO?

Voice Search, often referred to as VSO, is the process where spoken words are converted into text for search queries through voice-enabled devices. 

Users can activate voice assistants like Siri on the iPhone with commands like “Hey Siri,” or “OK ​​Google” on Android devices, and even use “Alexa” on Amazon’s devices or “Google Home.”

The mechanism behind voice search involves an embedded program within the device that analyzes spoken language, identifies the phonemes (basic units of sound), and converts them into text. 

Once the voice input is processed, it generates search results on Google that best match the query.

Why is Voice Search Getting Attention?

Why is voice search gaining so much attention recently? One reason for this attention is the widespread use of smartphones . 

Nowadays, almost everyone uses smartphones, making it possible to access information on the internet anytime. Additionally, both iOS and Android devices have voice input capabilities, making voice search readily available. 

As a result, there’s a growing trend to leverage voice search to provide users with even more information than before, effectively utilizing the ubiquity of smartphones.

Voice Search User Benefits

While the adoption of voice search is gradually increasing, it’s still not fully mainstream. However, there are several benefits to using voice search:

-Fast Input Speed

-One can search while doing other tasks

Let us explain each merit.

Faster input speed

The first benefit is that it’s significantly faster for those who aren’t accustomed to typing on keyboards .

Voice search allows users to search by speaking, which is faster than typing on a keyboard. However, for those who are proficient at typing on keyboards using touch typing, keyboard input may be faster than voice search.

If you’re not using a keyboard to type, utilizing voice search is recommended.

One can search while doing other tasks

The second benefit is the ability to search while doing other tasks. Voice search allows you to search without using your hands as long as you can speak aloud in the environment.

Therefore, you can easily search while washing dishes or cleaning without having to touch the screen of your computer or smartphone.

Also, when you find it inconvenient to search in a separate window while working on a computer, using voice search allows you to keep the screen as it is and obtain the desired information. However, it’s best not to use voice search in quiet environments such as on trains or in libraries.

Voice search is expected to continue growing

Voice search, which has many benefits, is expected to continue growing in the future. According to internet research firm ‘comScore,’ by 2020, 50% of searches on the internet are expected to be made through voice input.

Reference: Just say it: The future of search is voice and personal digital assistants campaign

Furthermore, another research firm, ‘Gartner,’ also predicted that by 2020, 30% of searches would be conducted without a screen.

Reference: Gartner Predicts 30% Of Searches Without A Screen In 4 Years | MediaPost

In Japan, however, despite the positive forecasts for the utilization of voice search, around 70% of people feel embarrassed to use it in public.

Reference: 70% of Japanese feel embarrassed to use voice search in public

This result reflects the Japanese cultural inclination, where the utilization of such technology is considered embarrassing in public settings. However, as technology continues to advance, there will be a need for mechanisms that reduce the resistance to using voice search in public, in order to fully leverage its potential.

Voice Search Optimization (VSO)

VSO refers to Voice Search Optimization, which is different from traditional SEO methods used for keyboard input-based searches.

For instance, when someone wants to find out how to make curry using keyboard input, they might type ‘curry recipe.’ However, with voice search, they would ask their voice-enabled device, ‘Can you tell me how to make curry?’

Subsequently, the search starts based on this conversational input, leading to the need for content creation that aligns with such conversational formats.

In essence, while traditional SEO focused on optimizing for search engines, VSO has emerged to cater to the requirements of voice search, garnering significant attention.

Strategies for VSO

Despite the term ‘Voice Search Optimi zation,’ many may not know what specific measures to take. Given that VSO primarily revolves around input from mobile devices such as smartphones rather than from computers, it requires mobile-focused strategies.

Here are four key strategies for VSO:


-Adapting to Conversational Phrases

-Creating FAQ Pages

-Integrating Local Content

-Improving Page Load Speed

Adapting to Conversational Phrases

The first strategy involves incorporating conversational phrases into your content. Since voice searches typically occur in conversational formats, spoken language becomes the keyword for searches, rather than individual words.

Therefore, if you’re creating explanatory articles or content, integrating conversational phrases into the text can make it more likely to appear in search results.

Moreover, since user queries are often composed of simple words, it’s recommended to use easily understandable language without complex terms to ensure broad comprehension.

Creating an FAQ Page

The second strategy involves developing an FAQ section as part of your content. An FAQ page is designed to feature commonly asked questions and answers, preemptively addressing user concerns or showcasing actual queries received.

FAQ sections often adopt a conversational tone, making them more suited for Voice Search Optimization (VSO) rather than traditional SEO. Particularly when actual user inquiries are displayed, it facilitates voice search queries in the same language, enhancing the likelihood of achieving higher VSO rankings.

For instance, consider a financial institution’s FAQ page that includes the question, “How long does it take to process a loan application?” This makes it easier to match voice searches like “Tell me the duration for a loan process,” increasing the page’s visibility.

To maximize VSO effectiveness, leveraging an FAQ page is recommended.

Adapting to Local Content

The third measure is adapting to local content, which refers to information about services like restaurants and beauty salons that are specific to a particular region.

For example, when searching for recommended restaurants in an unfamiliar area, voice search becomes particularly useful, especially when traveling by car and manual typing is inconvenient.

By incorporating location-specific keywords or links in the content, it becomes localized and more likely to appear in search results.

Targeting regional searches through SEO is known as “Local SEO,” aimed at enhancing visibility in specific geographic areas.

Improving Page Load Speed

The fourth strategy is to enhance page loading speed. Similar to text-based searches, voice searches also demand quick responses.

From a VSO perspective, faster-loading content tends to be favored. To improve load speed, you may need to reduce the number of images or modify the JavaScript structure.


In this session, we explored Voice Search Optimization (VSO), which refers to SEO for voice searches. Achieving a high ranking in VSO can provide benefits similar to traditional SEO. Given that voice searches can be conducted alongside other tasks, their usage is expected to increase. If you are intrigued by VSO, consider this article as a guide for your content creation efforts.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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