
What is a Unique User (UU)?: Explanation covering from the basics to methods of analysis

unique user UU

If you manage a website, you’ve likely encountered the term “Unique User (UU).” UU refers to the number of distinct visitors to a site within a certain period, excluding any repeats. It is a valuable metric for accurately determining the number of site visitors.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of unique users, how to check UU numbers on Google Analytics, ways to increase UU count, and more. By the end of this article, you should have a clear understanding of what UU is, how it’s measured, and strategies for increasing it.


Unique User (UU) Explained

A unique user represents the count of distinct individuals who have visited a site within a specific timeframe, regardless of how many times they visited. Even if the same user visits multiple times within that period, they are only counted once.

For example, consider three users who visit the following pages within a set period.

  • User 1: Page A Page B Page C
  • User 2: Page B Page C Page B

In this case, pages A and C each have one unique user, while page B has two. Although page B is visited three times, its unique user count is two because it excludes repeat visits from the same user, allowing for an accurate analysis of visitor numbers.

Insights from UU Count

The unique user count treats multiple page views by the same user as a single instance, making it a useful metric to gauge the number of visitors to a site.

Moreover, by comparing unique user counts with page views (PV), it’s possible to calculate the average PV per user.

This metric can help understand the extent of user engagement with the site, aiding in the assessment and improvement of content quality and user navigation.

Measuring Unique User (UU) Count

The metrics for measuring UU count are broadly categorized into three types

  • IP Address
  • Hostname
  • Cookie

The specific metrics used can vary with the analytical tool, and sometimes a combination of these metrics is employed for measurement.

Let’s delve into the mechanisms for measuring UU count.

IP Address

An IP address is akin to a postal address for devices like computers and smartphones on the Internet.

For browsing websites or sending and receiving emails online, it’s necessary to identify the destination and source of the data. This is where the IP address comes into play, specifying the communication partner for data transmission.

However, nowadays, not every PC has a unique IP address, making it challenging to identify individuals based solely on IP addresses.


A hostname is the name given to a device connected to the Internet, such as a PC or smartphone, to identify it.

Specifically, it’s the name linked to an IP address representing a device, applicable to web servers and IP addresses. When an IP address is converted to a domain, the hostname becomes the domain name.

Additionally, by analyzing the hostname, the device used for data transmission can be identified, allowing for the determination of the type of device.


A cookie refers to a text file issued when a user visits a website, storing specific information like visit frequency and login passwords, which is then retrieved upon subsequent visits.

Google Analytics, a commonly used access analysis tool, utilizes cookies to measure unique users (UU).

However, cookies are temporarily stored on the user’s PC or smartphone, so if the user has disabled cookies, measurement cannot occur.

Therefore, it is not always guaranteed that unique user counts are consistently tracked.

Terms Often Confused with Unique User (UU)

In website analysis, certain terms are frequently confused with unique users. These include

  • Active User (AU)
  • Page Views (PV)
  • Sessions
  • Unique Browser (UB)
  • Reach

Understanding the distinctions is crucial to prevent misinterpretation of website data.

Active User (AU)

“Active User” is a term very similar to “Unique User.” In fact, in Google Analytics, they are almost considered the same concept.

The difference lies in the time period measured

  • Unique User: Measured over a constant period
  • Active User: Measured over a specific period (such as a week or month)

However, since Google Analytics does not differentiate between the two, it’s generally acceptable to consider active users and unique users as equivalent.

Page Views (PV)

Page views represent the number of times a page is displayed. Unlike unique users, PV counts all views, including multiple views by the same user.

Consider the following user activities to explain PV measurement

  • User 1: Page A Page B Page C
  • User 2: Page B Page C Page B

In this scenario, while the unique user count for Site B is 2, its page views are 3 because it was displayed three times. Similarly, Site A has 1 PV, and Site C has 2 PVs.

Thus, PVs indicate the total number of page displays, serving as a valuable metric for gauging the popularity or viewership of a page.

Session Count

The session count represents the number of visits to a site. Unlike unique users, a session is counted from the time a user starts viewing until they leave. To clarify, consider the same example

  • User 1: Page A Page B Page C
  • User 2: Page B Page C Page B

For Site B, although the unique user count is 2, the session count is 3 because User 2 visited, left, and revisited the site. Each complete viewing period counts as one session, making User 2’s sessions total 2, hence a total of 3 sessions for Site B.

This concept can be complex, but both metrics are crucial for website management, so understanding the difference is important.

Unique Browser (UB)

UB (Unique Browser) is a metric that identifies unique users based on their browser.

The counting mechanism for UB assigns a cookie to the browser of each site visitor, identifying the user.

Therefore, even if the same user accesses the site from different browsers, the UB count will be 2.

However, accurately determining UB can be challenging due to users who block cookies and automated access by robots.


Reach, primarily used in web advertising, refers to the number of users who have viewed an advertisement. 

If one user views the same ad multiple times, the reach is counted as one. However, if two different users view the same ad, the reach is counted as two.

Reach has the same meaning as unique users and is used to represent the extent to which an advertisement has been seen.

Importance of Unique Users (UU)

Unique users are often discussed as a critical metric. Why is the count of unique users so important? Here are two reasons.

  • It measures the accurate number of site visitors.
  • An increase in UU count signifies reaching a broader audience.

Measuring Accurate Site Visitors

Unique users provide an accurate count of site visitors by excluding repeated visits by the same user within a specific period. While many site operators emphasize page views to showcase their site’s strength, relying solely on PV is insufficient.

For instance, an increase in page views might only indicate repeated visits by the same users. Tracking unique users helps understand whether new visitors are continually being acquired.

A significant advantage of website operation is the ability to reach a wider demographic and geographical audience, unmatched by offline means. Therefore, alongside page views, it’s crucial to analyze unique users to gauge the actual visitor count accurately.

Increase in UU Count Equals Broader Audience Reach

An increase in unique user count indicates successful outreach to a broader audience. This is because the rise in unique user count directly relates to acquiring new potential customers, as it excludes repeat visits by the same individual.

To gauge how effectively you’re reaching new users, compare the changes in unique user counts over time. Content SEO, in particular, is vital for converting potential customers, making the increase in unique user count especially important.

Differences Between “New Visitor” and “Returning Visitor”

On Google Analytics, users are categorized into two groups: “New Visitor” and “Returning Visitor.” Understanding this classification is essential.

New Visitor 

A “New Visitor” refers to someone who has not visited the site in the past two years. Google Analytics displays the session count for New Visitors over a specific period.

Returning Visitor 

A “Returning Visitor” is someone who has visited the site within the past two years. Google Analytics shows the session count for Returning Visitors over a certain period.

Points to Increase Unique Users (UU)

To increase the number of unique users, it’s crucial to provide valuable information to users and actively increase the number of approaches. This can include regular content updates and expanding customer acquisition channels.

Here, we explain key points to consider when increasing UU.

Delivering Useful Information to Users 

To increase unique users, it’s necessary for a significant number of users to find value in the content. Begin by focusing on delivering information useful to the user.

Regardless of who the user is, the underlying intent of their search is to acquire unknown or beneficial information.

Therefore, unless users find the content valuable, attracting a large number of them will be challenging. Consider what issues search users are facing and what information could resolve their problems, aiming to create content that addresses these issues effectively.

Regular Content Updates

A critical strategy for increasing unique users is to multiply the points of contact with users by increasing the frequency of approaches. One of the most effective methods is regular content updates.

While it might seem simple, sites with more published content tend to have higher user access probabilities. Regular updates are also favored by search engines, leading to higher search result rankings.

Even with numerous articles, without search visibility, user access is limited. Thus, focus on creating content that ranks well in search results to gather more user visits.

Expanding Inflow Channels

To increase the number of user approaches, expanding inflow channels is also effective. While producing a large volume of articles to increase contact points with users is crucial, relying solely on search engine traffic has its limitations.

Therefore, utilize other platforms like social media and web advertising to gain more traffic. Social media, in particular, can target different user demographics, making it a recommended channel for increasing unique users.

How to Check UU

To determine the number of unique users, use Google’s free tool, Google Analytics. Ensure your site is integrated with Google Analytics beforehand.

We will explain how to check UU based on the following.

  • Total UU for the site
  • UU per page

Total UU for the Site

To check the total unique users of a site, follow these steps

  • Log in to Google Analytics.
  • Select “Audience” then “Overview” from the left menu.

The “Users” section under the central graph represents the unique user count.

Google Analytics allows for custom date ranges, enabling measurements of active users weekly or monthly. To specify a period, select a date range from the top right of the “All Users” screen and choose “Users” in the summary tab to complete the process.

Unique Users per Page

To check the number of unique users per page, follow these steps

  • Log in to Google Analytics.
  • Select “Custom” then “Custom Reports” from the left menu.
  • Choose “New Custom Report” and set a title.
  • In “Metric Groups,” select “Users” and for “Dimension Drilldowns,” choose “Page.”
  • Click save to display the unique user count per page.

Since you can specify the period, the unique users per page serve as a useful metric for access analysis.

Combining UU with Other Metrics for Analysis

While unique users alone can provide insights, combining them with other metrics allows for more detailed analysis.

We will explore combining UU with the following metrics

  • UU and Page Views (PV)
  • UU and Conversion Rate (CV)

UU and PV

Analyzing UU and PV can reveal the number of sessions per user and the PV count per session.

Here’s what the analysis can indicate

High PV per UU suggests;

-Many sessions per unique user

-Many page views per session

Low PV per UU indicates;

-Fewer sessions per unique user

-Fewer page views per session

A high PV per UU indicates good site engagement, with users accessing multiple times. Conversely, low PV per UU suggests a high bounce rate and fewer site visits.

Reviewing internal links and site design to encourage more site navigation by users would be advisable.

UU and CV

Combining UU and CV allows analyzing conversions relative to users. CV (conversion) counts refer to achieving the site’s ultimate goal (like purchases or inquiries).

Here’s what the analysis can indicate:

High CV per UU means;

-Reaching the appropriate target audience

Low CV per UU indicates;

-Failing to reach the target audience

-Incorrect targeting

High CV per UU is ideal as it means effectively appealing to the target. However, low CV per UU necessitates content improvement due to possible targeting issues.

Check targeting keywords and content, aiming to create content that meets search users’ needs.

Cautions for Unique User (UU) Counts

It’s crucial to note that the counting method for unique user numbers can vary depending on the tool or the person measuring. At the very least, verify whether the count is per browser and if a specific time frame has been set.

Let’s discuss some important considerations for UU counts

Measurement by Browser 

The counting method for unique users can differ based on the measurement tool used. For instance, Google Analytics assigns cookies to the user’s browser.

This results in browser-specific measurements, meaning that access from different browsers by the same user may count as two separate UUs.

Therefore, it’s important to understand that the measurement results are not absolute numbers.

Counting Multiple Times Over Set Periods 

While active user counts are measured over a defined period, unique user counts may vary in duration depending on the tool or measurer. The aim is generally to measure without a set period, but be aware that certain settings may result in multiple counts.

For users spanning multiple periods, it’s critical not to simply aggregate the numbers without proper measurement.

How Unique Users (UU) Exclude the Same User

Unique users are calculated by excluding repeated visits by the same user within a specific period. The question then arises: how are the same users excluded?

There are three main methods to identify users

  • IP Address
  • Cookie
  • Hostname

These methods help identify which users are visiting the site. Notably, Google Analytics uses the second method, ‘Cookies,’ to identify users.

For example, if a person uses two computers with browsers logged into the same account, Google Analytics will count them as the same user.

Checking Unique Users in Google Analytics

To check unique users in Google Analytics, follow these steps

For the total UU count of the site

    • Go to “Audience” Choose “Overview” and view the “User Summary.”
    • This allows you to see the total UU count for the site.
    • You can freely select the data period from the select box in the top right corner.

Unique Users per Page

The steps to check the number of unique users per page in Google Analytics are as follows

  • Go to “Custom” then select “Custom Reports.”
  • Choose “New Custom Report” to proceed to the custom report creation screen.
  • Click “Add Metric.”
  • Navigate to “Commonly Used Dimensions and Metrics” select “Users” or “Other Dimensions” then choose “Users” again.
  • Click “Add Dimension.”
  • Go to “Commonly Used Dimensions and Metrics” select “Pages” or “Other Dimensions” then choose “Behavior” and finally “Page.”
  • Click “Save.” 
  • Setting the metric to “Users” and the dimension to “Page” allows you to view the number of users per page.

How to Increase Unique User (UU) Counts?

Increasing unique user counts is crucial for gaining new users and can be achieved by enhancing visibility. Here are five methods to increase exposure and thereby unique user counts.

-Publish quality content.

-Gain backlinks to enhance domain authority.

-Operate social media channels.

-Run social media ads.

-Run web ads.

Publish Quality Content

To increase organic search traffic, creating quality content that resolves users’ issues is essential. This is because content that accurately addresses the queries of search users tends to rank higher in search results.

Strategies aimed at driving traffic from organic search are termed “Search Engine Optimization (SEO).” Users entering search keywords have specific “search intentions,” such as seeking information or purchasing products.

Pages that precisely fulfill these search intentions rank higher for specific keywords. More high-ranking pages result in acquiring more search users, leading to an increase in unique user counts.

Related Article: The Importance of Search Intent in SEO – From Understanding to Application

Gaining Backlinks to Increase Domain Power

To rank higher in search results for SEO, besides creating content that resolves search intent, acquiring “backlinks” is crucial. A backlink is a link on an external site that points to your site.

Backlinks are significant because Google evaluates a site based on the quality and quantity of external links, determining its search ranking. Gaining backlinks from reputable sites or well-known pages enhances the credibility and ranking of your site.

To acquire backlinks, consider the following strategies

  • Create content that resonates or convinces readers.
  • Provide high-value information unique to your company.
  • Produce feature articles and secure backlinks from the subjects’ sites.

Given the fundamental role of backlinks in SEO, keep these points in mind when creating content.

Related Article: Explaining Backlinks in SEO: Their Impact and How to Acquire Them

Operating Social Media

Increasing site visibility is not limited to SEO. Gaining recognition through social media is a contemporary strategy. Users across various age groups, including those in their 40s and 50s, actively gather information via social media.

A significant advantage of social media is its cost-effectiveness. You can promote your site’s content on social media for free. Therefore, share your content on social media platforms each time you publish. Twitter and Facebook are particularly suitable for disseminating your content.

However, merely using social media for promotion is insufficient. On social media, it’s essential to provide useful information to users and engage them with promotions like coupons.

Related Article: The Benefits of Social Media Management: Selecting the Right Platforms and Operational Considerations

Running Social Media Ads

Besides social media management, placing ads on social media is another viable option. Social media advertising features excellent targeting capabilities, making it ideal for reaching specific audiences effectively.

Placing Web Ads

One way to increase visibility is by placing ads on the internet. The most common types of web advertising are “Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads” and “Display ads.”

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads: These ads appear at the top of search engine results, like Google or Yahoo!. They are keyword-targeted, allowing for clear user intent and potentially higher conversion rates.
  • Display ads: These are ads shown in designated spaces on websites and apps, targeted based on user interests, allowing for precise targeting.

Web advertising typically uses a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where each click costs a certain amount. With set budgets and durations, advertisers can freely place ads, making it a viable option for site operators looking to increase their unique user count.


This article has covered the meaning and measurement of Unique Users (UU), and how to increase UU count. Unique users represent the number of distinct visitors to a site within a specific period, providing an accurate count of site visitors which is crucial for assessing the site’s demand and popularity. By combining UU with page views (PV) and conversion rates (CV), one can analyze the site’s navigability and targeting precision. Unique Users (UU) count as one, even if the same visitor accesses the site multiple times within the period, making it a key metric for site operators to consider. To increase UU, enhancing visibility is essential, achievable through SEO, social media advertising, and web advertising. Utilize the strengths of each method to acquire new users.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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