
Explaining Strategies and Methods for Increasing Traffic

increasing traffic

In today’s increasingly globalized world, the number of companies aiming to expand their e-commerce business overseas is growing every year. One of the effective marketing methods gaining attention in this regard is “Overseas SEO.”

However, you might wonder how Overseas SEO differs from SEO targeting the Japanese market. Therefore, here we will provide detailed explanations about the basics of Overseas SEO, key points to note, and steps on how to approach it.

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What is Overseas SEO?

Overseas SEO refers to search engine optimization targeting specific countries or regions outside Japan. To implement SEO strategies for overseas markets, it’s essential to consider different languages, cultures, local laws, and search engine characteristics, and provide optimized content tailored to users in the target country.

For example, when targeting the American market, it’s crucial to be aware of local trends and cultural differences, keeping Google in mind. On the other hand, when aiming for the Chinese market, understanding the characteristics of the search engine Baidu and providing content in a format preferred by local users are necessary.

Cases where Overseas SEO is Necessary

Now, let’s outline the specific cases where Overseas SEO is necessary. Here, we will clarify the situations where you should consider implementing Overseas SEO.

We want to expand our sales channels

Typically, relying solely on the Japanese market increases the risk due to market saturation and economic fluctuations. There may also be situations where there are many competitors handling the same products. To address these issues, some companies may consider expanding their sales channels overseas. For such companies, Overseas SEO can be helpful in increasing local awareness and expanding sales.

We want to prepare for inbound.

In recent years, the number of tourists visiting Japan from abroad, known as ‘inbound,’ has been increasing. Many companies may want to target these foreign tourists. To capture inbound demand, promotions targeting overseas travelers are essential. In this case, Overseas SEO plays an important role.

This is because many foreign travelers gather information through search engines. By ranking high in search results through Overseas SEO, foreign travelers are more likely to visit the company and make purchases.

We want to hire global talent .

If companies want to hire foreign talent, they can increase their brand awareness through the web. This is because in some countries, there is a high tendency to use the internet to seek information about companies. For example, by optimizing the company’s website and recruitment pages for overseas search engines, you can attract global talent.

The Key Points of Overseas SEO When engaging in Overseas SEO, it’s essential to be aware of the differences compared to Japan. The main points to consider are the following three.

-Different languages

-Varied needs for websites

-Differences in popular search engines 

Let’s explain each of these points one by one.

Different languages 

When tackling Overseas SEO, the first step is to create a website in the language of the target country. It’s crucial that the expressions used are not merely translations but resonate with the local culture and circumstances.

Additionally, it’s essential to research the search keywords actually used by locals and implement SEO strategies centered around those keywords. Since search habits vary from country to country, analyzing the target country is necessary.

For example, if you’re entering the French market, start by creating a website in French. Then, analyze the data from search engines used in France and implement SEO strategies based on those keywords.

Varied needs for websites

When conducting Overseas SEO, it’s crucial to consider that the needs for websites vary from country to country.

For instance, while users in Japan often seek accurate and comprehensive information, in the United States, there’s a tendency to prefer strong messaging and compact information. In the Chinese market, diverse content and flashy design are favored.

Therefore, it’s necessary to consider not only translation but also expressions and ways of providing information that take into account the cultural backgrounds of each country. Understanding the differences between countries and optimizing for the local audience is indispensable in Overseas SEO.

The Difference in Popular Search Engines 

The search engines in use vary from country to country or region. Looking at the search engine usage rates from January to December 2022 using the StatCounter web traffic analysis tool operated by an Irish company, we can see that Google search engine dominates worldwide, as follows

Statcounter Source:

-Google: 91.88% 

-bing: 2.87% 

-Yahoo!: 1.12% 

-YANDEX: 1.02% 

-DuckDukGo: 0.52% 

-Baidu: 0.42%

On the other hand, in China, due to government information regulation, the homegrown search engine Baidu is widely used. Conversely, the share of Google search engine is extremely low. Specifically, according to the search engine usage rates from January to December 2022 reported by StatCounter, the results are as follows

Statcounter2 Source:

-Baidu: 49.1% 

-bing: 14.95% 

-Sogou: 12.71% 

-YANDEX: 9.13% 

-Google: 6.69% 

-Haosou: 4.71%

As such, there are cases where the popular search engines vary significantly by country, so it’s essential to understand and appropriately strategize for the search engines used locally.

Basic Steps for Overseas SEO 

Here, we’ll organize the steps to take when engaging in overseas SEO. Proceed with the following steps.

1. Determine the target country.

-Enhance the quality of your website for the Japanese market

-Translate content

-Build an overseas-oriented website 

-Research local keywords

-Optimize your website. 

Let’s explain each of these steps one by one.

Reference Page: How to Optimize Your Website for Other Countries – Hubspot

  • Decide on the Target Country

First, it’s necessary to determine which country or region your company will target. Factors to consider include the potential demand and economic conditions in that country. Additionally, if possible, check the number of competitors already selling similar products in that market.

Furthermore, keep in mind that different countries may have varying needs, cultures, and also use different search engines. For example, in China, Baidu is predominantly used. Additionally, Baidu has its own unique SEO criteria and algorithms. Because of these variations by country, decide on your target market at the initial stage

2. Enhance the Quality of Your Japanese Website 

Before constructing an overseas-oriented website, please check the quality of your existing domestic website. This is because the quality of the site, which serves as the basis for translation, directly affects the quality of the newly constructed overseas-oriented website.

For example, if the quality of your Japanese website is low and the information is insufficient, translating it into a local website will still result in low quality. Conversely, if the quality of your Japanese website is high, there is a higher tendency for the translated website to also be of high quality.

  • Translate Content 

Through local market research and other means, translate existing Japanese web content into the language of the target country. However, it’s essential to exercise caution as merely using machine translation can result in very unnatural content. If your company doesn’t have employees who understand the culture and language of the target country, consider hiring native speakers for translation.

4.Build the Overseas Website 

In this step, publish the translated content in the form of a website. Unlike building a website for the Japanese market, attention needs to be paid to details such as URLs and servers. Specifically, consider the following three points

Provide a URL for Each Language 

Set up unique URLs for each language. This is because if pages with different language content are displayed under the same URL, search engines may find it difficult to accurately identify which language or region the page is targeting. By clearly separating URLs for each language, search engines can accurately determine the target language or region of the content and display relevant results for related search queries.

Set hreflang Attributes

The hreflang attribute is an HTML attribute used to indicate to search engines that a page with the same content exists in multiple languages. By setting this attribute, search engines will display the English version in English search results and the Japanese version in Japanese search results.

Use Servers in the Target Region 

Use servers located in the target country or its surrounding regions. This is because search rankings can be influenced by which region’s servers the data is uploaded to. For example, if the site being published is uploaded to a local server, search engines in that region may consider the site to be locally focused, potentially improving its search ranking.

Reference Page: Design Points for Multilingual SEO and Considerations When Creating Multilingual Websites

5. Research Keywords 

First, confirm the main search engine used in the target country. Then, conduct research on the keywords being searched. There are several keyword selection tools available, but if the main search engine in the target country is Google, you can use tools like Ubersuggest to research.

Also, when advancing overseas SEO, understand the differences between Japanese and the language of the target country and select keywords accordingly. For example, taking pants as an example, in American English, it’s translated as “Pants,” while in British English, it’s “Trousers.” Here are some other examples.


American English: Apartment 

British English: Flat

Trunk (for a car) 

American English: Trunk 

British English: Boot

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Once you’ve identified keywords that lead to purchases, optimize your website for the search engine used in that region. Specifically, research the trends of the search engine used in the target country and anticipate which strategies will be effective, then test them repeatedly. Through repeated testing, effective methods will become apparent, allowing you to optimize your website according to those rules.

Additionally, at this stage, start working on overseas content marketing. By creating useful content for various keywords and publishing it, your website’s traffic will steadily increase.

Reference Page: 5 Examples of Overseas Content Marketing! Explanation of Approach Points

Methods to Increase Traffic with Overseas SEO 

To increase traffic, you need strategies tailored to the characteristics of the search engines used in the target country. However, there are also methods that are effective for almost any search engine. Therefore, to increase traffic, focus on the following.

Acquiring local backlinks 

Acquiring backlinks from websites published locally is effective in overseas SEO. Acquiring backlinks in the first place has a high impact on SEO. However, not all websites are suitable, so try to get backlinks from websites in the same genre as your own website.

Consider Local Trends 

Create content based on local trends and hot topics. By doing so, you may have a better chance of obtaining higher rankings on search engines. Users are always interested in the latest information and trends. Therefore, by providing content related to them, you can capture the interest of your target audience.

Points to Note for Overseas SEO

There are several points to consider for effectively conducting overseas SEO, as it differs significantly from domestic SEO. Please pay attention to the following.

Native Check

After translation, have the expressions and word choices checked by a local native speaker. Machine translation or translations by non-native speakers may result in nuances and expressions that feel unnatural.

For example, when considering marketing in English-speaking countries, there are differences in the words and expressions used between the United States and the United Kingdom. By undergoing appropriate native checks, you can create content that best matches the culture of the target country.

Page Speed Test

Internet environments overseas may not be as fast and stable as those in Japan. Especially in developing countries or certain regions, line speeds may be slow or the situation may be unstable. Therefore, when conducting SEO for overseas markets, perform page speed tests for your website.

Specifically, use the tool provided by Google called ‘Test My Site.’ With this tool, you can easily check the page speed of your website. Additionally, since ‘Test My Site’ evaluates speed based on a 3G connection, you can confirm the evaluation in a form closer to the environment of overseas users, which is also a benefit.

Reference Page: Test My Site – Google”

Consult with SEO Experts Familiar with Overseas Market

When seeking SEO consulting, it’s essential to engage consultants who are well-versed in the overseas market. SEO strategies require consideration of many factors that differ from the domestic market.

For instance, these factors include regional search engine trends, cultural differences, and nuances in language. Especially for companies expanding overseas for the first time or considering expansion into multiple countries, the support of such specialists is indispensable.

Reference Page: 9 Selected SEO Consulting Companies! A Guide to Choosing the Right Company for Your Business

Common Questions about Overseas SEO

Let’s address some common questions about overseas SEO here.

Q: When is overseas SEO necessary?

A: Overseas SEO is necessary when planning to expand e-commerce operations overseas and attract traffic to your website through SEO. However, if you have a separate main influx channel for your website, overseas SEO may not always be necessary.

Q: Can we expand overseas with just translation?

A: Translation is fundamental to overseas SEO, but it alone may not achieve objectives such as increased revenue. In overseas SEO, it’s important to understand the search trends of specific regions and cultures and conduct keyword research and content optimization accordingly.

Q: Can we expand into multiple countries simultaneously?

A: It is possible to expand into multiple countries simultaneously and conduct SEO. However, it’s advisable to prioritize and strategize. Prioritization is determined based on factors such as the size of each market and its importance to your company. It’s easier to apply successful SEO patterns by gradually adding target countries starting with those of higher priority.

Q: What does ‘multilingual SEO’ mean?

A: ‘Multilingual SEO’ is often used interchangeably with ‘overseas SEO,’ but the meanings are slightly different. Overseas SEO refers to SEO measures implemented when building a website for overseas audiences. In contrast, multilingual SEO refers to search engine optimization for websites built using multiple languages. For example, if you’re constructing a website for overseas expansion from scratch and focusing only on the English language, it’s referred to as overseas SEO rather than multilingual SEO.


When expanding your business overseas, there may be cases where it’s necessary to build websites tailored to local needs. In such situations, overseas SEO is a valuable approach. By effectively incorporating overseas SEO, you can achieve top rankings on search engines used locally. As a result, you can promote your products or services domestically and internationally, leading to potential sales. Therefore, it’s essential to first consider methods to enhance your web content to meet the quality standards expected by local natives.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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