
What is a Topic Cluster? : Introduction to How They’re Made

What is a topic cluster?

If you’re involved in SEO , chances are you’ve heard the term ‘topic cluster’ more and more recently. A topic cluster refers to a collection of content that revolves around a specific topic, and it’s becoming a popular SEO strategy.

In this article, we will explain the benefits of topic clusters and how to create them.


What is a Topic Cluster Model?

A topic cluster is a strategy that enhances the SEO value of content groups and individual pieces by strategically organizing them within a site.

The basic idea of ​​a topic cluster involves a collection of content that consists of a main topic and its supporting subtopics. It’s a content organization method that has recently gained attention for its effectiveness in SEO.

The concept proposed by Matthew Barby of HubSpot

The concept was introduced by Matthew Barby of HubSpot, a company known for its sales software and inbound marketing. Barby, while being the Director of Acquisition at HubSpot, is also an expert in SEO.

HubSpot used to write numerous blog posts on various topics related to marketing, sales, and customer service, which were not categorized and often had overlapping content. This redundancy was competing for traffic on search results pages, negatively impacting SEO.

Realizing that it was more efficient to focus on a different approach than just writing content for niche keywords, Barby proposed the topic cluster model.

Example After Implementing Topic Clusters

In the topic cluster model, content is divided into pillar content, which is the main topic, and cluster content, which supplements or relates to the pillar content.

The model categorizes content previously created for niche keywords by topic areas. Each area has a pillar page that summarizes the topic, and it is hyperlinked to more detailed content within the same area.

For your instance, HubSpot implemented it with the following

-Topic: Marketing with Instagram 

-Pillar Content: The Complete Guide to Instagram Marketing 

-Examples of Cluster Content: 

2020 Latest Summary of Instagram Statistics | What’s the Average Number of Followers? 

2020 Latest The Complete Guide to Instagram Advertising | 9 Basic Steps to Start 28 Useful Instagram Tricks You Should Know

Source: Optimizing Blogs Using Topic Clusters

Why Topic Clusters are Gaining Attention

The topic cluster model is increasingly being recognized as an effective SEO strategy for two main reasons.


-The Growing Importance of Long-Tail Keywords

-The Risk of Keyword Cannibalization 

We will discuss these reasons in detail below.

Increasing Importance of Long-Tail Keywords Due to Local Searches

Local search refers to the practice of showing search results specific to a user’s location. For example, searching for ‘cafe’ displays cafes near the user, meaning search results will differ between Tokyo and Osaka.

Google has been emphasizing local search, aiming to understand the intent behind searches and to present timely information that reflects this intent. The rise in smartphone voice searches is also a driving force behind this focus on local searches.

As a result, the importance of long-tail keywords has increased because they can rank pages highly even if the site’s overall domain isn’t strong.

Risk of Keyword Cannibalization

Many articles written on multiple topics often lack proper classification, leading to similar content. This similarity causes the articles to compete against each other for traffic, a phenomenon known as keyword cannibalization.

This risk arises when multiple pages target the same or similar keywords, confusing search engines about which page to show for a given search term, ultimately harming SEO.

By adopting topic clusters and directing traffic through internal links to related articles, you can prevent keyword cannibalization.

Effects of Topic Clusters

Topic clusters are known to enhance SEO, but what specific benefits do they offer? We will explore the impacts from two perspectives, the benefits to users and the benefits to site operators.

Benefits to Users

By implementing topic clusters, you can make the site structure more understandable to users.

Often, if users don’t find the information, they’re looking for on a site displayed in search results, they are likely to leave and visit another site rather than search within the original site. Solely relying on keyword strategies may not suffice in providing users with the information they truly need.

However, by connecting pillar content with related content through a clear hierarchical structure, it becomes easier for users to find the information they want, enhancing convenience.

Benefits to Site Operators

Not only does user convenience improve, but there are also advantages for site operators. It becomes easier to categorize and manage information by category.

The evaluation affects other content

In a topic cluster, naturally, there will be many internal backlinks from cluster content. As internal backlinks increase, the SEO value of each page can affect others, thus enhancing the evaluation of the pillar pages.

Furthermore, because cluster content is created focusing on specific topics, the relevance between articles increases, making them more likely to be favored by search engines.

In this way, if one page is rated highly, related pages are likely to be rated similarly and appear higher in search results.

Related Article: What are Internal Links? Tips for Enhancing SEO with Internal Links

Compatibility with Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords can aim for high rankings even with a weaker site domain. For example, by linking internally to content created with long-tail keywords, traffic to pillar pages can increase, making them more likely to rank higher.

Since long-tail keywords themselves do not have high search volumes, they are less competitive, making them recommended for producing a large volume of articles.

Thus, there are advantages to being well-suited for long-tail keywords, expecting effective SEO outcomes.

How to Create a Topic Cluster

Creating a topic cluster doesn’t require special skills, but it does necessitate a proper understanding before construction.

Step 1: Categorization of Articles

The first step is categorizing your articles. If you already have a lot of content, it needs to be organized by genre.

Most likely, you’ve already conducted keyword research and set a direction for your site when creating content, forming the basis of your topic clusters. Now, categorize these into broader genres. For example, within SEO, you could roughly categorize content as ‘Internal Strategies’ and ‘External Strategies.’

Step 2: Identifying Elements

Once you have categorized your articles, the next step is to identify specific elements. This mainly involves the following three aspects.

Identifying the Pillar Page

The pillar page refers to the main genre that serves as the core of your content. It’s a good practice to set the keywords that your site aims to target.

As the pillar page will serve as the hub for other contents, it significantly influences the overall direction of the site.

Additionally, there are sub-cluster pillar pages that delve deeper into the pillar page topic. For example, if SEO is the pillar page, ‘Internal Strategies’ and ‘External Strategies’ would be its sub-clusters.

Further specialization leads to the creation of branch pages. For instance, branch pages under ‘External Strategies’ might include topics like ‘Backlinks’ and ‘Citations.’

In this step, it’s crucial to identify and classify these pages accordingly.

Identifying Content Gaps

When dealing with existing content, it’s important to consider the following.


  • Whether the content is relevant to existing content
  • Appropriate placement of keywords across different levels
  • Correct linking hierarchy among contents

The relevance and hierarchical structure of content are crucial. Incorrect keyword placement can result not only in poor usability for users but also in lower evaluations from search engines.

Ensure you check and verify the classification, placement, and relevance of keywords to avoid content gaps.

Identifying Content Duplication

Among existing content, there may be duplicates. Therefore, when creating topic clusters, it’s vital to identify any content duplication beforehand.

Content duplication can lead to keyword cannibalization, which prevents the effective realization of SEO benefits. In such cases, it’s important to either delete or consolidate duplicate content.

Step 3: Removing and Re-linking Links

Once you’ve categorized your content and identified elements, organize the internal links within the content. Removing and re-linking links can be time-consuming with a large volume of content.

First, remove all internal links and then link them back in hierarchical order to the pillar pages. Anticipate user search intent and ensure appropriate linking. Internal linking between cluster contents is also effective.

Step 4: Writing with Attention to Word Count

Even after completing the creation of topic clusters, there may be missing content depending on the categorization. In such cases, it will be necessary to create new content.

Based on the set keywords, it is important to write articles with the word count in mind. While word count is not a criterion for SEO, articles with around 2000 words may be considered low-quality due to insufficient content.

Therefore, aim to write articles with more than 4000 words. However, avoid increasing the word count unnecessarily, as this can lead to low-quality content. Focus on creating valuable, high-quality content for users.


Topic clusters are crucial for building a strong SEO-friendly site. By carefully deciding what to make the central topic, you can smoothly proceed with keyword selection and other tasks. Topic clusters not only improve user convenience but also offer SEO benefits, making them worthwhile for anyone involved in SEO to consider creating pillar content as a starting point.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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