
What is Topic Authority? Overview and Strategies to Improve SEO Ranking


topic authority

What is Topic Authority? : Overview and Strategies to Improve SEO Ranking

Google released news about Topic Authority on May 23, 2023.

Topic Authority is a ranking mechanism that elevates news from specialized financial media or local media to higher positions. Google has expressed concern that specialized and useful articles may get buried within general news, hence, this mechanism was established.

This mechanism doesn’t just favor large media with strong domain power but also smaller media outlets that delve deeply into specific topics.

However, despite this news, many may still have uncertainties and fail to grasp the concept of Topic Authority. Therefore, this article aims to provide a detailed explanation of Topic Authority, its evaluation points, and strategies to enhance it.

What is Topic Authority?

Let’s delve into what Topic Authority entails.

A mechanism that prioritizes news queries with specialized relevance

Topic Authority prioritizes news articles from specialized financial media or local media in search and news results. It primarily serves news-related queries, ensuring specialized and helpful articles rank higher. Thus, it’s not just about large media outlets with strong domain power but also about smaller ones focusing on specific themes.

Ranking Mechanism Focused on Local News

There’s a notable emphasis on local news. For instance, in the event of a disaster like an earthquake, local media articles may rank higher than national media ones.

Moreover, the mechanism prioritizes articles from reputable sources.

Introduced Several Years Ago

Although information about this mechanism was released in May 2023, it seems it’s been implemented for several years.

The timing of the announcement seems to be merely for sharing the role of Topic Authority without deeper implications.

Evaluation Points of Topic Authority

Let’s now explain the specific evaluation points of Topic Authority, which are as follows

  • Interested in the topic
  • Influence and originality of the news
  • Reputation of the information source

Let’s delve into each point.

Topics of Interest and Information Sources

This mechanism identifies and recognizes media outlets that seem to be related to specific topics or locations. In the announcement regarding Topic Authority, the example used to explain it was coverage related to the Nashville High School football team.

This mechanism appears to recognize when users are browsing sites like the local media outlet “The Tennessean” for news about the same high school football team, and then prioritizes such news articles.

In essence, this mechanism assesses which media outlets users frequently visit based on the news content and ensures that articles with relevance to the information source and topic are ranked higher.

Influence and Originality of News

This mechanism can determine how influential and trustworthy the original news (such as an article initially reported by a media outlet) is regarding a topic.

For example, even if a small local media outlet initially reports on a topic and it gets quoted and covered by a national news site with strong domain power, the article from the smaller outlet will still be recognized as influential.

In fact, Google has added a label called ” Highly Cited ” to articles frequently cited across various media outlets in Google’s top news in 2022. This label helps users easily identify articles with numerous citations. 

In the future, Google seems to be placing even greater emphasis on the uniqueness and influence of content.

Reputation of Information Sources

Google also considers the track record of previous news coverage, recommendations from experts or expert groups, and endorsements from academia. For example, past awards for original reporting or journalism serve as significant evidence of a news media outlet’s reputation.

In essence, media outlets that have received awards from specialized associations or journalism awards in the past have been highly evaluated.

Strategies to Improve Evaluation in Topic Authority

To enhance evaluation in Topic Authority, specific measures tailored to this mechanism are necessary. However, many may not know exactly what measures to take. Therefore, here, we will explain concrete strategies to improve evaluation in Topic Authority. If you want to enhance the evaluation of your website, consider the following approaches

Creating Content with EEAT in Mind

If you want to enhance the evaluation of Topic Authority, it’s crucial to create content with EEAT in mind. EEAT is the criteria Google has set for evaluating websites.

Each letter represents the following meanings: “Experience,” “Expertise,” “Authoritativeness,” and “Trustworthiness.”

Google values ​​the concept of EEAT as a crucial criterion for evaluating websites. To improve the evaluation of Topic Authority, let’s focus on creating web content while being mindful of these four factors

Experience . 

Experience refers to the amount of experience and practical knowledge that content creators possess.

For example, consider two pieces of content on the same topic:

One provides detailed information but only offers general information readily available online.

The other website not only provides detailed explanations but also includes practical experiences that are not available elsewhere.

The latter website is more likely to rank higher.

Content that includes practical experiences and firsthand information on a topic will not only be valued by Google but also by users.


Expertise refers to the depth of knowledge and skill in a specific topic or field.

The evaluation point is whether the content provides specialized and detailed information that offers users valuable insights. It’s essential to focus on specialized content tailored to a particular topic and provide high-value expertise.

For example, imagine two pieces of content on the same topic:

One provides detailed information but lacks additional related topics or specific explanations.

The other website introduces related topics to deepen understanding and provides detailed explanations for each topic at the bottom of the webpage.

The latter website is more likely to rank higher.

The evaluation of expertise varies between websites covering various topics and those specializing in a specific theme. To enhance expertise evaluation, create content focused on a specific theme on your website.


Authoritativeness assesses whether third parties recognize the main content of a website as valuable or consider it a reliable information source.

For example, consider two pieces of content on the same topic

One is operated by an individual, and the author’s identity is unclear, with no endorsements from anyone.

The other website displays the operator’s past publication history, and comments like “informative” are linked and widely shared.

The latter website is more likely to rank higher.

The number of backlinks or citations (mentions of the site or operator on other websites or social media) serves as evaluation criteria. Therefore, create content that increases these numbers.


Trust Trustworthiness evaluates the reliability of a website’s content, operators, and website security.

For example, consider two pieces of content on the same topic

One is operated by an individual without SSL encryption.

The other website is operated by a company and provides not only corporate information but also terms of service and privacy policies for the viewer’s safety and responsibility.

The latter website is more likely to rank higher.

Points to consider include the originality of content, SSL encryption of the website, and clear information about the operator or company, including terms of service and privacy policies.

Utilizing Social Media

To boost Topic Authority, leveraging social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram is effective. By posting information based on the knowledge and experience of website operators through these platforms, the authority of the website increases.

Responding to comments and providing expert advice can enhance the impression of the site, leading to the establishment of trust with users. Once trust is established, the website is recognized as influential, thereby enhancing the authority of the topic.

Moreover, when content is shared widely on social media, there’s a higher chance of it being covered by various other media outlets. This increases the likelihood of receiving backlinks and citations from other authoritative sites, leading to improved authority and search rankings.

Continuous Production of High-Quality Content

To elevate Topic Authority, continuously producing and delivering high-quality content is also effective.

However, disseminating content that content creators want to convey does not constitute high-quality content. It’s crucial for high-quality content to address user needs and provide the information users are seeking. By consistently delivering content that users seek, the frequency of site visits will increase. Additionally, it’s essential to include valuable information that benefits users, along with the necessary information they require.

Originality is also a critical aspect of producing high-quality content. Content that resembles copied material from other sources will lead to decreased evaluations by both Google and Topic Authority. Therefore, focus on creating original content specific to your website, conveying valuable information that users can’t find elsewhere.

Speed ​​of Delivery

The speed of content delivery is also a vital factor in boosting Topic Authority. Particularly for news-based media, providing articles promptly allows your content to become a source of information. If your articles are cited, your website will be perceived as a media outlet with expertise and authority, leading to higher rankings. Therefore, the speed of content delivery is a crucial element.

Frequently Asked Questions about Topic Authority:

Q: How does Topic Authority function? 

A: Nobody knows the exact workings of Topic Authority.

Q: Are there methods to measure Topic Authority? 

A: Since the concept of Topic Authority itself is not clear, there are no specific methods to measure it.


Topic Authority ranks news articles from specialized financial or local media outlets higher. This mechanism, developed by Google, aims to prevent valuable local news from being buried under general news. Understanding Topic Authority correctly and implementing the strategies provided in this article to enhance Topic Authority evaluation could lead to improvements in your website’s performance.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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