
What Is a Sitemap? An Explanation of Creation Methods

For webmasters, providing a user-friendly website is one of the top priorities. A sitemap plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.

A sitemap is a page that comprehensively lists all the pages within a website, playing an important role in SEO as well.

In this article, we will discuss in detail the methods for creating sitemaps and their effects on SEO.


What is a Sitemap? 

A sitemap, as shown below, is a page that displays the structure of a site’s pages like a map.

By creating a sitemap, it helps users find the pages they are looking for and allows search engine crawlers to understand the structure of the site.

Furthermore, it can prevent search engine crawlers from mistakenly recognizing pages as duplicate content, making sitemaps important from an SEO perspective and one of the essential files to create.

The Importance of Sitemaps 

Operating a website with high accessibility requires a sitemap.

Sitemaps function as navigation for a website. Hence, with a sitemap, users can easily grasp the overall structure of the website.

Moreover, sitemaps affect SEO. Search engines use sitemaps to collect necessary information within a website. Therefore, a properly created sitemap enables search engines to appropriately evaluate a website.

Thus, sitemaps play a crucial role both for users and search engines.

Types of Sitemaps and Their Differences 

There are two types of sitemaps, which are HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps, and each has different purposes and methods of creation. Simply put, HTML sitemaps are created for users, while XML sitemaps are created for crawlers.

HTML Sitemap 

An HTML sitemap is a file created in HTML format to help users understand the overall structure of a site and easily find their way to the desired page.

Even when it is challenging to follow links to a desired page, an HTML sitemap enables reaching it with just one click. This is particularly useful for smartphone users, as a sitemap allows immediate access to the page they wish to open.

Consider it akin to how a map aids in navigating an unfamiliar place in real life, playing a similar role.

Therefore, link the HTML sitemap in a location that is easy for users to understand. Utilize the footer or sidebar to make it accessible from anywhere on the site.

XML Sitemap 

An XML sitemap is a file intended to prompt crawlers to recognize the overall structure of the site. Users do not typically view XML sitemaps.

While crawlers normally understand a site’s structure by following its links, creating an XML sitemap can communicate the entire structure at once.

This improves crawlability, making the site more likely to appear in search results.

SEO Benefits of Sitemaps 

The SEO benefits expected from sitemaps differ between XML and HTML sitemaps.

  • HTML Sitemap: Enhances usability
  • XML Sitemap: Improves crawlability

Thus, it is advisable to create sitemaps in both formats.

SEO Benefits of HTML Sitemap 

While HTML sitemaps were once considered effective for SEO measures, they no longer have a direct effect.

However, having an HTML sitemap can enhance user navigation and extend the time spent on the site. It ensures users can access their desired page from anywhere on the site, enhancing convenience.

Google includes usability among its criteria for search ranking. Thus, an HTML sitemap is one method to make a site more user-friendly.

Indirectly, an HTML sitemap can enhance SEO benefits, making it worth creating.

SEO Benefits of XML Sitemap 

An XML sitemap contains the following four pieces of information.

  • The URL of each page on the website
  • Priority
  • Last modification date
  • Change frequency

Providing this information to crawlers makes it easier for newly published or link-poor sites to appear in search results.

It also makes the site easier for crawlers to navigate, enhancing crawlability.

Creating an HTML Sitemap 

An HTML sitemap can be created using a text editor or plugins.

However, it is not necessary to cover every page within the site. For large sites, linking every page in detail can be visually overwhelming. In such cases, create a simple structure with categories and a list of articles.

Upload the created file to the server and link it in a visible location for users.

Creating with a Text Editor 

Create by writing HTML code in a text editor, using list tags to envision the link hierarchy.

Although it’s possible to create using Notepad installed on most computers, knowledge of HTML is required. Manual creation can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Remember to update the sitemap when adding or updating pages.

Creating with PS Auto Sitemap 

The ‘PS Auto Sitemap’ plugin for WordPress allows for automatic creation of an HTML sitemap. This method is convenient and requires no HTML knowledge.

The sitemap is automatically updated when the site is updated, saving effort.

Basic Structure of an XML Sitemap 

An XML sitemap consists of parent and child files. Among these two files, the child file is of paramount importance because it contains information such as page URLs and last modification dates. The parent file lists the information of the child files.

Please note that parent and child files use different XML tags.

The key aspect of an XML sitemap is to list the site’s URLs comprehensively to ensure they are recognized by crawlers.

For large sites, if the XML sitemap is described only in a few lines in the parent file, it may not sufficiently promote crawler recognition. In such cases, improvements to the sitemap are necessary.

Creating an XML Sitemap 

There are four methods for creating an XML sitemap

  • Create Manually
  • Create Using Tools
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • XML Sitemap Generator

However, it’s not necessary to list every page on the site. Pages you do not wish to be recognized by crawlers need not be included.

While there’s no strict naming convention, “sitemap.xml” is commonly used. The created XML sitemap should be uploaded to the server, specifically to the top directory.

Reference page: How to Create an XML Sitemap – ahrefs

Manually Creating 

When creating manually, please follow the description method recommended by Google.

<?xml version=”1.0 encoding=”UTF-8?>

<urlset xmlns=”>








When writing, specify the encoding as UTF-8. Always use the urlset, url, and loc tags. Tags such as lastmod and priority can be used optionally. Save the file in .xml format.

Creating with Tools 

There are free sitemap creation tools available online, as well as methods using WordPress plugins. Both are very convenient as they allow you to create sitemaps without much effort or time.

More details on tools will be provided below.

Google XML Sitemaps 

The WordPress plugin “Google XML Sitemaps” automatically creates an XML sitemap.

Additionally, setting it up to work with Google Search Console allows for constant submission of the latest XML sitemap. However, the first submission to Google Search Console must be done manually.

XML Sitemap Extensions 

There are four extensions to XML sitemaps

  • News sitemap
  • Video sitemap
  • Image sitemap
  • Mobile sitemap

Using these extensions allows for the creation of sitemaps tailored to the content being offered.

A news sitemap is suitable for sites dealing with journalistic information. If you operate such a site, consider creating a news sitemap.

A video sitemap is appropriate for sites offering video content or services. It makes it easier for search engine crawlers to recognize video content, potentially improving site performance.

An image sitemap makes it easier for images used on the site to appear in search results. If your site handles numerous images, creating an image sitemap is recommended.

A mobile sitemap is created when the site URLs differ between computers and smartphones, linking the two versions of the site to avoid being treated as duplicate content. However, this is unnecessary for sites with responsive design.

Key Points to Consider When Creating an XML Sitemap 

There are three important considerations when creating an XML sitemap

  • Accurate Entry of URLs
  • Presence of Noindex Pages
  • File Size Verification

Failing to address these points may result in search engines not properly recognizing the information.

Accurate Entry of URLs 

Ensure all URLs listed in the sitemap are entered correctly. Variations in spelling or mistakes can prevent search engines from correctly recognizing the pages.

Presence of noindex Pages 

Check for any pages within the site that have been set to noindex. The noindex directive is used for pages that should not appear in search results. Including such pages in your sitemap can lead to errors.

Exclude noindex pages from your sitemap.

File Size Verification 

The file size for each sitemap must not exceed 50MB uncompressed, and the URL count must not exceed 50,000. If your site exceeds this limit, split the file to create multiple sitemaps.

Submitting Your Sitemap to Google 

A sitemap must be uploaded to the server’s top directory and submitted to Google to function. There are two methods for submission

  • Using Google Search Console
  • Using robots.txt

Search engine crawlers also check the robots.txt file. Therefore, it’s recommended to list your sitemap URL in both Google Search Console and robots.txt.

Reference page: How to Submit a Sitemap to Google – Semrush

Using Google Search Console 

To submit a sitemap through Google Search Console, log in and select “Sitemaps” from the menu.

Enter the URL of your created sitemap and click the submit button. If the status reads “Success,” the submission is complete.

Using robots.txt 

The robots.txt file controls crawler access.

Description | Purpose 

User-agent: (Required) The name of the user agent to which instructions are given Disallow: Directories or pages where crawling is not allowed

Allow: Directories or pages where crawling is allowed 

Sitemap: URL of sitemap.xml *Multiple entries are possible

The User-agent directive can specify individual search engine crawlers, but using an asterisk (*) targets all crawlers. This is a mandatory element.

Use Allow and Disallow to specify which pages or directories crawlers can access.

To specify a sitemap, use the Sitemap: directive with the sitemap URL.


When multiple sitemaps exist, list them as shown above.



Determining the Need for a Sitemap 

Create a sitemap if your site meets any of the following four criteria.

  • The site is very large.
  • There is a large archive of content pages on the site that are not linked from anywhere, or are not properly linked.
  • The site is new with few external links.
  • The site contains a lot of rich media content, such as videos and images, or is featured in Google News.

Source: Overview of Sitemaps (Google Search Central)

However, creating a sitemap does not guarantee that it will appear in search results. It simply aids crawlers in navigating the site. Ensure not to misunderstand this function.

A sitemap is unnecessary if your site meets any of the following three criteria.

  • The site size is “small.”
  • The site is fully interlinked within the site.
  • The site does not have a significant number of media files (videos, images) or news pages intended for search results.

Source: Overview of Sitemaps (Google Search Central)

Nonetheless, if you plan to expand your content or pages in the future, consider creating a sitemap.

Differences Between High-Quality and Low-Quality Sitemaps

Sitemaps can be distinguished into high-quality and low-quality categories.

High-Quality Sitemap

Low-Quality Sitemap

User-friendly and easy to navigate

Difficult for users to navigate and use

Recognized by crawlers

Not recognized by crawlers

HTML sitemaps are designed to help users understand the site’s information. For example, categorizing by color or clarifying the hierarchical structure can be effective strategies.

Moreover, placing links to the sitemap in easily understandable locations, such as navigation bars or footers, is crucial.

Low-quality HTML sitemaps fail to organize information clearly, such as through structured hierarchies or color-coded categories, leading to user frustration and site abandonment.

Additionally, when links to the sitemap are placed in obscure locations, users may not even be aware of its existence.

For XML sitemaps, it’s vital for them to be recognized by crawlers. Low-quality XML sitemaps do not effectively communicate site information to crawlers, making it harder for them to be recognized.

Tools for Efficiently Creating Sitemaps for Free

Two tools are highlighted for efficiently creating sitemaps

  • xml Editor

Neither tool requires user registration. allows the creation of sitemaps for up to 500 pages for free. Simply enter the site’s URL and press the START button to initiate the creation process. 

Options to specify update frequency, last modification date, and priority are available. Once the sitemap is generated, it can be downloaded and saved.

sitemap.xml Editor

sitemap.xml Editor is a free tool that generates sitemaps upon entering the site URL and clicking the “Create Sitemap” button. It offers options to specify priorities, update frequencies, and directories to exclude. 

It can also create mobile sitemaps, useful for sites with different URLs for desktop and mobile, allowing up to 1000 URLs per creation.

Creating Sitemaps with Paid Tools

Paid tools are also available for creating sitemaps, offering advantages over free tools, especially for managing large sites or multiple sites.

Sitemap Maker is a tool that can create not only XML but also mobile and HTML sitemaps. It features functionalities such as broken link checks and social bookmarking button creation. Files can be directly uploaded to servers or submitted to Google Search Console. A license purchase is required, so inquiries should be made through their contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breadcrumbs 

Many webmasters surprisingly have questions regarding breadcrumbs, so we’ve compiled some common questions.

Q: Should breadcrumbs be installed on mobile sites? 

A: Yes, they should.

In principle, the information needed for desktop sites is also necessary for mobile sites. If it’s deemed unnecessary for mobile, it would logically be unnecessary for desktop as well.

Some believe breadcrumbs should not be installed on mobile pages due to issues like obstructing the view or dominating the first screen, affecting readability. However, Tokyo SEO Maker recommends their installation, even if it means placing them at the bottom of the page.

There are concerns about occupying two to three lines at the top of the page, but it’s possible to install them in a single line by allowing horizontal sliding. Decide whether to include or exclude them based on considerations of usability.

Q: Is it more appropriate to place breadcrumbs at the top or bottom of the page? 

A: Either is fine.

Some SEO firms and web design companies recommend placing them at the top, but there’s hardly any SEO benefit to this placement. The effect observed from placing breadcrumbs at the top was related to SEO strategies over five years ago. Currently, the same evaluation is given regardless of where on the page the breadcrumbs are located, provided they are present at the same granularity.

However, if a page contains multiple breadcrumbs, only the topmost breadcrumb trail will be considered for evaluation (reflected in search results).

Consider what placement benefits the user the most.

Q: Can multiple breadcrumbs be installed on one page? 

A: Yes, multiple installations are permissible.

It’s acceptable to have multiple breadcrumbs on a page. Sites utilizing databases sometimes have multiple breadcrumb trails, which is a correct practice.

Commonly seen on e-commerce sites, for example:

Top > Domestic Watches > Brand > Product Page

Top > Ranking > Product Page

Top > Watch Feature Page > Product Page

This approach ensures users can easily navigate from the product page to “Domestic Watches,” “Brand,” “Ranking,” or “Features.” It’s a common tactic to approach users interested in similar products (domestic watches, brands), top-selling products (rankings), or feature pages differently.

However, be aware that if multiple breadcrumbs are installed, only the top one will be evaluated.

Q: Will installing breadcrumbs strengthen SEO? 

A: Installation alone is not meaningful.

Installing breadcrumbs as part of SEO efforts is common. However, it’s not the act of “installing breadcrumbs” that serves as an SEO measure but “structuring the site to function correctly with breadcrumbs.”

Sites that rank high in search results do so not because they have breadcrumbs but because, beyond excellent content, they are correctly managed and receive appropriate evaluation from crawlers.

Similar discussions exist regarding the SEO impact of installing a table of contents, but merely installing it does not improve search rankings.

Q: Should breadcrumbs be installed on all pages? 

A: It’s better to install them on as many pages as possible.

Breadcrumbs are unnecessary on the homepage, LPs, or pages with specific purposes, but it’s recommended to install them on all other pages.

This is often beneficial from various perspectives, including usability, crawlability, and concentrating internal links.

However, if structured data is not correctly marked up, the effectiveness of installed breadcrumbs may be diminished, so always confirm they function as intended.


Sitemaps aim to improve both crawlability and usability. There are two types: XML for crawlability and HTML for usability. Creating sitemaps can boost SEO and reduce user bounce rates, especially crucial for large sites. While sitemaps can be manually created, using tools or plugins can save time and reduce errors. However, sitemaps need to be registered through Google Search Console or indicated in robots.txt to function. Creating a sitemap enhances site navigability and user retention, making it a recommended practice.


