
Accelerating Server Processing. Explaining the Mechanism and Benefits

Server Processing

When any sort of accident occurs on a server, it can significantly impact a website.

Therefore, having knowledge about servers is essential for operating a website.

As SEO consultants, we will focus on the acceleration of server processing in this session. Tokyo SEO Maker, a specialist in SEO media, will explain this in an understandable manner.


What is Server Processing Acceleration?

Server processing acceleration involves enhancing a server’s optimization to increase its processing speed. Specifically, this entails reviewing the hardware specifications and organizing data within the server to aim for faster operations.

The Mechanism between Servers and Websites 

Essentially, a server in the web context is a space set up in the cloud to store data. Web sites or pages are opened through the transmission of data between the server and the user’s device (web browser).

During this process, areas referred to as the frontend and backend interact with each other to display the website. If any trouble causes a delay in data processing on the server side, it can lead to discomfort in using the website or page.


The frontend refers to the part of the website or page that site visitors directly interact with. Simply put, it’s the part that visitors can physically engage with.

For example, the text of articles, image data, and buttons for posting comments fall under the frontend. The languages that cover the frontend include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Related Article: What is HTML?

Related Article: What is CSS?

Related Article: What is JavaScript SEO?


The backend refers to the internal system and database (DB) areas that site visitors do not directly interact with. In simpler terms, think of it as the “system or engine.”

For instance, when a site visitor posts a comment within an article, the backend refers to the data processing and system that display the posted comment text. The programming languages managing the backend include the following:




Related Article: Explaining the Importance of Programming in Web Marketing and What Can Be Achieved

Related Article: Utilizing Python for SEO Analysis

Benefits of Accelerating Server Processing 

Accelerating server processing offers benefits such as:

  • Improved web page display speed
  • Ability to withstand a high number of simultaneous accesses

Improved Web Page Display Speed 

Accelerating server processing improves the display speed of web pages on site visitors’ devices.

Generally, if the time it takes for a web page to display after a visitor accesses it exceeds 3 seconds, the bounce rate significantly increases. This situation is often described as being “browser back.” Be aware that being “browser back” negatively affects SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Related Article: What is SEO?

Ability to Withstand a High Number of Simultaneous Accesses

Improving server processing speed enables it to withstand a high number of simultaneous accesses.

When access occurs to the server, data processing is executed each time. Thus, as simultaneous connections increase, the burden on the server also increases. In the case of web sites, there are instances where access suddenly spikes due to trends. If the server’s processing limit is low in such instances, access restrictions may be imposed, harming usability.

Causes of Slow Server Processing

Various factors can cause slow server processing. Some typical examples include:

  • Low server specifications
  • Unoptimized programs or markup
  • Large image file sizes
  • Problems with database (DB) management

Low Server Specifications 

Low server performance can lead to slow processing speeds due to insufficient specifications. Especially as servers age, they not only become slower but also risk sudden failures.

Unoptimized Programs or Markup 

Unorganized source code used to build web sites can lead to unnecessary code loading and increased data transmission burden, thereby delaying page display speed.

For instance, server processing can be burdened by factors such as:

  • The number of times external files are accessed in HTML
  • Large file sizes of markup languages like CSS
  • Large file sizes of programming languages like PHP or Python

Large Image File Sizes 

Large file sizes increase the amount of data transmitted, adding to the server processing burden.

In addition to source code, web sites use data such as image files as page content, and the volume of such data tends to be significant.

Problems with Database (DB) Management 

A database (DB) is a space for storing and saving data. Inappropriate management of this database can significantly impact server processing.

Specifically, factors contributing to this issue include:

-Excessive SQL Language Descriptions 

-Storing Unnecessary Data 

-Improper Index Settings

Methods for Accelerating Server Processing 

There are several methods to accelerate server processing, including:

  • Upgrading server specs
  • Utilizing server cache functions
  • Organizing source code
  • Lightening files
  • Optimizing database management

Upgrading Server Specs 

Physically enhancing server specifications can increase processing speed. This can be achieved through methods such as:

  • Replacing with a new server
  • Increasing the number of servers
  • Using CDN (Content Delivery Network)

CDN is a technique that uses external servers on the internet to reduce the load on your own server.

Related Article: What is a CDN?

However, adopting these methods can increase costs and operational efforts. Consider the costs and workload before deciding.

Utilizing Server Cache Functions 

Servers are equipped with a cache function that can be used to reduce the server processing load.

Server caching temporarily stores parts of website or page data on the server. By doing so, data can be quickly loaded during subsequent accesses, which means an increase in server processing speed.

Organizing Source Code 

Organizing source code can reduce server load. Specific points to review include:

  • Reducing the number of files loaded
  • Minimizing the file size of the source code

Reducing the Number of Files Loaded 

Reducing the number of files the server needs to load can increase server processing speed.

When site visitors attempt to open a page, the server is accessed, and the corresponding page’s HTML file is loaded. This HTML file contains instructions to load external files. Therefore, the more external files to be loaded, the more times the server communicates.

In other words, having many unnecessary external files increases the number of communications, adding to the server processing load.

Minimizing the File Size of Source Code

Reducing the file size of each source code can lessen the server load.

Therefore, it’s necessary to check for unnecessary descriptions or inefficiently written code. If you find code that is “optional” or not required, removing it and keeping the source code as simple as possible is ideal. However, be careful not to accidentally delete necessary code.

Lightening Files 

Lightening various files can reduce the load on the server. Especially on web sites, compressing large-capacity image data, known as image optimization, is crucial.

To optimize images, review elements such as:

  • File size
  • Image dimensions
  • Resolution
  • Image format

For more details, refer to the following linked article:

Related Article: SEO for Beginners: 5 SEO Measures to Start With/Image Optimization

Optimizing Database Management 

Optimizing database management can improve server processing speed. Depending on the database settings, it can significantly burden the server, so be particularly cautious.

  • Organize SQL language
  • Avoid storing unnecessary data
  • Review index settings

Organize SQL Language 

If there are issues with the SQL language descriptions, organize the code for improvement.

SQL Language is a computer language used for managing databases. Therefore, like the source code of programming languages, errors or inappropriate descriptions in this language can adversely affect data processing, so caution is necessary.

Do Not Store Unnecessary Data 

A variety of data can be stored in databases. However, storing too much data can burden the server, leading to slower server processing speeds. Therefore, avoid storing the following types of data in the database:

  • Image data
  • Session data

The former can be a significant burden on the database due to its large size. The latter, session data, refers to the communication data from when site visitors access a page until they leave. It is data that is loaded with each access, and tends to grow rapidly due to frequent updates.

Review Index Settings 

Reviewing index settings can lead to more efficient data searches, improving server processing.

In databases, an index is a kind of lookup used when searching data within the database. By marking the database, it becomes easier to efficiently find the desired data.

Methods to Increase Rendering Speed 

Rendering speed refers to the speed at which content is drawn on the terminal’s browser.

Related Article: What is Rendering Speed?

To increase rendering speed, not only improving server processing speed but also the following techniques are available:

  • Use the browser’s cache function
  • Adopt Lazy Load

Use the Browser’s Cache Function

Using the cache function on the terminal’s browser can increase the speed at which web pages are displayed. In this case, the cache is stored in the browser, so strictly speaking, it applies to visitors who access the same page on the same terminal.

Adopt Lazy Load 

Lazy Load is a technology that delays the loading of image data.

For example, when a site visitor accesses a page, the web page’s content is loaded all at once and rendered on the browser. Adopting Lazy Load delays the loading of images outside the first view, thereby enhancing page display speed.

Then, as the visitor scrolls through the terminal screen, images are sequentially rendered.

Common Questions about Accelerating Server Processing 

Here are some frequently asked questions about accelerating server processing, summarized in an FAQ format.

Q: Are there any points to be mindful of when writing HTML to improve page display speed? 

A: Stuffing too many load elements in the head tag can slow down page display speed.

For example, JavaScript is written in the head tag for web page access measurement. However, cramming all load elements into the head tag can impact page display speed.

Therefore, Tokyo SEO Maker (this site) spreads JavaScript descriptions between the head and body tags.

Tokyo SEO Maker’s HTML source code example

Related Article: What is HTML?

Q: What should be done on the frontend to speed up server processing? 

A: Two points can be highlighted:

  • Reduce the number of communications with the server
  • Reduce the amount of data communicated with the server

Q: What should be done on the backend to speed up server processing? 

A: Aim to improve the speed of data transmission from the server to the browser.

Methods include:

  • Enhancing server specs
  • Lightening various data sizes
  • Utilizing cache
  • Organizing data within the database
  • Organizing programming code

Q: What are some recommended rental servers? 

A: Popular rental servers include:

  • X Server
  • Rental Server
  • Lolipop
  • Sakura Rental Server

Consider the functionality and cost your company seeks before deciding which rental server to use.


Accelerating server processing speed can positively impact SEO and usability for a website. Conversely, extreme delays can render a website nonfunctional. If server processing issues are identified, it’s crucial to diagnose the cause and implement measures. These issues can stem from both the frontend and backend. Each responsible party should deepen their knowledge of servers to be prepared for such issues.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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