
How to Select SEO Keywords ~A Comprehensive Guide for Successful Web Traffic Generation~



seo keywords

Keyword Selection for Beginners: Techniques, Tools, and Tips Explained! 

For blogs and owned media, the most crucial aspect is selecting the right keywords for the site or articles. Choosing high-demand keywords and naturally incorporating them into your blog or site increases traffic from search results. Keyword selection is fundamental for SEO and achieving SEO effects.

For beginners in blog or site management, keyword selection can be a significant challenge. Mastering keyword selection can lead to noticeable results and significantly boost motivation for site management. This guide aims to clarify the process of keyword selection, including the knowledge, methods, tools, and tips, especially for those who find it challenging.

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What Are SEO Keywords?

SEO starts with selecting keywords. Every site has a purpose, which is tied to its theme.

Often, a site’s theme aligns or closely relates to its SEO keywords, though sometimes you may find websites where the theme and keywords do not match.

For SEO success, aligning the site’s theme with its keywords is crucial, along with creating content that fulfills user needs. SEO keywords are the words that should represent the theme of the site or page.

Big and Small Keywords

Keywords can be broadly categorized into three groups based on search volume (the number of times users search for them in a month.

  • Big keywords: 10,000 searches or more per month
  • Middle keywords: 1,000 to 10,000 searches per month
  • Small keywords: Up to 1,000 searches per month

Big Keywords

Big keywords are those with a search volume exceeding 10,000, indicating high demand. Ranking on the first page of search results for a big keyword can significantly increase site traffic, so many sites strive to find and optimize for winnable big keywords.

However, these high-demand keywords often face a lot of competition, making SEO more challenging. Typically, single-word terms like “SEO” are broad and require comprehensive content to meet user needs.

Middle Keywords

Middle keywords (medium keywords) are those with a search volume exceeding 1,000. They often consist of multiple words, like ‘ SEO keywords ,’ and garner significant user interest. Relying solely on big keywords can make achieving SEO success difficult, so strategizing to rank highly for several middle keywords becomes a fundamental SEO approach.

Compared to big keywords, middle keywords are more readily revealing user needs, making it easier to define clear themes for content creation.

Small Keywords

Small keywords (small keywords, long-tail keywords) are those with a search volume of less than 1,000. While a monthly search volume of less than 1,000 indicates limited demand, these keywords often have clear search intent, making them potentially more convertible (CV) if they rank high in search results.

If small keywords are transactional queries that can lead to purchases, they are easier to target. However, due to their high conversion potential, many competitors also create detailed content. Therefore, creating unique and superior content compared to competitors is crucial for ranking success.

Google’s Four Types of Queries

A query refers to the actual keywords users type in when searching. While keywords are set during site creation, the words users search for may not always match the set keywords.

The difference between keywords and queries can be nuanced, but remember it based on whether users have used them.

Google classifies queries into the following four types.

  • Know query
  • Go query
  • Do query
  • Buy query

Know Query

A know query is used when users want to acquire some knowledge or information. Also known as informational queries, these are particularly valued in content SEO.

Example: ‘SEO keywords,’ ‘SEO tools’

Go Query

A go query is a keyword used when users want to visit a specific site or brand. Also known as navigational or branded search queries, it represents one of the final forms of SEO optimization.

Example: ‘Tokyo SEO Maker,’ ‘Amazon.’

Do Query

A do query is used when users want to perform an action and is also known as a transactional query.

Example: ‘SEO check usage,’ ‘ login.’

Buy Query

While a buy query falls under do queries, it specifically focuses on the action of wanting to purchase, making it a word highly likely to lead to conversions.

Keyword Selection

Keyword selection involves choosing keywords that will help a specific web page or content appear in search engine results. Incorporating these selected keywords into the site or page makes it more likely to rank higher in search results. Keyword selection is a standard practice in SEO.

Keyword Selection in Blogs and Owned Media

Keyword selection for blogs and owned media involves determining the titles and content of articles to be written. Increasing the number of pages (articles) targeting various keywords can boost access to the blog or owned media.

For example, to increase traffic to a blog specializing in Japanese cuisine, creating pages (articles) for keywords like ‘Japanese cuisine menu,’ ‘popular Japanese recipes,’ ‘Japanese food list,’ ‘traditional Japanese food,’ ‘history of Japanese cuisine,’ ‘easy popular Japanese recipes,’ ‘main Japanese dishes,’ and ‘Japanese culinary culture’ can potentially bring traffic for each of these eight keywords. Including more specific compound words can lead to even more diverse traffic sources.

The Importance of Keyword Selection for SEO

Before initiating SEO strategies, conducting proper keyword selection helps identify which keywords need to rank highly. Successfully ranking for chosen keywords increases visibility to many users who search for those terms, leading to better traffic generation.

For instance, someone interested in picture books might search for “picture books” or “picture books for 2-year-olds.” While “picture books” is a broad keyword with high search volume, “picture books for 2-year-olds” is a compound keyword with a narrower focus and potentially lower search volume but targets a specific age group. It’s easier to create content pages targeting segmented keywords like these.

Compared to the broad searcher base for “picture books,” the keyword “picture books for 2-year-olds” suggests a more specific intent, likely parents looking for books suitable for two-year-olds. When the search query aligns well with the web content, it enhances user satisfaction and increases the likelihood of conversions for products or services.

Therefore, keyword selection in SEO is crucial and should be a strategic priority before starting SEO efforts. Generally, strategies begin with keywords that have high monthly search volumes, organizing keyword strategies into phases based on priority.

It’s beneficial to implement your keyword strategy in phases, prioritizing Phase 1, then Phase 2, followed by Phase 3.

Recommended article: Unit Content SEO

Good keyword selection

Good keyword selection involves choosing keywords that increase website traffic. There are primarily two types of keywords that can generate traffic.

  • High search volume keywords
  • Low search volume keywords with less competition

Here’s what follows.

High search volume keywords

High search volume keywords are searched extensively both nationally and globally, promising increased traffic influx. Even without top rankings, these keywords can still attract significant traffic.

Low search volume keywords with less competition

On the other hand, finding keywords with lower search volumes but specific demand and less competition can also be effective. 

These less competitive keywords are easier to rank for, catering to more precise user needs, and improving user satisfaction.

In summary, effective keyword selection hinges on assessing the search volume and competitive landscape of keywords.

What is “search volume”? An in-depth guide on how to research the number of searches for SEO keywords (queries).

Key Points for Selecting Keywords for SEO

To properly conduct keyword selection, consider these points.

  • Don’t aim for only big keywords (difficult to rank keywords)
  • Choose keywords that can form pillar pages (topic clusters)
  • Use Google Search Console for keyword selection
  • Avoid keywords that result in similar content elements
  • Avoid keywords with searches but no profit potential
  • Discover from competitor content
  • Consider the persona and customer journey

Don’t Aim Only for Big Keywords 

Big keywords, with high monthly searches, are competitive, making it difficult to achieve high search rankings. It’s not advisable to solely target big keywords for top rankings due to their broad appeal and the substantial resources needed for competing. 

Major companies or well-known media often dominate the search results of big keywords due to their long-standing site operations and strong domain authority. Many of their sites outshine others in terms of content quality and quantity. The top-ranking sites have invested a considerable amount of time and budget in SEO efforts.

Considering that not only your company but also competitors are implementing SEO strategies, it’s wise to conduct a keyword competition analysis. If the competitors’ site power is formidable, it may be smarter to give up on ranking for big keywords and instead consider long-tail or alternative keywords. Develop a keyword strategy where your site’s power can outperform that of your competitors.

Recommended article: What is the key to setting effective SEO keywords? A comprehensive guide from basics to advanced tips.

Pillar Pages and Keyword Selection 

Pillar pages serve as the foundation for aiming for high rankings, acting as comprehensive content pages. For instance, a pillar page for the keyword “picture books for 2-year-olds” would contain extensive information relevant to that age group, including types and recommendations. These pages, rich in related content, are linked from other site pages, improving their rank potential.

In keyword selection, there is a concept known as “topic clusters.” This concept involves creating groups of web content related to a specific topic. You choose a topic you want to rank highly for and then produce web content based on specific keywords related to that topic. By creating more related web content and linking these contents together, you can build a cluster of content for the desired topic, aiming for higher search rankings. Topic clusters can enhance the overall expertise of the site and, due to the influence of internal linking, make it easier to achieve a high SEO rating, allowing for high rankings even for big keywords.

Recommended article: [The New Norm in SEO] What are Topic Clusters? Introduction to their creation and examples

Keyword Selection Using Google Search Console

As your website progresses in SEO, session numbers increase, allowing for keyword selection using Google Search Console (GSC). GSC displays click and impression data for each query, helping to identify in-demand keywords for content creation.

To view this data, access the “Search Performance” section in GSC, select the “Queries” tab, and analyze keywords by their clicks and impressions. High-impression queries indicate demand, suggesting potential for related web content.

GSC reveals clicks, impressions, average ranking positions, and Click-Through Rate (CTR). Keywords ranking between 10th and 20th positions might improve rankings through content enhancement. This data also helps refine ongoing keyword strategies and understand differences between initial keyword selection and actual search queries, allowing strategy adjustments.

Avoid Keywords with Similar Content Elements 

It’s not recommended to create large quantities of content targeting similar keywords, hoping to capture various search results. Keywords like “how to choose picture books” and “tips for choosing picture books” might target the same need, leading to duplicate content, negatively impacting SEO. Focus on producing one high-quality piece for each need, and consider consolidating duplicate content into a single URL.

Avoid Keywords with Searches but No Profit 

Potential Some keywords may rank well but don’t lead to conversions. No matter how high the monthly search volume or how high the ranking, it often doesn’t lead to conversions for your company’s services. By considering the search intent, you can select keywords more effectively. Search intent can be divided into four categories.

  • KNOW queries: seeking information.
  • GO queries: wanting to visit a specific place or site.
  • DO queries: intending to perform an action.
  • BUY queries: looking to purchase.

For instance, if focusing on “picture books,” considering these intents can help identify keywords like “picture book publishers”, “how to sell picture books,” or “A lot of text: Momotaro”. Since search users have various intentions, categorizing them into four groups can provide better clarity.

Recommended reading: Explore the significance and application of search queries in SEO.

Finding Keywords from Competitor Content

Competitors in terms of products or services are different from those in SEO. They don’t always coincide. In selecting keywords, the focus should be on competitors in SEO. Knowing the keywords for which SEO competitors rank highly in search results can guide keyword selection. Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs can be used to extract the keyword strategies of these competitors.

Benefits of choosing keywords based on competitor analysis include finding a range of keywords, from core to extended ones. 

If competitors dominate certain high-quality content keywords, consider alternative keywords. Competing with high-quality content is possible, but if challenging, seek other keywords for ranking.

Recommended article: A Comprehensive Guide to Ahrefs: How to Use and Tips

Selecting Keywords Based on Persona and Customer Journey

If the web content’s goal is clear, select keywords based on persona and customer journey, targeting users likely to convert. Consider actions, thoughts, and emotions leading to conversion.

For example, if promoting picture books as educational tools, consider topics for users interested in the educational benefits of picture books or seeking recommendations for different developmental stages, possibly at discounted prices.

Recommended article: Understanding Persona: Why It’s Essential for Marketing and How to Define It

Types of Keyword Selection

Beginners often wonder what part of their blog or site they should focus on for keyword selection. Key areas include

  • The H1 tag of the home page
  • Content on the home page
  • Titles of pages or articles
  • Headings within pages or articles
  • Categories

I will explain the following.

Optimizing the H1 Tag on the Home Page

The home page is the most visible page in search results, making it crucial for SEO impact. Keyword selection should prioritize the home page.

Particularly, the H1 tag on the home page needs careful selection, as it should contain the most important keyword.

Recommended article: Understanding the H1 Tag: Effective Usage and Examples for SEO

Home Page Content

As mentioned, the home page is critical for SEO impact, so keyword selection should extend beyond the h1 tag, including h2, h3 tags, and body content, incorporating relevant keywords naturally.

Page (Article) Titles

For increasing site traffic through additional pages or articles, selecting the right keywords for titles is vital. Without relevant keywords, even expanding to 30, 50, or 100 articles may not increase traffic, highlighting the importance of proper keyword selection before content creation.

Recommended article: Effective Title Length for SEO: Tips on Crafting and Title Tags

Headings in Pages (Articles)

Headings significantly impact SEO. For example, if you chose “career change for women in their 30s” as a keyword for a job change platform, related long-tail keywords like “career change for women in their 30s without skills” or “career change for women in their 30s with children” should be considered for headings to meet more specific search needs, potentially increasing traffic.

Recommended article: The Role and Usage of Headings (H1–H6) in SEO


Creating blog or site categories generates category pages, with the h1 tag usually being the category name. Thus, categories should reflect search demands.

Recommended article: Effective Blog Categorization for SEO: How to Optimize Blog Categories

Keyword Selection Process and Workflow

Introducing the method for keyword selection, understanding the overall process is essential when starting from scratch.

1. Selecting topics
2. Verifying related keywords
3. Checking monthly search volume and competition
4. Determining keywords to target for top rankings in SEO
5. Creating a keyword map

  • Topic Selection 

Choose the topic or theme for targeting top search results. This guides the direction of web content and defines the target audience and content strategy. Select a topic that resonates with the target audience, preferably one related to existing web content for continuity. For example, if the web content is about children’s books, a topic like “early childhood education” could be suitable. Opt for topics with substantial volume rather than niche areas.

  • Identify Related Keywords 

Identify keywords related to the chosen topic. The main related keywords are as follows.

-Suggested keywords

-Inbound site keywords

-Keywords evident from social media interactions 

Suggested keywords appear under the search box as you type, providing insights into user queries and interests. Analyze the keywords driving traffic to the site through tools like Google Search Console to understand unexpected user entry points. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can reveal public sentiment and reactions related to the topic. Reviewing various individual opinions is crucial for enhancing the quality of web content. 

3. Check Monthly Search Volume and Competition 

Verify the monthly search volume for keywords related to the selected topic and content. Ideal search volume should balance between being high enough to attract traffic but not so high that ranking well becomes overly challenging. The monthly search volume indicates the number of searches for a keyword within a month. Keywords are categorized based on this volume into big keywords (high search volume and high competition) and smaller segments like middle and long-tail keywords.

Big Keywords 

Keywords that are difficult to rank highly for in search results due to their high monthly search volume and numerous competitors are referred to as “big keywords.” The perception of whether the monthly search volume is high or low varies depending on the market for the keyword. They are often single-word keywords with searches exceeding tens of thousands per month. For example, the monthly search volume for “picture book” (90,500 searches) and “picture book for 2-year-olds” (1,300 searches) is vastly different.

Ranking highly for big keywords with large monthly search volumes like “picture book” can bring in many search users. However, it is very challenging to rank at the top due to the numerous competitors, including major corporations. Big keywords often consist of a single word, leading to a wide range of search needs. When aiming to rank highly for big keywords, instead of trying to rank a single piece of content at the top, it’s better to aim for a collection of multiple contents to achieve higher rankings.

Middle Keywords

Middle keywords fall between big and long-tail keywords in terms of monthly search volume. For example, “picture book for 2-year-olds” with around 1,300 searches per month qualifies as a middle keyword. These keywords offer a feasible chance of ranking higher compared to big keywords, although they won’t bring as much traffic. However, for small to medium-sized services, middle keywords are strategic targets. Ranking within the top 10 for a middle keyword can result in more traffic than being within the top 20 for a big keyword.

Long-Tail Keywords 

Long-tail keywords typically consist of three or more words, like “picture book selection for 2-year-olds.” With their lower search volume, they are sometimes referred to as small or niche keywords. Due to fewer competitors, it’s easier to achieve a high ranking, but the inflow from search results is not as high as with big or middle keywords. Using long-tail keywords to internally link to big keywords and leveraging them as content to boost the ranking of big keywords can be effective.

Recommended article: What is Long-Tail SEO? An in-depth explanation of how to effectively choose long-tail keywords!

Deciding on Keywords for Top SEO Rankings 

Once you understand the monthly search volume for each keyword, decide which keywords to target for high rankings. Prioritize from Phase 1 and determine your SEO strategy keywords accordingly. Check if the chosen keywords are compatible with your website and create new web content accordingly. It’s not enough to just settle on keywords once; they need to be updated regularly due to the ever-changing trends of search users and competitors. By performing regular updates, you can create content that meets the needs of search users and achieves high satisfaction.

Creating a Keyword Map 

A keyword map is a diagram that shows keywords related to a specific keyword. Structurally similar to a mind map, it allows you to grasp the relationships between keywords at a glance. Keyword maps can be created using specialized tools and are useful for SEO strategies. You can also develop your keyword strategy while creating a keyword map. By using a keyword map to select related keywords and increase the number of quality pages, you can enhance the expertise of your website. This can lead to higher ratings from search engines, and an increase in visibility and higher rankings is expected.

Recommended article: How to create a keyword map! Effective methods for SEO and introduction to free mapping tools.

Tips for Keyword Selection 

There are various methods for selecting keywords, but I will introduce those that are immediately practicable and highly effective for beginners in blog and website management.

  • Select keywords with Google’s suggest feature
  • Select keyword with tools like Rakko Keyword Tool
  • Check volume and competition with tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  • Structure titles and headings around chosen keyword

Here’s what I’ll explain next.

Selecting Keywords Using Google Suggest. 

To initiate keyword selection, input relevant words or phrases related to your desired topic into Google search. This action triggers Google’s suggest feature, displaying a list of suggested keywords. For example, entering “Shibuya dinner” may display suggestions like “Shibuya dinner fancy,” “Shibuya dinner private room,” “Shibuya dinner date,” “Shibuya dinner recommendations,” “Shibuya dinner cheap,” “Shibuya dinner girls’ night out,” and “Shibuya dinner Christmas.”

These suggestions can be used to craft article titles and headings. For beginners, starting with Google’s suggest feature for keyword selection is advisable.

Reference: What is Google Suggest? A comprehensive explanation of its mechanism and how to use it.

Using Rakko Keyword Tool for Selection 

After gathering initial keyword ideas from Google’s suggest feature, use Rakko Keyword Tool to extract all compound words related to the chosen keyword. For instance, inputting “public speaking” into the tool will reveal related compound words, providing a richer base for content that can drive more traffic.

Checking Volume and Competitiveness with Keyword Planner

For a deeper understanding of keyword volume and competition, Google’s Keyword Planner is invaluable. By inserting multiple compound words into the planner, you can efficiently analyze their potential.

Reference: A clear guide to using the Google Keyword Planner

Structuring Titles and Headings with Selected Keywords

With a clear understanding of keyword variations, compound words, search volume, and competition, proceed to formulate titles and headings. 

These should naturally reflect the content, addressing user needs and enhancing engagement.

For business or corporate sites, assess whether the current content or proposed keywords align with user needs. Where possible, replace or tweak existing content with selected keywords to improve relevance and search performance.

Recommended Tools for Keyword Selection

For beginners or those finding keyword selection challenging, the following tools are highly recommended

  • Rakko Keyword
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • ChatGPT
  • Google Search Console
  • SimilarWeb
  • Ahrefs

I will explain the following.

Rakko Keyword Tool

Rakko Keyword is a helpful tool for SEO and content creation, allowing the research of suggest keywords, search volumes, top page headings, and Q&A site topics, facilitating an efficient keyword strategy. With a user-friendly interface, it’s especially accessible for beginners, making it a primary tool for keyword selection.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner, a free tool provided by Google, is designed for advertisers but also serves well for SEO and content creation. It allows users to check search volume and competition, aiding in the selection of potentially traffic-boosting keywords.

Reference: Explaining how to use the Google Keyword Planner in an easy-to-understand manner

Google Trends

Google Trends offers real-time insights into search trends, enabling users to quickly identify current and popular keywords or topics. Capturing trends early can lead to less competition for top search rankings and rapid traffic growth, particularly useful for content related to specific events or subjects.

Reference: What is Google Trends? Explaining its features and how to utilize them


ChatGPT enables superior automatic generation with AI, proving to be extremely useful in creating articles and headlines from selected keywords. For instance, by entering chosen keywords into ChatGPT and asking, “Please generate 10 article title ideas suitable for SEO with these keywords,” it will provide 10 title suggestions. This is effective when you want to expand ideas on how to handle selected keywords.

Reference: How to utilize ChatGPT for SEO? Introducing a list of recommended prompts

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool to monitor and optimize website performance, offering data on search appearance and query performance. Its keyword report helps understand which keywords a site is ranking for, aiding in refining and optimizing SEO strategies.

When reviewing keyword selection for existing pages (articles), this will guide you on which keywords to add and which to remove.

Reference: What is Google Search Console? Explaining how to implement and use Google Search Console


SimilarWeb allows you to analyze specific websites or apps, providing insights into traffic statistics, user behavior, and referral traffic. It enables you to select keywords for competing sites, allowing you to see which keywords your competitors rank highly for.

Reference: What is SimilarWeb? Explaining how to use it, the differences and benefits between the free and paid versions, and points to note.


Ahrefs is an SEO tool offering various functionalities. It allows you to identify keywords that competitors are successfully ranking for, monitor daily ranking fluctuations of both your and competitor’s sites, and more. It is primarily a paid tool.

Recommended article: “Ahrefs: A Comprehensive Guide to Features and Best Practices”


SEMRUSH is a tool capable of various keyword analyses, such as checking monthly search volumes and listing top-ranking domains. It’s equipped with numerous SEO functionalities.

Common Questions about Keyword Selection

Q: What is keyword selection? 

A: In SEO, keyword selection is the process of identifying specific search queries related to a page or content, optimizing their use to aim for higher search engine rankings. The purpose is to increase visibility and quality traffic, differentiate from competitors, and provide valuable information to search users.

Q: What is the process of keyword selection? 

A: The keyword selection process in SEO strategy begins with clarifying the business or site’s goals, identifying the target audience, performing competitive analysis to understand the keywords and search rankings of competitors. Then, using keyword tools and analytics, search volume and keyword relevance are assessed. Finally, integrating the selected keywords into titles, content, and metadata to improve search rankings and attract the target audience.

Q: How to find keywords for SEO? 

A: To discover SEO keywords, free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and Rakko Keywords are effective. These tools help research search volumes, trends, and related keywords. Analyzing competitor sites and understanding your industry and target audience are also crucial. Combining these insights helps select keywords that align with your goals and audience, without spending a budget.

Q: Why is keyword selection important? 

A: In SEO, choosing keywords is a much earlier step than SEO writing or backlink strategies. Thus, maintaining high quality in early-stage keyword selection is crucial. It can significantly improve article quality, internal structure, and the synergies from backlinks, greatly impacting the overall SEO.


Keyword selection can be complex, giving beginners a challenging impression. However, it’s possible to achieve effectiveness with a simple approach. By incorporating the keyword selection methods introduced in this article, even beginners can gradually improve their keyword selection skills. They can do so by implementing tools and data analysis to confirm effectiveness and progressively enhance their strategies.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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