
SEO vs. MEO: What’s the Difference? : Let’s Dive into the Details


You’re probably familiar with SEO, but what about MEO? MEO sounds like a cousin to SEO, right? Well, while they may sound similar, SEO and MEO are different strategies.

-SEO: A method for attracting online customers. 

-MEO: A method for attracting physical store customers. 

Broadly speaking, that’s the gist of it. However, the difference between SEO and MEO may still be unclear. Therefore, Tokyo SEO Maker will explain the difference between SEO and MEO.


What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a method for ranking higher in search engine results. While there are many search engines, SEO primarily focuses on Google optimization. It aims to enhance site usability and deliver quality content.

>>What are SEO strategies?

What is MEO (Map Engine Optimization)? 

MEO stands for Map Engine Optimization, a method used to ensure your store appears in search results when someone searches for your business or service name on Google Search or Google Maps. When someone searches for your store or service, your location might be marked with a pin on the map. Even for vague terms like ‘barber shop,’ Google Maps can use your location data to show nearby businesses. MEO involves optimizing your presence on Google My Business to enhance visibility on Google Maps.

>>Click here for MEO strategies

44% of Users Search for Stores on Google Maps 

According to Google (more on the overview of Street View and how to post on Google Maps), there is statistical data indicating that 44% of users searching for stores use Google Maps. 

Among them, 41% reportedly visit the store in person. This implies that for every 100 search users, approximately 18 visit a store.

The survey is from overseas, so it’s questionable whether this figure can be directly applied to Japan, but the fact that Google Maps is widely recognized and used remains unchanged.

It’s clear that for physical stores, employing MEO strategies can be an effective way to increase customers.

Comparing the Benefits and Drawbacks of SEO and MEO

Both SEO and MEO have their pros and cons. While both are crucial strategies, neither is inherently superior. Let’s compare their merits and drawbacks.


SEO Benefits / MEO Benefits

-Easier to target specific users               – Potential to rank above search results High

-Long-term traffic effects                   – PR potential for prospective users

-No advertising costs for traffic acquisition    -Cost-effective 

SEO’s strength lies in its ability to target specific users actively searching for content. With proper site optimization and quality content delivery, long-term traffic generation without advertising costs is a significant advantage.

On the other hand, MEO can lead to higher click-through rates from search users as it often ranks above standard search results. Additionally, targeting users searching for specific services or store names enhances PR potential, making it cost-effective.

SEO Drawbacks / MEO Drawbacks 

-Time-consuming to see results        – Limited to specific areas

-High competition                    -Difficult to manage reputation damage 

One challenging aspect of SEO is predicting when results will show, coupled with the long time it takes to achieve success. Depending on the keywords, facing high competition could mean a prolonged period and significant costs in battling in the red ocean.

With MEO, the focus is on localized efforts, limiting the scope compared to nationwide SEO strategies. Additionally, relying on Google My Business means it’s challenging to address negative reviews, posing a disadvantage.

Differences Between SEO and MEO 

While SEO and MEO have different objectives and strategies, both aim to appear in Google search results. SEO targets web traffic, while MEO focuses on attracting foot traffic to physical stores. Here are some other differences

Differences in Display Locations 

The image below shows the search results for ‘barbershop.’ As you can see, Google Maps appears at the top of the search results, followed by the top three listings. Successful MEO can place your business here, potentially driving traffic.

Regular search results (SEO) follow after the map. Depending on the keyword, even ranking first in SEO may not guarantee a higher position than the third spot in MEO.

Scope and Targets 

SEO targets websites for optimization, allowing for nationwide or global reach. By enhancing the site, businesses can attract customers from a broader audience.

On the other hand, MEO aims to encourage visits to physical stores, primarily targeting Google My Business. While Google My Business offers various features, it’s less extensive compared to websites, with effects limited to specific regions

Preventive Measures Since SEO focuses on websites and MEO targets Google My Business, naturally, the methods to address them differ.

Approach Strategies

Since SEO focuses on your website and MEO targets Google My Business, the methods for addressing them naturally differ.

Example SEO Measures

  • Keyword planning
  • Content creation and distribution
  • Optimization of site structure
  • Improving page loading speed
  • Mobile responsiveness, etc.

Example MEO Measures

  • Inputting and updating information on Google My Business
  • Increasing reviews
  • Ensuring citations (quotes and mentions)
  • Unified NAP

*NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. These refer to the store’s name, address, and phone number.

Level of Competition 

SEO deals with a national or global scale, leading to higher competition and often greater difficulty.

MEO focuses on specific regions, so in some areas, achieving a higher ranking may be less challenging. However, competition can still be fierce, especially for searches like ‘Shibuya Ramen,’ where competition may be high depending on the locality and product or service.

Timeframe for Results 

With SEO, the website needs to be crawled, indexed, and ranked by Google, which can take time. Rankings depend on factors like site strength, authority, and reliability, making it common for results to take anywhere from six months to a year.

>>Learn more about the effectiveness of SEO and the time it takes to see results

MEO, being region-specific, may yield results in just a few days, given the relatively lower competition in some areas.”

Countermeasure Costs 

Both SEO and MEO can be implemented in-house without incurring costs. However, outsourcing SEO for tasks like content creation and site management can range from ¥300,000 to ¥500,000 per month (excluding Tokyo SEO Maker). In some cases, it could even approach nearly ¥1,000,000 per month, making it quite expensive.

When outsourcing MEO, some companies offer their services for just tens of thousands of yen per month, making it generally more affordable compared to SEO.

Which One to Prioritize, SEO or MEO? 

Both SEO and MEO are essential web marketing methods, so there’s no clear-cut answer on which one is more important.

However, it’s true that cost-effectiveness and suitability can vary depending on the industry.

If the focus is on the website, prioritize SEO

For businesses targeting a national or large area, SEO should be the priority. While it may involve heavy competition and take time to implement strategies, it can lead to stable customer acquisition in the future if actions are taken early.

If the focus is on physical stores, prioritize MEO

If you own physical stores and aim to attract visiting customers, MEO is recommended. By combining locality with service or product names, you can reduce competition and aim for higher rankings in a relatively short period.


It’s advisable to implement both SEO and MEO strategies. With MEO strategies, registering with Google My Business is essential. Additionally, as your site domain strengthens through SEO efforts, the knowledge panel created for MEO strategies within Google My Business may appear prominently like a banner, resulting in synergistic effects for web traffic.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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