
What is SEO Consulting? Explanation of Job Functions and How to Choose a SEO Firm


what is SEO consulting?

One method to increase potential customers for your business is to attract visitors through your website. An effective way to increase website traffic is through SEO, which targets search engine users.

However, it’s common to launch a website only to see no increase in traffic. This is especially true if there’s no one within the company knowledgeable about SEO or web management. In such cases, consider utilizing professional SEO consulting services.

Today, Tokyo SEO Maker will introduce key points to consider when choosing a company to request SEO consulting services. Check this article to understand what aspects you should evaluate when discussing with an SEO firm.

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Visit ‘SEO Consulting Services’ by Tokyo SEO Maker


What is SEO Consulting?

Defined SEO consulting involves advising on appropriate SEO strategies to ensure that a website or page ranks highly in search engine results. This role is performed by a professional known as an SEO consultant.

What exactly is SEO?

SEO involves designing or improving websites to align with search engine algorithms, aiming to place these websites or pages high on search engine results.

Related Articles: What is SEO?

Related Articles: What is a Search Algorithm?

Specific SEO strategies include;

  • Content SEO
  • Technical SEO (Internal SEO)
  • External SEO Measures
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

SEO consultants possess advanced knowledge and skills in all these areas, as well as a broad understanding of web marketing and various industry insights.

SEO Consultant Job Functions

The goal of an SEO consultant is to enhance the SEO rating of a client’s website, thereby improving its conversion rate . Below, using the example of Tokyo SEO Maker, we will explain the workflow involved in this role.

  • Conducting interviews to identify challenges
  • Creating proposals and estimates
  • Diagnosing the website
  • Researching the market and competitors
  • Planning and implementing strategies
  • Creating reports
  • Proposing improvements

Typically, steps 1 through 7 are implemented, and it takes about six months to a year to see the effects of SEO.

Reference Articles:

[Interview Example: Small and Medium B2B Business] Achieving a Yearly Sales of 100 Million Through SEO Measures!

Reference Articles:

Achieving a Yearly Sales of 100 Million Through Content SEO and Backlink Acquisition: A Case Study from Shigen Inc.

1. Conducting Interviews to Identify Challenges

During client interviews, the objectives and challenges of website operation are identified. Suppose the client is a B2B company manufacturing and selling kitchen cars. As an SEO consultant, it’s crucial to understand the client’s industry and situation. During the interview, you might ask about

  • Detailed business activities
  • Business goals (such as sales figures)

Further, you’d gather information about the website targeted for SEO measures. At this stage, it’s necessary to consider potential strategies that can be proposed to the client , so budget considerations are also discussed.

  • Objectives of website operation
  • Budgetary considerations
  • Challenges

It was discovered that the purpose of website operation is the following.

-To increase orders for the manufacture and painting of kitchen cars by attracting business through the corporate site.

The following challenges were identified:

  • The corporate site is not effectively attracting visitors.
  • There is a need to select appropriate keywords to achieve high search engine rankings.
  • The client wishes to handle all operations in-house.

2. Creating Proposals and Estimates

Based on the information gathered during the interviews, proposals and estimates are prepared. This stage involves aligning with the client to ensure there are no discrepancies in the requirements, and finalizing the contract details.

3. Diagnosing the Website

Once the contract is signed, the actual SEO measures begin. The first step is to diagnose the client’s corporate website to check its current setup. Key areas an SEO consultant checks include;

  • Site structure
  • Quality of content (articles)
  • Internal configuration of the site

These aspects are reviewed to determine whether the site is built in a way that might be shunned by search engines or users. Additionally, points needing improvement are meticulously examined. During this diagnosis, the following issues were identified.

  • The corporate site has no external links.
  • Title tags and meta descriptions are improperly set.
  • The structure of internal links is inadequate.

4. Researching the Market and Competitors

Understanding the environment in which the client’s website operates is crucial. Therefore, researching the market and competitors is necessary. This includes;

  • Number of competitor sites
  • SEO evaluations of competitor sites
  • Information demanded by search users

This research helps identify what is lacking on the corporate site. In this instance, it was discovered that compared to competitor sites, the corporate site has

  • Fewer content articles
  • Articles that do not effectively capture the search intentions of users

5. Developing and Implementing Strategies

Based on the results of “3. Diagnosing the Website” and “4. Researching the Market and Competitors,” a strategy is formulated. The SEO consultant will continue to provide the client with the latest SEO information, ensuring they fully understand before proceeding. As a result, Tokyo SEO Maker decided to implement the following strategies.

  • Provide guidance on content and internal design improvements.
  • Produce one high-quality content article per month based on selected keywords.
  • Encourage natural backlinks by promoting link-building with external sites.

The execution of these strategies varies based on the contractual agreement, detailing who is responsible for what. In this case, the tasks were divided as follows.

Task Assignment / Specific Tasks

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    • Revise content articles
    • Make internal site modifications

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Tokyo SEO Maker 

    • Point out areas needing improvement
    • Select keywords and provide article content
    • Negotiate the acquisition of external links
    • Conduct traffic analysis and issue reports

6. Creating Reports

After initiating SEO measures for the corporate site, reports are created monthly to update the client on progress. These reports detail changes in search rankings for selected keywords.

7. Planning Improvements

Based on the reports, decisions are made regarding which strategies to continue. Effective strategies are maintained, while less effective ones may be modified or discontinued after consulting with the client.

In the case discussed, natural and quality backlinks began to accumulate, and search rankings improved significantly. The SEO efforts yielded the following results.

  • The keyword “kitchen car manufacturing” achieved a top 5 ranking.
  • The number of sessions increased by more than double.
  • Monthly conversions more than doubled.
  • The client’s annual sales significantly increased.

Within about five months of starting SEO measures, the site reached the top 10 in search results for the selected keyword, and within nine months, it moved into the top 5.

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SEO Consultant’s SEO Knowledge

SEO consultants possess extensive knowledge and skills in SEO and web marketing. Specifically, they are skilled in the following five areas.

-Up-to-Date SEO Information

-Content SEO

-Internal SEO

-External SEO

-Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Knowledge of the Latest SEO Information 

SEO consultants constantly stay updated with the latest SEO developments. In the fast-evolving web industry, it is crucial to stay informed as technological advances and industry norms can quickly change. For instance, as of December 2023, the following are considered cutting-edge knowledge.

  • Google’s search engine algorithms
  • E-E-A-T (Google’s assessment criteria)
  • Core Web Vitals (Google’s performance metrics)
  • Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (Primary information related to Google’s assessment criteria)
  • ChatGPT (Chat AI technology)
  • Bard (Chat AI technology)

The article below introduces which media sources to check to stay updated with search engine news:

Related Article: Latest Search Engine Updates

Knowledge and Skills in Content SEO 

Content SEO refers to strategies that enhance the structure and quality of web pages to improve the convenience for search users. An SEO consultant’s expertise in content SEO includes;

  • SEO writing practices
  • Building unit content SEO
  • Topic cluster strategies
  • Updating and rewriting web pages
  • Constructing internal links
  • Understanding search intent

Related Article: What is Content SEO?

Knowledge and Skills in Internal SEO

Internal SEO involves improving the system aspects of a website to communicate accurate site information to search engines and users, enhancing user experience. 

Also known as technical SEO, it requires knowledge of web technologies and technology. An experienced SEO consultant can perform these technical adjustments themselves. Internal SEO strategies include;

  • Displaying rich results
  • Mobile optimization
  • Addressing zero-click searches
  • Building structured data
  • Enhancing site speed
  • Modifying directory structures

Related Article: What is Technical SEO?

External SEO Knowledge and Skills

External SEO involves using the external environment of a website to enhance its SEO rating. Specifically, this includes using external sites, social media, and web advertising to achieve backlinks and citation effects. SEO consultants use the following knowledge and techniques.

  • Building link-building strategies
  • Enhancing citations
  • Managing social media
  • Placing web ads (including retargeting ads)
  • Avoiding spam and resolving penalties

Related Article: What is External SEO?

CRO Knowledge and Skills

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) refers to strategies aimed at increasing the number of conversions. Conversions are directly linked to profits, making them a critical target for businesses. The mission of an SEO consultant is to support the client’s business in achieving its goals. Therefore, they possess the following CRO-related knowledge and skills.

  • Website and traffic analysis
  • Improving UI/UX
  • Google Search Console for site analysis
  • Google Analytics 4 for traffic analysis
  • Strategies for improving conversion rates

Related Article: What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Costs Associated with SEO Consulting

Using SEO consulting services incurs fees. Although it varies by SEO company, the pricing structure for SEO consulting typically consists of “initial costs + monthly fees.” The average costs involved are as follows.

  • Initial costs: 100,000 to 300,000 yen
  • Monthly fees: 200,000 to 500,000 yen

Initial costs cover the preliminary research involved when starting SEO measures. Ongoing services entail monthly fees as the SEO consulting continues to respond with strategies. Additionally, service fees may vary depending on the amount of work required by the SEO company. For instance, if managing a large-scale site, consulting fees could exceed 1 million yen.

Extra costs may arise if site design or article creation services are outsourced. The cost standards for these services are explained in the article below.

Related Article: Costs of SEO Measures

Choosing an SEO Consulting Firm

The key to selecting the right SEO consulting firm is following a proper process. The general steps involve clarifying the goals of your site operation and finding an SEO company that matches well with your company. The specific steps include;

  • Clearly defining the goals for your site
  • Assessing whether these goals can be achieved internally
  • Setting a budget
  • Requesting information from SEO consulting firms
  • Conducting discussions and interviews during business negotiationsTop of Form

1.Clarify Your Company’s Website Goals

Clearly define the purpose of your company’s website operation. For example, you might set a numerical goal like this.

  • Increase product sales by 10% through website traffic.

Then, choose the means to achieve this goal.

  • Increase traffic through SEO measures.
  • Decide on target keywords.
  • Push search rankings within the top 10 for those keywords.

By envisioning specific goals and methods like this, it becomes easier to find an SEO company that is a good match for your needs.

2.Assess Whether Goals Can Be Achieved Internally

Evaluate whether it is realistic to achieve your goals with only internal resources. If it is deemed difficult, consider outsourcing SEO measures at this stage.

3.Set a Budget

If you decide to receive SEO consulting services, you will incur costs. Therefore, decide on the budget you are prepared to allocate. The amount of budget you prepare will determine the scope of services you can request from an SEO company.

4.Request Information from SEO Consulting Firms

Request information from SEO consulting companies. Collect materials from multiple companies and compare service charges and content. From here, schedule appointments with companies that are well-suited to help achieve your company’s goals.

5.Conduct Business Discussions and Interviews

Ask questions and conduct hearing 

Conduct business discussions with SEO consultants. During negotiations, communicate the following to ensure the consultant understands your company.

  • Your company’s business nature.
  • The aim of operating your website.
  • Challenges your company faces.

Moreover, ask all the questions you have to clarify any doubts. Not only does this help clear up any confusion, but by posing questions, you can gauge the response of the potential service provider. For instance, you might gain insights into the SEO consultant’s knowledge, skills, communication abilities, and personality. This information can later be crucial in selecting a service provider.

Key Points in Choosing an SEO Consulting Firm

When choosing an SEO consulting company to commission, determine whether the company is suitable for achieving your company’s goals. The information gathered during negotiations will be a significant clue. During business discussions, please verify the following points.

  • Whether they have SEO and web knowledge
  • Whether they have knowledge about your business and industry
  • Whether they have successful cases and a track record
  • Whether their SEO strategy is transparent
  • Whether the roles between your company and the SEO company are clearly defined
  • Whether the conditions for contract termination are clear
  • Whether their company culture is compatible with yours

Related Article: Comparing Features and Prices of Recommended SEO Consulting Firms [2024 Latest Edition]

SEO and Web Knowledge 

Check if the SEO consultant possesses expert knowledge in SEO and web technologies. The experience level of SEO consultants varies; some are beginners, while others are veterans.

For example, educate yourself on basic SEO and web knowledge beforehand. Compile any SEO-related questions you do not understand into a list of queries. During the negotiations, throw these questions at the consultant to check their responses. If they cannot answer accurately, it may indicate a lack of experience.

Knowledge of Your Business and Industry 

Verify how well the SEO consultant understands your industry and business. SEO consultants vary in their preferred industries and areas of expertise.

During negotiations, bring up topics that are common knowledge within your industry but not to the general public to check their response. If the consultant lacks industry knowledge, they might not be the right fit for you. Additionally, if the consultant does not understand basic information that could be easily researched beforehand, exercise caution.

Success Stories and Track Record 

Ensure the SEO consultant’s company has successful cases and a track record. Knowing their winning patterns increases the likelihood that they will propose appropriate strategies. Additionally, by verifying their success stories and track record, you can discern the strengths of the SEO company.

Be cautious if the consultant does not highlight their success stories during the discussion. They might not have a clear track record.

Is there transparency in the SEO strategy?

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Check if the SEO strategy presented by the SEO consultant is transparent. Specifically, clients should understand the following.

  • How the improvements to the website were identified
  • Why these are issues
  • What will be corrected

Additionally, request a visual roadmap of the SEO strategy to ensure future plans are disclosed.

On the contrary, avoid contracts with SEO consultants who lack transparency. At Tokyo SEO Maker (this site), we dedicate time to explain all operations and consulting details until the client understands.

Clear Role Division Between Your Company and the SEO Company 

Clarify the tasks that your company and the SEO company will handle. Contracting without a clear division of responsibilities can lead to unexpected internal resource needs and additional costs later on.

For instance, one of the SEO tasks might be “creating articles.” Typically, an SEO consultant’s task would be limited to instructing “to create such articles.” If you ask the SEO company to write articles, you will need to avail of their content creation services separately.

Clarity in Costs and Conditions for Contract Termination 

Confirm the costs involved and the conditions for terminating the contract. Typically, it takes at least six months to a year to feel the effects of SEO measures, so many SEO consulting services offer plans of about six months.

However, be cautious if long-term contracts of over a year are required. If you decide to stop the services midway, you will still be obligated to continue paying the monthly service fee during that period.

Good Fit with Your Company’s Culture 

Ensure that the SEO consultant’s approach matches your company’s culture. The mission of an SEO consultant is to work closely with the client to improve the website and enhance its SEO value. Therefore, you will communicate frequently with the SEO consultant during the contract period.

However, relationships between people vary, so assess during the negotiation whether you can communicate smoothly with them in the future. As the working relationship demands close communication, the interpersonal compatibility of the contracting company is a crucial factor.

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Beware of the following types of SEO consultants

Key characteristics to be wary of in an SEO consultant include the following types of individuals.

  • SEO consultants who prioritize their sales script
  • SEO consultants who use terms like “definitely” or “absolutely”
  • SEO consultants who only propose basic strategies

SEO Consultants Who Prioritize Their Sales Script 

Be cautious of SEO consultants who prioritize their sales script during discussions. SEO consultants, being akin to salespeople, prepare how they will steer conversations and land the sale beforehand.

During discussions, throw as many questions as possible. Sometimes these questions might derail the conversation. If the consultant attempts to forcibly steer the conversation back without addressing your questions, they may be more interested in making a sale than addressing your needs.

SEO Consultants Who Use Terms Like “Definitely” or “Absolutely” 

Watch out for SEO consultants who make guarantees using terms like “definitely” or “absolutely.” Fundamentally, there are no SEO measures that guarantee results.

SEO strategies aim to rank websites higher in Google search results. As Google holds the ultimate decision-making power over these results, no one can guarantee definitive outcomes. Additionally, a consultant who uses these terms may be unaware that they are considered red flags in the industry.

SEO Consultants Who Only Propose Basic Strategies 

Be wary of SEO consultants who only offer basic strategies that are commonly known.

For example, setting targeted keywords is a fundamental SEO strategy. Thus, proposing to use keywords in titles is a basic approach. If the suggestions during the negotiation consist only of such elementary strategies, it may indicate the consultant’s lack of deeper knowledge or skills.

Recommended SEO Consulting Firms 

For recommended SEO consulting firms, refer to the article “Compare Features and Prices of Recommended SEO Consulting Companies [Latest 2024 Edition]” for guidance. This article outlines features of various SEO firms to help you find one that matches your company’s needs.

Related article: Compare Features and Prices of Recommended SEO Consulting Companies [Latest 2024 Edition]

Here, we introduce our highly recommended SEO consulting service from our company.

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Admano (Tokyo SEO Maker)

Reference: Tokyo SEO Maker

Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano) is an SEO company that specializes in digital marketing services, with a focus on SEO strategies. They not only serve domestic clients but also excel in global web marketing services. They manage their own media site, Tokyo SEO Maker, to share insights on SEO and marketing.

At Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano), a team of professionals, who have been studying search engines for over ten years, handles SEO consulting. They support both domestic and international sites, making their services ideal for companies looking to expand abroad.

Performance of Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano) 

Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano) has achieved top search rankings for numerous major keywords and increased organic search traffic by 59 times over two years. They also have significant achievements with sites in English and Thai. Moreover, they have supported over 2,000 companies domestically. For more information, visit their service page.

Services and Pricing of Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano)

  • Company: Tokyo SEO Maker (Admano)
  • Service: SEO Consulting
  • Pricing: Initial cost of 385,000 yen (tax included), monthly from 110,000 yen (tax included)
  • Additional Services: Comprehensive support for digital marketing, content marketing, overseas marketing, and media site management.

Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Consulting 

Here are some frequently asked questions about SEO consulting, as handled by Tokyo SEO Maker.

Q: What does an SEO consultant do? 

A: An SEO consultant works with the internal team of an SEO company to develop and implement SEO strategies, improving the client’s website.

They aim to achieve higher search rankings using appropriate keywords, thereby increasing the client’s profits.

Q: When should you consider SEO consulting? 

A: Consider SEO consulting when you want to attract prospective customers from search engines.

Ideal times include;

  • When planning to renew your website.
  • When in-house SEO efforts are not yielding results.

Q: Does SEO consulting provide regular updates on results? 

A: At Tokyo SEO Maker, monthly reports are sent via email. They also hold monthly video meetings to discuss the reports in detail.

Q: Will results from SEO consulting be immediate? 

A: It typically takes six months to a year to see the effects of SEO efforts.

The timeline can vary based on factors such as;

  • Previous penalties
  • Significant differences in SEO assessments between competitor sites and the client’s site.


 An SEO consultant advises on key improvements for a client’s website. Clients use these insights to enhance their site and ultimately aim to increase conversion rates. When choosing an SEO company, consider how the consultants respond during negotiations; their reactions can help you decide if they are the right fit for your needs.

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Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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