
Introducing Handy SEO Check Tools! : Free and Paid Tools

SEO check

SEO is crucial when it comes to running a website. It’s safe to say that every website owner puts effort into SEO strategies to efficiently attract traffic and achieve higher rankings in search results.

However, since the effects of SEO efforts often take time to show, it can be challenging to determine whether your SEO strategies are effective. That is why at this time, we’ll introduce tools that can help you check your SEO performance, dividing them into free and paid options.


(h2 ) Why Conduct SEO Strategies in the First Place 

There are numerous tools available to check whether your SEO strategies are effective or not.

The reason for this is that there are several benefits to implementing SEO strategies.

-Efficiently attract traffic 

-Increase the purchasing intent of users visiting your site

(h3 ) Efficiently attract traffic 

Implementing SEO strategies allows for efficient traffic attraction.

Here are three reasons why

-No need for advertising 

-High cost-effectiveness 

-Remains as an asset

Comparing advertising and SEO strategies, the former tends to bring in significantly more traffic. However, advertising requires ongoing expenses, and once the ads stop, the traffic also ceases. On the other hand, while SEO strategies also incur costs, they offer higher cost-effectiveness compared to advertising.

(h3 ) When users visit your site, their purchasing intent tends to increase

Users attracted through SEO efforts often exhibit higher purchase intent. This is because those who come in through keyword searches already have some level of interest.

For instance, let us say you are running ads within articles with the goal of getting people to purchase your products. Since ads inherently capture the attention of people who may not be interested in the product, it is common to find visitors to the article who have no interest in the product.

However, users directed to the article through SEO efforts are actively searching using keywords, indicating some level of interest in the product. Hence, one of the reasons for implementing SEO strategies is to attract users with higher purchasing intent.

(h2 ) Free SEO Tools for Checking 

In this section, we will introduce free tools that can be used for SEO checks, categorized as follows:

-SEO diagnostic tools 

-Internal checking tools 

-Keyword analysis tools 

-Site ranking measurement tools 

-Copy-paste checking tools 

Please note that while these tools are free, some functionalities may be available only with paid versions, as mentioned in this section.

(h3 ) Free SEO Diagnostic Tools 

These are tools to verify if your site is optimized for SEO.

There are two free SEO diagnostic tools available.

-Mobile-Friendly Test 

-PageSpeed ​​Insights

(h4 ) Mobile -Friendly Test

The Mobile-Friendly Test checks whether your site is mobile-friendly.

By entering the URL, you can see if your site is compatible with mobile devices. If there are no issues, it will display ‘This page is mobile-friendly,’ otherwise, it will list the problems found.

( h4 ) PageSpeedInsights

PageSpeedInsights is a tool that measures how fast your website loads. Simply enter your URL, and it will measure the loading speed for you.

Loading speed is divided into three categories, with specific numbers and evaluations as follows.

Score / Evaluation

0–49 (Red) / Slow (Needs Improvement)

50–89 (Yellow) / Average

90–100 (Green) / Fast

Faster site speed not only improves SEO but also increases reader satisfaction.

(h3 ) Free Internal Checking Tools

Some examples of free internal checking tools include;

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider

(h4 ) Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analysis tool provided by Google.

It’s free to use and provides the following information

  • Number of visitors
  • Types of visitors
  • Pages they visit
  • Effectiveness of ads

Besides the above, it also provides useful information for managing your website. Therefore, if you’re unsure which information to focus on, prioritize the following areas, especially if you’re not yet familiar with using Google Analytics

  • Site Content
  • Real-Time
  • Conversions
  • Behavior
  • Acquisition

(h4Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free analysis tool provided by Google. It allows you to check how search engines evaluate your site. You can also find out which keywords are used to search for your site pages and how many times they appear on the search results page.

While Google Analytics analyzes information after traffic enters your site, Google Search Console analyzes information before traffic arrives.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a tool that can analyze information from competitor sites as well. By entering the URL of the target site into the search bar, you can understand the types of meta tags. With the displayed information, you can prevent forgetting tags or check error pages.

Additionally, there is a paid version available that allows for analysis of a larger number of URLs and discovering duplicate content.

(h3Free Keyword Analysis Tools

There are three free keyword analysis tools.

  • Google Trends
  • Rakko Keywords
  • Ubersuggest

(h4Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to examine the search trends of keywords. You can also search by specific time periods, enabling you to research keywords from the latest trends to trends from the past.

Rakko Keywords

Rakko Keywords is a tool that allows you to search for suggested keywords. By entering a keyword into the search bar, words that are suggested or commonly searched alongside it are displayed alphabetically. This makes it possible to find keywords that can serve as the basis for articles or analyze reader needs.

Rakko Keywords offers both a free version and a paid version, with the paid version offering additional convenient features and an increased limit on the number of searches.

However, even with the free version, you can still conduct SEO checks. Therefore, it’s recommended to switch to the paid version only if you need to conduct in-depth analysis or check a large number of keywords daily.


Ubersuggest is a tool where you can enter keywords to find the following information.

  • Search volume for each keyword
  • Related keywords
  • Inflow keywords of competitor sites
  • Overview of traffic
  • Overview of backlinks

While it’s generally free to use, there are usage limits. If you want to use it without restrictions, consider subscribing to a paid plan.

(h3Free Site Ranking Measurement Tools

There are two free site ranking measurement tools.

  • RankTracker
  • GRC


RankTracker is a tool that allows you to check the ranking of your site when searching for a particular keyword.

If your ranking is low, it indicates that you may be implementing ineffective SEO strategies. Conversely, if your ranking is high, it’s evidence that you’re implementing appropriate SEO strategies.

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Additionally, it’s useful if you want to differentiate yourself, as you can also check competitor sites.


GRC is also a tool, like RankTracker, used to check the search ranking of a website. It’s one of the oldest tools among search rank checkers and is widely used by many companies and individuals. You can check the search ranking by entering the website and keywords.

GRC’s main feature is the ability to specify the time for checking search rankings. For example, if you set it to check rankings every day at 12 PM, it will measure rankings without you having to interact with the tool.

Additionally, you can specify the search engine, allowing for more advanced SEO checks when used together. However, with the free version, there are limits on the number of keywords and URLs you can register. So, if you want to increase the limit, consider switching to the paid version.

(h3Free Copy-Paste Checking Tools

There are the following free copy-paste checking tools

  • CopyContentDetector
  • CopiLan


CopyContentDetector is a tool that checks how similar your website’s content is to other sites. The more similar the content, the higher the score, and if it’s an original piece of content not similar to any other site, the score is lower. To rank higher in search results, you need original content, so make sure to check after finishing writing.

With the free version, you can only register text of up to 4000 characters at a time. If you want to increase the limit to 8000 characters, consider upgrading to the paid version.


CopiLan is also a tool that can check the rate of copied content, similar to CopyContentDetector.

By entering text and pressing the check button, it automatically checks for copy-pasting. The checking time for a 3000-character text is about 30 seconds.

If there’s copied content in the text, it will be listed on the result screen. However, it only detects exact matches, so changing conjunctions or particles might bypass the check.

The service is free, and there is no limit on the number of checks. However, you can only check text of up to 4000 characters at a time, so if your text is longer, divide it into multiple checks.

(h2Paid Tools for SEO Checks

In this section, we’ll introduce paid tools that can be used for SEO checks, categorized into the following genres,

  • SEO diagnostic tools
  • Keyword analysis tools
  • Site ranking measurement tools
  • Copy-paste checking tools

(h3Paid SEO Diagnostic Tools

There are various paid SEO diagnostic tools available, such as

  • DemandMetrics
  • Siteimprove


One of the paid SEO diagnostic tools is DemandMetrics.

DemandMetrics allows you to check how well your SEO strategies are working and identify any issues that need addressing. It’s known for its user-friendly visualization compared to other tools, making analysis easier. The subscription fee is ¥100,000 per month.


Siteimprove is a tool for managing and checking the quality of your website. It meticulously checks for minor issues within the site that might be overlooked by humans.

For example, it can check for

  • Inconsistencies in spelling
  • Number and location of broken links
  • Missing or incorrect meta tags
  • Integration gaps with Google Analytics
  • Freshness of content

These minor details are difficult for humans to check manually but are crucial for SEO.

When you conduct a check, you may find issues in various areas, making it challenging to determine where to start improvements. However, Siteimprove provides a prioritized list of areas for improvement, making SEO checks straightforward to follow.

The cost varies depending on the size of the website, so it’s best to inquire for specific pricing.

(h3Top of Form

There are two notable paid keyword analysis tools.

  • Keywordmap
  • Keyword Finder


Keywordmap is a tool that assists in selecting essential keywords for website content creation. It offers various functions, including;

  • Investigating inbound keywords from various sources
  • Designing sites for efficient traffic generation
  • Analyzing information related to advertising
  • Visualizing user concerns and inquiries

There are three pricing plans available, as detailed below:

Plan Name

Light Plan

Standard Plan

Expert Plan

Initial Fee




Monthly Fee




Number of Users




Number of Features




(h4Keyword Finder

Keyword Finder is a system operated by Divo Co., Ltd. It offers the following features.

  • 1.Automatic acquisition of effective keywords
  • 2.Daily rank tracking and competitor comparison
  • 3.Simple SEO check with “SEO Score”
  • 4.Comparison with competitors for each period
  • 5.Automatic keyword classification
  • 6.Keyword map
  • 7.Mobile and international site compatibility

It’s a tool with features unique to SEO companies.

(h3Paid Site Ranking Measurement Tools

There are two paid site ranking measurement tools.

  • Jun’ichi-kun
  • AZC

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Jun’ichi-kun is a tool that automatically measures search rankings by entering the URL of the target site and keywords.

It checks rankings daily without the need for manual operation each time. Additionally, being cloud-based means there’s no need to keep the tool running.

Jun’ichi-kun’s main feature is its low price of ¥500 per month for 50 keywords. This low price is possible because unnecessary features are not included. However, it still offers features like automatic measurement, registration of multiple sites, data downloads, and email delivery, so you won’t feel inconvenienced.


AZC is also one of the paid search ranking check tools.

It functions similarly to other tools by measuring search rankings when you input the URL of the target site and keywords. It’s also cloud-based, so rankings are measured automatically even when the tool is not open.

While there is a free version, it only allows registration of up to 5 URLs and keywords each. However, by upgrading to paid plans, you can increase the number of URLs and keywords you can register.

Specific prices and details are listed in the table below.


Annual Fee

Number of URL/KWDs

Free Plan



50 Plan



100 Plan



200 Plan



500 Plan



(h3Paid Copy-Paste Checking Tools

Paid copy-paste checking tools include

  • Copypelna
  • Copiperin


Copypelna was originally released to prevent copying in university reports but can also be used to check site content for copying. Prices range from ¥6,660 to ¥45,300, so choose based on your situation and the type of site.


Copiperin is another tool that, like others, allows for copy-paste checks. It also enables checking if your own site has been copied. The annual fee is ¥6,000, and it’s notable for offering unlimited searches and free support and upgrades.

(h2SEO Checks Without Tools

SEO checks can also be done without tools. Here’s how you can do.

  • Check if there’s Japanese in the URL.
  • Ensure correct heading tags.

However, what you can do without tools is limited, and its impact isn’t significant compared to using dedicated tools, so it’s advisable to perform checks alongside using tools.

(h3Checking for Japanese in the URL

Check if there’s Japanese in the URL. URLs are composed of English, numbers, and some symbols, so Japanese in URLs gets automatically converted to URLs composed of “English, numbers, and %”.

This is called percent encoding and cannot be ignored when conducting SEO checks.

For example, the word ” ringo ” in the URL will be converted to “%E3%82%8A%E3%82%93%E3%81%94” when copied or pasted into memos or websites.

Even just three characters like ” ringo ” can become a lengthy text, so if there are multiple Japanese characters in the URL, it will be converted into a URL spanning several lines.

While long URLs don’t directly impact SEO, they can lead to the following disadvantages due to their appearance.

  • Suspected to be suspicious since they consist of “English, numbers, and %”
  • Take up space, making users less likely to share them on their social media or blogs
  • It’s not immediately clear what the article is about just by looking at the URL.

This means that nobody will be willing to spread the URL, making it difficult to acquire backlinks.

Backlinks are essential for SEO. Therefore, if you want to indirectly implement SEO measures, rewrite URLs with English, symbols, or numbers instead of Japanese.

Therefore, when setting URLs, use English or numbers instead of Japanese.

(h3 ) Checking Correct Heading Tags

When setting tags yourself, make sure each heading has the correct tag. Search engines use tags as one of the criteria for evaluating SEO, so incorrect tagging can have a negative impact.

For example, use h2 for subheadings and h3 for minor headings.

( h2 ) Summary

There are both free and paid tools available to check if your SEO measures are effective. Therefore, you might think that it’s not effective if you don’t use paid tools. However, even free tools can be effective, so there’s no need to transition to the paid version forcibly. If you want to implement advanced SEO measures, use paid tools as needed. For more detailed SEO tools, please read ” Complete Guide to SEO Tools: Master Each Tool by Purpose .”

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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