
The Real Story of Writing SEO Top Ranking Articles with ChatGPT



ChatGPT × SEO articles: Find Out More in the Book! 

Can ChatGPT write SEO-optimized articles that rank high on search engines? This is something that’s hard to know without trying it out.

That’s why, at our company, we decided to do experiment. We wanted to find out if articles generated 100% by ChatGPT could indeed rank. For more details, check out the book “ChatGPT × SEO Writing Practical Techniques – Techniques for Achieving Top Rankings in the ‘AI New Era’ Actually Tried at Tokyo SEO Maker ).

Do articles written with ChatGPT rank in SEO?

The ChatGPT chat AI was released as a free beta version by OpenAI, an American artificial intelligence research institute, on November 30, 2022. Within just five days of its release, it amassed a million users, and within two months, its active users exceeded 100 million, attracting significant attention for its remarkable progress.

At that time, the quality of articles generated by ChatGPT was not yet suitable for use as SEO articles. However, with the release of the next-generation large-scale language model, “GPT-4.0,” on March 14, 2023, its capabilities improved significantly.

As a result, articles created by ChatGPT 4.0 became capable of high ranking in SEO.

While ChatGPT 4.0 may not be able to write SEO articles for all industries or topics, using this tool appropriately diminishes the need for humans to write articles.

Indeed, articles created solely by ChatGPT 4.0 have achieved high rankings in SEO.

For more information, please refer to the book “ChatGPT × SEO Writing Practical Techniques – Techniques for Achieving Top Rankings in the ‘AI New Era’ Actually Tried at Tokyo SEO Maker” (Purchase link: ).

By leveraging ChatGPT 4.0, the efficiency of article generation has become a reality. While this may come as a surprise to some, we have successfully achieved high SEO rankings through article creation with ChatGPT.

The book “ChatGPT × SEO Writing Practical Techniques – Techniques for Achieving Top Rankings in the ‘AI New Era’ Actually Tried at Tokyo SEO Maker” details the SEO writing techniques using AI that our company has attempted and succeeded in.

In this book, we thoroughly explain the specific methods of article creation using ChatGPT 4.0, step-by-step SEO writing (setting personas, selecting keywords, analyzing and dissecting top content, creating article body, creating meta descriptions, and the entire process until publication).

Learn the new SEO writing techniques using AI to the fullest and understand how to create articles that rank within the top 10 on Google search results for your company.

Achieved bestseller status after book release

This book became a bestseller within just 3 days of its release.

ChatGPT 4.0 Article : “Google SEO” monthly search volume: 1600, ranks 6th to 12th

We conducted an experiment to see the outcome of publishing articles generated by ChatGPT 4.0 without any modifications on our owned media platform, “Tokyo SEO Maker.” Over the years, we’ve published over 800 articles related to SEO and marketing on this platform.

The keyword we used for the experiment was “Google SEO.” Upon checking the monthly search volume for this keyword using Google Ads Keyword Planner, we found it to be around 1600 searches per month.

When searched without spaces as “googleseo,” the monthly search volume was around 90 searches per month.

*Actual Article Excerpt: “What is Google SEO? 10 Practical Tips to Rank First in Google SEO Search Results”

Currently, our article ranks at the top of the second page, specifically at the 11th position, for the keyword “Google SEO.” (Refer to the blue box in Figure 1).

[Figure 1]

Our ChatGPT-generated article ranks – Figure 1

Additionally, on certain days, it even ranks on the first page (within the top 10).

When searched without spaces as “googleseo,” the article ranks at the 6th position. (Refer to the blue box in Figure 2).

[Figure 2]

The day after publishing the article on our website, it ranked at the 9th position for both keywords. Even now, over a month and a half after publishing the article on March 16, 2023, it consistently maintains its high ranking.

Considering that we’re competing for rankings with primarily specialized SEO companies for this keyword, and that our ChatGPT 4.0-generated article is holding its ground against SEO articles created by these specialized companies, speaks volumes about the effectiveness of ChatGPT 4.0.

ChatGPT 4.0 Article : “BtoB SEO” monthly search volume: 480, rank 3rd.

We decided to experiment by writing an article using the keyword “BtoBSEO.”

*Actual Article Excerpt: “What is SEO in BtoB? Experts Explain Specific Strategies for Success”

For the keyword “BtoBSEO,” our article appeared in the natural search SEO section, ranking at the 3rd position. (Refer to Figure 3) (There are three advertising/sponsor slots) -> Please try searching “BtoBSEO” without spaces. It seems that the search ranking changes with and without spaces.

[Please refer to Figure 3, outlined in blue]

From this, we concluded that articles composed with ChatGPT 4.0 can indeed achieve SEO top rankings.

Is ChatGPT Article Useful?

This experiment might not be applicable across all industries or themes, as it merely highlights the strengths of ChatGPT.

However, we believe it serves as a model case, and by sharing this experiment and approach, we hope to encourage others to experiment and refine their methods in real-world scenarios.

Some of our staff members expressed strict opinions like, “Just because it didn’t rank first doesn’t mean it’s not a ChatGPT article!” But at this stage, it’s more like treating ChatGPT as a new employee who has just joined the company, rather than expecting it to be an instant expert.

In this experiment, all ranked articles were generated entirely by ChatGPT. It felt like I was just skillfully piecing together different parts. Personally, I think this achievement is remarkable, but what do you think?

The article’s structure was mainly done by humans, and letting ChatGPT 4.0 handle the content generation within the headlines worked best internally. Additionally, it’s necessary to incorporate manually written elements to align with the theme as needed.

For most industries and themes, a mix of human-written content and ChatGPT 4.0-generated content yields the best quality.

If you’re interested, we’ve published the prompts for articles generated in the actual book. You can read it on Amazon’s unlimited KINDLE version, which is a great deal.

ChatGPT×SEO Writing Practical Techniques – Techniques for Achieving Top Search Rankings in the “AI New Era” Actually Tried at Tokyo SEO Maker” (Purchase Link: )


Utilizing ChatGPT 4.0 allows for the rapid and efficient generation of high-quality articles, freeing up writing resources for other essential tasks. Furthermore, the experiment results confirm that articles generated by ChatGPT 4.0 can achieve SEO top rankings for specific keywords.

This indicates the high quality of the articles and the recognition from search engines. Remarkably, these articles compete with those created by specialized SEO companies and are still managed to secure top positions. This suggests that AI-powered SEO article creation, which typically requires specialized knowledge and significant time, can be dramatically streamlined and enhanced through AI.

Moreover, it’s confirmed that articles created with ChatGPT 4.0 can maintain their position steadily for a certain period, ensuring sustained performance. From these points, we can conclude that ChatGPT 4.0 can be a powerful tool for achieving SEO top rankings through article creation.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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