
The relationship between SEO and keyword density: Explaining adjustment points

SEO Keyword Density

In today’s SEO landscape, overusing keywords can significantly harm your site’s ranking. Stuffing your content with targeted keywords in an attempt to rank higher on Google’s search results is an outdated tactic and can now be flagged as spam.

It is crucial to naturally integrate your targeted keywords into your content, within the flow of your writing.

We emphasize that cramming keywords excessively or placing them in places that might annoy users makes it challenging to achieve SEO results. Having the correct understanding is key. This article explores the relationship between SEO and keyword density, appropriate placement methods, and adjustment points. We will also introduce free tools for checking keyword frequency to aid in content creation.


The Relationship Between SEO and Keyword Density

In the past, it was believed that the more keywords you used on a page, the higher its SEO effectiveness and evaluation will be. However, it is now understood that search engines do not prioritize keyword frequency when evaluating a page. Let us delve into the relationship between SEO and keyword density.

Avoiding Keyword Stuffing

There was a time when it was recommended to intentionally include keywords when creating content. However, with the introduction of Google’s BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm, search engines have become better at understanding pages beyond just keyword density.

Nowadays, stuffing keywords or numbers into web pages in an unnatural way can be detected as an attempt to manipulate search rankings, leading to a drop in site evaluation.

Common examples include; 

“- Listing phone numbers without providing substantial value.

– A block of text listing city, town, or prefecture names to ensure a webpage ranks high in search results for specific local queries.

-Repeating the same words or phrases to an unnatural extent. Example: At our store, we sell custom-made cigar cases. Our custom-made cigar cases are handmade. If you are considering purchasing a custom-made cigar case, please contact our custom-made cigar case specialist at .

Source: Google Search Central – Keyword Stuffing

Evaluation is based on content quality

Google does not prioritize the number of keywords on a page; instead, the evaluation of content is determined by its richness and relevance. If you are aiming for a higher ranking in search results, focusing on content SEO and creating user-centric content is the quickest route. It’s essential to increase user satisfaction and enhance evaluation.

Effective use of keywords for SEO

While Google does not use keyword frequency as a ranking factor, strategically placing keywords can positively impact page evaluation.

Here is how to use keywords effectively for SEO.

  • -One keyword per page works best
  • -Incorporate keywords in top and subpage titles
  • -Use synonyms and related terms in subheadings
  • -Change the wording in Meta descriptions
  • -Include suggested and related keywords
  • -Check for keyword co-occurrence to confirm whether no information is missing.

One Keyword Per Page is Better

Setting one keyword per page naturally narrows down the theme. As a result, it becomes easier for Google’s bots to understand what the theme of the page is. For this reason, it is often said that one keyword per page is best.

It is possible to express the same theme using many different keywords. In such cases, to rank high for each keyword, it is important to place the priority keyword towards the left in the site title and headings.

While there are techniques to rank a single page with multiple keywords, this is more difficult and is generally not recommended for those who are not SEO experts, due to the increased risk.

Include Keywords in Titles of Top and Lower-Level Pages

Generally, include at least one keyword at the beginning (left side) of the title. Placing keywords towards the front increases visibility when the page appears in search results, thereby increasing the likelihood of clicks.

Site titles should contain about three keywords within a natural sentence structure and be around 32 characters long. The top page should include the main keyword targeted for SEO, while the lower-level pages should follow the one keyword per page principle. In this case, only one keyword should be placed at the beginning (left side) of the lower-level page titles.

Change keywords in subheadings to synonyms or related terms

When inserting keywords into headings, try to use different keywords from the title if possible. By using synonyms or related terms, you can make your webpage appear in search results for different search queries with the same theme.

If you feel like you are overloading keywords in main and subheadings, consider removing some. Maintaining balance in the overall structure is crucial. Always prioritize structure and readability for users, and if it’s not necessary to include keywords in subheadings, then don’t force it.

Change wording in Meta descriptions

Since the meta description serves as the page’s description, it’s okay to include plenty of keywords as long as the text remains natural. Build your sentences using synonyms or related terms related to the page’s theme. Even if the main keyword is not in the title, it might still appear in the meta description if it’s relevant to the search query, increasing visibility in search results.

Meta descriptions are often used in search listings, so including users’ search queries can significantly impact click-through rates.

Include suggested and related keywords

It’s also beneficial to include suggested and related keywords in headings and content. Suggested keywords are automatically generated search terms that appear when users type in the search box.

Related keywords are terms related to the main keyword and appear below the search results. Since related keywords are frequently searched by users, they can be helpful when structuring your page.

Check for keyword co-occurrence to ensure no information is missing

Keyword co-occurrence refers to words that appear as frequently as keywords. By considering both keywords and co-occurring words when structuring content, you can incorporate information that users want to know. Using only main keywords may not fully grasp the user’s psyche. If you want to enhance user satisfaction, investigate co-occurring words to ensure no information gaps on the page. Co-occurring words can be easily checked using tools.

3 points to adjust keyword count in SEO

When adjusting keyword count, there are several points to consider. Deciding on keyword count without careful planning can often backfire. It’s essential to adjust keyword count methodically beforehand.

The main points to consider when adjusting keyword count in SEO are as follows.

-Be mindful of keyword selection

-Consider the user’s search intent

-Incorporate keywords naturally

Be mindful of keyword selection

The first step in creating content is selecting keywords. It is necessary to select keywords that lead to conversions for your company, using search queries that users frequently search on a monthly basis. To increase conversion rates, align the information you want to convey with the user’s search intent when selecting keywords.

Consider the user’s search intent

If the selected keywords mismatch with the user’s needs, it can lead to page abandonment. High bounce rates signal to search engines that the content does not meet user expectations, which can result in lower rankings. It is essential to choose keywords with the user’s search intent in mind to maintain user satisfaction and ranking position.

Incorporate keywords naturally

Keywords used within the content should be seamlessly integrated. Placing keywords in unnatural locations can make the text awkward to read, leading to user abandonment. Increased user abandonment negatively impacts page evaluation, emphasizing the importance of natural keyword usage.

How to determine the appropriate keyword density for SEO

Randomly inserting keywords will not yield significant SEO results. On the contrary, it can make the text awkward and difficult for users to read. Generally, the ideal keyword density varies depending on the keyword.

Here is how to determine keyword density.

-Check the keyword occurrence rate.

-Calculate the average keyword density.

-Decide on the frequency of keyword occurrence.

Start by identifying the text of pages that appear in top search results and examine the frequency of keyword occurrence. You can easily do this using keyword density checking tools. Once you have the keyword counts for each page, compile the information to calculate the average density.

From the average density, establish the baseline keyword frequency. If your page’s keyword density falls below that of the top-ranking sites, adjustments may be necessary to ensure it does not lag behind.

3 Free Tools to Check Keyword Density

Some website owners may wonder how to check the density of keywords when creating pages. Nowadays, there are many free tools available for checking keyword density. Since these tools allow you to efficiently check keyword density while keeping costs low, it is recommended to utilize the one that suits you best.

Here are some free tools to check keyword density.

-SEO Check!


-Takaya’s SEO Diagnosis Check Tool

SEO Checki! 

SEO Checki! is a user-friendly free SEO tool that anyone can use. Simply input the URL of the page you want to check, and you can confirm the keyword density. Additionally, you can obtain various useful SEO information such as search rankings and backlink lists, making it handy for page creation.


FunkeyRating is an SEO tool that allows you to check the keyword density in specified pages or texts. It not only checks published pages but also allows you to check unpublished texts and adjust the keyword density of specified keywords. The tool is free to use without any restrictions.

Takaya’s SEO Diagnosis Check Tool

Takaya’s SEO Diagnosis Check Tool is a free diagnostic tool that summarizes the necessary information for SEO. Simply input the URL of the page you want to check, and you can obtain valuable information such as keyword density, search rankings, and related keywords.


With the advancement of Google’s algorithmic language processing technology, page evaluation can now be done based on factors other than keyword density. While avoiding keyword stuffing, make sure to naturally incorporate keywords into titles, headings, and body text. Utilize free tools to check keyword density and aim to create content that receives higher evaluations.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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