
The Purpose of H2 Tags:SEO Benefits and Considerations

Purpose of H2


The Purpose of H2 tags.

In today’s era, where everyone has a smartphone and the internet is a touch away, it is evermore possible to access huge amounts of information online. However, it is rare for first-time users to read the bulk of the text on a website. Instead, most first-time users decide whether to read the text based on the content of H tags.

A large part of setting H tags includes communicating the content of the website to search engines. Therefore, setting H tags correctly will have an SEO effect as well. There are H tags from H1 to H6, but H2 typically serves as the heading tag that forms the basis of your page’s structure.

Setting headings makes it easier for search engines to grasp the content of the webpage, this allows for better SEO benefits for you. As for users, the content of each heading is easily understandable, enhancing usability.

In this article , our consultants at SEO Tokyo will explain the purpose and benefits of H2 tags, including rules and points to pay attention to. 

What Are H Tags? 

H tags serve as the headings of paragraphs in HTML, allowing content to be communicated to users with H tags only. Since most users skim read, it is crucial to make the content understandable even when they are first time browsing. 

There are 6 types of H tags from H1 to H6. H1 are for making titles, and the H2 tag is the heading tag. It’s important to include keywords in H2 tags and related keywords, or keywords that cannot fit into your headings, in your main body of text. This allows for your text to have structure that is easy to digest as well as SEO compliant. 

The Meaning of ‘H’ 

The ‘H’ in H tags stands for ‘heading’, easy right? When writing in HTML, <h2>The Purpose of H2 Tags</h2> would display `The Purpose of H2 Tags` in a heading format.


Creating Engaging Headings 

As stated before, users decide whether to read the text thoroughly based on the headings. Sometimes they even decide whether to even stay on the page based on them. Therefore, creating compelling headings is crucial. The most important aspect of creating headings is whether they contain information beneficial to the user. When searching online, users are seeking some information. If the content they are looking for is included in the heading, there is a higher probability that they will read the text.

Reasons for Utilizing H Tags 

What are some other reasons to use H2 tags?

  • Making text easier to read
  • Necessary for creating a table of contents
  • Helpful for creating a table of contents
  • Expected to have SEO benefits
  • SEO benefits

Making Text Easier to Read 

Effective use of headings can make your text easier to read. By just by skimming the H tags, users can grasp the summary of your content. It is important to avoid making the headings unclear by focusing solely on embedding targeted keywords.

Necessary for Creating a Table of Contents 

Utilizing H tags to create headings allows for the smooth creation of a table of contents. Having a table of contents listed before the content starts, can broadly inform the user about the pages subject matter. If users see the information they are looking for in the table of contents, they are more likely to read the content.

Expected to Have SEO Benefits 

Not only do H tags aid in user experience, but keywords written in H2 tags also make it easier for search engines to recognize the content’s subject matter. Sometimes a website’s structure is complex, and it can become difficult for search engines to understand and place it correctly. By placing related keywords into H2, H3, and H4 headings, the text can be structured in a way that benefits your SEO. 

Considerations for Effectively Utilizing H2 Tags 

For effective use of H2 tags, consider the following points:

  • Include related words in H3
  • Ensure H2 content is not repetitive
  • Place keywords to the left – may omit?
  • Pay attention to the number of words

Include Related Words in H3

As stated before, it is important to place related keywords that could not fit into H2, into H3 tags. It is important to place related keywords that could not fit into H2 into H3 tags. Related words are those associated with the keyword or that can be inferred from it. For example, if the keyword is “izakaya” (Japanese pub), imaginable related words include “all-you-can-drink,” “chain,” “private rooms,” “menu,” etc.

By anticipating what content users searching for “izakaya” might also want to know, you can set related words. Placing the most important keyword in H2 and related words in H3 allows users to understand the content’s subject matter and whether it includes the information they need just by looking at the headings.

Aren’t sure what keywords to use? Check out our article on SEO tools to learn how to simply and easily determine the best keywords for your success. 

If users are looking for “an affordable izakaya with all-you-can-drink options,” having related keywords like “affordable” “reasonable”, “cost effective”, and “all-you-can-drink” in H3 increases the chances they will read the content. This, in turn, can lead to higher conversion rates.

Including headings in the table of contents means that not only H2 but also H3 will appear in search results, effectively doubling your mark in the search results. 

For example, searching for “internet” on Google might display the following eight related keywords in other parts of the search results:

  • Internet  speed
  • Internet  Cheap connection
  • Internet  Recommended connection
  • Internet  Explorer
  • Internet  not connecting
  • Internet  services
  • Internet  connection
  • What is the internet  smartphone

Related keywords vary depending on when they are checked, revealing in real-time what information users are seeking. For instance, people needing internet information might be looking for details on speed, price, reasons for connectivity issues, or which connection to choose. Therefore, if H2 tags not only mention “internet” but also include this information, it increases the likelihood that users will read the text, as it contains the information they are seeking.

Avoiding Duplicate Content in H2 Tags

While it is good to have related information in your H tags, it is crucial that they are not duplicates of one another. H2 tags group the overall text into segments, each composed of different content. You should be dividing keywords into main keywords, which serve as the core, and sub-keywords, which support the core.

Main keywords become the search target words, and sub-keywords further refine the scope of the main keywords. Each heading should contain only one main keyword, and it’s important to keep it as concise as possible. When setting a main keyword, you can utilize other keywords displayed in Google searches. For example, searching for “diet” reveals the following keywords:

  • Diet  meals
  • Diet  supplements
  • Truly effective diets
  • Diet  apps
  • Quick  effect diets
  • Diet  drinks
  • Diet  exercises
  • Diet  methods
  • Other  keywords

Based on these keywords, you can set up outlines like the following:

  • How to succeed in dieting
  • Recommended meals for dieting
  • Methods of dieting
  • Supplements effective for dieting

Headings like the following should be avoided:

  • Diet-related goods to succeed in dieting
  • The reason why diets don’t last is due to incorrect meals
  • Why I lost 10kg

These are cases where multiple main keywords are included however, the headings are long and unclear, or they lack keywords. Headings should be instantly understandable to users, showing what is written in that paragraph at a glance.

Pay Attention to the Number of Words 

As stated above, you don’t want your headings to be too long or hard to understand. The purpose of headings is to convey to users what is written in the text, and it is important to keep them as concise as possible. It is crucial to make headings that make users want to know the content of the text.  The best practice for making headings is to draw users in and keep them reading your content.

For example, “The Reason I Succeeded in Dieting is Exercise and Proper Dietary Restrictions” is less readable than “The Reason for Diet Success.” If you wish to include “exercise” or “dietary restrictions,” it is more efficient to set up an H3 and divide the headings into smaller, related words.”


Benefits of Utilizing H2 Tags 

Utilizing H2 tags offers the following benefits:

  • Communicating the content’s subject matter to search engines
  • Allowing users to understand the content of each heading
  • Communicating to search engines
  • Increase user understanding

Communicating to Search Engines

By inserting keywords into H2 tags, it is possible to increase traffic from keywords other than the main keyword. Furthermore, by setting headings that clarify the content, search engines can more easily understand the content. Making it easier for users also enhances the SEO effect.

Increase User Understanding 

By setting H2 tags as heading tags and dividing paragraphs by content, it becomes easier for users to understand the content of each paragraph. In other words, setting heading tags leads to an improvement in usability. When users understand the content, it enhances the quality of the content.

For example, if H2 headings like the following are set, it is clear that the article discusses Wi-Fi speed, routers, and reasons for connectivity issues:

  • Wi-Fi  Speed
  • Wi-Fi  Router
  • Wi-Fi  Reasons for not connecting

If further detailed with “Speed Guidelines,” “Choosing a Router,” “Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues” in H3 as related words, just by looking at the headings, users can understand what the content entails:

  • H2: Wi-Fi Speed
  • H3: Speed Guidelines
  • H2: Recommended Routers for Wi-Fi Connection
  • H3: Choosing a Router
  • H2: Reasons Why Wi-Fi Won’t Connect
  • H3: Common Reasons
  • H3: Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

Not only is it easy for users to understand, but matching frequently searched keywords with heading content can increase access. Furthermore, if the headings are easy for users to understand, Google’s evaluation can be higher, leading to expected SEO benefits.

Rules When Utilizing H2 Tags 

When utilizing H2 tags, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Maintain the order
  • Cannot be used for design purposes
  • If inserting images, specifying the alt attribute is necessary
  • Design Considerations
  • Alt Attributes And Images 

Maintain the Order

Make sure you keep the current order when writing for your page. The order of H tags is predetermined, with the H1 tag serving as the title for the content. This means H2 tags should be your headings and H3, H4, and H5 tags following suit in order of topic and importance.

Design Considerations 

While H2 tags can give a specific look to a page by breaking the text in an aesthetically pleasing manner, H2 tags main role is in enhancing SEO and usability. Therefore, it’s important not to use them solely for the purpose of adjusting a website’s design. Using H2 tags for visual adjustments alone can disrupt the structure of content, making it difficult for users and search engines alike to access it.

Alt Attributes and Images 

If you are using images in your site, then it is important to add alt attribute. When using images, it is important to describe the image that you have posted. Search engines cannot understand images very well, so adding a alt attribute can allow search engines to understand what the image is of and allow it to boost your SEO. 

Alt attributes can help in other ways as well. In cases where an image link is broken or the loading speed is slow and the image cannot be loaded, having an alt attribute allows for the display of text instead. This is also helpful for users with visual impairments may use a screen reader. 

Google Search Central also favors the use of the alt attributes. While there is no issue with setting the alt attribute for images in H2 tags, utilizing text wherever possible makes the content more understandable to users.


H2 is an HTML tag that determines the headings of your page. These headings not only make the content easy to understand for your users, making them stay on your site longer, but also allows for exceptional SEO benefits as well. 

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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