
What is the Payday Loan Update? : An Overview of How to Respond

payday loan update

The Payday Loan Update is one of the recent updates to Google’s search algorithm.
This update primarily targets high-risk financial search keywords, but it can also affect other genres. This article will provide a detailed explanation of which sites are impacted and the necessary SEO adjustments.


What is the Payday Loan Update?

The Payday Loan Update is a modification to Google’s search algorithm that addresses unethical SEO practices such as low-quality spam links and keyword stuffing. It primarily targets sectors known for spam activities, including finance and gambling.


The Payday Loan Update has been implemented three times to date. Interestingly, the second update, Payday Loan Update 2.0, was rolled out around the same time as Panda Update 4.0. The Panda Update is designed to decrease the visibility of low-quality content in search results.

  • June 2013 : Payday Loan Update 0
  • May 2014 : Payday Loan Update 0 (alongside Panda Update 4.0)
  • June 2014 : Payday Loan Update 0

Reference page: What is the Panda Update? How to Avoid and Improve Low-Quality Content

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Origin of the Name “Payday Loan Update” 

The term “Payday Loan Update” is not an official designation by Google but has become common usage within the SEO industry.

The origin of this term traces back to the American financial product known as “payday loans.” These are small, short-term loans typically borrowed around payday. While these loans are convenient, their high interest rates have often led to repayment difficulties and have been problematic for some time.

In the online world, keywords related to finance and gambling tend to directly influence sales when they appear at the top of search results, making them prone to spam. To address this issue, Google implemented an algorithm update. This background led to the industry naming it the “Payday Loan Update.”

Impact of the Payday Loan Update on Search Rankings 

The Payday Loan Update targets spammy practices and unethical SEO techniques commonly found in the financial and gambling sectors.

As a result of this update, websites with low-quality content or overt spam elements have seen significant drops in search rankings or have been completely excluded. Conversely, websites providing accurate, trustworthy information and high-quality content have been more favorably assessed due to this update.

However, the impact of this update is limited to specific keywords and industries, and many sites that employ SEO for general keywords see little to no direct effect.

How to Determine if Your Website Has Been Affected 

For those managing websites in industries like finance, it may be of concern whether your site has been affected by the Payday Loan Update. Here is how you can check.

Method 1: Check Search Engine Traffic 

Use web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics (GA4), to review your site’s visitor traffic from search engines. Look for any sudden increases or decreases around May to June 2014. Significant fluctuations in search engine traffic could indicate an impact from the update.

Reference Page: What is Google Analytics 4? An explanation of how to implement, configure, and use its basic features.

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Method 2: Check Google Search Console 

If Google determines that a website is violating its guidelines, it sends a warning through Search Console. These warnings usually include details about the violations and how to address them.

Receiving a warning means that your website has been penalized, so it is crucial for website operators to take these warnings seriously and implement measures to comply with the guidelines.

Reference Page: What is Google Search Console? Explaining how to set it up and use it.

Responding to the Payday Loan Update 

If your website has been affected by the Payday Loan Update, it is essential to provide information that users are seeking and remove any illegitimate links. Here, we outline strategies to address these issues.

Provide User-Oriented Content 

Your website should offer information that your target customers are looking for. This user-oriented approach not only improves search engine rankings but also enhances user satisfaction and trustworthiness.

For example, suppose you operate a website that deals with financial products. If the site merely lists loan amounts and interest rates, users may find it hard to distinguish it from competitors. However, if your site provides comprehensive information users need when considering loans, such as “Tips on borrowing,” “How to plan repayments,” or “Understanding interest rates,” it is likely to be regarded as more trustworthy.

By focusing on user needs and providing relevant content, you directly address the Payday Loan Update.

Remove Illegitimate Links 

Links are considered by search engines as indicators of a website’s credibility and authority. However, not all links add value. Illegitimately acquired links, such as those bought or irrelevant, can actually lower your site’s rating. If you have such links, you should remove them.

For instance, if you run a financial website, earning links from industry experts or reputable financial information sites will be highly valued by search engines.

On the other hand, if you have links from unrelated industries like welfare or entertainment, or if you’ve used link-buying services, you risk receiving penalties.

Focus not just on acquiring numerous links but on the quality of those links. Ensure you gain links from relevant and trustworthy websites.

Reference Page: What are Spam Links? Methods to Check and Handle Them, and Their Impact on SEO.

Eliminating Spam Practices

Spam practices refer to tactics intended to deceive search engine algorithms. Examples include “keyword stuffing,” where irrelevant keywords are excessively packed into website content, and “hidden text,” where keywords are camouflaged to match the background color of the page.

These techniques deceive both users and search engines and violate Google’s guidelines. Websites engaged in these practices risk receiving penalties, so it is crucial to avoid such tactics. To achieve higher rankings in search results, focus on providing content that is valuable to users.

Common Questions About the Payday Loan Update

Here we address some frequently asked questions about the Payday Loan Update.

Q: Which sites does this update affect? 

A: The Payday Loan Update primarily targets financial and gambling-related search results. Sites judged not beneficial to users see their search rankings drop. 

Specifically, websites that are over-stuffed with keywords or provide low-quality content are targeted. If you suspect your website might be affected, shift to a user-oriented management approach.

Q: How can I improve site quality? 

A: At Tokyo SEO Maker, we believe that providing valuable content tailored to user needs is the most crucial aspect of improving website quality. Valuable content is accurate, up-to-date, and directly answers user inquiries.

However, technical SEO optimization is also vital. This includes organizing site structure, optimizing internal links, adopting mobile-friendly designs, and improving page loading speeds. Pay attention to these user experience elements as well.

Q: What should I do if affected? 

A: Illegitimate links and spammy content degrade site trustworthiness and user experience. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly remove these elements. Afterward, ensure you provide the information users are seeking.

Q: Is this update performed regularly? 

A: Google aims to provide the most relevant results to users and updates its search algorithms accordingly. The Payday Loan Update is no exception and has been released multiple times. However, the specific frequency, timing, or schedule of these updates is not publicly disclosed.

Q: Could sites outside the financial industry be affected? 

A: While the primary goal of the Payday Loan Update is to enhance the quality of financial and gambling-related search results, it is part of a broader update to Google’s overall algorithm. Therefore, websites in other fields that employ SEO tactics violating Google’s guidelines could also be impacted.

Websites engaging in excessive keyword stuffing, using hidden texts, or acquiring low-quality links are at risk, regardless of the industry. Avoid these practices in any sector.

Q: What if my ranking drops even though I’m not engaging in any wrongdoing? 

A: If you’re affected by the Payday Loan Update or other updates despite not engaging in any malpractice, first organize your situation. Check if your website’s traffic and rankings have indeed declined using tools like Google Analytics or Search Console. Also, check Search Console for any penalty notifications. Further, audit your site’s content, links, and technical factors to identify and address issues.

Resolving such issues on your own can be challenging, so consider consulting with an SEO expert. You can contact us via our inquiry form for appropriate guidance.


To respond effectively to the Payday Loan Update, it’s vital to focus on providing beneficial content and adopting correct SEO practices. Prioritize enhancing user satisfaction and trust without resorting to deceptive methods. Even if you haven’t been affected by the Payday Loan Update, maintain a long-term strategy rather than relying on short-term tactics for future operations. By continuously providing high-quality content, optimizing your site’s structure and internal links, and improving link quality, your website will grow into a trusted source for both users and search engines. Ultimately, Google’s goal is to deliver value to users—something all webmasters should keep in mind.

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Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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