
Top 40 Free and Paid SEO Tools!

Free and paid tools

There is a wide array of SEO tools available, each designed to meet specific objectives and featuring a variety of functions.

The Google search engine continually updates its search algorithms, which means the points that need to be addressed with SEO are constantly evolving.

However, what remains constant is the need for websites to consider “user convenience” and create “high-quality articles”.

SEO tools that align with Google’s search engine philosophy are abundant, whether free or paid.

*In this article, “free tools” are defined as those completely free to use or those with a free plan available. Tools that offer a free usage period are treated as “paid tools”.

This time, Tokyo SEO Maker, an SEO specialist media, introduces useful SEO tools for 2023. The effectiveness of an SEO tool can vary depending on how well it suits the user. This article also explains the compatibility between tools and users, so you can find the right tool for you.


What Are SEO Tools?

SEO tools are used for implementing SEO strategies.

There are two main types of SEO tools: cloud-based SaaS services and downloadable software services.

The former can be operated online, allowing use on devices without installation or setup. The latter, once installed, can be used even in offline environments without internet access.

Related Article: What is SaaS? Exploring the Benefits and Examples for Business Use

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing a website thereby to achieve higher rankings in search engine results. It involves managing and enhancing your website to garner favorable evaluations from search engines, improving its search ranking. 

Related Article: What is SEO?

Professions That Require SEO Tools

SEO tools are primarily used by web businesses during website creation. Depending on the type of tool, they can support the work of various staff members, including

  • Directors
  • SEO Writers
  • Engineers

Explanation Article: What Are SEO Writing Tools? An Overview of Convenient Tools and Their Features

Types of SEO Tools

There are various types of SEO tools available, each designed for different purposes. Understanding the types of SEO tools is essential as the features you need vary depending on your objectives. Here are the main types of tools available.

  • Tools for Content SEO
  • Tools for Technical SEO
  • Tools for External SEO Strategies
  • Comprehensive SEO Tools

Tools for Internal Strategies (Content SEO)

Content SEO involves enhancing the quality of web pages and articles. Tools designed for content SEO help improve content quality with features like;

  • Keyword research
  • Writing
  • Content analysis

Tools for Internal Strategies (Technical SEO)

Technical SEO refers to checking the state of a website, identifying and fixing any structural or technical issues. The functions needed in tools for technical SEO include;

  • Access analysis
  • Search ranking investigation
  • Technical analysis

SEO Tool for External Strategies

External strategies involve using elements outside of your site to improve your site’s SEO impact. Tools used for external strategies offer functions such as;

  • Backlink management
  • Competitor analysis
  • SNS strategies

Comprehensive SEO Tools

Comprehensive SEO tools combine features for both internal and external strategies. Being high-functioning, they usually come at a cost. Consider these tools if you’re serious about SEO strategies or if your company lacks SEO expertise.

Free Google SEO Tools List

Google offers numerous SEO tools for site owners. Some of the SEO tools provided by Google include;

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Trends
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • AMP Test
  • PageSpeed ​​Insights
  • Rich Results Test
  • Lighthouse
  • Web Vitals Extension
  • Structured Data Markup Helper
  • Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics

Tool Name: Google Analytics

Provider: Google 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to analyze your website’s traffic. In the workplace, it’s often referred to as GA.

Also, Google Analytics, provided by Google, is a tool available for free use. When planning SEO strategies or access measures, start by implementing Google Analytics. In terms of performance, Google Analytics can help you understand the following aspects.

  • The number of visits to your site
  • The pathways users take to arrive at your site
  • User demographics
  • How users navigate through your site
  • The achievement rate of set conversions

Website traffic managers frequently interact with Google Analytics in their work. Especially for marketing personnel and web directors, analyzing data from Google Analytics is an essential part of their job. SEO writers also use access data to inform their article creation.

Explanation Article: What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Search Console

Quoted from: Google Search Console

Tool Name: Google Search Console 

Provider: Google 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Google Search Console provides webmasters with data analyzed by Google about their site. It’s a highly convenient and essential tool that should be used in conjunction with Google Analytics.

Specific uses include;

  • Checking your site’s registration (index) information
  • Identifying errors on your site
  • Submitting your site’s sitemap information to Google
  • Disavowing backlinks
  • Viewing advice and messages from Google

Google Search Console is used as a tool for internal strategies, making it a practical resource for web directors and engineers for site revisions.

Explanation Article: What is Google Search Console?

Google Trends

Quoted from: Google Trends

Tool Name: Google Trends 

Provider: Google 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Google Trends allows you to check topics that are trending globally.

With Google Trends, you can view the trends and popularity of keywords on a macro level. You can filter searches by region, period, and category. Specifically, it enables you to;

  • View real-time trending searches
  • Observe past trends in keyword search volume

Given its nature, Google Trends is often used for finding content ideas during website content creation. It’s particularly useful for web content directors and SEO writers.

Explanation Article: What is Google Trends?

Keyword Planner (Google Ads)

Quoted from: Keyword Planner

Tool Name: Keyword Planner 

Provider: Google 

Usage Fee: Free 

(Paid version = Advertising costs of a few hundred yen per month)

The Keyword Planner allows you to research the search volume (number of searches) for keywords on the Google search engine. While it’s free to use, it normally only displays a rough search volume range, such as “1000 – 10000.”

Originally, the Keyword Planner is a feature of Google Ads. To use the Keyword Planner, you need to register for Google Ads. By running ads costing a few hundred yen per month on Google Ads, you can access more detailed search volume data in the Keyword Planner.

Knowing the search volume for keywords helps predict the potential site traffic. Therefore, web content directors use it to decide on article themes that should be prioritized.

Explanation Article: A Simple Guide to Using Google Keyword Planner

AMP Test

Quoted from: AMP Test

  • Tool Name: AMP Test
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Originally, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a technology designed for the rapid display of web pages on mobile devices. Google released it in 2015 and has recommended its use, leading to numerous adopting websites.

Related Article: What is AMP?

With the AMP Test, you can input the URL of an AMP-enabled web page to check for technical errors, and it’s accessible without needing to log into a Google account. It is mainly used by web directors and engineers for quick AMP verification of pages.

PageSpeed ​​Insights

Quoted from: PageSpeed ​​Insights

  • Tool Name: PageSpeed ​​Insights
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

PageSpeed ​​Insights measures the loading time of web pages. 

By entering a URL into the service’s form, Google analyzes the page using its critical metrics and provides a score. The metrics evaluated include;

  • LCP: Load speed of the page
  • FID: Response speed of the page to actions
  • CLS: Stability of page layout
  • TTFB: Server response time
  • FCP: Time it takes for content to be visually displayed on the browser
  • INP: Response speed of the page

Visitors tend to avoid pages that take too long to load, leading to an increase in the rate of users going back. Thus, web directors and engineers check for any issues with loading speed and identify what might be causing bottlenecks.

PageSpeed ​​Insights allows for easy measurement of page loading speed without logging into a Google account and can also evaluate external sites, making it useful for comparing your site with competitors.

Explanation Article: How to Measure and Improve Page Loading Speed ​​with PageSpeed ​​Insights

Rich Results Test

Quoted from: Rich Results Test

  • Tool Name: Rich Results Test
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

The Rich Results Test is a tool for checking the rich result information of web pages.

Rich results refer to the enhanced information displayed in Google’s search results, such as:

-Site links (eg, table of contents)


-FAQ information

Related Article: What are Rich Results?

Displaying rich results in search can increase click-through rates, thus offering SEO benefits. The Rich Results Test allows web directors and engineers to easily check whether the rich result elements of a web page are recognized by Google.


Quoted from: Lighthouse

  • Tool Name: Lighthouse
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Lighthouse is a tool that scores a web page’s evaluation by Google. It’s an extension for the Google Chrome web browser, allowing users to score the currently viewed page with the Lighthouse feature turned on. The types of scores analyzed include;

  • Performance: Speed ​​of page display
  • Accessibility: Ease of use
  • Best Practices: Security practices
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization
  • PWA (Progressive Web App): Mobile site amplification

The “Performance” category covers elements also available in PageSpeed ​​Insights. However, as a browser extension, Lighthouse allows users to instantly check the evaluation of a page while browsing.

Web vitals

Quoted from: Web Vitals

  • Tool Name: Web Vitals
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Web Vitals is a tool for analyzing Core Web Vitals. It operates as an extension for Google Chrome, automatically displaying data for the web page you’re currently viewing.

Core Web Vitals are three key elements Google emphasizes for page evaluation. Specifically, this tool helps you retrieve data on the following:

  • LCP: Load speed of the page
  • FID: Responsiveness of the page to user actions
  • CLS: Metrics related to layout shifts

Related Article: What Are Core Web Vitals?

Since Core Web Vitals are automatically displayed, this tool is useful for identifying pages on your site that may have issues or for researching the Core Web Vitals of competitor sites.

Structured Data Markup Helper

Quoted from: Structured Data Markup Helper

  • Tool Name: Structured Data Markup Helper
  • Provider: Google
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

The Structured Data Markup Helper is a tool for marking up your website’s structured data.

Marking up structured data means defining words in HTML, giving additional information to words described in HTML. Its purpose is to help Google’s search engine better understand the information on your website.

Related Article: What is Structured Data?

Using this tool generates HTML source code for structured data. Embedding this HTML source code in the header tag of your web page completes the structured markup. It also includes a feature to check if the structured markup has been done correctly.

Structured markup requires specialized knowledge, making it a tool primarily used by engineers.

Free Tools for Internal Strategies (Content SEO)

There are free tools available that are particularly suitable for content directors and SEO writers.

The following tools are free to use and beneficial for content SEO

  • chiyo-co
  • Rakko Keyword
  • CopyContentDetector
  • Ubersuggest
  • Web ToolBox
  • tinify
  • ChatGPT

For more detailed information on tools specialized for SEO writers, refer to other articles.

Explanation Article: What Are SEO Writing Tools? An Overview of Convenient Tools and Their Features


Quoted from: chiyo-co

  • Tool Name: chiyo-co
  • Provider: CROCO
  • Pricing: Free plan available (Paid plans start from 4,400 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

chiyo-co is a copy (paste) check tool that investigates the presence of copy text.

It allows for checking text data both locally and online, focusing on entire articles, sentence-based copy articles, and similar articles. It also identifies nearly plagiarized rewrites that only change the end or style of copied content.

It’s a useful tool for content directors and editors supervising large volumes of manuscripts. It can be used for checking manuscripts delivered by writers and ensuring your content hasn’t been plagiarized online.

Racco Keyword

Quoted from: Racco Keyword

  • Tool Name: Racco Keyword
  • Provider: Racco
  • Usage Fee: Free plan available (Paid plans start from 440 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

Rakko Keyword is a tool for researching information related to specific keywords.

In 2023, Rakko Keyword added new AI functionalities, among other features. You can research a variety of items, including

  • Keyword suggestions from different search engines
  • Search volume and advertising cost
  • AI-supported article creation suggestions
  • Trends and current news
  • Co-occurring words and synonyms
  • The number of articles and estimated access for website rankings

This tool offers many features helpful for content creation, making it prominent among content directors and SEO writers. It is also used in web marketing strategies.


Quoted from: CopyContentDetector

  • Tool Name: CopyContentDetector
  • Provider: New System Create
  • Usage Fee: Free plan available (Paid plans start from 300 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

CopyContentDetector is a tool for checking whether text data is copy content. The free plan has a word count limit, but there’s no limit on the number of times you can use it for research.

To use it, first, register the text you want to investigate in the service’s dedicated form. Then, it compares your text with media and text files online, providing you with data on.

  • Similarity: Researches the similarity with information on the web
  • Match rate: Researches the match rate with information on the web
  • Text similarity: Researches the similarity between texts

This tool is mainly used by content directors and editors to check if manuscripts are copied and to ensure their content hasn’t been plagiarized online.


Quoted from: Ubersuggest

  • Tool Name: Ubersuggest
  • Provider: NEILPATEL
  • Usage Fee: Free (Paid plans start from 2,999 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that provides various data centered around keywords and domains.

For keyword research, it offers data such as;

  • Search volume and traffic potential
  • SEO difficulty (how hard it is to rank)
  • CPC (Cost Per Click for ads)
  • Suggested keywords
  • Top-ranking web pages

For domain research, you can analyze external sites as well, making it useful for competitor analysis. Specifically, you can investigate;

  • Domain authority
  • Traffic from organic searches
  • Traffic potential for individual pages from organic searches
  • How many keywords a site ranks for
  • Search ranking and volume for specific keywords
  • Number of backlinks

Registering for a membership even on the free plan gives you access to a wide range of features. It’s prized among web directors for scrutinizing competitor activities and deciding on content creation. SEO writers also use it when creating content.

Web ToolBox

Quoted from: Web ToolBox

  • Tool Name: Web ToolBox
  • Provider: –
  • Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

Web ToolBox is equipped with tools for keyword research and other aids for content creation.

Useful tools for content creation include;

  • Suggest keyword extraction
  • Web page title extraction
  • Broken link checker
  • Text format conversion (eg, upper and lowercase)
  • Word count tool
  • Color code extraction

It also offers engineering-focused tools such as encoders/decoders, QR code and password generation, and SQL formatting tools. Therefore, it’s used not just by directors and SEO writers but also by engineers.


Quoted from: TinyPNG

  • Tool Name: TinyPNG
  • Provider: Tinify
  • Usage Fee: Free (Paid version = $39/year)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

TinyPNG is an image compression tool.

It easily compresses images in various formats. Even images compressed with other tools can often be significantly reduced in size with TinyPNG. Supported file formats include

  • WebP
  • PNG
  • JPEG

SEO writers frequently use it for content creation. However, it requires uploading images to the cloud, so avoid using it with sensitive data. It’s safe to use for compressing images for web page display.


Quoted from: ChatGPT

  • Tool Name: ChatGPT
  • Provider: OpenAI
  • Usage Fee: Free plan available (Paid plan = $20/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

ChatGPT is an AI chat tool.

The service allows users to input questions (prompts) into its forms, with the AI ​​responding based on web data. By utilizing its AI chat function for SEO, you can generate useful outputs such as article title ideas based on keywords.

For example, by preparing a prompt like, “Give me article title ideas for the keyword ‘SEO’,” AI will pick up title ideas.

It’s helpful for keyword research and writing, making it a useful tool for SEO writers and content directors during article creation. Engineers can also use it for coding purposes, making it versatile across various job roles.

Free Tools for Internal Strategies (Technical SEO)

Here are some free tools for technical SEO, ranging from comprehensive to basic checks

  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  • G.R.C.
  • Ptengine
  • Search Rank Checker


Quoted from: ANATOMY

  • Tool Name: ANATOMY
  • Provider: Symmetric
  • Usage Fee: Free plan available (Paid plans start from 2,500 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

ANATOMY is an SEO tool that combines website analysis and access analytics. It’s unique for its graphical representation of analysis data. Features include;

  • Domain analysis (analyzing domain strength)
  • Page analysis (identifying page issues)
  • Portfolio analysis (identifying keywords and content needing improvement)
  • Tile view analysis (visually representing analysis information)

Except for tile view analysis and some features, all are available on the free plan. It’s primarily used by web directors responsible for site operation, helping to track visitor trends and identify content needing enhancement.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Quoted from: Screaming Frog SEO Spider

  • Tool Name: Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  • Provider: Screaming Frog
  • Usage Fee: Free license available (Paid license = $259/year)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a tool that crawls websites, searches them, and identifies issues.

Analysis items include;

  • Link errors
  • Redirect errors
  • Inappropriate page titles and metadata
  • Duplicate content
  • Robots blocking and canonical URLs
  • Visitor data
  • Site structure evaluation

It allows for analysis from both content SEO and technical SEO perspectives. The free license offers multiple functionalities, but there are limitations on the number of URLs that can be analyzed and the scope of analysis items. It is used by web directors and engineers for site examination and issue identification.


Quoted from: GRC

  • Tool Name: GRC
  • Provider: Shellware
  • Usage Fee: Free (Paid license starts from 495 yen/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

GRC is a tool for monitoring the search ranking of websites.

By setting up the site and keywords you want to track, you can monitor daily search ranking movements. It’s considered one of the veteran tools in search ranking checkers, known for its developer actively incorporating user feedback and having a loyal user base.

It’s primarily used by web directors to identify new articles that need to be written or existing content that requires rewriting.


Quoted from: Ptengin

Tool Name: Ptengine 

Provider: Ptmind 

Pricing: Free plan available (Paid plans start from 4,980 JPY/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Ptengine is a platform that allows for the analysis of site visitors and the improvement of websites.

It stands out for its ease of use by simply embedding a tag and the ability to visually grasp analysis results through heatmaps. Its features include;

-User behavior analysis

-AB testing

-Providing information to site visitors

You can analyze visitor traffic sources, the behavior leading to conversions, and reasons for exit. It also enables the analysis of user attributes to suggest products or services tailored to them. Suggested content includes;

-Product recommendations (Proposal Feature)

-LINE friend registrations

-Survey requests

-Campaign announcements

With strengths in customer engagement, it’s well-suited for landing pages (LPs) and e-commerce sites. Though a free plan is available, it has a limit of 3,000 PVs per month, making it suitable for small sites or trial use.

Search Rank Checker

Quoted from: Search Rank Checker

Tool Name: Search Rank Checker 

Provider: – 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Search Rank Checker is a tool that allows you to check the search ranking of web pages.

Its usage is straightforward: enter the URL and keyword into the form on the service page to measure the search ranking. It’s handy for web directors looking to easily check the search ranking of competitor pages.

Free Tools for External Strategies

Introducing tools that are either completely free or offer free plans, suitable for external strategies and commonly used by web directors.

  • SimilarWeb
  • Link Explorer
  • SEOquake
  • WayBack Machine


Tool Name: SimilarWeb 

Provider: Similarweb 

Usage Fee: Free (Paid plans start at $125/month)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

SimilarWeb is a tool that allows for detailed investigation of competitor websites.

Just by searching a site URL on SimilarWeb, you can view the site’s traffic data. The items you can view include;

  • Number of page views
  • Session count
  • Average session duration
  • Average pages per session
  • Unique visitor count
  • User regional distribution
  • User device and OS distribution
  • User demographics (age and gender ratio)
  • Traffic source distribution

As such, you can access critical information about external sites that would normally be considered internal data for free. It’s specifically tailored for competitor site analysis, making it highly valued by web directors.

Explanation Article: What is SimilarWeb?

MOZ Link Explorer

Quoted from: MOZ Link Explorer

Tool Name: MOZ Link Explorer 

Provider: MOZ 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

MOZ Link Explorer is a tool that allows for the investigation of domain power, provided by the globally recognized SEO company, MOZ.

Related Article: What is Domain Power?

It displays MOZ’s proprietary domain metric, Domain Authority, along with the trend of backlinks acquired and the sites from which they were obtained.

Link Explorer helps check if your backlink strategy is on the right track and is useful for comparing the backlink quality of competitor sites with your own.

MOZ offers various tools, so for more information on them, please refer to the following article.

Related Article: What are MOZ’s SEO Tools? A Guide to Effective SEO Strategies with Moz


Quoted from: SEOquake

Tool Name: SEOquake 

Provider: Semrush 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

SEOquake is a tool that allows for the analysis of domain information, backlink count, and content analysis of the page you’re currently viewing. It’s available as a Google Chrome extension.

The main items checked by this tool include;

  • Basic information about the page or domain
  • Number of internal links
  • Number of backlinks
  • Diagnostics of URLs, meta tags, title tags, and h-tags
  • Keyword density

Since SEOquake is a browser extension, it’s easy to use. However, due to the extensive list of items it checks, some SEO knowledge is required to fully utilize it. It’s used by web directors to quickly check their own site’s performance or to understand how it compares to competitor sites.

WayBack Machine

Quoted from: WayBackMachine

Tool Name: WayBackMachine 

Provider: Internet Archive 

Usage Fee: Free

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

The WayBack Machine allows you to view the history and past versions of web pages.

Simply paste the URL of the web page you want to investigate into the form on the service’s page and send it. The update history of the specified web page is displayed, and you can view the page as it appeared at a selected past date and time.

For SEO, it can be used to research how a competitor site has been managed over time.

Explanation Article: What is the WayBack Machine?

Introducing paid comprehensive SEO tools that are feature-rich and versatile, suitable for content SEO, technical SEO, and external strategies.

  • SEO Kiwami
  • Pascal
  • Mieruca SEO
  • Semrush

SEO Kiwami KIWAMI Cloud 

Quoted from: SEO Kiwami KIWAMI Cloud

Tool Name: SEO Kiwami KIWAMI Cloud 

Provider: Detail Cloud Creative 

Usage Fee: ¥38,500/month

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

SEO Kiwami KIWAMI Cloud is a comprehensive SEO tool that encompasses both content SEO and technical SEO. By following the tool’s advice for modifications, you can achieve professional-level SEO strategies.

Generally, the tool is used in the following workflow.

  • Keyword research
  • Tuning SEO internal strategies
  • Tracking search ranking trends

In “2.”, it constantly incorporates the latest algorithms to tune the most optimal SEO internal strategies at that time. After tuning, it delivers reports on how search rankings have fluctuated.


Quoted from: Pascal

Tool Name: Pascal 

Provider: Oropass 

Usage Fee: From ¥49,500/month (4-day free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Pascal is a comprehensive SEO tool capable of covering a series of SEO actions including market research, article creation, and access analysis.

Its main functions are divided into the following categories

  • Ranking
  • Article Creation
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Influx Analysis

The basic application of these functions proceeds as follows

1. Create articles

2. Rewrite based on access analysis

3.Check rankings

The “Article Creation” function suggests keywords and article structures, facilitating article creation. Subsequently, “Competitor Analysis” and “Influx Analysis” help in identifying articles that need strengthening. Following these processes, you check the ranking to see if the revised articles have experienced any changes in ranking.


Quoted from: SEARCH WRITE


Provider: PLAN-B 

Usage Fee: ¥80,000/month

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

SEARCH WRITE is an SEO tool specialized in supporting website operations with basic SEO functionalities and task management features.

It offers functionalities like:

  • Suggestion of keywords to target
  • Identification of issues in site internal structure
  • Proposal of essential elements for article content
  • Task management for each strategy
  • Analysis of access data and search rankings

Furthermore, in February 2023, a feature was added allowing the download of article creation guide materials for keywords, enhancing support for content creation.

SEARCH WRITE aids in scheduling article creation, managing SEO writers, and verifying effects thereby reducing the workload for web directors.

Mieruca SEO

Quote from: Mieruca SEO

Tool Name: Mieruca SEO 

Provider: Faber Company Usage 

Fee: Contact for pricing (free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Mieruca SEO is an SEO tool that not only covers keyword strategy to effect verification in SEO actions but also guides towards conversion.

Additionally, it supports analysis of advertisements and video content. Its functionalities include;

  • Keyword Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Effect Verification
  • Advertisement Analysis
  • YouTube Analysis

Beyond simple analysis of top-ranking sites, it performs analyses based on user search intentions. Thus, it can not only improve search ranking but also enhance a website’s conversion rate.

Its ease in incorporating search needs into content creation makes it particularly valuable for websites with clear objectives like document requests or inquiries.


Quoted from: Semrush

Tool Name: Semrush 

Provider: Oro (Semrush’s Japan distributor) 

Usage Fee: Starting from $142.95 per month (14-day free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

Semrush is a digital marketing tool that covers SEO while also including advertisement analysis and SNS analysis. This tool alone can cover almost all digital marketing tasks.

Related Article: What is SEM?

Semrush offers four main functionalities

  • SEO
  • Advertising
  • Competitive and Market Research
  • Social Media

The SEO functionality covers everything from competitive research to content creation and effect verification. It’s equipped for backlink strategy support to boost domain power.

Explanation Article: What is Semrush? An Overview of Features and How to Use Semrush

Highlighting high-functioning tools for content SEO. These are suitable for businesses seriously committed to content SEO and include;

  • EmmaTools
  • tami-co
  • Creative Drive

SEO writers should also check out the following article for more information.

Explanation Article: What Are SEO Writing Tools? An Overview of Convenient Tools and Their Features


Quoted from: EmmaTools

Tool Name: EmmaTools 

Provider: EXIDEA 

Usage Fee: Starting from 2,480 yen per month (14-day free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy 

EmmaTools is an SEO writing tool specialized for content SEO. It’s equipped with helpful features for content creation such as;

  • Keyword research
  • Copy text analysis
  • AI text generation and improvement
  • Search ranking investigation
  • Competitor site research

By using EmmaTools, you can ensure a consistent quality of articles, making it suitable for websites that urgently need stable article quality at a low cost.


Quoted from: TACT SEO

Tool Name: TACT SEO 

Provider: Willgate 

Usage Fee: Starting from 99,000 yen per month (with free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

TACT SEO is an SEO tool designed to assist in achieving high search rankings for article pages. By using this tool, it provides the necessary elements for appearing in top search results for specified keywords.

Specific functions include;

  • Keyword research
  • Analysis for achieving high rankings
  • Measurement of search rankings

Primarily, it serves as a service for content directors to manage the PDCA cycle in article creation. It is useful not only for improving content quality but also for enhancing the quality of a director’s work.


Quoted from: tami-co

Tool Name: tami-co 

Provider: CROCO 

Usage Fee: Starting from 43,780 yen per month (with a 7-day free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Tami-co is a tool specialized in content SEO, which is indispensable for website operation. It is equipped with three main functions.

  • Support for article creation
  • Function for keyword selection
  • Function for checking search rankings

Among these, the article creation support feature is particularly robust, offering suggestions and scoring for titles and headings, as well as presenting topics that users searching for keywords would find interesting.

With a plethora of functions to enhance content quality, Tami-co proves to be a convenient service for content directors and SEO writers.

Creative Drive

Quoted from: Creative Drive

Tool Name: Creative Drive 

Provider: chipper 

Usage Fee: Starting from 10,000 yen per month (with a free trial plan for 3 articles)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Creative Drive is an AI-driven tool for generating articles with SEO in mind. It automates tasks associated with writing SEO articles, from keyword research to proofreading.

The tool’s features automate the following tasks.

  • Researching top-ranking pages
  • Setting up personas
  • Creating page structures
  • Writing articles
  • Proofreading articles
  • Placing images and links

By using Creative Drive, you can significantly reduce the time spent on SEO writing, making it a handy tool for content directors and SEO writers looking to decrease their writing workload. However, it’s important to note that the articles generated by this tool are AI- produced. Therefore, content directors should review the articles to align them with their media’s style.

Introducing paid tools specialized for technical SEO. Internal strategies serve as the foundation supporting your content. Please utilize the following tools to address and resolve issues on your company’s website.




-SEO Master


Quoted from: Lumar

Tool Name: Lumar 

Provider: Lumar 

Usage Fee: Please inquire

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Lumar is a technical analysis-focused SEO tool. By specifying a URL, it clearly crawls the entire website to identify technical issues. Its features include;

  • Analysis of meta tags
  • Analysis of page states (index ability, redirects, etc.)
  • Analysis of internal links
  • SEO task management

This allows for the extraction of factors that negatively affect crawlers and user experience. Expert web knowledge is required for its use, making it a tool often used by engineers. It is especially compatible with websites that heavily utilize databases as content, such as e-commerce or job listing sites.


Quoted from: BULL

Tool Name: BULL 

Provider: Dibo 

Usage Fee: Starting from 1,150 yen per month (with a 2-week free trial)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

BULL is a keyword search rank checker. As a cloud service, by registering a URL and keywords, it automatically updates the search rank status at 9 am daily.

Primarily, web directors who want to monitor their site’s search rankings use this tool. Once URLs and keywords are registered, no further tool interaction is needed, hence reducing work hours.


Quote from: Nobilista

Tool Name: Nobilista 

Provider: IIP 

Usage Fee: From ¥990/month (7-day free trial available)

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Nobilista is a tool for checking search rankings. As a cloud-based tool, it automatically updates search ranking situations. Additionally, it can perform keyword research, including;

  • Search volume
  • Traffic prediction
  • Difficulty

Along with checking search rankings, it also serves the role of keyword research, making it useful for web directors and SEO writers.

Paid External SEO Tools List 

Here’s a list of high-performance SEO tools available for external strategies. These tools are all globally renowned. Consider implementing them when engaging in serious external optimization efforts.




Quoted from: Ahrefs

Tool Name: Ahrefs 

Provider: Full Speed ​​(Ahrefs’ official partner in Japan) 

Usage Fee: From ¥12,500/month

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Ahrefs is an SEO tool that can analyze the strength of domains and more. A significant feature is its use of Domain Rating (DR), a unique concept for evaluating domains. Ahrefs offers the following functionalities.

  • Site Explorer (for researching websites)
  • Content Explorer (for researching popular articles on social media)
  • Keyword Explorer (for keyword research)
  • Rank Tracker (for monitoring website search rankings)

It allows for the research of external sites, aiding in the identification of issues for one’s site and the investigation of competitors. With functions for keyword research and keyword investigation for new article creation, Ahrefs plays a crucial role in website operation. It is primarily used by website directors but is also utilized by SEO writers researching topics for articles.

Explanatory Article: What is Ahrefs?


Quote from: Majestic

Tool Name: Majestic 

Provider: Majestic 

Usage Fee: Starting from $49.99 per month

Keyword Research, Writing, Content Analysis

Access Analysis, Search Ranking Research, Technical Analysis

Backlink Strategy, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Strategy

Majestic is a tool that can investigate a website’s backlinks. It utilizes unique domain metrics such as Trust Flow (TF) and Citation Flow (CF). Its functionalities include;

  • Site Explorer (for researching website domain power and backlinks)
  • Domain Comparison (for comparing multiple domains)
  • Bulk Backlink Checker (for analyzing backlink quality)
  • Search Explorer (for researching information on search results based on keywords)

It enables the gathering of information on both one’s own site and external sites, making it suitable for investigating competitor sites. In addition, it allows for a detailed analysis of backlinks, including anchor text. Primarily, it is used by web directors responsible for backlink strategies and competitor analysis.

SEO Tools FAQs

Here we have compiled some frequently asked questions about SEO Tools.

Q: What are the recommended SEO tools? 

A: The recommended SEO tools vary depending on the user.

Operating a website requires various stakeholders, including division managers, web directors, SEO writers, and engineers, each needing different tools. Additionally, the choice of tools depends on the company’s website management strategy and budget availability.

First, it’s crucial to understand the environment of a company and the challenges faced in website operation before selecting the appropriate SEO tools.

Q: Are there any essential SEO tools that should be used? 

A: If undertaking SEO, it’s advised to consider using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console are free web analysis tools provided by Google. The former allows for a detailed check of access numbers, while the latter assists in internal website strategies.

Related Article: What is Google Analytics 4?

Related Article: What is Google Search Console?


SEO tools are provided for various purposes. There are tools for quick inquiries and those that require some level of expertise to fully utilize. Some services offer high convenience despite being free, while others provide easy-to-understand advice for achieving professional-level SEO strategies. It’s important to select SEO tools that match your company’s environment and the skills of your staff to improve work efficiency.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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