
How to Take an Online Course on SEO

seo online course

You can acquire SEO skills and knowledge through books or self-study. One advantage of learning through books and web resources is that it is relatively low-cost. 

Additionally, it offers the flexibility of studying anytime and anywhere.

However, maintaining motivation throughout self-study can be challenging. There’s also a risk of becoming overly theoretical without applying what you’ve learned.

If you’re feeling uncertain or have concerns about SEO, consider learning from a professional instructor. Below, we introduce online courses where you can learn SEO.


Reasons to Take an SEO Course 

Utilizing seminars or online schools for SEO learning can help you secure time and focus on your studies.

These courses enable you to efficiently acquire necessary SEO knowledge and skills in a short period. You can ask questions on the spot if anything is unclear, and you might gain insights into both current and future trends in SEO, making your learning relevant over the long term.

There are various ways to learn SEO today, including

  • Online schools
  • Online seminars
  • Skill marketplaces
  • YouTube

Consider the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each to find the best fit for you.

Learning at an Online School 

Online schools offer the latest SEO strategies taught by professional instructors. Here are three schools we recommend.

1. Tech Academy

2.Google Digital Workshop


The main advantage of online schools is the flexibility to progress through the curriculum regardless of your location or schedule. They tend to be more cost-effective compared to attending physical classes. However, the responsibility to progress through the curriculum rests with you, so creating habits and maintaining motivation are essential.

Tech Academy

When learning SEO at Tech Academy, please choose the Web Marketing course. In addition to SEO, you can also learn the basics of web marketing and ad management. The fees vary depending on the plan, ranging from a minimum of 4 weeks to a maximum of 16 weeks.

Pricing Plans

4 weeks:

Professionals: ¥174,900

Students: ¥163,900

8 weeks:

Professionals: ¥229,900

Students: ¥196,900

12 weeks:

Professionals: ¥284,900

Students: ¥229,900

16 weeks:

Professionals: ¥339,900

Students: ¥262,900

With bi-weekly one-on-one mentoring and chat support available daily from 7 PM to 11 PM, you can progress through the curriculum efficiently without stress.

Google Digital Workshop

Google Digital Workshop offers a free online learning service. In the Digital Marketing course, you can learn about SEO, email marketing, and building e-commerce sites.

Upon completing all the courses and passing the final exam, you receive a certificate. This certificate can be added to your resume or shared on LinkedIn, enhancing your profile for job applications or career changes.


WEBMARKS specializes in SEO training. The curriculum is designed not only for skill enhancement but also with the goal of employment or self-employment. Costs vary by plan, but a 30-day money-back guarantee is included.


Employment: ¥498,000 (tax included)

Two-month SEO course

Ten months of employment support

Freelance Training: ¥498,000 (tax included)

One-Month Pre-study

Three-month SEO course

Two months of project acquisition support

Employment + Freelance: ¥598,000 (tax included)

Two-month SEO course

Employment and project acquisition support


Ten months of support for employment-focused courses

Sales training included in the curriculum for freelance training

Ten months of support for combined employment and freelance courses

In addition to SEO, you can also learn about content marketing and traffic analysis. Group work and mentoring sessions provide opportunities to ask questions and consult, helping to alleviate any learning concerns or challenges.

Taking Online Seminars

The benefits of attending online seminars include direct instruction from professional instructors and cost-effectiveness. Being able to ask questions directly to the instructor is also a significant advantage.

However, potential drawbacks include decreased concentration and issues like disconnection due to network problems.

Here, we’ve highlighted three online seminars

Seo Master Professional 

Seo Master Professional uses Zoom for its online seminars. These two-hour seminars are free to attend with a capacity of 100 participants. The seminars cover the basics and importance of SEO, such as;

  • What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
  • What do search engines look at on a site?
  • Current SEO trends
  • The importance of on-site SEO measures

*The content of the SEO seminar is generally consistent, but may change with updates to search engine algorithms.

Source: Content of the SEO Seminar (SEO Master Professional)

Advertising Conference 

In the Advertising Conference’s SEO course, participants learn the basics and techniques of SEO, how to create content that ranks high in search results, and the use of colors on websites. The fee is ¥49,000 (including tax, ¥53,900).

This seminar is suitable for those who feel uncertain about SEO and want to learn how to create content that can achieve high search rankings. Please note that the seminar is delivered on-demand and does not accommodate live Q&A.

AJSA SEO Strategy Seminar 

The AJSA SEO Strategy Seminar is available through Zoom and can also be attended in person. For online participants, the seminar can be recorded, allowing you to review the material later.

The participation fee is ¥8,000 per person (including tax).

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Using Skill Marketplaces

You can also learn SEO on skill marketplaces. These platforms allow you to freely choose and purchase services from a variety of skilled providers. However, a downside is the uneven quality among offerings. Here are three marketplaces to consider:

Before making a purchase, compare and consider the seller’s information, ratings, and costs.



3.Street Academy

Membership registration, which is free, is required in advance for any of these services.


At Coconala, individuals with various skills sell their expertise and knowledge, including courses on SEO. You can find courses not only on basic SEO but also on SEO writing and courses tailored to specific e-commerce sites.

You can choose a service based on the seller’s prices, profiles, and ratings that you feel best match your needs.


TIME TICKET is a platform where individuals with various skills and experiences offer their services in 30-minute increments. You can receive direct online instruction from sellers who specialize in marketing and SEO.

Street Academy 

Street Academy allows you to take courses online or face-to-face without a membership fee. Various instructors offer SEO courses suitable for beginners or those utilizing social media. You can also enroll in monthly online schools.

When choosing a course, you can make informed decisions by comparing and considering the instructors’ profiles and track records. Mr. Amano, the head of Tokyo SEO Maker, also periodically hosts SEO seminars on Street Academy.

Learning on YouTube 

Learning SEO on YouTube is one of the most convenient methods. With numerous educational videos available, not just for entertainment, this platform is popular for those looking to improve their skills in a flexible manner.

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Benefits of Learning SEO on YouTube

There are three key benefits to learning SEO on YouTube.

-Access to the Latest Information for Free

-Easy to Understand Content Visually

-Efficient Learning in Short Timeframes

Watching videos on YouTube is free, meaning you can learn the latest in SEO without any cost. Additionally, you can choose videos from creators who match your preferred presentation style, as each creator may vary in their delivery and tone.

Videos make it easy to visually grasp the content, and you can quickly understand operations on your computer or smartphone. By following along with the video, you can deepen your understanding by practicing the same actions.

And notably, the duration of the video is important. Most videos are designed to fit within 10 to 30 minutes, allowing you to learn efficiently during brief periods of free time.

Disadvantages of Learning SEO on YouTube

However, there are several disadvantages to learning SEO on YouTube.

-No Guarantee of Information Accuracy

-Distractions from Recommendations and Advertisements

-Satisfaction from Passive Consumption

Anyone can upload videos on YouTube, which means some might offer incorrect or outdated information. It is important to verify the knowledge you gain rather than taking it at face value.

Ads can interrupt videos, potentially reducing your focus. Also, the constant presence of related videos can lead to time wastage as you might end up watching multiple videos.

There is a risk of feeling satisfied from just watching videos, which can lead to significant missed opportunities. True learning involves applying the knowledge, not just absorbing it.


While it is possible to learn SEO on your own, using seminars or schools can make your learning process more efficient. Online schools allow you to learn at your own pace while resolving any learning anxieties with mentoring. Online seminars offer an affordable or free way to participate and the ability to review the material later. Skill marketplaces provide the benefit of choosing products that suit your needs based on the seller’s profile and history. However, whatever method you choose, maintaining motivation is essential for continuity. When attending courses, ensure you have a schedule and a conducive environment for concentrated learning.

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Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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