
What is Meta Refresh? : Explaining How to Handle It without Hurting Your SEO

Meta refresh

Meta refresh is one of many HTML tags used to redirect users from an old URL to a new one when a site’s address changes.

For instance, if a site relocates, it is necessary to inform visitors of the old site that the site has moved and prompt them to go to the new location. Redirects are the mechanism that automatically transfers users to the new site without requiring any effort on their part.

There are several methods to redirect users, and Meta refresh is one of the easiest and most accessible methods. However, from an SEO perspective, using Meta refresh can pose significant issues.

In this explanation, we will discuss Meta refresh and its implications for SEO.


What is Meta Refresh?

Using Meta refresh is straightforward; it only requires editing the HTML to set up the redirect. This ease of setup makes it a convenient redirect method for site operators, as it does not require any special web knowledge.

Other methods might involve configuring the server or writing code, which demands a higher level of web knowledge or coding skills.

Adding a simple tag in HTML makes Meta refresh an accessible option for setting up redirects, suitable for anyone to use.

What is a Redirect?

A redirect is a mechanism that automatically transfers users who access a specific web page to a different web page. Here are some scenarios where redirects are necessary.

  • When a site moves or is redesigned
  • When a site is upgraded to https
  • When merging two websites
  • When guiding users to a new page after deleting an old one
  • During maintenance that temporarily changes the URL
  • When directing users to a mobile site

For example, if the URL of a website changes due to a move or redesign, it is essential to guide users who land on the outdated site to the new site.

Redirects can also be used temporarily during maintenance or for specific campaigns to guide users to a different URL.

In all these cases, redirects are effective. They automatically guide users to the new site as soon as they land on the old site, enhancing usability and preventing user dropout.

This effectively guides users to the information they need without burdening them, ensuring high usability and helping prevent user abandonment.

Methods of Redirect

There are several methods for setting up redirects, besides Meta refresh.

Google recommends HTTP redirects (server-side redirects), which are widely used. Other methods include using programming languages ​​like PHP or JavaScript, or installing WordPress plugins.

Here is how to set up different types of redirects.

The method to set up redirects

  • Meta refresh: Edit the HTML
  • WordPress plugin: Install the plugin
  • HTTP redirect (server-side redirect): Upload a .htaccess file to the server
  • PHP: Write a program
  • JavaScript: Write a program

Meta refresh is a relatively easy setup method; it only requires adding a line to HTML.

Redirect settings via WordPress plugins are not only easy but also allow for server settings that are not possible with Meta refresh. If you are using WordPress, consider installing plugins.

HTTP redirects involve setting up redirection commands on the server. Although they are more complex than Meta refresh, they are highly recommended from an SEO perspective and are considered very important.

If you have programming knowledge, you can also create redirects using PHP or JavaScript.

To avoid negatively impacting your SEO, it is advised to use HTTP redirects.

How to Write Meta Refresh

Below is an example of how to write Meta refresh in HTML


<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=”>


This example means that the page will redirect to immediately (0 seconds after opening).

How to Write the Content Property

Content Property/how to write

Seconds: Time in seconds before the redirect occurs

URL: The destination URL to direct to

For the seconds, enter the time in whole numbers that the user will wait on the old web page before moving to the new page. For the URL, enter the new URL you want to redirect to.

Where to Write It

You can place it anywhere within the HTML’s head tag. However, if you mistakenly put it inside the body tag, the redirect will not function. Adding the Meta refresh is simple; just add the above code, but be mindful of where you place it.

Setting the Seconds

You can set the seconds to zero or any number.

Setting it to 0 seconds will redirect immediately, and higher numbers will increase the time spent on the old site. However, since the old site no longer contains relevant information, setting it to 0 seconds is recommended to quickly move users to the new site.

Google defines the seconds for Meta refresh as follows.

The type of redirect /The number of seconds/ The cases in which to use it

Permanent Redirect Type: 0 seconds; used for site relocations or URL changes.

Temporary Redirect Type: More than 0 seconds; used for maintenance or temporary campaigns.

Reference: Overview of Redirect Types (Google Search Central

Differences between Redirect Types

Choosing between a permanent and a temporary redirect depends on whether you want the old URL or the new URL to be indexed.

Indexing refers to how search engines like Google and Yahoo recognize and store website data in their databases. A site that is not indexed will not appear in search results, thus remaining unseen by users and receiving fewer visits.

Because indexing is crucial for SEO, it is vital to use permanent and temporary redirects appropriately.

Where Each Redirect Type is indexed

The method of redirect/ The destination index/ The cases in which to use it

  • Permanent Redirect (301 Redirect) Indexes the new URL. Used for site relocations or URL changes
  • Temporary Redirect (302 Redirect) Keeps the index at the old URL. It is applicable during site maintenance or for temporary.

In the case of permanent redirect (301 redirect), the new URL will be indexed. In site migration or URL changes, it is assumed that the new URL will be permanently used in the future. Since the importance of the new URL is higher than the old URL, the indexing of the old URL will be transitioned to the new URL.

In the case of temporary redirect (302 redirect), the old URL will remain indexed and will not be transitioned. This is because it is used under the assumption that it will return to the old URL in the future. 302 redirects are used not only during site maintenance but also when deploying campaign pages for events like Christmas or Valentine’s Day on separate URLs.

To receive proper SEO credit, choose between 301 and 302 redirects carefully. Incorrect choices can impact your SEO performance.

Especially be cautious of using a 302 redirect when a 301 is needed. Mistakingly setting a temporary redirect can prevent the new URL from being indexed, which could permanently affect visibility.

Benefits of Using Meta Refresh

The advantages of using Meta refresh for redirects include;

-Easy to set up

-Available for all web pages

-Allows you to set the redirect delay in seconds

  • Easy to Set Up 
  • You can easily configure a redirect by just adding the previously mentioned code to your HTML. It’s a convenient tool that doesn’t require specialized web knowledge.

Using Meta Refresh Across All Web Pages

Since HTML is the computer language used on all web pages, the Meta refresh tag can also be used on any site. It is convenient because it can be utilized regardless of server type or settings.

Configurable Delay for Redirects

With Meta refresh, you can specify the time until redirection to a new URL. While other methods also allow for timing settings, Meta refresh and certain WordPress plugins are easier to use; HTTP redirects, however, do not allow for time specification.

Setting the Redirect Delay

With meta refresh, you can specify the time it takes to move to the new URL. While it’s possible with other methods, excluding WordPress plugins, they are generally less versatile due to their higher complexity. It’s worth noting that with HTTP redirects, you can’t specify the time in seconds.

Setting the seconds until redirect

Setting the redirection/ Setting time in seconds

  • Meta refresh: Possible
  • WordPress Plugin: Some plugins allow it
  • HTTP Redirect (Server-side Redirect): Not possible
  • PHP: Possible
  • JavaScript: Possible

Setting the redirect delay is straightforward with Meta refresh or a WordPress plugin. Before installing any plugin, check its features as they vary.

Weaknesses of Meta Refresh

So far, we have discussed the positive aspects of Meta refresh. However, from an SEO perspective, it has significant drawbacks.

-Inability to Carry Over Old URL’s SEO Value

-Google suggests as an alternative to HTTP redirects

-Low usability

Inability to Carry Over Old URL’s SEO Value

One of the most crucial aspects of a permanent redirect, like a site transfer, is to carry over the SEO benefits from the old site to the new one. Unfortunately, Meta refresh does not allow for the transfer of search engine evaluations to the new site. If the old site’s rating was substantial, the loss could be considerable.

Types of Redirects and Their SEO Impact

  • HTTP Redirect (Server-side Redirect):
    • Permanent (301) Redirect: Transfers the old URL’s SEO rank to the new URL.
    • Temporary (302) Redirect: Does not transfer the old URL’s SEO rank.
  • Meta Refresh Redirect:
    • Immediate (0 seconds) Redirect: Does not transfer the old URL’s SEO rank.
    • Delayed (more than 0 seconds) Redirect: Does not transfer the old URL’s SEO rank.

A 301 redirect transfers the SEO effects of the old URL directly to the new URL, allowing the new address to inherit and potentially enhance the old site’s ranking and search position.

However, Meta refresh does not transfer the old site’s rating. The SEO score and efforts from the old site are lost, and the new site must start accumulating its SEO value from scratch. This results in compounded losses.

Especially in cases like site transfers where permanent forwarding is necessary, whether the search engine ranking from the old URL can be carried over is a critical issue. The tragic scenario of a site transfer resetting the SEO evaluation must be avoided.

Meta refresh can cause significant SEO damage. This drawback cannot be overlooked

Should You Use HTTP Redirects for SEO?

If you are considering SEO impact, please use HTTP redirects.

HTTP redirects include permanent 301 redirects and temporary 302 redirects. Choose a 301 redirect when the URL address is permanently changed, as it allows the new site to inherit the SEO value of the old URL, thereby enhancing the domain power even if the new site is just starting.

Meta Refresh as an Alternative

Google recommends HTTP redirects.

Successful SEO strategies cannot be achieved without adhering to search engine guidelines. Meta refresh is often presented not as a first choice for redirects but as a makeshift solution. From an SEO perspective, consider implementing HTTP redirects.

Lower Usability

Meta refresh may delay redirecting users to the new site, not only taking longer to reach the necessary information but also causing the frustration of landing on an unwanted page first.

Compared to HTTP redirects, which transfer users directly and quickly, the roundabout way of Meta refresh results in lower usability.

What is an HTTP Redirect?

HTTP redirect, also known as a server-side redirect, occurs when the server instructs the browser.

In server-directed HTTP redirects, users are moved directly to the new site, enhancing convenience and making it the recommended approach.

When a browser requests a web page, the server, recognizing that a redirect is necessary, returns the new URL instead of the old web page’s data.

The browser receiving this information from the server can then directly navigate users to the new site, ensuring the shortest and most efficient route to the optimal information, making it a user-friendly redirect mechanism.

With HTTP redirects, the address clicked by the user differs from the URL they ultimately land on. However, the handover of redirect information is so smooth that only the new website appears on the user’s screen, sparing them the stress of navigating through screens or waiting.

All these processes are handled behind the scenes, maintaining a consistently high level of usability, which also positively affects user satisfaction and thus impacts SEO performance.


From a serious SEO perspective, considering the higher usability and SEO benefits that come with HTTP redirects, it is hard to justify choosing Meta refresh. Use HTTP redirects. Meta refresh offers the simplicity of just adding a line to HTML and can be used across various websites, but it has low usability and can result in SEO losses. Google regards Meta refresh as an alternative for unavoidable cases, so when redirecting, actively opt for HTTP redirects. If you lack the knowledge to set up HTTP redirects, consider using a WordPress plugin to facilitate the process. Using WordPress plugins can also be an easy way to implement SEO strategies.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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