
What are Long-Tail Keywords? : Tips for Finding and Selecting Them Using Tools

Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords consist of about three to four words. They are characterized by lower search volumes and fewer competing pages, making it easier to rank higher in search results. This accessibility makes them especially beneficial for new websites and beginners looking to achieve quick results .

Incorporating long-tail keywords effectively into your website can lead to improved conversion rates and a boost in SEO rankings. It’s crucial to consider your website’s specific context when determining which long-tail keywords will be most effective and to strategize your content accordingly.

In this guide, we will delve into long-tail keywords. The SEO-focused Tokyo SEO Maker will offer insights accessible even to beginners just starting with website management. We will cover practical approaches and methods utilizing long-tail keywords, so be sure to check out the article for detailed information.


What are Long-Tail Keywords? 

Long-tail keywords are phrases composed of multiple words, typically characterized by lower search volume. Commonly formed from three or more words, they tend to have fewer competing pages. These keywords are also referred to as small keywords or niche keywords.

Long-tail keywords are easier to rank in search results compared to more general keywords and are known for higher conversion rates.

Search Volume of Long-Tail Keywords 

While long-tail keywords are more specific and have lower search volumes, they are contrasted with high-volume keywords, often called big or middle keywords. The table below provides an overview of the differences.

Keyword Type

Search Volume



Big Keywords




Middle Keywords




Long-Tail Keywords




Big keywords are those with high search volumes and numerous competing pages, making it challenging to achieve a high ranking in search results. For example, a single keyword like “facial toner” falls under big keywords. For middle keywords, it gets more specific, like “men’s facial toner.” Further refining leads to long-tail keywords, such as “men’s adding facial toner for acne,” specificity to the keyword. Researching the search volume and competition for these examples yields the following results:

Keyword: Facial toner

Searches per month: 74,000

Competition per month: 63,500,000 pages

Keyword: Men’s facial toner

Searches per month: 8,100

Competition per month: 22,400,000 pages

Keyword: Men’s facial toner for acne

Searches per month: 390

Competition per month: 3,600,000 pages

Related Article: What is Search Volume?

What is Long Tail SEO?

Long Tail SEO is a strategy that enhances the overall evaluation of a website by creating web pages using long-tail keywords. This approach targets keywords with fewer competing pages, making it an effective method for newly launched websites to experience tangible results. 

Long Tail SEO involves the concept of comprehensiveness in SEO evaluation. Google search engine tends to view websites with extensive related keyword information as more authoritative. Meanwhile, web pages targeting long-tail keywords are more likely to rank higher in search results, facilitating easier accumulation of web traffic. Therefore, Long Tail SEO proves to be an effective strategy in covering a wide range of keywords.

Advantages of Targeting Long-Tail Keywords

The benefits of adopting long-tail keywords mainly include the following:

  • Ease of creating original content
  • Less competition
  • Higher conversion rates

Ease of creating original content

Using long-tail keywords to make it easier to create original content.

Long-tail keywords are a more specific form of the main keyword. This makes it easier to grasp the attributes and search context of users, allowing for a more accurate guess of their search intent. Crafting pages with this understanding often results in high-value , readable content.

Related Article: What is Search Intent?

Furthermore, employing long-tail keywords implies dealing with niche and specialized topics. Consequently, in some cases, even the page title itself can become unique content.

Less Competition

Using long-tail keywords has the advantage of fewer competing pages. Less competition means it’s easier to rank higher in search results. Essentially, for themes targeted by long-tail keywords, it’s possible to dominate access.

Especially for new websites that tend to get lost in the competition, the effectiveness is noticeable. The assurance of a steady inflow of traffic allows for broadening website operational strategies, such as using landing pages (LP).

Related Article: What is a Landing Page?

High Conversion Rate

Access gained through long-tail keywords often results in a higher conversion rate (CVR). This is because users searching with specific keywords usually have a clear intent.

For example, consider someone searching for “men’s facial lotion for acne.” We can infer their search intent might be:

-Wanting information about men’s facial lotion effective against acne.

-Intending to purchase men’s facial lotion to treat acne.

This search intent likely includes the motivation to make a purchase.

Moreover, if your company sells a product that matches this need, setting up a website or landing page (LP) with the keyword “men’s facial lotion for acne” could enhance the efficiency of selling your product.

Considerations When Targeting Long-Tail Keywords 

When dealing with long-tail keywords, pay attention to the following.

  • Low Search Volume
  • Risk of Cannibalization
  • Increased Load on Content Directors

Low Search Volume 

Long-tail keywords typically have low search volumes, meaning they don’t usually bring in large traffic influxes. Be careful not to start creating pages without adequate research, as you might end up creating pages for keywords with no search demand, leading to no search engine traffic.

Risk of Cannibalization 

As you create more articles targeting long-tail keywords, there’s a risk of causing cannibalization, where pages within the same site compete with each other. This results in showing different pages in search results than the ones intended.

Related Article: What is Cannibalization?

Increased Load on Content Directors 

Creating many pages targeting long-tail keywords increases the total number of articles, adding to the workload of content directors. Exceeding the capacity for proper article management can lead to disorganization within the website.

It’s crucial to maintain a site structure where all pages are accessible within three clicks from the homepage. Failure in site structure can result in “lost” pages that can’t be reached from the homepage.

Related Article: How to Create a Strong Directory Structure for SEO

Additionally, creating multiple pages on the same topic can lead to duplicate content, so caution is needed.

Related Article: What is Duplicate Content?

Finding Long-Tail Keywords 

To find long-tail keywords, use SEO tools capable of researching search volume. Follow these steps:

1. Determine the focus keyword

2. Research the search volume

3. Decide the priority for page creation

  • Decide on the Keywords to Focus 

Based on the website theme, determine the keywords to focus on, related to the site’s main theme (main keyword).

For example, if operating a website themed around “lotion,” “men” could be a related keyword. Thus, you might focus on the middle keyword “men’s lotion.”

  • Research Search Volume 

Using SEO tools, research the search volume. Investigate related keywords and their search volumes for “men’s lotion.” For instance, you might find:

  • Men’s lotion recommended: 6,600 searches/month
  • Men’s all-in-one lotion: 2,400 searches/month
  • Men’s lotion for 40s: 720 searches/month
  • Men’s lotion for 30s: 320 searches/month
  • Men’s acne care lotion: 70 searches/month

This is just an example, but, creating content for all these keywords can comprehensively cover the middle keyword theme.

  • Determine the Priority for Page Creation 

After identifying the necessary articles to cover “men’s lotion,” decide the priority for creating each page. Pick the long-tail keywords to prioritize based on the objectives of the site operation.

Using Tools to Determine Search Volume 

To find out the search volume for keywords, utilize SEO tools. Some of the tools you can use include:

  • Keyword Planner
  • Ubersuggest

How to Use Keyword Planner 

Keyword Planner is an SEO tool that allows you to research keyword search volume. Originally, there is a tool called Google Ads, and it can be used as part of its features. To use Keyword Planner for researching search volume, follow these steps:

  • Access and log in to Keyword Planner.
  • Select “Find new keywords.”
  • Enter the keyword to research in the “Start with keywords” form and click “Get results.”

At this point, you can view a list of related keywords and their average monthly search volumes. When targeting long-tail keywords, choose words with lower search volumes.

Related article: Clearly explaining how to use Google Keyword Planner

How to Use Ubersuggest 

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that provides search volume and competitive analysis features. To use it, follow these steps:

  • Access and log in to ubersuggest.
  • Click “Keyword Research” “Keyword Overview” in the left menu.
  • Enter the keyword in the “Get keyword overview details” form and click “Search.”

Quote: ubersuggest

The result screen will display, allowing you to scroll and check various data, including keyword suggestions, search volumes, and competitive page information.

Effective Ways to Choose Long-Tail Keywords 

When choosing long-tail keywords, there are several points to consider. The key to selecting effective long-tail keywords includes the following tips:

1. Clearly define what constitutes a long-tail keyword

2. Meticulously manage the site and directory structure

3. Choose keywords that bolster the site’s main keyword

4. Select keywords that align with the site’s operational goals

Clearly define what constitutes a long-tail keyword

Define long-tail keywords based on search volume and SEO difficulty. For instance, establishing a common understanding among site operators that long-tail keywords are those with a search volume of 1000 or less and consist of more than three words is crucial.

Generally, there is no clear definition for long-tail keywords. However, discrepancies among site operators regarding long-tail keywords can lead to potential troubles. One such trouble could be the lack of consistency in the keywords picked by the person extracting long-tail keywords.

Thoroughly manage the search site and directory structure

When creating articles with long-tail keywords, it is crucial to meticulously manage the site and directory structure. Neglecting site structure management can lead to creating articles with similar themes and result in duplicate content.

First, prepare documentation for task management. One method is to compile this information in a Google spreadsheet with fields like:

-Page title


-Scheduled date for article publication

-Content of the article

-Article URL

You fill these details in the spreadsheet. 

You can simultaneously manage the work schedule and site structure. This also helps in clearly understanding the role each new article plays within the site when adding new keywords.

Choose keywords compatible with the site’s operational goals 

Choose keywords compatible with the site’s operational goals, when selecting long-tail keywords. Primarily, the aim of integrating long-tail keywords is twofold:

-To strengthen specific keywords.

-To increase the conversion rate.

For the first objective, select long-tail keywords related to the focused keyword. For example, if you want to enhance the category of “men’s facial toner,” you would cover related search terms like “men’s facial toner usage” and “men’s facial toner after bath.”

For the second objective, choose keywords with a clear action intent. For instance, if your company sells facial toner, select keywords that imply purchase intent, such as “men’s facial toner for acne care,” “recommended men’s facial toner,” or “men’s facial toner (product name).” These keywords should align with the search intentions of potential buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Long-Tail Keywords

Here we have compiled some frequently asked questions about Long-Tail Keywords.

Q: What is the opposite term for long-tail keywords? 

A: The opposite of long-tail keywords is “big keywords”.

Long-tail keywords are characterized by fewer searches and less competition. On the other hand, big keywords have a higher number of searches and more competing pages. While big keywords present a higher SEO difficulty, they also offer greater returns.

Q: Can beginners handle long-tail keywords? 

A: Yes, long-tail keywords are suitable for beginners because the competition is less, making it easier to achieve higher rankings, especially for new websites.

Q: What are other terms for long-tail keywords?

A: They can also be referred to as “small keywords” or “niche keywords.”

Q: What search volume qualifies as a long-tail keyword? 

A: There’s no clear definition for long-tail keywords; their significance varies with the site size and keyword category. 

For instance, in areas where big keywords draw tens to hundreds of thousands of searches, long-tail keywords typically attract tens to hundreds. 

Sometimes, single keywords with low search volume are treated as long-tail. However, they lack the “multiple words” aspect, missing out on the specificity of search intent that characterizes long-tail keywords.

Q: Can you provide examples of long-tail keywords? 

A: Long-tail keywords have lower search volumes and usually consist of three to four words. Examples include “men’s facial lotion acne care recommended” and “men’s facial lotion after bath.

Q: What tools can find long-tail keywords? 

A: Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest can help find long-tail keywords.

With tools like Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest, you can research related keywords and search volumes. Essentially, you refine your search using these tools to identify effective long-tail keywords based on the results.


Long-tail keywords, usually consisting of three to four words, are known for their low search volume and competition but high conversion rates. Long-tail keywords can help achieve higher search rankings and contribute to the site’s goals. Strategies using these are termed’ long-tail SEO,’ which can be highly beneficial depending on how they’re implemented. Consider integrating long-tail SEO with your website’s objectives in mind.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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