
Initial SEO Strategies for Beginners~ 3 Managing Google Search Visibility~

initial seo strategies

After launching a new website, the first step is to set up internal configurations before moving on to content creation. Enhancing internal measures not only boosts usability and site security but also strengthens SEO performance.

Delving into internal adjustments often brings up many complex terms and ideas, posing a challenge, especially for beginners. 

Thus, we aim to outline the essential internal measures that should initially be set. Please verify if these have been implemented on your site.

As an SEO consultant, I will guide you through ‘Initial SEO Strategies for Beginners 3: Managing Google Search Visibility’ aimed at those completely new to SEO. If you’re just starting with SEO, consider reading ‘SEO for Beginners: Utilizing ChatGPT in SEO Strategies in the New AI Era of 2023’ before you continue with this page.


What Are Internal Measures? 

Internal measures involve organizing and adjusting the inner framework of a website.

At its core, a website is made up of files and folders stored on a server. The goal of internal measures is to add to or change these files, tailoring the website to make it more user-friendly.

Things to Check for Internal Measures 

Internal measures mean changes made with SEO in mind. Generally, this covers organizing internal links in articles and improving page loading times. This explanation, however, will concentrate on steps to be taken right after launching a new website. Here are the things to check as internal measures immediately after a new website goes live

  • URL setup
  • Submission of an XML sitemap
  • Installation of global navigation
  • Implementation of breadcrumb navigation
  • Customization of the 404 page
  • Setting up structured data

Checking Web Page Elements Checking Web Page Elements

  • URL: A URL is a sequence of characters that identifies the address of a web page. Internal actions involve setting the standards for creating URLs for new pages.
  • Global Navigation: This refers to a consistent set of internal links. Part of internal measures is deciding which pages these links should connect to.
  • Breadcrumb List: Breadcrumb navigation displays the hierarchy from the current page back to the home page using internal links. Internal actions include putting these elements into place.
  • 404 Page: A 404 page appears when the requested page cannot be found. Internal steps include personalizing and setting up these pages.


An XML sitemap is a file that outlines the structure of a site for the Google search engine. As an internal action, this file is created and submitted to Google.


Structured data refers to the formatted data of a website designed for Google. Internal actions include arranging the data that needs to be communicated to Google.

Setting up URLs 

Regarding setting up URLs, a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the string of data representing the address of a website or page on the internet. In taking internal measures, specific steps are concerning URLs.

  • Normalize URLs
  • Implement SSL (HTTPS)
  • Set up permalinks

Normalizing URLs 

Normalizing URLs means ensuring that Google recognizes the correct format of a URL. While developing a website, situations might arise where the same content is reachable via various URLs. From Google’s or a visitor’s viewpoint, this could cause confusion, making it seem like there are duplicate pages. To avoid such confusion, URL normalization is essential.

Related Article: Explaining the methods for domain and URL normalization (redirects and canonical settings) and the expected SEO benefits.

This is particularly crucial when dealing with pages that are similar, requiring the normalization of URLs.


*presence or absence of the trailing ‘/’


*presence or absence of SSL


*presence or absence of ‘ www .’


*presence or absence of a page for smartphones


*presence or absence of ‘index.html’ at the end

To normalize URLs, methods such as 301 redirects or canonical settings are commonly used.

If Implementing a 301 Redirect 

A 301 redirect is a configuration that redirects site visitors from one page to another, also known as a forwarding setup. It’s used for permanent redirection, unlike a 302 redirect, which is for temporary redirection. 301 redirects are mainly employed when merging pages or transferring servers.

Related Article: Everything about 301 Redirects for SEO You Should Know

When implementing a 301 redirect, details are inputted into a file named .htaccess. This file is typically found within a server’s directory (folder). It’s worth noting that the extent of the .htaccess file’s impact differs depending on the directory in which it’s located.

For example, if there are pages within the same site like the following


And you want to unify them to have ‘www.’, you would write the following in the .htaccess file.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sample\.com

RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R=301,L]

Conversely, to unify URLs to exclude ‘www.’, write as follows

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.sample\.com

RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R=301,L] 

If Implementing Canonical Tags 

A canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) is an attribute in HTML that signals to Google the preferred version of a URL. For instance, if there are several similar pages on a site, the canonical tag is employed to indicate which page should be given priority for indexing.

Related Article: What is a Canonical Tag? Explaining Its Meaning and the Importance of Canonical Settings

To normalize URLs, you specify it within the <header></header> tags of your website as follows 


<link rel=”canonical” href=”正規化するURL”>


For instance, if you want to prioritize a URL with ‘www’, you would write it as follows.


<link rel=”canonical” href=””>


Implementing SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that keeps information safe when it’s sent over the internet. 

Related Article: What is HTTPS (SSL Encryption)? Explaining How to Set It Up and About Encrypting Your Site with SSL

When people visit a website, their browser sends and receives data. But there’s a chance that this data could be seen or changed by others. 

But if a website uses SSL to encrypt its data, it makes the site much more secure

Setting Up Permalinks 

A permalink (Permanent Link) is basically the web address that gets created when you make a new page. Inside that web address, you’ve got the part that comes after the main website address or any category folders – that’s called the slug.

Related Article: What Is a Permalink? Is There a URL Setup That Maximizes SEO Effects?

The slug for a new page is usually something you can edit and choose yourself. But remember, because the slug is also used in the page’s file name, it’s best to pick something that really matches what the page is about.

Deciding on Permalink Structures in Advance 

When you create a new page using a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress, the URL usually gets generated automatically. 

With CMS permalinks settings, you can apply rules to these auto-generated URLs. If your site operates in such an environment, changing permalinks midway might mean tasks like redirecting all the pages that were indexed before. So, it’s crucial to decide on your permalink setup beforehand. 

Even if you’re not using a CMS, changing permalink rules while your site is running can mess up your slug patterns and mess with the consistency of your site. That’s why it’s important to set your permalink rules ahead of time, no matter what situation you’re in.

Installing Navigation 

Navigation is basically the links visitors use to move around a website and find different pages. Making navigation better means visitors can find what they’re looking for more easily. Plus, it helps Google figure out how the website is set up. 

From an SEO standpoint, it’s best if all the pages on a site can be reached within three clicks from the homepage. Having good navigation helps make that happen. 

On the flip side, if a site’s structure is too complicated, it’s tough for both visitors and Google to understand how everything fits together. If that happens, the site might not get evaluated properly, so it’s important to be careful.

Types of Navigation 

Navigation plays a role similar to a guide for site visitors and Google within a website, and there are various ways to represent it. Specifically, navigation can be categorized as follows

  • Global Navigation
  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • Dynamic Navigation (Site Search)
  • Related Navigation
  • Pagination

Among these, the overviews of Global Navigation and Breadcrumb Lists are as follows

Global Navigation 

Global Navigation refers to a bunch of link menus that show up at the very top of the site structure, also known as the global menu. Usually, you’ll see this link menu at the top of every page, usually in the page header.

Related Article: What is Global Navigation? Explaining Its Role and Design Points

Breadcrumb List 

A Breadcrumb List shows the relationship between the main page and the page you’re on. For example, the breadcrumb list for this page looks like this: 

HOME > SEO Strategies > Three Initial SEO Strategies for Beginners/Managing Google Search Visibility

So, for this page, it shows that the article is part of the ‘SEO Strategies’ section, which is one step below ‘HOME’ (the main page).

Related Article: What is a Breadcrumb List? Benefits and How to Install

Generating and Submitting an XML Sitemap 

To set up navigation, the person running the site needs to know how the site is organized. So, the first step is to make a sitemap. A sitemap is basically a map of the site that shows visitors or Google how everything is laid out. Generally, there are two types of sitemaps:

  • An HTML sitemap installed on the website
  • An XML sitemap that encourages indexing by Google

The first type is basically a page on the website that shows the site’s layout, mainly for visitors to see. The second type is a file meant to tell Google how the site is structured. Usually, visitors don’t get to see the XML sitemap. Of these, the XML sitemap helps Google know about a new site and encourages indexing once it’s launched. So, if you’re thinking about SEO, it’s a good idea to have an XML sitemap ready.

Related Article: What is a Sitemap? Explaining Creation Methods and SEO Effects

Customizing the 404 Page 

A 404 page is basically an error page that pops up when someone tries to visit a page that doesn’t exist. 

Usually, 404 pages show up when users try to go to a site using a broken or dead URL. This might occur because of typos in links, both internal and external, or when links to pages that have been deleted are still hanging around unchanged. The 404 page usually looks like this:

Encountering a bland “Not Found” message might leave some site visitors feeling confused or anxious, causing them to exit the site without trying to go back using their browser’s back button. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to have a customized 404 page ready. A customized 404 page is a version of the error page that’s been tweaked to include links back to the website, improving the user experience even when an error occurs.

However, if visitors encounter a 404 page, it might cast doubt on the quality of the site. Therefore, it is essential to diligently prevent broken links as a general rule.

Setting Up Structured Data 

Structured data is information on a webpage organized in a format that Google’s search engine can grasp. This organization, done in HTML, is called structured markup. By using structured markup, you can accurately convey page information, such as whether proper nouns in the text refer to a person or a company.

For example, consider the word ‘FF’ in the text of a web page. Structured markup allows you to define whether ‘FF’ refers to the popular game ‘Final Fantasy’ or to the term ‘Follow/Follower’ used on Twitter.

Related Article: What is Structured Data? Explaining the Advantages, Disadvantages, and How to Markup

Examples of Using Structured Data 

Common examples of structured markup information include

  • Information about the site operator or company
  • Breadcrumb lists
  • FAQ information

The Vocabulary and Syntax of Structured Data

To use structured data properly, you need to understand the vocabulary and syntax. First, grasp the basics of structured data. You should know the main ideas, such as…”

  • Vocabulary
  • Syntax

What is Vocabulary? 

Vocabulary means the words we use to describe things in a specific way. For instance, we might use the word “name” to talk about someone’s name. When we mark up a page with “name,” Google knows it’s talking about a person’s name. Different groups have their own sets of words they use, and these are called standards. For instance

  • org
  • data vocabulary

Google Search Central recommends using for structured data markup in Google Search.

What is Syntax? 

Syntax is all about the rules for showing the information we’ve defined with our words (like someone’s name). It’s like following a recipe – there are exact steps to take. These steps change depending on the rules we’re following, called syntax specifications. Some examples of syntax are.

  • Microdata
  • RDFa

Google recommends using JSON-LD as the syntax for structured data.

Methods of Markup for Structured Data 

There are broadly two ways to implement structured data

  • Writing directly in the HTML file
  • Using tools

This explanation focuses on tools designed for beginners for structured markup.

Using Tools 

Using structured data tools means you can add structured data to your site without having to mess with the HTML code directly. This makes it pretty simple for people who aren’t HTML experts or don’t know much about running a website. Some tools you might use for this are

  • Data Highlighter
  • WordPress plugins

The Data Highlighter is a structured data tool provided by Google.

On the other hand, if you’re running a website on WordPress, you can easily add structured data using plugins. These are like extra tools that add new features. Popular plugins for structured data include;

-Markup (JSON-LD) 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Internal Measures 

Here, we introduce some frequently asked questions about internal measures in an FAQ format.

Q: Are internal measures essential? 

A: Basically, they’re really important. But, how you run your website depends on your situation. For instance, if you’re using a theme (which is like the main design of your website) on WordPress that’s already good for SEO, you won’t have to do as much extra work.

Q: Which internal measure is the most important? 

A: Everything we’ve talked about inside this article is really important. Things like making sure 

-URLs are set up right

-Sending in XML sitemaps

-Putting in global navigation

-Using breadcrumb lists

-Making your own 404 pages

-Setting up structured data 

are all things good websites usually take care of.

The way you actually do each of these things might change based on how your website works, so make sure to pick the methods that fit your site best.

Q: Is setting up mobile-friendliness necessary? 

A: Yes, it is necessary.

For more information on mobile responsiveness, please refer to the following article.

Related Article: What is Mobile-Friendly? SEO Basics for Beginners: Six SEO Strategies to Implement


Before you start making content for your website, make sure all the inside stuff is working right. If you start making content without sorting out all the internal settings, you might have to make big changes later on, so be careful. Start off by getting your website’s URL and navigation sorted, then focus on making really good pages.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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