
Indispensable SEO Check Tools

SEO Check_ToolsSEO tools can be indispensable assets to your workflow, especially when it comes to checking your SEO.What are these indispensable SEO check tools? Let’s go through them by category.

For an SEO strategy to be effective, there are numerous items that need specific attention. This is why SEO check tools are so essential. With the rise of so many beneficial SEO tools, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you.

That’s why we at SEO Maker Tokyo are here to help! In this article, we will go over what should be checked in your SEO and what tools will get the job done best.



What are SEO Check Tools?

SEO check tools are, as labelled, designed to check your SEO and optimize your websites for search engines. Utilizing these tools allows for the assessment of your website’s performance and can indicate areas for improvement.

These tools invaluable for web managers. Using them not only drastically improves work efficiency, but also enables you to the identify your website’s strengths and weaknesses. Mastering these tools is crucial for steering your websites SEO towards success.


Benefits of Performing SEO Checks

There are many advantages to SEO checks, here we will delve into some of the benefits it can bring you.


Analysis of SEO Performance

Without checking the effectiveness of your previously implemented SEO measures, continually improving is near impossible. By employing tools for SEO checks, the impact of your recent strategies can be monitored effortlessly. These changes are then displayed through simple graphs and figures.


Competitive Comparison

SEO check tools allow you to compare your websites with your competitors. This allows you to identify what others are doing that your company is not, and then you can incorporate these insights into future SEO strategies. This will allow you to skyrocket your SEO success.


Keyword Strategy Development

Keyword strategy is vital for your website’s success. SEO check tools allow you to check the selection of target keywords for your website. For instance, you might discover some keywords with high search volumes, but low competition. Invaluable insights like that can be a gamechanger for your website’s success.


Preparations Before Conducting an SEO Check

To conduct an SEO check, it’s important to prepare in advance. Therefore, please consider about implementing the following points within your organization before using SEO check tools.


Clarify Your Objectives

Before using any SEO check tools, it would be wise to determine the purpose of your check. This could be setting a target search ranking position, selecting specific keywords to focus on, or deciding on the direction for your content’s improvement. The objectives you want to reach will influence the tools you want use moving forward.


List the Items to Check

There are countless things to look for in an SEO check, and knowing what items align with your company’s objectives is invaluable. Once your goals are clear, you can easily narrow down the list of items to review.


Identify Competitors

As stated above, these tools can help you with checking your site against your competitors. However, before that step can be completed, you need to identify your competitors first. Setting competitors also tends to boost the morale of your internal SEO team. It’s appropriate to choose competitors within the same industry, either at the same level or slightly higher than your company.


Form an Efficient SEO Check Team

Analyzing the results of your SEO check and planning appropriate improvement measures is crucial. Organize a team to compile and analyze the results. Assigning specific responsibilities can make the SEO check process more effective and efficient.


SEO Check Items

An SEO check can be classified into four categories:

  • Keywords
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Search Ranking
  • Let’s go through each item and explain them.



Selecting keywords is one of the first, and most important tasks, in SEO strategy. Identifying which keywords your site aims to rank for, and which keywords competitor sites rank for is invaluable for site traffic. Tools can simplify keyword research and selection by showing search volume and related keywords, as well as what keywords need to be addressed etc. Keyword selection is a critical component of effective SEO strategy, so it’s best to check first when creating new pages.


On-page SEO

On-page SEO refers to optimization within your own site. It’s important for correctly conveying content to Google while avoiding penalties. On-page SEO errors can also lower user satisfaction. That is why SEO check tools can change your sites usability drastically. This includes optimizing site structure and tags, among other tasks, which can be time-consuming. Utilizing tools can help streamline on-page SEO checks.


Off-page SEO

An Off-page SEO check measures how external sites evaluate your website. Specifically, it means that your website is creating and distributing high-quality content, and other websites are linking to it. This allows your website to gain high-quality inbound links.

Therefore, it’s necessary to check where your site’s backlinks are coming from, as poor-quality links can lower your site’s evaluation. These tools can aid in investigating the number of links and their sources, which is beneficial for off-page SEO.


Search Ranking

Monitoring your site’s search ranking is crucial for deciding on an SEO strategy. Regularly checking the ranking and its fluctuations also allows you to observe competitors’ activities. Following the ranking trends for specific keywords, and improving pages that are not ranking high, is crucial for SEO success. Jumpstart your success by using SEO check tools to ensure your rankings are the best they can be.


Recommended Tools for Specific SEO Check Items

Managing the multitude of check items in SEO can be a daunting task, requiring significant effort and time for thorough research and verification. Utilizing SEO check tools can streamline this process, enabling more efficient and effective SEO strategies.

  • -Keyword Check Tools
  • -On-Page Optimization Check Tools
  • -Off-Page Optimization Check Tools
  • -Search Rank Check Tools

Now that we have discussed what these tools can do for you and your websites, Let’s discuss our recommended tools.


Keyword Check Tools

Keyword check tools allow you to identify what keywords are being searched within search engines.

These tools are invaluable for selecting optimal keywords for your website, so we highly recommend making use of them.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is a tool within Google Ads. This tool allows you to investigate the competitiveness and monthly search volume for each keyword. You can check competitiveness in three levels: low, medium, and high. This allows you to accurately assess your websites SEOs potential for success.

To use it, a Google Ads account is required, but it’s accessible for free without the need to run ads, making it easily usable by anyone.

Name: Google Keyword Planner


Price: Free


Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that leverages Google’s search data to provide visualized data on the latest trending words, as well as the search frequency trends of specific keywords.

Google Trends can be an invaluable tool for your website’s effectiveness. From checking a words popularity, to targeting popular words for content creation, or analyzing your sites traffic trends.

Name: Google Trends


Price: Free is a free tool that allows you to check the monthly search volume of specified keywords on Google and Yahoo!. The site features two main tools: a Search Volume Forecast tool and a Competitive Search Volume Forecast tool.

The Search Volume Forecast tool lets you easily view related terms for a keyword, estimated monthly search volume, and forecasted monthly search access based on search ranking. The Competitive Search Volume Forecast tool, on the other hand, provides insights into the estimated monthly search volume for a given URL and keyword, current ranking, and forecasted monthly search access, making it useful for competitive analysis.



Price: Free

Funkey Rating

Funkey Rating is a tool that allows you to check the keyword density of specified web pages or texts. Since Google evaluates page content based on keywords, it’s necessary to analyze how frequently each word is used within all the words on a page.

A significant feature of this tool is that it can be used for both published and unpublished content. Additionally, the ability to adjust keyword frequency enables optimal keyword density for effective SEO strategies.

Name: Funkey Rating


Price: Free


Internal Measures Check Tool

By using the Internal Measures Check Tool, it is possible to check the structure and errors of a website. Since SEO internal measures cover a wide range of aspects, utilizing check tools allows for more efficient implementation of SEO strategies.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that enables the checking of a website’s ranking and search traffic. It allows for the identification of duplicate titles and descriptions, as well as diagnosing the site’s performance in search results. This includes rankings and click-through rates. It also enables automatic error reporting, and in the event of a penalty, applications for penalty removal can be submitted directly through Google Search Console.

Name: Google Search Console


Price: Free

Copy Content Detector

The Copy Content Detector is a plagiarism check tool that can check up to 4,000 characters. Content created through copy-pasting is deemed low-quality by Google and may incur penalties. Therefore, it is crucial to use a plagiarism check tool to ensure content originality. The Copy Content Detector allows for the analysis of text similarity and match rate, and it features CSV upload and download functionalities.

Name: Copy Content Detector


Cost: Free

SEO Master

SEO Master is an SEO software that provides specific advice on necessary amendments for SEO. This is done by simply inputting the target page’s URL and search keywords. It diagnoses internal factors based on over 100 items, displays advice for amendments or leads for content optimization. SEO Master is user-friendly for those new to SEO or considering SEO strategies, allowing for easy implementation of the best SEO measures.

Name: SEO Master


Price: 35,000 yen per month

High Evaluation

It also allows for detailed analysis of words, character count, word count, link lists, presence of ALT (is this meaning alternative?) information, and text within tags. This makes it quite valuable for checking those vital internal measures for SEO.

As high-quality content is essential for SEO, High Evaluation aids in creating content that is highly rated by search engines.

Name: High Evaluation


Price: Free


External Strategy Check Tools for SEO

External SEO strategies primarily involve actions taken to acquire backlinks. Understanding the number and sources of backlinks to your website is indispensable for effective external strategy. Therefore, utilizing these check tools can greatly enhance the efficiency of your external SEO efforts.


MySite Backlink Check Tool

The MySite Backlink Check Tool offers an easy way to review your website’s backlink status. By simply entering your URL, it displays a list of anchor texts for backlinks, page ranks, the number of external links on the page with the backlink, and the importance of each backlink calculated using a unique formula.

This tool also allows for the analysis of competitor sites, enabling you to identify trends in content that frequently gains backlinks.

Name: MySite Backlink Check Tool


Price: Free


Ahrefs Site Explorer

Ahrefs Site Explorer is an SEO check tool capable of content review, keyword research, and backlink checks. The anchor text feature allows you to see the URLs of backlinks to your site and the specific anchor texts used.

It also stands out by enabling you to assess the quality of competitors’ backlinks, check if they are running paid search ads, and determine where their paid traffic is concentrated.

Name: Ahrefs Site Explorer


Price: Starts at $99 per month

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is a tool for analyzing backlinks for your own and competitors’ websites by simply entering a domain or URL. It provides information such as the number of backlinks, the domains they come from, and an indicator to judge the quality level of domains, which is invaluable for assessing how competitors is superior to your website in terms of backlinks.

The easy-to-understand features include pie charts showing the ratio of anchor texts, and the number of backlinks and domains, as well as a link profile that visually represents the quality and quantity of backlinks.

Name: Majestic SEO


Price: Starts at $49.99 per month

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a tool that facilitates competitor analysis including keyword research and external backlinks. Its features include a keyword suggestion tool and the ability to conduct internal strategies simultaneously.

Using MOZ Pro allows for an objective evaluation with various metrics, reducing the effort and time required for backlink research and current page analysis.

Name: Moz Pro


Price: Starts at $99 per month


Search Ranking Check Tool

For SEO efforts by monitoring current standings and measuring the effects after implementing strategies, search ranking check is indispensable. However, manually checking the search ranking of one’s site for each targeted keyword can be quite time-consuming, making the use of search ranking check tools essential.


GRC is a tool that allows you to check the rankings in search results on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. It retrieves and checks the search rankings of set URLs and keywords in real-time.

Additionally, it features the ability to monitor rank changes at fixed points and display these changes in a graph, making it convenient for preparing SEO reports or improving pages that do not rank well.

Name: GRC


Price: Free / From 4,500 JPY per month

Search Ranking Checker

The Search Ranking Checker is a simple tool for checking the search ranking of entered URLs and keywords. It allows you to check up to five keywords at once and retrieves rankings for both PC and mobile versions on the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Since it can be accessed via a browser, no troublesome settings or installations are needed, and its relatively light operation allows for results to be downloaded in CSV format, making it a handy tool.

Name: Search Ranking Checker


Price: Free

Ranking Checker

The Ranking Checker is an online tool that checks the display rankings on search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

It allows you to see the rank of a website within the only top 100 for a specified keyword. However, if the rank is outside the top 100, it will be displayed as “Not Ranked”. Its online access without the need for settings or installations also makes it conveniently easy to use.

Name: Ranking Checker


Price: Free


BULL is a fully automatic rank checking tool. As a cloud-based tool requiring no installation, it can check the search rankings on Yahoo!, Google, and Bing up to the 100th rank.

Being cloud-based means there is no need to keep a PC running to obtain search rankings, and it allows for the sharing of research results across multiple devices or users. It also enables advanced analysis, such as examining the relationship between Google’s algorithm and changes of ranking fluctuations, and the results of regional searches.

Name: BULL


Price: From 1,100 JPY per month


Points to look at in SEO checks

When conducting an SEO check, please be mindful of the following points:

Utilize Multiple SEO Check Tools

It is best to not rely solely on one SEO check tool. By employing multiple tools, you gain each tools unique perspective for SEO analysis, allowing you to have a more comprehensive evaluation.

Consider Improvement Priorities

The SEO check tools will likely identify multiple areas for improvement. Thus, it’s crucial to prioritize the areas most important to your website. For example, if mobile-friendliness can significantly impact search rankings, then it should be addressed as a priority.

Perform Checks Regularly

SEO checking is not a one-time task. Since rankings fluctuate constantly, it’s important to monitor changes regularly. By continuously performing SEO checks and engaging in the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, you can maintain your websites success.


Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Checks

Here we have compiled some frequently asked questions about SEO checks.

Q: What is the purpose of conducting an SEO check?

A: The purpose of an SEO check is to identify issues with your website and implement appropriate measures to address them. The ultimate goal is to achieve higher search engine rankings, increase traffic, and boost sales.

Q: How do you perform an SEO check?

A: SEO checks can be done manually or automatically using tools. Manual checks require a thorough examination of the website, which can be labor-intensive. Therefore, consider using SEO check tools.

Q: Should I use free or paid SEO check tools?

A: There are both free and paid SEO check tools available. Paid tools may offer more detailed data and other advantages, but depending on your website’s size, free tools could suffice. Evaluate both options to determine the best fit for your needs.


Q: Should SEO checks be conducted in-house or outsourced?

A: SEO checks require specialized knowledge, such as analytical skills with Google Analytics or Google Search Console and keyword selection expertise. Outsourcing to a reputable SEO firm is a viable option.



Checking for SEO can be challenging to manage alone, as there are many important aspects to consider. Creating high-quality, SEO-strong content requires time and effort, making the use of SEO check tools indispensable.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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