
What is “Hummingbird”? : Overview and Features



Hummingbird is one of the past algorithms. The Hummingbird system has been integrated as part of subsequent systems or as a part of the core ranking system. It was a significant algorithm update added to the entire ranking system in August 2013. Since then, Google’s ranking system has continued to evolve.

Here, we will explain the past algorithm known as Hummingbird.


What is Hummingbird algorithm?

The Hummingbird update is an enhancement that improved the processing capability for ‘Conversational Search’. It is an algorithm designed to deliver more relevant and accurate search results by understanding the background and context of search keywords. This includes conversational search phrases (searching sentences rather than compound or single words) and keywords with ambiguous intent that require an understanding of the background of the words.

Starting with grasping the concept of the “Semantic Web” as proposed by Tim Berners-Lee of W3C. Semantic search technology is about interpreting the searcher’s intent to deliver the most accurate information they seek, a principle that also underlies subsequent algorithms like RankBrain.

Characteristics of Hummingbird

The unique feature of the Hummingbird algorithm lies in its ability to display search results based on the underlying intent and context of a query, even if the exact keywords are not present. For example, queries posed as questions are particularly influenced by Hummingbird, yielding results shaped by this algorithm.

Take this scenario.

When you search on Google, “What is the longest river in Japan?” the algorithm understands you’re seeking the answer to that question. The search results returned do not only provide that the Shinano River is the longest in Japan, complete with photos, but also information about the second to fifth longest rivers. It’s impressive, though I noticed the photo was unfortunately of the Kitakami River, ranked fifth. (-_-;)

These details highlight the desire for improved accuracy. The second-ranking search result included details about the top three rivers in Japan and even the world’s top ten rivers, suggesting that sites offering comprehensive information tend to rank higher.

The above was an example of search results from Hummingbird.


How did you find the discussion on Hummingbird? This algorithm update demonstrated how Google has improved search technology for users. It was introduced in September 2013, and I remember this as the moment when the accuracy of Google’s search engine improved dramatically. Let’s also keep RankBrain in mind.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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