
Explaining the Keys to Achieving High SEO Rankings in Search Results


An SEO article is designed to rank high in search results and is created through SEO writing. Successful SEO can bring various benefits. However, without knowing the key points and methods to achieve high rankings, it is difficult to appear at the top of search results.

Even if you tirelessly write articles without strategy, hoping that more content will boost your SEO , it remains challenging to rank high in search results, and many struggle without achieving top placement.

A shortcut to achieving high rankings is to create a site that aligns with the needs (search intent) of those searching. There are several key points and methods to do this, as well as SEO techniques that can enhance your rankings. In this article, we will reveal those techniques.


What is an SEO Article?

An SEO article is written to appear in the organic search results section of search engines like Google and Yahoo!, often aiming to appear at the top of search results. Being ranked high for specific keywords increases visibility, as many searchers will see the web content’s title and description, leading to higher click-through rates and easier customer acquisition.

To rank high in search results, the web page must provide valuable information to searchers and receive a positive evaluation from search algorithms.

An article needs to incorporate essential elements relevant to the keywords to be rated highly by Google and ranked at the top. Such articles are referred to as SEO articles here.

Characteristics of Articles Likely to Rank High in SEO

Articles likely to rank high are those highly rated by search algorithms. While the specific criteria of these algorithms are generally not disclosed, creating a webpage that adheres to the following can earn a high rating

  • User-first webpages
  • Pages that meet the search intent of the user
  • Pages with professional and comprehensive information
  • Easily readable webpages

From the content of Google updates and the analysis of top-ranking articles, it is evident that the above aspects are required in SEO articles, which must be beneficial to searchers. These considerations are also crucial when rewriting web pages.

Benefits of SEO Articles

Creating SEO articles offers many advantages. Aiming for high search results is crucial in web marketing, especially in SEO.

  • Allows a small start
  • Turns web content into a revenue-generating asset
  • Increased recognition by many people
  • Enhances branding effects

Starting Small

You can start SEO efforts with little to no cost by creating web pages that are useful to searchers. If you have the necessary expertise in-house, there is no need to outsource tasks. Tools for analyzing how web pages perform, like Google Search Console and Google Analytics , are available for free, keeping operational costs low.

Most strategies to achieve high rankings can be implemented for free. It’s important to continually experiment and improve to create a high-quality site without incurring significant costs.

Web Content That Delivers Results

By mastering key points and experimenting, SEO articles often produce good results. Ranking high in search results can lead to increased traffic to web content, which easily translates into measurable outcomes. Since it doesn’t continuously incur costs like advertising does, its cost-effectiveness is very high.

Web content that ranks high can positively influence other web pages, enabling the production of more high-ranking pages. Thus, web content becomes a valuable asset that generates significant results.

Widely Recognized

Ranking high for specific keywords increases visibility. When viewers share web content on social media or blogs, it generates traffic beyond search results, leading to even greater audience engagement. By linking SEO articles internally, it prevents users from leaving the site, and if users find the information they need and are satisfied, it increases your fan base and recognition.

Branding Impact

Consistently creating SEO-focused articles helps produce high-quality sites, contributing to web content branding. Mass-producing quality sites receives favorable SEO evaluations for the entire site, turning it into web content that attracts many visitors and is recognized as high quality by many.

Low Cost Implementation

While web marketing typically involves costs such as information gathering from books, implementing tools, and sometimes participating in online courses or classes, these can add up.

On the other hand, with SEO writing alone, posting and rewriting articles in-house can lead to substantial results. Since the necessary tools, such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console, are free, it offers the benefit of being low cost.

Disadvantages of SEO Articles

While it might seem like SEO articles are versatile, cost-effective, and highly valuable, there are disadvantages.

  • It takes time to see effects
  • It requires effort to manage

Time Required for Effectiveness

It often takes time to achieve results and rank high in search results. For newly launched sites with initial domains, it’s better to assume that it can take more than six months to be evaluated by search engines, and it’s important to understand that results won’t come immediately.

If you want to achieve results without spending time, you’ll need to consider costly measures such as distributing web advertisements, including listing ads.

Regular Effort Required

In SEO, it’s crucial to have pages with information beneficial to searchers. Therefore, web pages once created need to continuously meet the needs of searchers, requiring regular rewrites. If you leave a web page unattended, its information may become outdated or no longer meet the needs of searchers, resulting in a lower ranking. Thus, careful attention is necessary from creation to operation.

Characteristics of Articles That Are Difficult to Rank in SEO

To ensure a web page is evaluated, it must meet the searchers’ needs by providing quality content. Understanding the characteristics of pages that are difficult to rank in SEO can help in creating quality web pages.

Pages difficult to rank in SEO typically feature as below.

  • Content that does not match user needs
  • Outdated information
  • Slow loading times
  • Text-heavy content without emphasis

Content That Does Not Match User Needs

Even if the title and description shown in the search results are well-crafted, if the information does not match user needs, it will likely be poorly rated in SEO. It’s essential to constantly verify that the information posted is necessary from a user’s perspective.

Outdated Information

If a web page has not been updated for an extended period or uses outdated information during the research phase, it can be considered not meeting user needs. To create articles that are considerate to readers, it is necessary to continually update with the latest information.

Slow Loading Web Pages

Web pages that take a long time to load are not considered user-friendly. Additionally, loading time is a known factor in SEO evaluation, affecting ratings both directly and indirectly. Since searchers generally want information quickly, it is advisable to minimize loading times as much as possible.

Recommended Article: Explaining how to measure and improve page loading speed using PageSpeed Insights.

Text-Only Web Pages Lack Contrast

Web pages consisting only of text are often judged as difficult to read and do not fare well in SEO evaluations. Incorporating images or photos into web pages can make the content easier to understand. To avoid giving a monotonous impression, steer clear of creating text-only web pages.

Key Points for Creating Strong SEO Articles

There are several key points to consider when creating strong SEO articles.

  • Content that aligns with the user’s search intent
  • Content aware of E-A-T
  • Including targeted keywords within the article
  • Containing original content

Content That Aligns with User Search Intent

The most crucial aspect Google’s search algorithm considers is whether a web page aligns with the searcher’s needs. To be evaluated positively by the search algorithm, it is fundamental that the content meets these needs. For example, someone searching “recommended cosmetics” clearly intends to find recommended cosmetic products. Digging deeper, they might be looking for products suitable for their skin type. An article that merely lists popular cosmetics does not adequately address this intent.

Creating content that digs deeper into the search intent and considers what should be included can lead to higher evaluations.

Recommended Article: What is Search Intent? The Importance of Search Intent in SEO and How to Use It Explained

Easy-to-Understand Heading Structure

Articles posted on a site need to capture the targeted keywords and user needs accurately, so it’s crucial to set headings that keep the content focused and structured.

Since users often check headings when selecting information, structure your headings—main, sub, and minor—in an easy-to-understand flow to help categorize the information clearly.

Content Aware of E-E-A-T

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, which are criteria for evaluating whether the information reflects the search intent. Thus, creating articles with E-E-A-T in mind can result in strong SEO articles.

An E-E-A-T strong article is envisioned as follows.

  • Written based on necessary real-life experience (Experience)
  • Contains knowledge that only someone with significant expertise would know (Expertise)
  • Based on persuasive positions or information, understandable even to a child (Authoritativeness)
  • Describes truthful information (Trustworthiness)

People seeking information do not prefer content created by those without knowledge or experience related to the topic. They seek information from qualified or experienced individuals, using studies or articles that utilize significant knowledge. When creating strong SEO articles, the information must be easy to understand and truthful for everyone.

Content aware of E-E-A-T contributes to providing valuable information to search users.

Recommended Article: What is E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)? Explaining the Specific SEO Evaluation Criteria

Including Targeted Keywords in the Article

It’s important to include targeted strategic keywords, related terms, and collocations within the article.

Strategic Keywords 

Strategic keywords are those you want to rank for in search results. By incorporating these keywords into your web page content, you can aim to achieve the desired high ranking. Strategic keywords form the core theme of the web page, and including them in titles and headings can attract users who are searching for those keywords. As a result, the article is likely to be viewed as satisfying and strong in SEO.

Place the strategic keyword at the very left of the page title. Include related terms and collocations in each heading within the text.

Related Terms 

Related terms are keywords combined with the strategic keyword. For example, if the strategic keyword is “cosmetics,” related terms could be “cosmetics brands.” These are used to refine search results to better match user needs.

Including content with multiple related terms on your web page can create a site that meets various needs, making it beneficial for many users.


Collocations are deeply related to the strategic keyword. For example, collocations for “cosmetics” could include “cosmetics” and “beauty.” Including these keywords on your web page supports user understanding and can increase the time users spend on the page. Additionally, including collocations can enhance the comprehensiveness and expertise of the information, making the page more likely to be well-rated in SEO.

Including Original Content 

Web pages that include original content are easier to distinguish from competitor sites and are more likely to be highly rated in SEO.

Creating web pages based on research of competitor sites leads to comprehensive information, which is valued in SEO. However, publishing content similar to competitor sites can be seen as duplicate content and lower your rating, so it’s essential to include original content.

Incorporating unique content not available on competitor sites can create a web page that greatly satisfies users.

Insert Images Appropriately 

Users tend to prefer content that includes images rather than text-only articles, so select and insert images that are highly relevant.

However, relying too heavily on images can lead to a lower rating by Google’s search engine and cause a decrease in display speed, prompting users to leave the site.

Therefore, adjust the resolution and size while ensuring the overall content is easy to read and of high quality.

Preparation Before Writing an SEO Article

Here, I will explain the steps to prepare before writing an article for your site. Creating content haphazardly not only fails to lead to SEO success but can also lead to a decline in quality. Therefore, actions such as setting targets and formulating strategic keywords are essential.

Setting the Target Audience

Setting the target audience is the starting line in marketing and is a crucial step that influences subsequent results.

However, since you’re not posting articles for just one user, start by setting a broad framework that matches the site’s operational policy.

For example, if the broad framework is “mothers with young children,” you would set more detailed targets for each article, such as “mothers of infants, working mothers, mothers struggling with childcare.”

Doing so will enhance the site’s expertise, branding, and lead to an increase in continuous traffic.

Formulating Strategic Keywords

Formulating keywords that lead to search visibility is also an important step. However, solely adopting frequently searched big keywords might result in too much competition.

A recommended approach is to set long-tail keywords. By incorporating a second or third keyword, you reduce competition and increase the likelihood of appearing at the top of search results.

Recommended Article: Strong Content Creation Methods for SEO [From Keyword Selection to Writing]

Understanding User Needs

To create effective SEO articles, you must finish with content that meets the market’s user needs.

Extracting frequently searched long-tail keywords allows you to anticipate user trends and specific problems.

For example, from “desk home recommended cheap,” you can infer that many users are looking for affordable, quality desks for home use. This insight can guide not only the content of the article but also future communication strategies and marketing approaches.

Competitor Site Analysis

Check the competitor sites that rank high with the keywords you have set, and investigate their word count and content.

However, accessing dozens of sites can be labor-intensive, so it’s recommended to focus on the top 5 to 10 sites and understand the average standards.

For instance, if the average word count is 6,000, posting an article of about 2,000 words will likely not rank high. While it’s good to follow some standard headings, repeating the same content isn’t effective. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the overall quality of the content by focusing on more detailed and credible information.

How to Write an SEO Article

To write an article that achieves high ratings in SEO, follow the strong article creation points mentioned previously and proceed with these steps:

  • Create the article structure
  • Write the article
  • Decorate the article
  • Proofread the article

1. Create the Article Structure 

Create a blueprint for the SEO article by developing an outline that considers headings and the direction of the text.

Headings should include strategic keywords and related terms, making the content understandable just from the headings.

The body should articulate the general direction of what will be written under each heading. Also, consider articulating the introduction and conclusion if possible; if it’s challenging, you can finalize these after the article is complete.

2. Write the Article 

Once the article structure is ready, start writing the actual article. It needs to be clear and understandable for the user.

Writing Method 

Creating a web page may seem to require advanced writing skills, but these are not always necessary. While advanced skills can enhance the variety of your expressions and lead to quality content, other important aspects include thorough research and writing content that meets the search users’ needs.

If you are not confident in your writing skills, focus on making your text clear and aligned with user needs.

Content Focused on the Reader 

Once the article structure is created, use your research and knowledge to write with the reader in mind. Including collocations in your text supports understanding and helps make the article easier to read.

For example, if you are writing an SEO article with the keyword “recommended cosmetics,” including collocations like “cosmetics” and “beauty” can support understanding by discussing trendy cosmetics and the beauty benefits of various products.

Consider writing fluidly to ensure the reader can easily follow along.

Use the PREP Method 

If you are struggling to write or enrich the content, using the PREP method can help structure your writing.

  • Point (Conclusion)
  • Reason
  • Example
  • Point (Conclusion)

Starting with a conclusion, explaining the reasons and examples, and ending with the conclusion makes the information clear and easy to understand for the reader.

3. Decorate the Article 

After writing the content, add diagrams, graphs, and photos to make the article more understandable and persuasive. Use original materials for decorations to avoid lowering SEO ratings, which can happen with copied images from other sites.

If it’s difficult to prepare original materials, use free or paid materials. 

Depending on your target audience, using bold text or highlighting can also be an effective decoration strategy.

Proofread the Article 

After finishing the writing, proofread the article. Perform a final check for typos and content errors. Articles with many mistakes or awkward phrasing cannot earn the trust of readers. Proofread the article multiple times and use tools like Microsoft Word’s proofreading functions.

SEO Article Rewriting Techniques 

Once you have a substantial number of articles, it’s crucial to perform continuous rewrites. Rewriting not only improves content quality, leading to better evaluations from Google’s search engine, but it also enhances usability for users, making it an essential strategy in SEO writing.

Selecting Articles for Rewriting 

Not all articles on a site need to be rewritten. Choose articles that are struggling with views or search rankings, or those that are over a month old. Google Search Console, a free tool, is recommended for identifying such articles.

This tool allows you to easily analyze the ranking, click numbers, view counts, and search keywords (traffic sources) of each article, making it a good metric for considering rewrites.

However, articles that already rank within the top 10 should not necessarily be altered, as changes can sometimes have negative effects. It’s often safe to leave them as is.

Rewriting Tips Based on Ranking Position 

To elevate the quality of your articles and transform them into better content, it’s helpful to set goals for rewriting based on their ranking positions.

Here, I will explain the key points of rewriting, organized by search ranking.

Top 10 Rankings 

Pages that appear in the top 10 of search results are effectively engaging with the search engine. First, focus on click rates, viewing time, and whether visitors navigate through the site.

If a highly ranked article is not getting clicks, there may be issues with the title or the summary shown during searches. If viewing time is short and site navigation is low, consider revising the article’s style and internal linking.

Ranks 11 to 30 

Articles ranked between 11 and 30 need rewriting to appear on the first page of search results. Check whether these articles incorporate common elements found in higher-ranked articles on the same theme, whether they sufficiently inform users, whether there’s a mismatch between the theme and targeted keywords, and whether the collocations are appropriately set.

Particularly, any discrepancy between the theme and targeted keywords can lead to poor evaluations from Google’s search engine, so it’s crucial to nail these aspects accurately.

Articles Below Rank 31

Articles ranked below 31st are considered low-quality by the Google search engine, and leaving them as they are can negatively affect the overall content. Therefore, first analyze whether the SEO measures for the article are appropriately implemented and make revisions as needed.

On the other hand, for articles that receive many clicks but still rank low, there is a tendency that the content itself is not sufficiently rich rather than an issue with keywords. In such cases, it is recommended to undertake a comprehensive rewrite.

Preparation Before Writing an SEO Article

When writing articles, it’s important to be cautious of the risks associated with provoking backlash or a drop in ranking. Moreover, effects often take time to manifest, so let’s take a detailed look at the ongoing management from here.

Risk of Backlash 

Due to the internet’s vast demand and high virality, once something ignites a backlash, it can quickly degrade the carefully cultivated image of a site and compromise its quality.

Even if problematic content is deleted immediately after posting, if someone has saved it, the record can remain virtually forever.

Content that may be deemed illegal, involves personal information, is copied, or includes inappropriate references to religion, race, or gender, carries a high risk of causing a backlash. When writing on such sensitive topics, particular caution is necessary.

Time for Effects to Manifest 

Unless adding content to an already well-established site or written by a celebrity, immediate improvements in search rankings are unlikely.

Even with daily postings, it might take over a year, or even two depending on the theme or keywords, to achieve high rankings.

For SEO, it’s recommended to adopt a long-term perspective, gradually feeding information to the Google search engine and building trust over time.

Decline in Ranking if Neglected As the number of articles increases, it’s easy to forget about rewriting. However, leaving outdated, low-quality articles untouched can lead to a poor overall site evaluation and, consequently, a drop in search rankings.

Therefore, it’s advisable to assign roles within the team to manage the timing of article postings and conduct regular analyses to ensure no oversight, using tools to operate more efficiently.


I can affirm that SEO articles that achieve high rankings in search results bring many benefits. However, immediate results are not typical, so persisting with a long-term perspective is the shortcut to success. The content must be beneficial for search users and likely to be favorably evaluated by search engines. Continuously analyze various SEO aspects while aiming for high search rankings. I am also available for consultations on SEO writing.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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