
What is the Helpful Content Update? : Explaining Criteria and Strategies

helpful content update

Google’s search engine continuously updates to enhance user convenience. However, many websites are intensely focused on using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to efficiently gain traffic from search engines.

In response, Google implemented the Helpful Content Update in 2022, aiming to evaluate the information that search users truly need.

This article explains the Helpful Content Update that was implemented from August to December 2022. Tokyo SEO Maker, a specialist SEO media, has clearly summarized the criteria for this update and specific strategies.


What is the Helpful Content Update? 

The Helpful Content Update is a Google search engine algorithm update that decides ratings based on whether site visitors are satisfied or not.

With the introduction of this update, content that satisfies site visitors is rated highly. Conversely, content that does not meet the search needs of visitors is rated lower. Furthermore, the more a site has content that does not serve its visitors, the lower the overall site rating will be.

Related Article: What is an Update?

Implemented in Japan in December 2022, the Helpful Content Update was first rolled out in English-speaking regions in August 2022. It then expanded to include other languages, completing its rollout in August, making Japanese also subject to this update.

Related Article: What is an Update?

In Japan, it was implemented in December 2022

The Helpful Content Update was first rolled out in English-speaking regions in August 2022. Subsequently, the update expanded to include additional languages ​​​​​​and was fully rolled out by the same August, with Japanese also becoming included in this update.

Background of the Helpful Content Update

When websites gather traffic through the Google search engine, it can lead to revenue generation. Therefore, as profit-oriented entities, businesses often strategize to efficiently earn traffic through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). In reality, there are cases where excessive SEO tactics have manipulated search rankings. For example, the following types of articles are involved;

  • Food reviews written without tasting the product
  • Game strategy articles written without playing the game
  • Articles created with the primary goal of preemptively capturing keywords, yet containing no substantive content
  • Trending articles containing misinformation aimed at keyword capture
  • Articles copied from other media
  • Articles created by unauthorized use of images or databases from other media

Even low-quality articles can achieve high search rankings if the website has strong domain power. On social media, such low-quality content-producing media are often referred to as “search disruptors,” attracting negative comments. This means that the search experience for users is being compromised.

Related Article: What is Domain Power?

Continuation of such circumstances leads to a decline in the convenience of the Google search engine, potentially reducing the number of users for Google’s services. Concerned about this, Google decided to implement this update to enhance the evaluation of content that satisfies site visitors.

Criteria for the Helpful Content System 

Google explains this update in Google Search Central, emphasizing the following two points:

  • Creating content with a user-first approach
  • Avoiding excessive search engine optimization

Creating Content with a User-First Approach

Content that satisfies site visitors is highly valued. Therefore, Google poses the following six questions to content creators

“-Is there an existing or anticipated specific user base that would find the content useful when they visit your business or site directly?

-Does the content clearly demonstrate firsthand experience or deep knowledge (for example, from actually using a product or service, or visiting a location)?

-Does your site have a clear main purpose or theme?

-After reading the content, can users feel that they have received sufficient information to fulfill their purpose regarding a topic?

-Do readers feel that their time spent reading the content was worthwhile?

-Are you mindful of Google’s guidance on core updates and product reviews?

Quote: What creators need to know about Google’s Helpful Content Update of August 2022

Here, it is questioned whether the content created targets a specific audience and satisfies them. If you can answer YES to these questions, there is a higher likelihood of your website being favorably evaluated.

Related Article: What Does User-First Mean?

Avoiding Excessive SEO Tactics 

Websites that employ excessive strategies for Google’s search engine can produce factors that lower their evaluations. Whether a website prioritizes search engines over human readers can be determined by the following nine questions.

-Is your content created primarily to attract users from search engines, rather than being made for humans?

-Are you producing lots of content on various topics hoping that some of it will rank?

-When creating content on many topics, do you use automation extensively?

-Are you mainly summarizing other people’s opinions without adding value?

-Are you writing articles just because the topics are trendy, not to serve an existing user base?

-Does your content leave users feeling like they need to search again to get better information from other sources after reading it?

-Are you writing articles to a certain word count because you’ve heard or read that Google prioritizes a specific word count (note: no such setting exists)?

-Have you chosen to cover niche topics you have no real experience with, just because you think it might capture search traffic?

-Are you promising to answer questions within your content that realistically can’t be answered, such as the release date for a product that hasn’t been determined, or the premiere date for a movie or TV show?

Quote: What creators need to know about Google’s Helpful Content Update of August 2022

If your answer is YES to any of these elements, it’s a red flag. Google is wary of websites that lack originality or engage in excessive keyword strategies. Additionally, cases where information is altered too much with search engines in mind, rather than what should be communicated to the user, are also problematic.

Content Affected by the Helpful Content Update 

The Helpful Content Update impacts the following types of content and websites.

  • Reviews of unused products or services
  • Articles summarizing trending keywords
  • Websites with a high volume of unnecessary content

Reviews of Unused Products or Services

Generally, site visitors expect review articles to provide third-party opinions and firsthand experiences about products.

For instance, consider a product like a “skin whitening serum.” Someone interested in this product hasn’t purchased it yet because they are unsure of its effects. This person expects the review article to inform them about how much it can actually whiten their skin, whether it truly works, and what the real user experience is like.

If someone who has never used the “skin whitening serum” writes a review article, they cannot provide the information that the site visitor is seeking.

Therefore, such articles will be negatively judged under the Helpful Content Update.

Summary Articles on Trending Keywords 

Due to the influence of news and TV shows, certain keywords can become momentarily trendy.

For example, when a celebrity’s marriage is reported, their name becomes a trending keyword. Immediately after the news, searches for that celebrity’s name spike, driving traffic to web pages that rank highly for their name. It is common practice to set up web pages with keywords like “celebrity name marriage” to capture significant traffic.

However, consider the scenario where a web page creator says, “I’m not interested in the celebrity, but I made it because it attracts traffic.” Fundamentally, this person is not knowledgeable about the celebrity. Articles created for such reasons often cobble together information from the web.

Google does not value articles that lack credibility. Therefore, such content is likely to be rated poorly by the Helpful Content Update.

The Entire Website is Evaluated 

The Helpful Content Update has the characteristic of affecting not just individual web pages but the entire website. Therefore, the more unnecessary content a website contains, the more the overall rating of the website decreases. This includes;

  • Food reviews written without tasting the product
  • Game strategy articles written without playing the game
  • Articles created solely to capture keywords with no substantive content
  • Trending articles containing false information aimed at keyword capture
  • Articles copied from other media
  • Articles created by unauthorized use of images or databases from other media

Strategies for the Helpful Content Update 

Try answering the questions Google poses to content creators on Google Search Central. By applying these answers to your media, you can figure out what should be done as a measure against the Helpful Content Update.

Here are the questions, summarized from Google Search Central, to determine if you are focusing on a user-first approach.

  • Do your target audiences find the content useful?
  • Is it clear that the content was created based on real-life experiences or expertise?
  • Have you defined a theme for your site?
  • Can users fulfill their visit purpose?
  • Have you provided users with a beneficial experience?
  • Are you mindful of Google’s guidelines?

Please answer each of these questions one by one.

Does the Target Find the Content Useful? 

If the answer is “YES,” it means you have successfully identified your target audience and ensured the quality of your content.

What’s being questioned here is the usefulness of the content, which boils down to “for whom” and “what kind of value” it provides. Ensure that the following conditions are met.

  • Targeting
  • Value of the information

It’s important to imagine your readership and create content considering what information they seek.

Is It Clear that the Content Was Created Based on Real Experiences or Knowledge? 

If the answer is “YES,” it indicates that the content is highly original and provides accurate information.

The intent of this question is to verify whether you can prove that the experiences are real. For example, check if you are doing the following.

  • Presenting the process of the actual experience with original images or videos

For instance, when creating a genuine review article about a food product, you might gather the following types of images.

  • Photograph the cardboard box when the product arrives at home
  • Take pictures of the product packaging
  • Capture the moment you open the lid or bag of the package
  • Photograph the act of scooping up the food inside the package with chopsticks or a spoon

Then, intersperse your article with these original images while publishing your thoughts. This approach conveys the authenticity of actually eating the food and the genuineness of your opinions.

Have You Set a Site Theme? 

If the answer is “YES,” it backs up that the site operator is providing content consistently.

Conversely, if the site theme is vague, the rationale for picking article themes might be based on criteria like “the keyword has a large volume and seems likely to attract traffic.” Be wary, as articles created with this mindset tend to be of low quality.

Can Users Achieve Their Visit Purpose? 

If the answer is “YES,” it means the content within the page comprehensively covers the information visitors are seeking.

Content that fulfills the visitor’s purpose will have the following characteristics.

  • The title matches the content of the page.
  • The content comprehensively covers all the necessary information on the topic.

Moreover, content creators should have the ability to

  • Imagine the persona of site visitors.
  • Consider the perspective of site visitors when creating content.

For example, imagine a site visitor who has reached your site through a search engine. You should consider “what kind of person” they are, “what information they are seeking,” and “which keywords they used” to search. Then, reflect these considerations in your webpage. This understanding of the user’s needs based on their search intent is crucial.

Related Article: What is Search Intent?

If these conditions are not met, site visitors may feel the need to search again and look for another article. Such behavior can negatively impact your website’s rating.

Have You Provided Users with Beneficial Time? 

If the answer is “YES,” it indicates that you have provided site visitors with the information they need in an appropriate setting.

This question probes whether the time spent by users on your site was beneficial. Therefore, to truly meet their needs, you must also ensure the following conditions.

  • Content that is user-friendly (easy to read).

In essence, the content should be in an easy-to-read text format, and the webpage should offer excellent usability, providing information in a comfortable setting. The concept of Core Web Vitals serves as an indicator of necessary elements to provide a pleasant user experience.

Related Article: What Are Core Web Vitals?

Conversely, if the information meets the users’ needs but the page is difficult to navigate, causing visitors to spend a long time finding the information they want, then you have not succeeded in providing beneficial time.

Are You Mindful of Google’s Guidance? 

If the answer is “YES,” it means you understand Google’s fundamental philosophy.

Here, “Google’s guidance” refers to core updates previously implemented by Google and points on writing high-quality product reviews.

Concerning the core updates, understanding how the Google search engine has evolved can clarify what needs consideration today. For more details, refer to the latest core update information linked below.

Related Article: Latest Core Update Information

For product reviews, the guidance specifies suitable personas such as; 

“-Professional staff or salespeople who provide information about several competing products.

-Bloggers who express unique opinions.

-Editorial staff at news sites or publishing sites.

Citation: Writing High-Quality Reviews

In this context, it’s indicated that individuals who can view products from a user’s perspective and who are knowledgeable about the products are best suited to create product review articles.

Checkpoints to Determine If You’re Over-Optimizing for Search Engines 

Below are questions summarized to help determine if you’re excessively optimizing for search engines.

  • Are you creating content primarily to attract users from search engines?
  • Are you increasing the amount of content just to appear in search engines?
  • Are you largely automating content creation?
  • Does your content mostly summarize other people’s opinions?
  • Are you creating content just because the topic is trending?
  • Do readers need to search again after reading your content because they didn’t get enough information?
  • Are you writing content based on a specific word count do you believe Google prefers?
  • Are you creating content on themes unrelated to the creator?
  • Are you suggesting answers to questions that fundamentally have no answer?

Common Questions About the Helpful Content Update 

We introduce common questions about database-type SEO in an FAQ format.

Q: When was the Helpful Content Update implemented? 

A: August 2022.

However, at this stage, only the English-speaking regions were affected by the update.

Q: When was it implemented in Japan? 

A: December 2022.

After the update was rolled out in English-speaking regions in August, the algorithm was updated in December to include all languages, making Japanese also subject to the Helpful Content Update.

Q: What is the Helpful Content System? 

A: It refers to the mechanism introduced with the Helpful Content Update.

This system automatically identifies content that satisfies visitors and content that does not. For more information, please check the link provided by Google about the Helpful Content System and websites.

Reference: Google’s Helpful Content System and Websites


Recently, there has been an increase in websites creating content primarily to secure traffic from Google’s search engine. Particularly, strategies that prioritize search engines over users are prevalent. Some are even aware that such tactics are detrimental to search users yet continue to push these methods. When creating content, always keep a user-first mentality in mind.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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