
What is a Google Analytics account? How to Create and Use Them

It is one of three hierarchical levels within Google Analytics, including accounts, properties, and views, where the account is the highest level. Each level has distinct features, with the account having the ability to control permissions for properties and views.

Properties and views each have their unique functions and characteristics, making it essential to understand them. With a GA4 (Google Analytics 4 property) account, you can enjoy several benefits, such as analyzing data across multiple sessions and devices.

For advanced SEO consultants, using Google Analytics to analyze website performance is indispensable. This article will explain Google Analytics accounts in detail.


Structure of Google Analytics Accounts

A Google Analytics account is structured in the following hierarchical layers.

    • Account
    • Property
    • View

It’s crucial to understand the different settings available at each hierarchical level.


In the three-tier structure of Google Analytics, the largest unit is the account, typically set up with the company’s name. An account’s features include user rights and permissions menus, and the ability to set filters. Additionally, owning a single account allows you to manage data from multiple websites.


The property is the next level down from the account. Typically, each website associated with an account has one property. Within a property, you can manage website data tracking, set up services with Google, and share website data with members.


The view is the lowest level in Google Analytics. Its main purpose is to analyze the information gathered in each property using analytical tools. Views also play a role in modifying report settings. Settings for channels, filters, and tracking data for specific directories are all managed within the view.

Differences Between a Google Account and a Google Analytics Account

A Google account and a Google Analytics account are distinct, each with different features.

Features of a Google Account 

A Google account is necessary to use Google Analytics. Having a Google account allows access to various Google services like Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Maps, where you can save your favorite places.

Features of a Google Analytics Account

 A Google Analytics account is specifically used for analytics purposes. It is common for each company or department to have one account.

How to Create a Google Analytics Account

To utilize Google Analytics, it’s necessary to create an account. Here are the steps for setting up an account.

1.Google Analytics Account Setup

2.Set up your property

3.Enter your business details

Google Analytics Account Setup

As of July 2023, Google announced the discontinuation of Universal Analytics (UA) services, necessitating the setup of a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account.

Start by choosing any account name, commonly your company or service name. This can be changed later if needed.

Setting Up the Property

Next, set up the property by assigning a name of at least four characters. That completes the property setup.

Image citation: [GA4] Setting up a new website or app in Analytics (Analytics Help)

Entering Business Details

Input a summary of your business, including the scale, industry, and the purpose of using Google Analytics.

Logging into Your Google Analytics Account

To leverage Google Analytics, you need to log in with your Google Analytics account and Google account. (Note: Some analyses can be performed without logging in.)

How to Log In

To log in to Google Analytics, go to the official website and sign in. If you are not already logged into your Google account, a login screen will appear where you need to enter your ID and password.

Analysis of Content Usage by Logged-In Users 

Logged-in users enjoy the following benefits.

-Accurate User Count

-Access to Special Tools and Reports

-Understanding User Acquisition, Engagement, and Conversions

Accurate User Count 

Logging into a GA4 (Google Analytics 4) account allows you to see engagement data across multiple sessions as a single user data. This means even if one user employs various devices, such as a PC and a smartphone, the data is consolidated into a single record.

Previously, if a user accessed the same service on the same day using a PC, smartphone, and tablet, it would count as three separate reports. For example, if this user made a purchase on an e-commerce site, the engagement rate would be 33%. However, for GA4 logged-in users, since the system recognizes a unique user across multiple devices, the engagement rate is 100%.

Access to Special Tools and Reports 

By logging into your GA4 account, you can use special reporting views, such as the cross-device report functionality, which allows you to analyze user behavior across multiple sessions and devices.

Understanding User Acquisition, Engagement, and Conversions 

Because it can account for activities across various devices and sessions, you can more accurately determine the relationship with conversions.

Deleting a Google Analytics Account 

Only individuals with edit permissions can delete a Google Analytics account.

How to Delete a Google Analytics Account

To delete a Google Analytics account, log in and click on ‘Admin’ in the menu. Carefully select the account you want to delete, go to Account Settings, and then click ‘Move to Trash’ to complete the process.

However, an account moved to the trash is not immediately erased; it is stored for 35 days before being permanently deleted. If you wish to restore it, select the account from the trash and click ‘Restore’ within 35 days to complete the restoration.

Precautions When Deleting

Ensure you do not accidentally delete the wrong account. Once an account is deleted in Google Analytics, all access data is permanently lost.

Additionally, when deleting an account, it’s crucial to remove the tracking code. Failing to do so can lead to unnecessary resource files accumulating.

Requirements Before Deleting

Only users with edit permissions can delete a Google Analytics account. If a user without permissions needs to delete an account, they must be granted these permissions by someone who has them. Remember, permissions must be granted at the account level, not just at the view or property level, to delete an account.

Reasons You Might Not Be Able to Log into Google Analytics 

If you cannot log into Google Analytics, possible reasons include the following.

  • Entering the wrong username or password
  • Having deleted your Google account

Troubleshooting Login Issues with Google Analytics

If you’re unable to log into Google Analytics, the first thing to check is whether you have entered the correct username and password. The username for logging into Google Analytics is your email address. Make sure there are no typos in your entry.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking “Forgot password?” on the login screen. While IDs and accounts can be saved on your device, be cautious if you share your PC with others who you do not want accessing your data.

Deleted Google Account

To log into Google Analytics, a Google account is necessary. Deleting your Google account will also prevent access to Google Analytics and other Google services. If this happens, you’ll need to create a new Google account.

FAQs Related to Google Analytics Accounts

Common questions about Google Analytics accounts include the following.

-How many accounts can I create? 

-Is there a cost to create an account? 

How many accounts can I create? 

You can create multiple accounts, typically setting up different accounts for different sites.

Is there a cost to create an account? 

Google Analytics can be started for free, though some features are limited.

For example, the free version of GA4 allows up to 25 event parameters per event, whereas Analytics 360 supports up to 100. Additionally, the paid version offers increased limits for conversions, audiences, and data sampling.


Utilizing Google Analytics requires both a Google Analytics account and a Google account. Creating these accounts is straightforward. GA4 (Google Analytics 4 properties) allows for tracking across multiple sessions and devices, providing various benefits to logged-in users.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.


