
What is Domain Power? : Explaining How to Enhance It

Domain Power

Domain power refers to the strength of a website’s domain, an essential element in SEO efforts. Although not an officially recognized metric by Google, analysis of top-ranking search results reveals a strong correlation between domain power and search rankings.

In this article, we will explore what domain power is, how to improve it, and discuss tools that can aid in SEO enhancement.


Understanding Domain Power 

Domain power quantifies how strong a site’s domain is. Search engines assess a website not just by the quantity of its content but also by the quality and the frequency of updates.

Enhancing domain power can speed up the time it takes for content to be indexed and increase the likelihood of achieving higher search rankings, which is beneficial for SEO.

However, it’s important to note that domain power is not an official Google metric but rather is quantified by SEO companies based on their expertise. Therefore, improvements in domain power do not always directly correlate with better search rankings, and there may be instances where despite an increase in domain power, search rankings do not improve as expected.

Why Domain Power is Important for SEO

Strong domain power provides two significant advantages in SEO. 

-Shorter time until content is indexed

-Easier to achieve higher rankings

Shorter Time Until Content is Indexed

When new content is published on a site with strong domain power, it gets indexed faster. 

For new content to be indexed, it must be recognized by crawlers during their site visits. Sites with strong domain power tend to be crawled more frequently, which shortens the time between content publication and its recognition.

This rapid indexing means the content can start attracting traffic soon after publication.

Easier to Achieve Higher Rankings

A site with strong domain power is likely to have its new content regarded as high-quality, just like the rest of the site. As a result, newly published content can achieve higher search rankings more easily.

However, achieving high rankings is not solely determined by domain power. The most crucial factor is whether the content meets the quality expectations and search needs of users.

How to Check Domain Power

Domain power can be checked using various tools. Be mindful that different tools may represent domain power differently.

If you just want to check your own site’s domain power, basic free tools are usually sufficient. However, some paid tools offer more features, including the ability to analyze competitors’ sites and keywords. Those seriously committed to SEO might consider investing in paid tools.

Free Tools to Check Domain Power

Let me introduce you to tools that can check domain power for free. Although these tools are free, some may require you to register as a member to use them.

-Power Rank Check Tool



Power Rank Check Tool

This tool, developed by Access Japan Co., uses a proprietary algorithm to quantify a domain’s strength for SEO purposes, based on various factors such as the number of backlinks, the quality of these links, and the duration since the domain was registered.

You can check the domain power by entering the domain in the site’s search bar. Without an account, you can check it once per day; by registering an account and subscribing to the newsletter, you can check up to three times per day.

In this tool, domain power is referred to as “Power Rank.”

Additionally, it allows you to check the domain power for specific keywords, making it easy for first-time users to evaluate their own site’s domain power.


MOZ, a well-known and trusted tool provided by a US company, is widely used due to its credibility. The interface is entirely in English and uses a lot of SEO terminology, but it can be navigated with some guesswork.

By registering a free account, you can access features such as Domain Authority, which represents domain power, and view the number of backlinks.


Ubersuggest is another tool that allows you to check domain power for free after registering as a member. By entering the domain into the search bar, you can assess its power.

A distinctive feature of Ubersuggest is its excellent keyword research capability, providing statistical data based on the keyword planner. It also allows you to conduct backlink research.

There are also paid plans starting from 3,000 yen per month, which include access to consulting services and more.

Next, I’ll introduce some paid tools.

  • Ahrefs
  • Majestic
  • Rank Tracker
  • SEMrush


Ahrefs is a globally used SEO tool with a vast database of keywords and backlinks. It allows you to research not only your own keywords and backlinks but also those of competitor sites.

It provides insights beyond what tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, and Google Keyword Planner can offer. You can check domain power through a metric known as URL Rank (UR).


Majestic is an SEO tool that offers detailed analysis of backlinks for your own site or competitors. It allows you to analyze not just the number of backlinks and their domains but also provides analysis based on its unique metrics.

Domain power can be assessed using the Trust Flow (TF) metric.

Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker is an SEO tool that allows you to research your own site as well as competitors. It is well-regarded for its capabilities in keyword selection and competitor analysis. Additionally, it features a ranking check function that enables you to monitor daily ranking fluctuations.


SEMrush is a comprehensive tool that includes all the necessary functions for SEO, such as keyword research, backlink analysis, competitor analysis, and rank tracking. It also offers features that can be utilized for advertising and social media management, making it an all-in-one tool.

Domain power can be checked using a metric called the Authority Score.

Ways to Enhance Domain Power

To increase domain power, it’s crucial to add high-quality content and gather external links. These efforts will gradually enhance your site’s evaluation by search engines, thereby increasing its domain power.

Besides adding content, there are other effective strategies to enhance domain power, which include;

-Acquiring high-quality backlinks.

-Regularly updating the site.

-Consistently adding more content.

-Extending the operational period of the site.

Acquiring High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks occur when the URL of your content is placed on an external site, recognizing your page as a reference. While backlinks are hard to control directly, creating high-quality content that fulfills user needs is crucial to encourage sharing.

To facilitate this, install share buttons on your pages and increase visibility on social media to encourage sharing.

Regularly updating the site

The frequency of content updates is also critical for enhancing domain power.

Regularly check if the content is outdated or still aligns with current trends and user needs, and update accordingly. Setting a goal, such as updating articles weekly, can effectively boost your domain power.

Consistently Adding Content

To increase domain power, adding new content is beneficial. However, indiscriminately adding low-quality articles to improve domain power ratings can result in SEO penalties. Always ensure that the articles you add meet user search needs.

Extending the Operational Period

The longer a site has been operational, the higher it tends to rank in SEO. However, merely having an old domain isn’t enough; regularly updating content and adding new features are necessary to enhance domain power.


Having a high domain power provides a significant advantage in SEO. Even the best content may not perform well if your domain power is lower than competitors’. Strengthening domain power requires persistent efforts to add and update high-quality content and to increase high-quality backlinks from trusted sites. Building a system that allows for planning, creating, and continuously improving content through a PDCA cycle is essential.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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