
What is a Domain? : Explaining Types and Considerations

What is a Domain?

In the context of a website, the domain refers to the part of the URL that follows “https://”. There are various types of domains, including those provided by hosting services and custom domains. Domains are typically divided into three parts, each with its own meaning, and it’s common for website operators to use various strategies to make these more understandable to users.

Many companies use what is known as a custom domain, a component that they can freely choose. The URL of a website contributes to the company’s branding and offers several other benefits, such as enhanced credibility and the ability to use a unique email address.

We recommend using a custom domain for SEO efforts , strengthening the domain’s impact. This article will explain the types of domains and the advantages of having a custom domain.


What exactly is a domain?

A domain is essentially the address of a website on the web, helping to identify where the website is located. In a URL, the part after “https://” (or “http://”) is considered the domain. While computers use IP addresses to locate a website, domains make these addresses more accessible and user-friendly.

Differences Between IP Addresses and URLs

Both URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and IP addresses (Internet Protocol Addresses) serve as addresses on the web. A domain included in a URL is essentially a user-friendly version of an IP address. Since IP addresses are numerical and can be difficult for people to remember, domains are used to make identification easier.

Parts of a Domain

Take, for example, the URL ; here, “” is the domain. Domains are further divided into three levels.

  • Top-Level Domain (TLD)
  • Second-Level Domain (SLD)
  • Third-Level Domain

The top-level domain (TLD) is “jp”, the second-level domain (SLD) is “co”, and “example” is the third-level domain. The “example” part can be chosen freely (unless it’s already in use or restricted), and it’s common to use a company or service name. Incorporating a company or service name into a URL helps with branding.

Support for Japanese Characters

Initially, domains required the use of the alphabet, but now they support Japanese characters as well.

Types of Domains

Domains can be broadly classified into three types.

  • gTLD
  • ccTLD
  • Attribute-specific JP domains


A gTLD (generic TLD) includes domains like “.com”, “.net”, and “.biz”, which are intended for various industries or individual use, and are available without restrictions related to country or region.

ccTLD (Country Code Top-Level Domain) 

A ccTLD is a domain that is restricted to a specific country or region. For example, in Japan, the ccTLD is “.jp”.

Attribute-specific JP Domains 

Within the framework of ccTLDs, attribute-specific JP domains include those second-level domains designated for specific types of organizations, such as “” for companies or “” for academic institutions. These are exclusively for organizational use and cannot be acquired by individuals.

Characteristics of Custom Domains and Subdomains 

Custom domains and subdomains differ in the aspects where one can specify any preferred string. To obtain a subdomain, one must first acquire a custom domain.

Features of Custom Domains 

A custom domain allows you to choose any string for the part of the URL that follows “https://”. If the desired domain name is not already in use, it can be specifically requested.

Features of Subdomains 

Subdomains allow for further segmentation of a custom domain to be used for different purposes. You can specify any string for the “sub” portion, as shown below

If you already own a custom domain, subdomains can be created for free or at a low cost. The number of subdomains available varies by service provider.

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Benefits of Utilizing a Custom Domain

There are several benefits to utilizing a custom domain.


-No need to change the domain

-Can choose your preferred URL

-Can obtain a unique email address

-Advantageous for SEO


Owning a custom domain involves public registration details such as the owner’s name and contact number, which enhances transparency and trust. If these details are not made public, it’s still possible to contact the registrant based on the information provided. Without a custom domain, there could be concerns about not being able to contact the owner if their details are not publicly available.

No Need to Change the Domain 

Once you acquire a custom domain, you won’t need to change it even if you switch hosting providers. If you’re using a domain provided by a hosting service, you might lose the ability to use the same domain if the service ends.

Customizable URL 

With a custom domain, you can tailor your website’s URL to better suit its content, which can enhance your brand image if the URL clearly reflects the site’s purpose.

Unique Email Address 

Acquiring a custom domain allows you to create original email addresses that include your domain, contributing to your branding efforts.

SEO Advantages 

A custom domain makes it easier to implement internal SEO strategies, such as adding plugins or adjusting HTML, which can improve your site’s search engine visibility.

Considerations When Utilizing a Custom Domain

When using a custom domain, it is important to consider the following points.




The cost of obtaining a domain varies depending on the domain itself. Additionally, not only is there an initial cost for acquiring the domain, but there are also renewal fees to keep in mind.


Domain contracts are generally on an annual basis, depending on the provider. This means that renewal fees are required and failing to pay these fees can result in your website becoming inaccessible.

If your website is not displayed correctly, it can negatively affect the perception of users and clients who visit your site. Especially nowadays, with the widespread use of the internet and smartphones, it is common for users to check a company’s website to learn about products or services they are interested in. There may also be instances where users who have previously purchased a product return to the website to check for new offerings.

However, if updates are neglected and the website fails to display, there is a risk that these users might turn to competitors instead.

Choosing a Domain 

There are various criteria to consider when choosing a domain.

-Choose based on the top-level domain

-Align the domain name with the content of the site

-Avoid using confusing sequences of letters

-Opt for a simple domain

Choosing Based on the Top-Level Domain

The top-level domain (TLD) refers to domains such as “” for companies or “” for educational institutions, each defined by its specific use. Therefore, choosing a domain appropriate for its intended use is generally problem-free. However, the cost of acquiring each domain varies, and it’s important to ensure that the meaning of the top-level domain aligns well with the content of your website to avoid discrepancies.

Aligning Domain Names with Site Content

It is essential for the domain name to match the content of the site. As such, it is common to see domain names that incorporate the company name or main product names. While you may come across domain names that are just a string of numbers or English letters, these can be confusing and might even make the site appear suspicious, so they should be avoided.

Avoid Confusing Alphabets 

Clarity in domain names is crucial. For example, mixing up similar-looking characters like the number “0” (zero) and the letter “O” can lead to errors in typing the URL, potentially preventing the website from opening. Although typing URLs directly is becoming less common, avoiding confusing sequences is key to enhancing user satisfaction.

Keep Domain Names Simple 

If a domain is too long, it’s hard for users to remember. While domains can be up to 63 characters, excessively long URLs can look awkward on business cards and are difficult to recall. It’s important to choose simple domain names that can easily convey your company’s activities or key products.


The domain in a webpage’s URL is the part that follows “https://”. Its function is similar to an IP address, but domains have become popular because they are easier to recognize than the numerical and dotted format of IP addresses. In addition to common domains provided by servers, there are custom domains where you can specify any string. Companies commonly use custom domains to enhance their brand image, credibility, and recognition. With a custom domain, changing servers does not require changing the URL. Domains consist of three parts, and by combining elements like “co” or “ac” for organizations, and “jp” for country or region, unique URLs can be created globally. Given the importance of branding for companies and services, careful consideration is needed when choosing a domain.

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Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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