
What is Content SEO? Introduction to Methods and Success Stories



content SEO

Introduction to Methods and Success Stories

Content SEO involves creating content that aligns with the intent of search users, aiming to attract visitors from search engines like Google and Yahoo! JAPAN. Recently, content SEO has gained significant attention. The introduction of the Helpful Content System by Google between 2022 and 2023 has further emphasized its importance.

As of 2024, content SEO has become essential for increasing search engine traffic. However, a website’s success is not solely dependent on content SEO. It’s crucial to pursue quality within the site through content SEO and enhance the site design and user experience through technical SEO, addressing both aspects for site improvement.

In this article, we’ll discuss content SEO, a vital skill for content directors and SEO writers. If you’re in these roles or running a personal blog, make sure to read through.

What is Content SEO? 

Content SEO refers to strategies that enhance the quality of content on a website. Creating high-quality content has become paramount in SEO. Basic content SEO strategies include the following methods. 

-Proper web page structure

-Appropriate HTML tagging

-Clear writing

-Adding original elements

-Creating complementary images

-Updating pages (rewriting).

In the web industry, SEO writers and content directors handle these tasks. Content directors contemplate the necessary web pages for improving the site’s overall quality, directing SEO writers to create such pages.

Defining Content 

Content, in this context, refers to digital data on a website, encompassing both the macro view of web pages and site structure, and the micro view of text, images, and HTML tags. Specifically, content includes internal the followings.


-Web pages

-Information dissemination

-Text data

-Image data

-Video data

-HTML tags (text emphasis, tables, lists, social media embedding)

-CSS codes (site and page design)

Related Articles: What is Content?

Types of SEO Strategies

Content SEO is one of the strategies under SEO. There are various types of SEO strategies as follows;

Types of SEO / Explanation 

Content SEO Creating quality content within the website. 

On-Page SEO Improving the site design and internal programming code

Off-Page SEO Using external factors to enhance the website’s reputation

SXO (Search Experience Optimization) Optimizing the user’s search experience

Related Articles: What is SEO?

Benefits and Considerations of Content SEO 

Implementing content SEO can offer significant benefits such as

  • High effectiveness with a low budget
  • Direct connection to off-page SEO strategies

However, there are considerations to keep in mind.

  • The workload can be substantial

Benefit 1: High Effectiveness with a Low Budget 

Content SEO can be initiated with a minimal budget. It requires securing content directors and SEO writers, with the primary cost being their salaries. With the right skills, it’s possible to achieve top rankings for major keywords within 6 to 12 months. High-quality web pages become a valuable asset, regularly contributing to profits.

Benefit 2: Direct Connection to Off-Page SEO Strategies 

Content SEO can influence off-page SEO efforts. 

Exceptional content often gains praise from site visitors, who may then share it on their blogs or social media. 

Thus, successful content SEO can lead to backlinks and citation strategies, directly impacting off-page SEO.

Related Articles: What is Off-Page SEO?

Consideration: The Workload Can Be Substantial

When implementing content SEO strategies, there can be a significant increase in the workload for content directors and SEO writers.

This is partly due to Google’s Helpful Content System, which evaluates sites based on the proportion of high-quality pages they contain.

“Not only the non-useful content itself, but also sites deemed to have a relatively high amount of such content, are likely to be deprioritized in search results, lowering their ranking. Therefore, removing non-useful content can sometimes improve the rankings of other content. “

Citation: Helpful Content System | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google for Developers

For instance, if a website has 60 articles and only one is of high quality, it’s difficult to achieve a high search ranking. It indicates the need to improve the quality of all content on the website.

Related article: What is the Helpful Content System?

Regarding the evaluation of content quality

It is determined from two perspectives.

  • Evaluation by Google’s search engine
  • Evaluation by search users

In content SEO, it’s crucial to consider both evaluators. Web operators often focus solely on satisfying search engines, but this biased approach is a mistake in content SEO strategy.

Google evaluates content quality based on its search engine

The Google search engine determines site rankings based on its search algorithms. In assessing content quality, the search algorithm checks factors such as the following.

Considering factors like 

-Proper use of HTML tags

-Comprehensiveness regarding keywords

-Adherence to the E-E-A-T standards

-The presence of original elements

Are HTML Tags Properly Implemented?

The search algorithm checks whether the HTML tags on a web page are properly structured. Incorrect descriptions or usage can lead to deficiencies in the web page, so be cautious.

Related article: What is HTML?

Especially, the following tags are considered crucial for page structure.

Tag name / Explanation

  • title tag: Displays the text of the page title. Typically, it provides a concise explanation of the page’s content.
  • h tag: Displays the text for headings within the page, used to organize information and also known as the heading tag.

For example, in an information article page, these tags help Google determine what is being explained. If the title and heading tags do not align, the content may be perceived as low quality.

Other frequently used HTML tags and attributes include;

Tag name / Explanation

  • P tag: Indicates the text on a page, where ‘p’ stands for paragraph.
  • Img tag: Displays image data on a page, usually specifying the URL of an uploaded image.
  • A tag: Specifies the URL for a link, used for setting up internal or external links.
  • Alt attribute: Provides a description for an image specified by an img tag.
  • Class attribute: Specifies the design applied to a tag, used in conjunction with CSS files.

Keyword Comprehensiveness

The search algorithm assesses whether a website comprehensively covers the relevant keywords. Comprehensiveness is considered across the entire site, so not all information needs to be on one page. 

For instance, ‘SEO’ is a broad theme that might be too extensive to cover on a single page. Instead, break down the theme and distribute it across different pages, linking them with internal links to help the search algorithm perceive it as a cohesive unit.

When designing a web structure, it’s important to view the entire site as a single piece of content.

Related article: Explaining How to Create a Strong SEO Directory Structure

E-E-A-T Evaluation Criteria

Search algorithms evaluate websites and pages based on E-E-A-T criteria.

Related article: What is E-E-A-T?

E-E-A-T stands for a set of criteria used to evaluate websites from the perspectives of trustworthiness and authority. It is an SEO term composed of the initial letters of the following four elements.

Elements of E-E-A-T. Explanation

  • Experience: Is the content created based on the author’s or reviewer’s experience?
  • Expertise: Does the author or reviewer have specialized knowledge on the topic?
  • Authoritativeness: Does the author or reviewer have societal authority on the topic?
  • Trustworthiness: Is the author, reviewer, or website considered reliable?

A website or page that embodies E-E-A-T is likely to receive a high SEO rating. However, building such credibility takes time, requiring continuous production of valuable content to gradually enhance E-E-A-T scores.

Does the Content Have Original Elements?

Search algorithms assess whether content contains original elements, which are unique pieces of information available only on your website or page, often referred to as primary information.

Related article: What is Primary Information?

Primary information is data and insights accumulated by the company or content creators, necessitating deep expertise and experience. Thus, producing such information typically requires the Expertise and Experience aspects of E-E-A-T.

How Search Users Evaluate Content Quality Search 

Users perceive high-quality content as pages that fulfill their search intent and are user-friendly. If the search intent is not met, users will hit the back button to search again and look for other articles.

  • Satisfy the search intent
  • Provide clear explanations

Satisfying Search Intent 

Users evaluate content based on whether it meets their search intent. If it does not, they may return to the search results to find another source. 

Related article: What is Search Intent?

Search intent refers to the purpose behind a user’s use of a search engine. Strictly speaking, search intent is broken down into needs and wants Search intent refers to the purpose behind a user’s use of a search engine. Strictly speaking, search intent is broken down into needs and wants.

Terms / Explanation

  • Needs: The user’s underlying issue or problem.
  • Wants: The specific methods or solutions sought for problem-solving.

The primary role of a web page is to address this search intent. By offering specific solutions, the content becomes appreciated by users. Conversely, content that fails to resolve user issues may lose its reason for existence, and search engines might deem it unnecessary to display.

Is the Explanation Clear?

Users prefer content with clear explanations and may leave a page or return to the search results if they find it confusing.

Features of a user-friendly page include

  • Easy-to-read text
  • Use of images or diagrams for intuitive understanding
  • A story-like structure in page organization
  • Clear answers to the headings

For instance, a web page may provide appropriate answers to user queries. However, if the user cannot comprehend the information, the effort is wasted. Only by explaining problem-solving methods clearly can the content satisfy the user.

Effective SEO Writing Tips and Techniques

To achieve results in content SEO, there are several key points to consider in your writing and editing processes

  • Acquire expert knowledge on your site’s theme
  • Analyze your site and competitors to identify gaps
  • Consider search intent when deciding on page content
  • Incorporate original elements
  • Clearly articulate answers to headings in the text
  • Use images and tables to facilitate visual understanding
  • Include internal links to related articles on your site
  • Rewrite outdated articles
  • Implement technical SEO to enhance overall effectiveness

For detailed insights on SEO writing, refer to the following article, which complements this discussion.

Related article: What is SEO Writing? A Detailed Explanation of the Writing Process and Points to Note

Acquiring Expert Knowledge on Your Site’s Theme 

Before succeeding in content SEO, you need specialized knowledge of your site’s theme. Ideally, one should be deeply knowledgeable about a specific theme and then engage in content SEO related work. However, this is not always the case.

First, as a content director or SEO writer, learn about the theme of the website you are managing. Becoming knowledgeable in that area will enable you to determine what content you would want to read from a user’s perspective.

Analyzing Your Site and Competitors to Identify Content Gaps 

Create content that fills the gaps on your site. Techniques include keyword research, competitor analysis, or listening to user feedback on social media.

Methods / How to search

  • Keyword research: Use SEO tools like Keyword Planner to check suggested keywords for your main theme.
  • Competitor analysis: Tools like Ubersuggest can help check web pages that attract traffic to competitor sites.
  • Social media research: Searching keywords on social media can unveil user sentiments and challenges.

Tool URL: Keyword Planner

Tool URL: Ubersuggest

Considering Search Intent for Content Decision

Take into account the search intent of users when deciding what to write. An effective method is to relate it to your own experiences.

For example, if writing an article on “enhancing instant noodles,” you might think, “I’m tired of eating instant noodles the same way, so I want to know what additional ingredients can be used.” This leads to the hypothesis that introducing suitable add-on ingredients in the article will please the search user.

Related article: What is Search Intent?

Incorporate Original Elements

Include original elements in your pages, drawing on your company’s or your own experiences to create the content.

For instance, Tokyo SEO Maker, our company, offers SEO services and has success stories in content SEO. Therefore, we have a section titled ‘Tokyo SEO Maker’s Success Stories‘ on our page, showcasing these examples as part of our original content.

Related article: What is Original Content?

Express Clear Answers to Headings in Text 

For each heading on your page, provide a clear answer. Essentially, this means writing the answer part of an FAQ format.

In this section titled ‘Express Clear Answers to Headings in Text,’ we propose writing in an FAQ format as the answer. A tip here is to imagine each heading with a hypothetical question mark and prepare text that serves as the answer. For example

Q: How should one present clear answers to headings? 

A: One method is to write the answer section in an FAQ format.

Use Images and Tables to Facilitate Visual Understanding 

Visual elements can make explanatory text easier to understand for search users. Include using image data, HTML tags, and CSS class attributes to enhance visual comprehension.

Techniques / Effect

  • Inserting image data complements the text with illustrations or diagrams.
  • Setting HTML tags organizes text for easier reading, like tables, lists, or emphasized text.
  • Configuring CSS class attributes adds design elements, making the page visually appealing.

For example, placing an illustrative image in this section would be suitable to enhance visual understanding.

Place Internal Links to Related Articles 

Set up internal links to articles related to the page theme within your site. This enhances site navigation and improves access efficiency for search users.

Users typically take one of two actions if they encounter unclear content on a page

  • Hit the back button and search again for the unclear part
  • Continue reading without fully understanding

However, both actions indicate user dissatisfaction. By providing internal links to articles that explain difficult terms, you offer a third option

  • Clicking an internal link to read the related article.

Related article: What is an Internal Link?

Rewrite Outdated Articles

When the information in published articles becomes outdated, rewrite them to update with the latest details. By consistently doing this, you provide the impression to search users that your site always offers up-to-date information.

Over time, after an article is published, its information can become outdated. Leaving old information as is may mislead search users by providing incorrect data.

Related article: Rewriting Methods and How to Proceed

Implement Technical SEO for Synergy

Besides content SEO, also carry out technical SEO. 

The relationship between content SEO and technical SEO can be analogized to a car as follows

Type of SEO / If analogized to a car?

  • Content SEO: Like the exterior and interior of the car, including the comfort of the ride.
  • Technical SEO: Like the engine performance and the operational or comfort aspects during driving.

Neglecting technical SEO can lead to deficiencies in web page safety, loading speed, and responsiveness. Even pages with superior information will be avoided by search users if the website has these flaws. Hence, optimizing both content and technical SEO ensures the maximum effect.

Related article: What is Technical SEO?

Common Mistakes in Content SEO 

Common mistakes in content SEO include;

  • Creating imitation pages of competitor sites
  • Overusing keywords
  • Prioritizing word count and keyword frequency over quality

These actions often stem from the misconception that keyword setting and comprehensiveness are critical for SEO. However, the Helpful Content System by Google’s search algorithm is gaining attention, characterized by

  • Lowering the rank of non-useful content
  • Raising the rank of useful content

Thus, excessive SEO tactics can lead to negative evaluations.

Do Not Create Imitation Pages of Competitors 

Please do not create copy content from pages outside your own website, such as competitor pages. Individuals engaging in this behavior understand that comprehensiveness is crucial for SEO. In other words, they possess a certain level of SEO knowledge.

They attempt to enhance the expertise of their site by covering all information related to the theme. Furthermore, they consider copying as a rational choice to improve work efficiency. However, they are aware that creating copy content is inappropriate for SEO. Therefore, they adopt techniques such as 

-Copying data and page structure while changing only the endings and expressions to create articles.

In reality, there are readers who feel that such articles are copies from another site. Be aware that if this reputation spreads, it can negatively impact SEO from a citation perspective.

Avoid Overusing Keywords

Do not excessively use keywords. In practice, the idea that ‘keywords are essential for SEO’ has led to their misuse.

For instance, if you’re writing an article about sales techniques and want it to rank well for ‘efficiency’ from an SEO perspective, you might title it ‘Efficient Sales Techniques.’ However, if the article merely discusses general sales workflow without addressing efficiency in sales activities, there’s a mismatch between the title and the content. 

Inappropriate keyword stuffing just to attract attention with a misleading title can backfire, as users may quickly leave the page if they find the content doesn’t match their expectations, negatively impacting SEO.

Word Count and Keyword Density Should Not Be the Priority 

Creating web pages should not prioritize word count and keyword density above all else. While setting a word count can be effective in some cases, it shouldn’t be a rigid rule for page creation.

Regarding Word Count 

Word count refers to the total number of text characters in the main content of a page. Some may set a minimum word count, like at least 3,000 words, believing it changes the amount of information a page contains.

However, the necessary word count varies with the topic. For example, someone searching for ‘weather forecast Tokyo tomorrow’ likely wants a quick update to decide if they need an umbrella. A weather information site might only have around 400 words in its main content for such a forecast.

In such cases, a 3,000-word count is unnecessary, showing that appropriate word count varies with search intent.

However, there are cases where setting a word count can be effective. This applies when referring to the word count of top-ranking articles in search results. Being highly ranked in search indicates that the page is well-regarded. Therefore, using it as a guideline, like “around 3000 words for this topic,” is acceptable.

Regarding Keyword Density

Keyword density is the ratio of a keyword’s occurrence on a page. While keeping a certain keyword density was once a popular SEO tactic, it’s more of a dated concept now.

Keyword density is considered mainly for quality checks by content directors. While a page with no use of keywords or related terms would be problematic, there’s no need for strict rules like ‘include X number of keywords.

Determining Content Quality 

One way to assess if a web page is considered high or low quality is through Google Analytics 4 (GA4), analyzing metrics like average engagement time.

Understanding Average Engagement Time (formerly Average Page Duration)

Average engagement time, previously known as average page duration, is the average time a user spends on a web page. Simply put, this metric indicates the duration for which a web article is being read or used.

For instance, if the average engagement time is 3 minutes, it suggests that users are thoroughly reading the content. Conversely, an average engagement time of 10 seconds might indicate that the article is not being read, possibly leading to users quickly exiting the page. This could imply that the website or page has certain issues needing attention.

To check the average engagement time, follow these steps

  • Log in to Google Analytics 4.
  • Click ‘Reports’ in the left menu.
  • Select ‘Engagement’ and then ‘Pages and Screens’.

By following these steps, you can view the average engagement time for each page. To research specific web pages, you can filter by URL or page title.

Related article: What is Google Analytics 4?

Costs Associated with Content SEO 

Implementing content SEO incurs costs, which vary depending on whether the work is done in-house or outsourced to an SEO agency.

-Cost of doing it in-house

-Cost of outsourcing to an SEO company

In-House Costs 

If you proceed in-house, you will need to assign content directors and SEO writers, incurring labor costs. Roughly, the costs could be as follows

Positions / Personnel costs

  • Content Director: From about 4 million yen annually for experienced individuals
  • SEO Writer: From about 4 million yen annually for employees; 1,004 yen per hour for part-timers (based on the national weighted average post-2023); or from 2 yen per character for contracted work

Additionally, recruitment advertising costs arise if hiring new personnel.

Outsourcing Costs 

Outsourcing content SEO to an agency involves paying for article creation services.

Service / Cost

Content SEO

Monthly Cost: Several thousand yen to 500,000 yen

Per Article Cost: Several thousand yen to 100,000 yen

The per-article cost varies depending on the genre and volume of the article. In terms of genre, the more specialized the requirement, the higher the cost. Tokyo SEO Maker (this site) also provides SEO article writing and outsourcing services, with service fees varying according to the content of the article.

Service Name / Service Details

SEO Writing

Interviewing / Persona Design, Keyword Research / Article Creation in Japanese, English, and Thai

*Orders can be placed for articles of 5,000 words or more

Success Stories of Tokyo SEO Maker

Here we present content SEO success stories handled by Tokyo SEO Maker (our site).

Case Study 1: Crown Worldwide

Case Study 2: Oizuru Corporation

Case 1: Crown Worldwide Group

Citation: Tokyo Office | For document management, confidential document storage, and disposal, Crown Records Management Japan

Crown Worldwide Group is a company specializing in managing corporate information, offering services like document storage, management, and secure disposal of confidential documents. Operating as the Japanese branch of the global Crown Worldwide Group, they faced challenges in attracting customers through listing ads, which were not significantly effective. Hence, they considered using their website for lead generation, aiming to increase site sessions and conversions.

-Increase the number of sessions on your website

-Convert access to your website into conversions (customer acquisition)

Tokyo SEO Maker initiated the following strategies in early 2023

  • Extracting conversion-driven keywords
  • Optimizing keywords on the client’s site
  • Creating new articles and setting up internal links
  • Acquiring backlinks from specialized sites

As a result, for the keyword ‘confidential documents’ (with a search volume of 2,900 per month), the company achieved first place in search results around April to May 2023 and has continued to stay within the top 10, being 6th as of February 2024.

Furthermore, for the related keyword ‘confidential papers,’ which was not ranking before, they climbed to 3rd place by July 2023.

Reference article: Content SEO led to ranking first for a keyword with 2,900 monthly searches and other high-ranking case studies | Crown Worldwide Co., Ltd.

Case 2: Oizuru Corporation

Oizuru Corporation, engaged in the design, processing, and sale of cushioning packaging materials, has five domestic bases, including its head office, and an overseas branch in Thailand. The company faced the following challenges:

-They were handling SEO in-house, but experienced a significant drop in search rankings and traffic.

-They wanted to improve their site to maintain an increase in sales.

Tokyo SEO Maker deployed these strategies

  • Keyword identification and coverage
  • Long-tail SEO
  • Modification of existing pages (like title tags)
  • Strengthening glossary pages for industry-specific terms
  • Link building
  • Conversion optimization

Within 1 to 2 years of starting these initiatives, Oizuru achieved top 10 rankings for big keywords like ‘packaging,’ ‘packing materials,’ and ‘cushioning materials.’ Notably, for ‘packaging’ (with a search volume of 8,100 per month), they have maintained the 1st position as of February 2024.

From an organic traffic of 265 visits in 2019, they experienced a 59-fold increase to 15,789 visits by November 2022.

Reference article: Case study where organic search traffic increased 59 times in 2 years | Oizuru Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions About Content SEO

Here, we compile common questions related to content SEO.

Q: Why is content SEO getting attention?

A: Content SEO is in focus because Google’s search engine algorithm prioritizes content quality. An example is the Helpful Content Update between 2022 and 2023, which aimed to lower the ranking of unhelpful content, affecting the site’s overall evaluation.

Q: What is the Helpful Content System?

A: The Helpful Content System is part of Google’s search engine algorithm. It was designed to enhance the ranking of useful content for users, while less helpful content is demoted.

Related article: What is the Helpful Content System?

Q: What’s the difference between content SEO and content marketing?

A: Content SEO is considered a subset of content marketing. 

Content marketing involves providing information to prospective customers to convert them into actual customers through various means like social media engagement, advertising, and newsletters. Content SEO specifically refers to attracting prospective customers through search engines.

Q: How do content SEO and technical SEO differ?

A: Content SEO and technical SEO are complementary SEO tactics. 

Content SEO focuses on improving the quality of information and text to satisfy search users. Technical SEO, on the other hand, involves enhancing the site’s internal structure to improve page operability, responsiveness, and overall user experience.

Q: Is there a relationship between content SEO and text length?

A: There is no direct causal relationship between text length and SEO. However, very short texts may lead to under-explained pages, while excessively long texts can result in pages filled with irrelevant details. The goal should be to cover all necessary elements to explain the page theme adequately.

Q: Does keyword density matter in content SEO?

A: It is almost unrelated. Although there was once a belief in an ideal keyword density within a page, a complete lack of keywords or related terms is inappropriate for content SEO. In practice, writing about a keyword naturally includes it and related terms, so if the article is written sensibly, worrying about keyword density is less necessary.


Content SEO is an indispensable strategy in SEO efforts. It doesn’t guarantee immediate effects, nor does it assure outcomes. However, mastering content SEO can significantly enhance the operational effectiveness of a website. Begin by understanding what constitutes high-quality content and strive to increase the presence of such content on your site to boost its evaluation.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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