
What is Unit Content SEO? Explanation of Features and Cases

unit contents seo

Unit Content SEO, a term coined by Tokyo SEO Maker, refers to a service of content SEO developed by Tokyo SEO Maker. It is an effective technique within SEO, particularly for the content SEO aspect, evolved to enhance SEO strategies.

Instead of creating content for each page individually and implementing it on the site, Unit Content SEO involves creating articles in units of around 10 pages per keyword and obtaining Google rankings for these units to achieve higher visibility.

Through Unit Content SEO, articles have been created for each category directory and the evaluation has been improved for each directory, but let’s delve into a detailed explanation.


What is Unit Content SEO?

Take a look at the diagram above, which illustrates the entirety of Unit Content SEO. First, categorize the columns by keyword type. After categorization, extract big, mid, and small keywords with the same theme. Aim to create one category for each theme.

Next, prepare 11 pieces of content. One is a page with 5000 to 10,000 words, targeting keywords with high monthly search volume. This page is referred to as the PLP (Preferred Landing Page) . It also serves as a pillar page and a hub page.

Create 10 articles (3000 to 5000 words each) addressing mid-level keywords to support the robust pillar page.

Establish internal links from the 10 sub-pages to the pillar page (5000 to 10,000 words). By collecting internal links from the 10 sub-pages to the pillar page, the value of the pillar page increases, making it easier to rank higher. It is crucial that the themes of the sub-pages and pillar page are related.

Categorize by unit and implement under the column section. It is also important to categorize by theme.

If the keyword for the pillar page is “SEO,” it is beneficial to use compound words for the sub-pages. Examples include “SEO cost,” “SEO company,” and “SEO case study,” which are composed of the pillar page keyword plus related compound words.

By consolidating articles and internal links within a unit, Google evaluates the site by directory or the entire site rather than individual pages. This approach aims for higher rankings across the entire unit, rather than focusing on ranking individual pages.

Case Study of Unit Content SEO

The most crucial aspect of adding content is identifying search queries (keywords) with monthly search volumes. Effective tools for this include Adwords Keyword Planner and SEMRUSH SEO tools .

Let’s take a look at the keyword “bespoke suits” as an example.

Search Queries for Bespoke Suits

Keyword / Monthly Search Volume 

Bespoke suits 33,100 

Suit order 5,400 

Custom-made suits 5,400 

Suit customization 3,600 

Recommended bespoke suits 4,400 

Recommended suits 3,600 

Bespoke suits Osaka 2,900 

Suits Osaka 390 

Osaka bespoke suits 720 

Osaka suits 390

 Bespoke suits Ginza 1,000 

Suit order Ginza 70 

Ginza bespoke suits 590 

Ginza suit order 170 

Ginza suits 1,000 

Suits Ginza 260 

Bespoke suits Tokyo 880 

Tokyo bespoke suits 260 

Suits Tokyo 170 

Tokyo Suits 260

These keywords will form the basis of our units.

For the keyword “bespoke suits,” we will place an article titled “Recommended Bespoke Suits” on the lower-level page. Below that, we will include an article on “Patterned Bespoke Suits.”

The key points of Unit Content SEO are as follows.

  • Categorize the information (big, mid, small keywords). 
  • Create units with parent-child relationships in directory hierarchy using big, mid, and small keywords. 
  • Gather links to the pillar page. Link from columns to product pages and top pages. 

Here is what it looks like in a diagram. Combine information and directories to build internal links. Internal links direct readers to related product pages from within the text and from the end of each lower-level page to the pillar page.

Try Unit Content SEO by following this example. In fact, there are many SEO techniques involved in Unit Content SEO that we haven’t revealed here. Only by controlling the content of the 11 SEO writing articles, lead sentences, internal links, and directory hierarchy can you achieve the quality of Tokyo SEO Maker’s Unit Content SEO. Try it out once and see its effectiveness for yourself by placing an order.

Unit Content SEO Pricing

Tokyo SEO Maker’s Unit Content consists of one 5,000-word pillar page and ten 3,000-word cluster-related pages. The price is 350,000 yen excluding tax. It’s calculated at 10 yen per character. With this, you get high-quality article content for SEO top rankings at 10 yen per character. Additionally, we provide keyword strategies, including which keywords to target, in the first submission, making it a popular product.

Success Stories of Unit Content SEO

The figure below shows the data from Google Search Console. Starting from June 2021, we uploaded 50 articles every month, following the calculation of continuing five units of Unit Content per month. The site had over 5,000 impressions in June, but after six months of ongoing Unit Content SEO, the numbers increased to around 13,000 to 15,000 impressions by December. Of course, inquiries have also increased.

Unit Content SEO

The figure below shows the data from Google Analytics. By creating the site in 2019 and implementing Unit Content SEO and acquiring external links, the site’s page views grew to over 25,000.

Unit Content SEO PV Results

The figure below shows the trend of actual user numbers, not just page views. You can see that the site is growing, with the number of users approaching 15,000 in a year of site operation. This is the power of Unit Content SEO. It is incredibly powerful.

Unit Content SEO UU Results

As shown, it may require some investment in terms of cost and time, but if you allocate the budget, the results will definitely follow.


SEO Consultant Unit Content SEO is an SEO technique that boosts the overall evaluation of the site with units. The key to success lies in perfect control of the content of SEO writing articles, the location and method of internal link construction, and the directory hierarchy. Since it has produced results on many clients’ sites, why not try it out by placing an order? We look forward to your request.

Author Profile

SEO Consultant

Mr. Takeshi Amano, CEO of Admano Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeshi Amano is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Nihon University. With 12 years of experience working in the advertising agency industry, he discovered SEO and began his research during the early days of SEO. He self-taught and conducted experiments and verifications on over 100 websites. Using this expertise, he founded Admano Co., Ltd., which is currently in its 11th year of operation. Mr. Amano handles sales, SEO consulting, web analytics (holding the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification ), coding, and website development. The company has successfully managed SEO strategies for over 2000 websites to date.

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