
Explainer Column : Strategies to Rank #1 with Google SEO


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Google SEO, short for Google Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website and content to rank higher on Google’s search engine.

Since Google is the most widely used search engine globally, many webmasters and marketers focus specifically on Google SEO.

By embracing Google SEO, you can expect to increase your website’s traffic and visibility. In this article, we will delve into 10 practical tips for achieving the top spot in Google search rankings.


What is Google SEO?

Google SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, a strategy aimed at increasing the flow of visitors to a website from search engines, thereby enhancing the informational outreach and audience engagement of the site.

Given the dominance of Google in the search engine market, emphasizing Google SEO is crucial. Users predominantly utilize Google as their primary search engine, necessitating the need to optimize websites for high visibility on Google’s platform. Hence, implementing SEO measures becomes essential for attracting and retaining website visitors.

Criteria for Evaluating Google SEO

Google SEO is evaluated based on the principle of putting users first.

Putting Users First . 

The primary focus of Google’s evaluation criteria is always putting users first. Users utilize search engines to find answers to their queries and concerns.

Google emphasizes the importance of providing accurate answers to users’ search queries. Therefore, how well a website can satisfy users becomes a crucial factor. Specifically, it includes the following:

-EEEAT (Four Evaluation Criteria)

-Google’s 10 Facts

-MFI (Mobile-First Index)

EEAT (Four Evaluation Criteria)

EEAT stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, representing the four evaluation criteria for content.

Experience assesses whether the author has sufficient real-life experience regarding the article’s topic. Providing insights based on experience leads to higher ratings.

Expertise requires the website to demonstrate a high level of expertise in a chosen keyword, creating content that reflects this expertise.

Authoritativeness necessitates being recognized as an authoritative source, such as government publications, sites operated by medical professionals, or those widely acknowledged by society.

Trustworthiness demands that the website’s content is reliable. It involves enhancing the credibility of website operators and authors to ensure the site delivers trustworthy content.

Google’s Ten Principles

Google’s Ten Principles refer to the ten commandments that Google upholds as its corporate philosophy. Google begins with the following statement:

When you focus on the user, everything else will follow.

This underscores the importance of putting users first. These principles are considered objective truths by Google and should be kept in mind when implementing SEO strategies for websites.

Mobile-First Indexing (MFI). 

MFI, or Mobile-First Indexing, began in March 2018 and involves determining search rankings based on the content of pages designed for mobile devices. This marks a shift from the previous practice of ranking based on content from desktop pages, reflecting the increasing use of smartphones.

In Mobile-First Indexing, factors such as ease of use and search speed when viewing websites on smartphones are comprehensively evaluated.

10 Practices for Successful Google SEO

To achieve success in Google SEO, it is essential to focus on the following 10 elements

1.Keyword Research

2. On-Page Optimization

3.Content Quality


5.Page Speed

6. Off-Page Optimization

7.Technical SEO

8.Compliance with Google Guidelines

9.Competitor Analysis and Continuous Improvement

10.Goal Setting and Performance Measurement

Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research is crucial for understanding the terms users search for and incorporating them effectively into website content. This enables search engines to understand the content and display relevant search results. 

Start by identifying keywords and phrases users actually search for.

Analyzing competitors’ keyword strategies and finding your niche is also important. Once suitable keywords are identified, use them appropriately in page titles, headings, body text, meta descriptions, etc.

Effective keyword research is a critical step in achieving the top spot in Google SEO. Optimizing with the right keywords ensures that search engines display appropriate search results, leading to increased website traffic.

Next, let us delve into effective methods for keyword research.

Clarifying the Purpose of Keyword Research

Before diving into keyword research, it is crucial to clarify the purpose. The purpose can vary, including promoting new products or services, optimizing existing content, exploring new markets, and more.

Understanding Customer Needs

Effective keyword research requires understanding customer needs. By grasping the problems or challenges customers face and the information they seek, you can find appropriate keywords.


To generate keyword ideas, brainstorming is essential. Collaborate with yourself or team members to list relevant keywords and phrases. At this stage, prioritize quantity over quality of ideas.

Utilizing Keyword Research Tools

Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc., to investigate keywords based on ideas. These tools provide information such as keyword search volume, competition level, related keywords, and more.

Harnessing Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords, though they have lower search volume than short, general keywords, have fewer competitors and address specific needs, resulting in higher conversion rates. It is crucial to find and incorporate long-tail keywords into your strategy.

On-Page Optimization 

On-page optimization, also known as on-page SEO, involves optimizing elements related to the webpage itself to improve search engine evaluation and rankings.

Set up title tags, Meta descriptions, header tags, URL structure, image optimization (alt attributes), internal links, etc., appropriately. Additionally, avoid excessive use of keywords and strive for natural language to achieve effective on-page SEO optimization, which is essential for securing the top spot in Google SEO rankings.

Next, let us delve into detailed explanations of on-page SEO optimization.

Optimizing Title Tags

Title tags are crucial elements that convey the page’s content to search engines and users. Include primary keywords in the title tag and describe it clearly within 35 characters.

Related Article: What is the effective title tag length for SEO?

Optimizing Meta Descriptions

The meta description is the description text of a page displayed on the search results page. Write a description of around 125 characters that appropriately includes keywords and provides an incentive for users to click.

Related Article: What is a Meta Description?

Optimizing URL Structure

It’s desirable to have short, easy-to-understand, and structured URLs. Including primary keywords in the URL makes it easier for search engines to understand the page’s content.

Related Article: What makes a URL effective for SEO?

Using Header Tags

Use header tags like h1, h2, h3 to clarify the structure of the content and help search engines properly analyze the page’s content. It is also recommended to include relevant keywords in header tags.

Related Article: The purpose and benefits of h2 tags?

Appropriate Keyword Placement

Naturally place keywords within the content to make it easier for search engines to understand the page’s content. However, avoid excessive use of keywords and place them at an appropriate density.

Related Article: What is the relationship between SEO and keyword density?

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Optimizing Images

By including keywords in the file name and alt tags, images can convey their content to search engines. Additionally, optimizing the file size of images improves page loading speed, enhancing both user experience and SEO performance.

Related Article: Image Optimization

Optimizing Internal Links

Internal links strengthen connections between pages within a website, making it easier for users to find information. They are also important for search engines, aiding in understanding the website’s structure. Use appropriate anchor text and link related pages with internal links.

Related Article: What are Internal Links?

Appropriate Use of External Links

External links serve to cite or reference information from other websites. Linking to reputable sources enhances the value of content and makes it more likely to be evaluated positively by search engines.

Related Article: What are External Links?

Improving Page Loading Speed

Page loading speed significantly impacts user experience and search rankings. Optimize page loading speed by compressing images, utilizing caching, and removing unnecessary scripts.

Related Article: Measuring and Improving Page Load Speed

Mobile-Friendly Design

With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly design is a crucial factor that search engines evaluate. Adopt responsive design to create websites that are suitable for viewing on smartphones and tablets.

Related Article: What is Mobile-Friendly?

Implementing these on-page SEO optimizations lays the foundation for achieving the top ranking in Google search results. Continuously optimizing and providing a valuable website to users leads to long-term success.

Content Quality

Google values high-quality content that provides value to users. Therefore, it’s essential to create unique, informative, and engaging content that serves users’ needs.

Regularly adding new content and updating old content demonstrates that the website is active, which search engines appreciate.

High-quality content is indispensable for achieving the top ranking in Google SEO. Creating and updating content that provides value to users and is recognized by search engines improves website traffic and search rankings.

Next, let us delve into creating and updating high-quality content in detail.

Define Your Target Audience

Before creating content, clarify your target audience. Understanding customers’ needs and interests and creating content tailored to them is crucial.

Appropriate Use of Keywords

Incorporate researched keywords into your content appropriately. However, excessive use of keywords can be considered spammy, so it is preferable to use keywords a suitable number of times within natural sentences.

Structuring Content Creatively

When structuring content, use headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and videos to organize information clearly. Additionally, it is effective to present key points or conclusions early on to capture the reader’s interest.

Provide Original and Valuable Information

Providing unique and valuable information that sets you apart from competitors creates compelling content for users. Utilize specialized knowledge, latest information, and unique perspectives or experiences to create content that stands out.

Enhance Readability

High-quality content is characterized by readability and ease of understanding. Use short sentences, lively vocabulary, and avoid technical terms or complex expressions. Additionally, carefully check for grammar and spelling errors.

Regular Content Updates

Search engines prefer fresh and up-to-date information, so it is crucial to regularly update content. Add new information or perspectives to existing content and remove or revise outdated information.

Utilizing User Feedback

Take user feedback and comments into account to identify areas for improvement in your content. Creating content that meets user needs allows you to refine it into higher-quality content.

Optimizing Internal and External Links

By appropriately setting up links to related pages within your content and to reliable external sources, you can enhance the value of your content. Internal links also strengthen connections between pages on your website, making it easier for users to find information.

Content Analysis and Improvement

Utilize tools like Google Analytics and various SEO tools to measure the performance of your content. Analyze how well your content is being received by users and identify areas that need improvement, then continuously optimize it.

Content Promotion

Creating high quality content alone is not enough. It is also crucial to promote your content through channels like social media, email marketing, and forums to reach the appropriate target audience.

By implementing these methods, you can create and update high-quality content, laying a solid foundation to achieve the top position in Google SEO rankings. Providing valuable content to users consistently leads to long-term success.


With many users accessing the internet on smartphones, having amobile-friendly website is essential.

Google highly values mobile-friendly websites and it can impact search rankings.

Adopt responsive design to ensure comfortable browsing on smartphones.

Also, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to evaluate and improve your website’s mobile compatibility as needed.

Related Article: What is Mobile SEO?

Next, let us delve into how to build a mobile-friendly website.

Adopting Responsive Design

Responsive design automatically adjusts the layout based on the device’s screen size. This ensures proper display on any device, improving user experience.

Related Article: What is Responsive Design (Responsive Website Design)?

Navigation Suitable for Touch Input . 

On smartphones and tablets, touch input is the primary method. Design navigation with large buttons and ample space to facilitate easy touch operation.

Optimizing Text Size and Fonts

Readable text size and fonts are crucial on mobile devices. Avoid too small text or hard-to-read fonts, and ensure users can browse without strain.

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Optimizing Images and Videos

Images and videos need to be optimized to display properly on mobile devices. This involves compressing file sizes, selecting appropriate formats, and configuring responsive settings.

Improving Page Loading Speed

Page loading speed is especially crucial on mobile devices. Remove unnecessary scripts and plugins, utilize caching and CDN, and take other measures to enhance loading speed.

Displaying Mobile-Friendly Ads

Ads should also be tailored for mobile devices. Choose ads that display in non-intrusive sizes and positions, ensuring they do not compromise user experience.

Integrating Social Media

Mobile users frequently engage with social media. Integrate social media share buttons and links to profiles on your website, making it easy for users to share content.

Related Article: What is Social Media?

Optimizing Forms for Mobile Devices

Form input on mobile devices can be more challenging compared to desktop environments. Design shorter forms and reduce the number of input fields to make it easier for mobile users to input information.

Related Article: What is EFO?

Improving Accessibility

Even on mobile devices, design considerations for users with color vision deficiencies or low vision are important. Set appropriate contrasts and font sizes to enhance accessibility.

Related Article: What is Usability? Explanation of differences with Accessibility

Utilizing Google Search Console’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Google Search Console provides tools to check if a website is mobile-friendly. Use this test to verify the mobile-friendliness of your website and address any issues.

Building a mobile-friendly website is a crucial factor in achieving the top ranking in Google SEO. By implementing these practices, you can provide a website suitable for mobile users and enhance user experience, ultimately leading to improved search rankings.

Page Speed

Page speed significantly impacts user experience and is one of Google’s ranking factors.

Improving website page speed contributes to better user engagement and reduced bounce rates. Optimize page speed by compressing images, utilizing caching, and removing unnecessary scripts or plugins.

Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to evaluate page speed and identify areas for improvement.

Related Article: Explaining how to measure and improve page loading speed using PageSpeed Insights.

Optimizing Images

Large image files can negatively impact page speed. Optimize images by compressing them, choosing appropriate file formats, and implementing lazy loading.

Removing Unnecessary Scripts and Plugins

Having many scripts and plugins on a website can slow down page speed. Remove unnecessary ones and only use essential ones.

Optimizing CSS and JavaScript

Optimizing CSS and JavaScript files is also effective for improving page speed. Remove unnecessary styles and scripts, and compress and combine files to enhance loading speed.

Utilizing Caching

Utilizing caching ensures that pages load quickly for visitors upon revisits. Utilize browser caching to improve page speed.

Introducing CDN (Content Delivery Network)

A CDN is a network designed to efficiently deliver website content. By utilizing a CDN, page loading speed improves, enhancing user experience.

Related Article: What is CDN? When Should You Use CDN?

Optimizing Servers

Server selection and configuration also impact page speed. Choose a reliable hosting service and optimize server settings.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

As browsing on mobile devices increases, page speed on smartphones and tablets becomes crucial. Optimize for mobile devices with designs, content, and the implementation of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Related Article: What is AMP?

Optimizing Third-Party Scripts

Third-party scripts (such as ads and analytics tools) can affect page speed. Minimize the number of scripts and set them to load asynchronously to prevent speed reduction.

Introducing HTTP/2

HTTP/2 is a technology that enhances website communication protocols, thereby improving page speed. If your website still uses HTTP/1.1, consider transitioning to HTTP/2.

Measuring and Improving Page Speed

Utilize tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to measure your website’s page speed. These tools provide insights into areas for improvement, making optimization strategies clearer.

Optimizing page speed has benefits for both user experience and SEO. Implement these methods to build a foundation for achieving the top position in Google search rankings.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page optimization (Off-Page SEO) involves optimizing external elements of a website. This includes acquiring backlinks, mentions, and shares on social media, and managing the online reputation of the brand.

Backlinks, links from other websites to yours, are crucial indicators of trust and authority in Google’s eyes.

To enhance the credibility and authority of your website, it’s essential to focus on off-page SEO.

Establish relationships with other websites through methods like link outreach and guest blog posting to acquire high-quality backlinks.

Increasing mentions and shares on social media platforms can also improve the online reputation of your brand.

Next, let us delve into strategies to strengthen off-page SEO.

Developing a Link Building Strategy

Creating an effective link building strategy is essential for boosting off-page SEO. Conduct competitive analysis, craft link-worthy content, and strategically plan outreach activities.

Increasing Exposure on Social Media

Social media platforms can increase website traffic and enhance online reputation. Actively share content on social media and engage with followers to foster engagement.

Improving Brand Awareness

A strong brand positively impacts online reputation and search engine evaluations. Enhance brand awareness by clearly communicating brand stories and value propositions.

Utilizing Online Reviews

Online reviews serve as reliable information sources for consumers and are valued by search engines. Encourage customers to leave reviews and increase positive ratings to strengthen off-page SEO.

Taking Action on Local SEO

Local search impacts search results related to specific areas or communities. Optimizing local SEO increases exposure to potential customers in the area and strengthens off-page SEO. Engage in activities like registering with Google My Business, listing on local directories, and creating community-focused content.

Developing a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing aims to create high quality content and deliver it to the target audience. Develop an effective content marketing strategy to increase links and social signals to your website, thus enhancing off-page SEO.

Harnessing Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with industry influencers to leverage their influence and increase exposure for your brand and content. Collaborating with influencers improves your online reputation and strengthens off-page SEO.

Expanding Media Exposure through PR Activities

Media exposure positively impacts online reputation and search engine evaluations. Expand media exposure through activities like distributing press releases and hosting media events to enhance PR efforts.

Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking

Analyzing the off-page SEO strategies of competitor companies and comparing them to your own efforts helps identify areas for improvement and new ideas. Regularly conducting competitive analysis and benchmarking contributes to strengthening off-page SEO.

By implementing these off-page SEO enhancement strategies, strengthen the foundation to achieve the top position in Google SEO rankings. Improved evaluation by search engines leads to increased website traffic and business growth. Success in off-page SEO requires careful planning and continuous efforts.

Implementing these strategies leads to improved evaluation by search engines and an increase in search rankings.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves optimizing the structure and code of a website, also known as on-page optimization.

Technical SEO aims to enable search engines to efficiently crawl and index websites. To optimize website crawling and indexing, technical SEO includes creating XML sitemaps, setting up robots.txt, optimizing redirects, implementing structured data, and optimizing site crawling and indexing.

This ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index the website.

Next, we will discuss methods for optimizing technical SEO.

Improving Crawlability and Indexability

It is crucial to enable search engines to efficiently crawl and index the website. Properly configuring robots.txt files and XML sitemaps improves crawlability and indexability.

Related Article: What is Crawlability?

Implementing Structured Data

Structured data is markup used to accurately convey information about web pages to search engines. Implementing structured data enhances the display of websites in search results and positively impacts search rankings.

Related Article: What is Structured Data?

Managing Redirects and 404 Errors

Unnecessary redirects or 404 errors can reduce search engine crawl efficiency. Ensure proper redirect settings and fix pages causing 404 errors.

Related Article: What is the Meaning of Redirect?

Adopting HTTPS

HTTPS is a protocol that enhances website security. Since Google considers HTTPS as a ranking factor, obtain an SSL certificate and implement HTTPS.

Related Article: What is HTTPS (SSL/TLS)?

Resolving Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can lead to penalties from search engines. Consider using appropriate redirects or canonical tags to resolve duplicate content issues.

Related Article: What is Duplicate Content?

Website Performance Monitoring

Optimizing technical SEO is an ongoing process. Use tools like Google Search Console and other SEO tools to monitor your website’s performance and promptly address any issues that arise.

By implementing these technical SEO optimization strategies, you can strengthen the foundation to achieve the top ranking in Google SEO. Improved evaluation by search engines leads to increased website traffic and business growth.

Competitive Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Regularly analyze the SEO strategies of competitor websites, reassess your own strategies, and make improvements. Learning from competitor websites with high search rankings helps build more effective SEO strategies.

Additionally, since Google’s algorithms are frequently updated, it is crucial to adapt to changes continuously.

Competitive analysis and continuous improvement are essential strategies and practices for achieving the top ranking in Google SEO.

Next, let us focus on methods for competitive analysis and continuous SEO improvement, which contribute to improving search rankings.

Identifying Competitors

Firstly, it is important to identify competitors. Investigate competitor websites and online presence to understand their SEO strategies.

Competitive Analysis of Keyword Research

Research the keywords targeted by competitors and utilize them in your own keyword research. This helps uncover opportunities for keywords that competitors may have overlooked and develop a more effective keyword strategy.

Comparing On-Page SEO

Analyze the on-page SEO of competitor companies, comparing elements such as title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, internal links, and more. This allows for optimizing your own on-page SEO and improving search rankings.

Analysis of Backlink Profiles

Investigate the backlink profiles of competitor companies to inform your own link-building strategy. This helps in discovering high-quality link sources and generating new ideas for link building.

Evaluation of Content Strategy

Evaluate the content strategy of competitor companies to enhance the quality, quantity, and frequency of your own content, thus improving search rankings.

Comparison of Website Usability and Design

Analyze the usability and design of competitor websites to aid in improving your own website. Enhancing user experience also contributes to increased search rankings.

Comparison of Mobile Friendliness

Check the mobile friendliness of competitor companies and improve your own mobile responsiveness. Given Google’s adoption of mobile-first indexing, mobile optimization is a crucial factor.

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Evaluation of Social Media Strategy

By evaluating the social media strategies of competitor companies, you can enhance your own social media activities, thus strengthening off-page SEO.

Continuous Monitoring and Analysis

Continuously monitor the trends of competitor companies to quickly adapt to new changes and trends. Regular competitor analysis helps in reviewing and improving your own SEO strategy.

Action Plan for Continuous Improvement

Based on the results of competitor analysis, review your own SEO strategy and develop a specific action plan. Set short-term and long-term goals, aiming for continuous improvement.

Competitor analysis and continuous improvement are essential elements for achieving the top position in Google SEO rankings. By comparing with competitor companies, identify weaknesses and areas for improvement in your own SEO strategy. Through continuous effort and improvement, you can achieve better search rankings and results for your website.

Compliance with Google Guidelines

Google provides guidelines for webmasters and SEO professionals to follow when optimizing websites.

Adhering to these guidelines helps avoid penalties and maintain or improve search rankings.

Next, let us explain the basic principles of Google guidelines and how to implement SEO strategies in accordance with them.

Basic Principles of Google Guidelines

Google’s guidelines aim to provide webmasters with the means to offer valuable content to users and ensure that search engines can properly index that content. Google prioritizes user value over optimization for search engines, emphasizing the importance of user experience.

Related Article: Google Search Central | Basics of Google Search (Formerly Webmaster Guidelines)

Guidelines for Webmasters from Google

Google provides technical and quality guidelines for webmasters. Technical guidelines include optimizing access for crawlers and link structures, while quality guidelines focus on avoiding spam practices and malicious SEO tactics.

Related Article: What are Google Webmaster Guidelines?

Appropriate Practices for Social Media Activities

Google guidelines acknowledge that social media activities may influence search rankings. Proper engagement and sharing on social media can indirectly impact search rankings. Enhance online presence through content sharing and engagement with stakeholders on social media platforms.

Penalty Prevention and Recovery Methods

Violating Google guidelines can result in penalties. To address penalties, identify the cause of the violation and take steps to resolve it. Use Google Search Console to report and resolve issues to recover from penalties.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation to Latest Trends

Google guidelines are regularly updated, and search algorithms evolve. Therefore, it is crucial to adapt to the latest guidelines and trends, continuously improving websites. 

Monitor site performance using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics, and optimize as needed. Stay informed about industry news and expert opinions to incorporate the latest information.

Compliance with Google guidelines is paramount. By consistently adhering to guidelines and implementing practices such as creating high quality content, optimizing on-page and technical SEO, developing backlink strategies, improving usability, and engaging in social media activities, you can aim for improved search rankings. 

Additionally, flexibility in response to updates in Google guidelines and changes in search algorithms, along with practicing SEO strategies aligned with current trends, is key to success.

Goal Setting and Performance Measurement

To achieve the top spot in Google SEO rankings, clear goal setting and performance measurement are crucial.

Explaining effective goal-setting methods and the indicators and tools for measuring SEO performance.

SMART Goal Setting 

Using the SMART principle is effective for goal setting.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Setting goals according to this principle can improve the success rate of SEO strategies.

Setting SEO-related KPIs 

To improve search rankings, it is important to set various SEO-related key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure them. Here are some common SEO-related KPIs.

  • Search rankings
  • Organic traffic
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Average time on page

Take measures based on these KPIs and track improvements in the metrics.

Utilizing Google Search Console 

Google Search Console is a free webmaster tool provided by Google, which helps measure website search performance. By using Google Search Console, you can obtain the following information:

  • Search queries and impressions
  • Number of impressions
  • Link information to the website
  • Submitting sitemaps and checking crawl errors

Utilizing Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is a free tool for analyzing website traffic and user engagement. With Google Analytics, you can obtain the following information.

  • Trends in organic traffic
  • Demographic information of users
  • Pageviews and average time on page
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate and goal achievements

By regularly analyzing this information using Google Analytics, you can measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Other SEO Analysis Tools

In addition to Google Search Console and Google Analytics, there are many other SEO analysis tools available. Utilizing these tools enables a more detailed analysis of SEO performance. Some prominent tools include;

  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Moz
  • Screaming Frog

Performance Review and Improvement Plan

Measure performance based on set goals and KPIs, and conduct regular reviews. Through these reviews, you can understand the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and identify areas for improvement, allowing you to devise improvement plans.

Furthermore, it is important to periodically review and revise your strategy to adapt to the latest SEO trends and changes in Google’s algorithms.

In the strategy and practice of achieving the top spot in Google SEO rankings, clear goal setting and performance measurement are indispensable. Utilize SMART goal setting principles, set SEO-related KPIs, measure performance using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics, and regularly review and devise improvement plans. Through these efforts, you can implement an effective SEO strategy and aim for improved search rankings.

Google SEO Check Tools

Checking every aspect of your site individually for Google SEO can be challenging. Hence, we have selected and described the following seven points from various Google SEO check tools.

  • Search ranking check tools
  • Keyword frequency check tools
  • Keyword research tools
  • Internal check tools
  • Backlink check tools
  • Broken link check tools
  • Duplicate content check tools

Search Ranking Check Tools

In SEO, it is crucial to improve your site by rewriting pages for keywords that are not ranking well while tracking the fluctuation of keyword search rankings. Therefore, utilizing SEO tools that allow you to check search rankings is essential to begin by confirming the keyword rankings of your managed site. The main ones include:


GRC is a search ranking check tool that allows you to examine the search rankings of registered keywords. It enables easy checking of search ranking fluctuations and rankings on Google, Yahoo! JAPAN, and Bing.


BULL, a search ranking check tool, is fully automated and does not require dedicated software installation. It allows for sharing search rankings with branches or clients without installing special software and can be used on smartphones and tablet PCs.

Search Rank Checker

Search Rank Checker enables checking the search rankings on Google, Yahoo! JAPAN, and Bing’s three search engines. It provides free access to search rankings for both PC and smartphone versions.

Keyword Frequency Check Tools

In SEO, creating content tailored to specific keywords is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize SEO tools that can check the frequency of keyword occurrence to ensure selected keywords are used within created content. Here are some specific tools; is a tool that examines the number and proportion of keywords on a website. It allows checking the proportion of up to 50 words.

Funky Rating

Funky Rating is a tool that enables checking the frequency of keyword occurrence in specified web pages or entered text, as well as adjusting the frequency of specified keywords.

Keyword Research Tools

These tools provide insights into keyword competitiveness, search volume, related keywords, etc. By researching keywords, you can understand user search intent and content needs for content creation. Here are some examples

Keyword Finder

Keyword Finder automates the process of selecting SEO keywords. It allows for investigating search volume, difficulty of ranking, and relevance all in one tool.

Rakko Keywords

Rakko Keywords is a keyword tool that allows free research of related keywords, compound keywords, suggested keywords, related Q&A, and trend information searched on Google, Yahoo! JAPAN, Bing, and other search engines.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner provides insights into keyword search volume and related keywords. It’s a free tool that is useful for creating new search network campaigns or expanding existing ones.

Internal Check Tools

These are tools that allow you to review site performance, such as HTML tags like title tags, description tags, header tags (h-tags), as well as bounce rate, dwell time, crawl status, page speed, and more. They enable optimization within the site’s internal structure.

To improve important HTML tag wording, usability, and crawlability, it is essential to utilize SEO tools that can check the internal aspects of a site. Here are some specific ones:

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free website analysis tool provided by Google, which helps analyze and improve site performance in search.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an SEO tool provided by Google that allows you to monitor site traffic.

With this tool, you can measure the return on investment for advertising, and track video, social media sites, and app traffic.

Backlink Check Tools

As Google uses backlinks as a measure of content popularity, acquiring backlinks is crucial for SEO. Therefore, its necessary to utilize SEO tools that can check backlinks to your site. Here are some main tools: is a free SEO tool that not only checks the backlink status of your site but also allows you to check the backlinks of rival sites. is a link penalty removal tool created to reduce the significant effort involved in link checking. After registering your email address, you can use it for free.


Ahrefs is used to comprehensively cover backlink status, improve search traffic, and monitor competitor research and niche. This tool helps understand why competitors rank high and what needs to be done to surpass them.

Link Checker Tools

Link breakages can occur due to external sites closing down or errors in link URL descriptions. It’s crucial for SEO to improve such broken links and operate websites to enhance user satisfaction. Here are some specific tools is a free SEO tool that allows you to check for broken links within the URL of the entered site. is a tool that allows you to specify URLs and check for broken links. It traverses internal links, allowing you to conduct a comprehensive check for broken links across the entire site with just one click.

Duplicate Content Checker Tools

To provide content that is relevant to search queries, it’s important to refer to the content trends of competitor sites that rank high.

However, providing content with high levels of duplication or similarity, such as completely copying content from competitor sites, is counterproductive. Therefore, it’s important to utilize SEO tools that can check the similarity between your content and content from other sites. Some commonly used tools include; is a free SEO tool that allows you to check for duplicate content, mirror sites, and similar pages. It’s recommended for use when search rankings decline.


CopyContentDetector is an easy-to-use copy-paste checking tool that anyone can use. It’s a tool that can be used without limitations or membership registration, and all features are available for free.


To succeed in Google SEO as an SEO consultant, try implementing the 10 practices outlined here. It is important to continuously optimize your website and content while paying attention to these elements. The optimization process may require time and effort, but it is an essential endeavor to build a competitive online presence.

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Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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