
Explainer Column: How to Create Content Articles

content articles

Creating content articles might seem like a relatively simple task at first glance, especially for newcomers. However, it actually involves several processes from selecting a theme, conducting research, writing the article, to finally editing it. Moreover, there are numerous points to consider at each step.

This article will detail the steps you should follow and the points to consider when creating high-quality content articles, along with specific examples.


What Are Content Articles? 

Content articles organize information on a specific theme in an article format and provide it to users. “Content” means “the substance” in English, and in the realm of web marketing, it specifically refers to “valuable information.”

There are various types of content articles, such as blog posts, news articles, expert reviews, interviews, and how-to articles. On the other hand, content broadly refers to anything published in other media like YouTube videos or podcasts. However, since they are not compiled in article form, they do not fall under the category of “content articles.”

Reference page: What is Content? An Easy Explanation of the Correct Meaning and Quality Content

Why Content Articles Are Important 

Web marketing evolves daily, but content articles have always been a recurring topic of discussion. Here, we explain why content articles are crucial in web marketing.

Beneficial for Web Attraction 

The significance of content lies in the effectiveness of articles in web attraction. Publishing high-quality content articles using appropriate keywords makes it easier to be displayed on search engines.

For an instance, imagine your company runs an apparel-related blog and publishes a detailed article on “Autumn Trend Coordination.” There’s a possibility that the article could rank high for related keywords, attracting new potential customers to your company’s website.

Brand Enhancement & Trust Acquisition 

One significant reason content articles are essential is that they help in enhancing brand recognition and gaining trust. Providing professional and reliable information can elevate your status as an expert in the field.

For instance, if your company operates a health-related website, offering high-quality articles based on scientific evidence can earn user trust. This approach can lead to conversions when selling health-related products or services in the future.

Affordable for Any Budget 

Web content is something businesses of all sizes can create, mainly because content creation does not require substantial financial investment. Unlike needing significant funds for website creation or content production, web content can be produced with minimal costs.

Furthermore, there’s no limit to the amount of information that can be published on web pages, allowing even small businesses to release a vast amount of content.

In contrast, the amount of information that can be disseminated through TV commercials or flyers directly correlates to a company’s financial capability, often putting smaller enterprises at a disadvantage. Web content, therefore, offers an affordable alternative.

Efficient Information Dissemination 

Creating and disseminating content via the web is more time-efficient compared to other mediums.

For example, creating a TV commercial involves conceptualizing, selecting celebrities, and shooting before release. While TV commercials may reach viewers more readily than web content, they are significantly more costly and time-consuming.

On the other hand, web content can be published quickly at a lower cost. 

The expenses involved in creating and publishing web content are limited to analytics tools and server fees for the website, which are affordable even for individuals. Once content is ready, it can be immediately uploaded online, allowing for swift promotion of your products.

Conditions for Readable Content Articles 

Here, we’ll share three essential conditions for creating content articles that users will read. Meeting these three conditions ensures that your articles engage your audience.

Matching User Search Intent 

One key condition for creating great content articles is to align your writing with the intent behind the user’s search keywords.

When users search for specific keywords in search engines, they have a clear “intent” or “purpose.” For example, if someone searches for “used Toyota cars,” it’s likely they’re interested in buying a used Toyota.

Therefore, it’s essential to produce content articles that fulfill this intent or purpose. Search engines value such high-quality content and reflect this in their search result rankings. Catering to search intent not only serves the users but also aids in SEO efforts.

Reference Page: What is Search Intent? The Importance of Search Intent in SEO! Explained from How to Research to How to Use

Well-Organized Information 

When creating content articles, it’s crucial to organize the information clearly. It’s important to present the information in a way that’s easy for users to read and understand. Well-organized information not only makes it easier for readers but also helps search engines understand the value of your content, benefiting SEO.

For instance, let’s say you’re writing a blog post about a cooking recipe. If you divide the recipe into sections like the recipe itself, ingredients list, cooking steps, and notes, readers can efficiently find the information they need. Additionally, using images or videos can make the content visually easy to understand.

New Discoveries and Insights for the User 

Another point of well-received articles is that users can gain new knowledge or insights after reading.

Typically, users who seek out content articles want to “learn something” or “discover something new.” Content that provides such value is highly appreciated. Moreover, users who gain new knowledge or insights are more likely to share that information or revisit your website.

For example, writing an article about “eco-friendly living styles” shouldn’t just explain the importance of recycling but also offer concrete methods and data on how much CO2 reduction can be achieved. Providing such articles can lead to users discovering new methods and becoming fans of your website.

Content Article Creation Method 

When setting out to create content articles, what steps should you follow? Proceeding with the wrong steps can often result in the article not turning out as expected. Here, Tokyo SEO Maker explains their method for producing content step by step.

Step 1: Target Setting 

Target setting is the process of determining who you want your content articles to reach. It’s crucial because the users you target will influence the style and content of your articles.

For instance, Tokyo SEO Maker aims to have their content read by business owners and web managers. Therefore, they focus on themes related to web marketing and business know-how. They also strive to make their content understandable to those outside the IT industry by avoiding specialized jargon as much as possible.

Step 2: Keyword and Theme Selection 

Keyword selection involves choosing keywords that potential customers are likely to search for and that could ultimately lead to the purchase of your company’s products. Achieving a higher ranking on search engines with the right keywords increases the chances of more potential customers seeing your content.

Selecting keywords also helps determine the theme of your content articles. As mentioned, search keywords always have an “intent” or “purpose.” Your content should fulfill this intent or purpose.

A practical example of keyword selection is using keyword research tools (like Google Keyword Planner) to list keywords that your target audience is likely to search for. Then, assess how related these keywords are to your products or services and their competitive advantage over other companies before finalizing your selection.

Reference Page: How to Choose SEO Keywords? Explaining Effective SEO Keyword Selection for Successful Web Attraction

Step 3: Competitor Analysis 

Competitor analysis involves researching and analyzing the content articles offered by other websites in your competitive field.

The purpose of competitor analysis is not to imitate others but to clarify the unique value your company can provide. Understanding what information competitors offer helps identify unmet needs or desires of users.

Incorporate these unmet needs or desires into your content articles. This approach allows you to create differentiated articles from others. Tokyo SEO Maker employs this strategy for differentiation.

A concrete method for this is to search using selected keywords and analyze the articles that rank high in search results. Pay attention to article titles, headings, structure, used keywords, introduction, and conclusion. This analysis provides insights into how your content can differentiate from competitors or what improvements can make it more appealing to users.

Step 4. Structure 

Before writing the content article, you’ll plan its structure. Structuring involves designing the overall shape and flow of the content article. Specifically, you determine major sections like the introduction, body, and conclusion, and consider specific elements like headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. This process decides the order in which information will be presented.

By structuring the content, users can efficiently understand the information. A well-organized article allows users to find the necessary information more quickly.

Step 5. Writing 

Now, it’s time to start the actual writing. Writing involves expressing the content in a way that matches the needs and interests of your target audience.

Content articles are not just about providing information but delivering it in a format that meets the target audience’s expectations. For instance, if your target audience consists of beginners, you should focus on providing basic information. Diving too deep could confuse them.

Using language and terms that resonate with your target audience can also enhance the quality of the article.

Reference Page: Basics of Content Writing. Explaining Concepts, Objectives, and Writing Procedures

Step 6. Read from a User’s Perspective 

Once the content is completed, reread it from a user’s perspective. When reviewing, check if the theme is consistent and easy to read, if it contains the information your target audience is looking for, and if there are any unclear expressions.

While rereading, you might discover awkward sections or headlines that inadvertently include multiple themes, which you didn’t notice while focused on writing. Taking a moment to review calmly can help ensure the content is user-friendly, so it’s recommended to take the time to do so.

Step 7. Analyze Feedback 

Simply publishing your content and leaving it be can diminish its potential impact. After publishing, analyzing user feedback allows you to use the data effectively.

With web content, you can use analysis tools to identify popular content or content that has led to sales. Based on this data, you can add new content or edit existing content to further increase user satisfaction.

The data obtained from the content can also be leveraged for future content creation and corporate planning, so make active use of it.

Tips for Enhancing the Quality of Content Articles 

Creating high-quality articles directly correlates with user satisfaction. If you can convey the information users are seeking in the right form, it will boost the credibility of your website or brand and ultimately lead to conversions. Here, we discuss tips for enhancing the quality of your content articles.

Capture User Interest with Titles and Headings 

Titles and headings represent the essence of your content article and influence whether users decide to click and continue reading. Essentially, they serve as the “face” and “entrance” of your article.

Attractive titles and headings draw user interest, increasing the likelihood of your article being read. In today’s era, where online information gathering is prevalent, standing out among numerous articles on the internet requires specific and appealing titles and headings.

When determining titles and headings, using templates can facilitate crafting effective ones. Tokyo SEO Maker, for example, employs various phrases and expressions as guides for their titles and headings, such as

  • 7 Steps
  • Explained Step by Step
  • For Beginners
  • Taught by a Pro
  • Why X is Important
  • What to Avoid
  • How to Do X
  • Key Points
  • Rankings 

For instance, if using the phrase “Taught by a Pro,” you might choose a title or heading like “Pro Tips for Crafting Attractive Titles.

Reference Page: 13 Types of Blog Headlines That’ll Get You More Traffic – HubSpot

Summarize in the Lead 

After clicking on the title, users read the lead to decide if the article is beneficial for them. If deemed unhelpful, they are likely to leave immediately.

Therefore, the lead should include empathy, raise questions, and also offer answers or conclusions, highlighting the benefits of reading the article.

Start with the Conclusion 

In most cases, it’s effective to start with the conclusion. Likely, the first h2 of an article titled “What is SEO?” would be exactly that – because it’s clear what the query means, and it’s better to start with the conclusion.

While there are times when explaining before presenting the conclusion makes sense, users might not stay till the end. Even if it’s better to conclude at the end, try to present the conclusion early on in the lead or initial headings.

Even when instructed to start with the conclusion, writers might revert to phrases like “So, what is X? Let’s explain sequentially,” and end up not presenting a clear conclusion (which happens quite frequently).

Focus on Clarity 

As a rule, write your articles clearly. Aim for simplicity, as if a fifth-grade student (around 10 years old) could understand.

However, there are cases where your target audience is already defined. For instance, on a members-only site for doctors, articles using specialized terminology might be more effective. Similarly, for an audience of lawyers, complex legal precedents could actually be more comprehensible.

Generally, though, it’s advisable not to use specialized terminology or, if necessary, to include internal links to related articles within your site for a comprehensive understanding.

Use Links Appropriately 

Links, whether they are hypertext or objects within a web page, need to be appropriately integrated into content articles.

Properly placed links enhance the user experience. Through links, users can easily find additional related information and deepen their understanding. From an SEO perspective, internal links and high-quality external links can improve a page’s trustworthiness.

You often see link texts like “click here for more information.” However, instead of such vague directives, it’s more effective to use link texts that clearly describe the content of the link destination.

Reference Page: What Are Internal Links? Points for Strengthening SEO with Internal Links

Adjust Content Volume Appropriately 

The appropriate amount of content depends on the theme of the article, aiming to provide just enough information to meet the subject or purpose. According to Google’s “Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines,” content should have enough volume to thoroughly cover the information users seek.

The reason why the right amount of content is crucial is that it ensures users are provided with the information or solutions they need, improving user experience. Additionally, content with an appropriate volume is more likely to be valued by search engines like Google, increasing the chance of achieving higher search rankings.

For example, when writing an article on “Methods of Dieting,” don’t just state “exercise and dietary restrictions are necessary.” Instead, delve into the advantages and disadvantages of each dieting method, precautions, and scientific evidence. By providing detailed information relevant to the theme, your content is recognized as valuable by users, which can lead to higher search rankings.

Content Creation and Information Gathering 

Finally, let’s discuss methods of gathering information for content creation.

Just like writing, gathering high-quality information is essential for creating high-quality content. Let’s explore effective ways to collect information for content creation.

Verify Information Sources While Researching 

When gathering information for content creation, it’s crucial to check the sources of your information.

Generally, information is collected via the internet, but it’s important to remember that not all information found online is accurate. This is especially true for information found on personal blogs, which can be risky to cite without verifying the source.

Furthermore, some websites may prioritize increasing their visitor count over providing accurate information, publishing careless articles. Always make it a practice to verify the sources of the information you intend to use.

Research Top-ranking Sites 

First It’s advisable to start your research with sites that appear at the top of search results.

Sites that rank high are considered by Google to be fulfilling the user’s needs. Therefore, by analyzing top-ranking sites, you can concretely understand what information users are searching for based on your keywords.

Paying attention to the headlines during your research can also be effective. Headlines are often themed, and the themes in quality content usually align with user needs, helping you quickly identify themes to include in your content.

Try Searching Keywords on Social Media 

Searching for specific keywords on social media can also be effective. When collecting information through search engines like Google, it might be difficult to find genuine evaluations since some sites are designed to promote their products or are aimed at affiliate marketing.

In contrast, social media can offer “real voices” not found on the internet, allowing you to find honest evaluations and reviews.

While it may be challenging to gather a satisfactory amount of information through social media alone, it is recommended to use platforms like Twitter to corroborate information gathered through other means.

Frequently Asked Questions About Content Articles 

Here, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about content articles received by our company and provide explanations.

Q: What metrics should I use to measure success? 

A: There are various metrics for measuring the success of content articles. Tokyo SEO Maker focuses on the following

  • Traffic and page views
  • Conversion rates (actions like purchases or registrations)
  • Search engine rankings
  • Social media shares and likes
  • Click-through rates and engagement rates 

The metrics you choose to focus on may vary depending on your company’s objectives, but the above are good references.

Q: What are effective promotion methods? 

A: There are several ways to effectively promote content articles. Social media is one of the most accessible strategies. Sharing articles on social media and getting your followers to spread the word is crucial.

If you publish a newsletter, announcing new articles when they’re posted can help. Once you have a significant amount of content, trying paid web advertising could also be a good approach.

Q: How do I find themes for content articles? 

A: There are multiple ways to find themes for content articles. First, research related topics in your industry and keep up with trends. If competitors are posting about a theme, it likely has merit.

Reading feedback and comments from your customers to generate ideas based on their interests and questions is also effective.

Using keyword research tools can help generate a large number of ideas. Identify high-search-volume keywords, predict search intent, and decide on themes based on that.

Reference Page: 121 Blog Ideas and Topics to Write About – Semrush

Q: How do I maintain success with my media over time? 

A: Regular updates with new content are crucial for the continued success of your media, such as a company blog.

By regularly providing new information, you can encourage users to return, positively impacting your search engine ranking.


As an SEO consultant, we’ve outlined the basic steps and key points for creating high-quality content articles. From crafting engaging titles and headings to setting the target audience and writing, each step is crucial. By keeping these in mind, you can create content that delivers value to your readers. Use this information as a guide for your next article creation.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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