
How to Use ChatGPT for SEO: Recommended Prompts Included


In recent times, the evolution of AI technology is expected to have various positive impacts on society. 

Similarly, in the web industry, experimental methods for creating new content and SEO strategies utilizing AI chat services are being explored. Notably, SEO tactics using ChatGPT, which became a hot topic at the end of 2022, are drawing significant attention.

This article will now explain how ChatGPT can be utilized for SEO. Tokyo SEO Maker, an SEO specialist media, will provide a clear explanation, so those in charge of considering AI for SEO measures should take note.


The impact of ChatGPT on SEO

Advanced AI chat capabilities of ChatGPT (Chat GPT) have been introduced, leading to significant changes in the WEB and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) industry.

However, to conclude upfront, ChatGPT’s functionalities do not directly influence the evaluation of web articles by Google’s search engine.

What exactly is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a web-based AI chat service launched by American company OpenAI in November 2022.

Related article: What is ChatGPT? A guide to getting started and its use, and a simple AI algorithm verification by an SEO consultant

Once registered on the website, ChatGPT can be used. The service is straightforward; users submit their questions via a dedicated form on the website, and the AI ​​​​automatically provides a response.

The mechanism of ChatGPT involves learning and interpreting information on the web to answer questions. Therefore, the responses provided by ChatGPT are based on web sites on the internet.

ChatGPT offers a free plan. It can be used free of charge, so try out the tool via the link below.

Related link: ChatGPT

Texts generated by AI tools are often less valuable in SEO 

On the other hand, original content tends to be highly valued by Google’s search engine, while copied or duplicated content is generally rated poorly.

Currently, ChatGPT does not generate text with original elements. Moreover, if you copy text from ChatGPT and use it as article content, be aware that it may be considered of low SEO value.

How to Use ChatGPT for SEO Article Creation 

Typically, when writing SEO articles, the process follows these steps.

  • Understand search intent
  • Set meta tags
  • Decide on page structure
  • Write
  • Proofread

Related article: An Easy Guide for Beginners to SEO Writing

During these steps, using ChatGPT can help in creating high-quality SEO articles by

  • Researching the target audience and search intent
  • Extracting keywords
  • Gathering ideas for articles

ChatGPT, based on web information, provides accurate responses to queries. This means it can be used to gather information materials for article creation.

Researching target audience and search intent

When creating SEO articles, it is crucial to define the reader’s persona and understand their search intent. Specifically, you need to know ‘who’ is searching and ‘what’ their objective is when they search using keywords. This information can be collected using ChatGPT.

Related article: What is Search Intent? 

Related article: What is a Persona?

Extracting keywords

Creating SEO articles requires extracting relevant keywords related to the main theme. These keywords then guide the creation of page titles and headings within the page. ChatGPT can be used to facilitate this keyword extraction process.

Gathering content ideas

Once the page titles and structure are set, you will proceed to create the content. ChatGPT can be particularly useful in;

  • Obtaining information for headings
  • Researching specific cases
  • Gathering frequently asked questions and information

Creating Prompts for ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI service where users can receive answers to their questions by inputting them into a form. The questions inputted are referred to as prompts.

By crafting prompts with appropriate content, you can obtain accurate responses. Therefore, creating prompts is crucial for effectively utilizing ChatGPT.

For example, let us say you are tasked with creating an article on the topic of “computers.” Based on this scenario, here is how you can create prompts for crafting the article.

-Creating prompts to investigate the target

-Creating prompts to explore search intent

-Creating prompts to extract keywords

-Creating prompts to gather ideas for articles

Creating Prompts to Investigate the Target Audience

To set the target for your web page, create prompts. When creating an article on computers, assume readers as “computer users” or “people in need of computers.” Thus, prepare prompts like

    • Who needs computers?

Then, the response results will be displayed.

Citation: ChatGPT

Thus, the following individuals are identified as potential readers for the computer-themed article.

    • Remote workers
    • Business professionals
    • Programmers
    • Designers
    • Content creators
    • Students
    • Researchers
    • Gamers
  • Creating Prompts to Investigate Search Intent
  • Once the target is narrowed down, consider prompts to understand search intent.

For instance, if the target is set as business professionals or remote workers, information obtained from target research indicates that “there are situations where work is done through online meetings or remote access.” Hence, a hypothesis is formed that articles about “computers and telecommuting” are being sought by the target.

On the other hand, search intent is thought to be divided into four purposes: “Do,” “Go,” “Buy,” and “Know.” Therefore, create prompts like:

    • Please tell me the search intent (Do, Go, Buy, Know) for the keywords “computers” and “telecommuting.”

Here are the results.

Citation: ChatGPT

Among them, examining the response for “Do” reveals.

    • There is a target audience interested in telecommuting with computers.
    • There are target audiences searching for information on search engines.

Therefore, creating an article introducing “steps for telecommuting with computers” would be appreciated by individuals looking for “how to telecommute” information.

Creating Prompts for Determining Page Titles

Once the content and theme of the article are established, consider the page titles. When deciding on page titles, create prompts like;

“When creating a webpage with the keywords ‘computers’ and ‘telecommuting,’ please provide strong SEO page titles.”

Citation: ChatGPT

SEO articles typically consider the following points when deciding on page titles.

  • Incorporate keywords into the page title text
  • Summarize the page content accurately to entice readers

Considering these factors, choose titles that suit the planned article. However, rather than directly copying the suggested candidates provided by the chat response, use them only as references.

For example, when writing an article on “steps for telecommuting with computers,” among the suggestions provided by ChatGPT, the following title would be suitable.

“Building a Secure and Comfortable Telecommuting Environment: A Guide to Computer Setup”

Creating Prompts for Determining Page Structure

Here, page structure refers to determining how to arrange headings within a webpage. Think of it as deciding on the page’s table of contents. When determining page structure, create prompts like

“Please provide an example of a webpage focused on the keywords ‘computers,’ ‘telecommuting,’ and ‘procedure.'”

Here is the answer.

Citation: ChatGPT

This response example, three elements – title, headings, and prepared text – were provided. And in this case, it was revealed that the following topics should be considered as candidate headings to be placed within the page.

  • Basic knowledge of telecommuting
  • How to choose a computer suitable for telecommuting
  • Steps for computer setup
  • Tips for improving telecommuting efficiency

Recommended Prompt List for SEO with ChatGPT

When creating SEO articles, ChatGPT can be used to investigate various aspects. For example, as sample prompts for useful SEO, the following can be mentioned.

  • Prompt for investigating search volume
  • Prompt for finding article themes to prioritize
  • Prompt for discovering related keywords
  • Prompt for extracting suggested keywords
  • Prompt for viewing sample descriptions
  • Prompt for finding specific examples
  • Prompt for finding frequently asked questions
  • Prompt for Investigating Search Volume
  • Please provide high-volume keywords for ‘computers.

Prompts for Researching Search Volume

Please provide keywords that have a high search volume for ‘computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

By using the above prompt, you can investigate keywords with high search volume in the article theme. Search volume refers to the number of times a keyword is searched, primarily on the Google search engine. A high search volume indicates a high demand for the keyword.

Related Article: What is Search Volume?

Prompts for Finding Article Themes to Prioritize 

Please provide five keywords related to ‘computers’ that have high search volume and low competition.

Citation: ChatGPT

These prompts allow you to pick article themes that should be prioritized, identifying keywords with high demand and few competing articles, which can be highly effective for SEO.

Prompts for Finding Related Keywords 

Please provide related keywords for ‘computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

This prompt helps you find words highly related to your keyword. A key feature of SEO is that websites with comprehensive content related to the main keyword tend to be ranked higher. Therefore, website operators should check related keywords.

Related Article: What are Related Keywords?

Prompts for Extracting Suggested Keywords 

Please provide suggested keywords for ‘computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

Using this prompt, you can find suggested keywords related to your main keyword. Suggested keywords are sub keywords that are often searched in conjunction with the main keyword. Typically, SEO articles are themed around ‘main keyword + suggested keyword’.

Related Article: What is Google Suggest?

Prompts for Viewing Sample Descriptions 

Please provide a description for a web page themed around ‘computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

This prompt allows you to view sample descriptions of web pages. A description (meta description) is a brief explanation summarizing the content of a web page. By setting a description, you can display it as the search engine description on Google.

Related Article: What is a Meta Description?

Prompts for Finding Concrete Examples 

Please provide concrete examples of ‘successful cases using computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

This prompt will suggest concrete examples related to the keyword. When writing SEO articles, it’s important to include original elements. Therefore, preparing concrete examples based on real experiences or objective facts is necessary. Viewing these examples can inspire article ideas.

Prompts for Finding Frequently Asked Questions 

Please provide common questions about ‘computers’.

Citation: ChatGPT

This prompt allows you to find frequently asked questions related to the keyword. Recently, the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) element has been considered important for SEO. Thus, when creating web articles, it’s crucial to research what FAQs are currently of interest.

Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Strategies with ChatGPT

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about SEO Strategies with ChatGPT.

Q: Will not using ChatGPT put me at a disadvantage in SEO?

A: As of November 2023, not using ChatGPT does not necessarily put you at a disadvantage in SEO.

ChatGPT is a tool that provides accurate answers based on web information for questions posed. Therefore, it can be useful for information gathering during SEO article creation. However, it may not be essential for individuals with strong research capabilities.

However, the AI market is evolving each year. There is a possibility that the era will come when AI tools become essential for SEO strategies. Therefore, SEO professionals should familiarize themselves with such tools in advance.

Q: Does using ChatGPT increase a website’s search ranking?

A: Using ChatGPT does not guarantee an increase in search ranking.

ChatGPT is a tool that supports the creation of high-quality articles. Its effectiveness varies depending on how it is used.

Tokyo SEO Maker (this site) has practiced SEO strategies using ChatGPT and published a book, so please refer to it for more information.

Related article: The Real Story of Writing Articles that Rank High with ChatGPT – Details in the Book!

Q: What can ChatGPT do?

A: It provides answers to users’ questions.

The answers are constructed based on web information. ChatGPT has gained attention for its high performance among AI chat tools, providing accurate responses. 

However, inappropriate answers may be displayed depending on the question or content. Also, be aware that ChatGPT refers to past data (as of November 2023 = data as of January 2022).

Q: How do I use ChatGPT?

A: Register on ChatGPT’s website and submit your questions.

For detailed instructions, please refer to the following article.

Related article: What is ChatGPT? Explanation of How to Get Started and How to Use It, with a Simple Verification of AI Algorithms by an SEO Consultant


ChatGPT does not directly influence SEO. However, leveraging ChatGPT can be useful for tasks like information gathering and brainstorming article ideas, improving article quality and speed. Therefore, it can be utilized as a tool for SEO strategies. Importantly, creating appropriate prompts is crucial. With well-crafted prompts, swift information gathering can be achieved.

Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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