
Introducing the Benefits and How to Choose an SEO Company


benefits to choose a SEO company

Implementing SEO requires essential knowledge and skills in SEO itself . Furthermore, mastering web marketing, search engines, programming, and the use of SEO tools is crucial. Additionally, SEO is characterized by its long-term effectiveness. This often leads to concerns about whether the right SEO strategies are being executed.

Thus, consulting with a specialized company offering SEO-related services becomes a viable option. However, there are several points to consider when searching for an SEO company that is a good fit for your own.

SEO Company Related Links 

-What is an SEO company 

-Recommended SEO companies 

-How to choose a budget-friendly SEO company 

-Explaining phone sales by SEO companies

This article explains the theme of SEO service companies. We have compiled the steps to find an SEO provider that matches well with your company, so please refer to it for guidance.


What is an SEO Service Company? 

An SEO service company is a business that provides services related to SEO. Therefore, members of an SEO company possess extensive knowledge in SEO and web marketing.

On the other hand, many companies do not have personnel skilled in SEO internally. When the necessity arises to operate a website, considering hiring an SEO company becomes an option.

Types of SEO Services

SEO services vary widely but can be broadly categorized into two types:

-SEO Consulting 

-Outsourced SEO operations

SEO Consulting 

SEO consulting involves advising on improvements for a client’s website.

The service generally includes proposing strategies and reporting on them, meaning the actual SEO tasks are carried out in-house. If you’re unsure what SEO measures to take or eventually want to handle SEO in-house, consider looking for an SEO consulting firm.

Related Articles on SEO Consulting

-How to choose an SEO consulting service 

-Recommended SEO consulting companies

Outsourced SEO Operations 

Outsourced SEO services handle the practical work of SEO. Examples of such services include;

Service Name / Service Description 

SEO Writing / Outsourced service for creating SEO articles 

Ad Operations / Service for managing online advertising 

Website Design Service / Website launch, internal settings, and construction 

Website Analysis Service / Analyzing website access, identifying issues, and proposing appropriate measures 

Link Building Service / Outsourced link-building strategies

Opting for these outsourced services along with SEO consulting can ensure proper SEO measures for your site. However, be mindful of the costs involved.

On the other hand, caution is needed when using link-building services. Google prohibits the buying and selling of backlinks for money. Therefore, it’s important to verify how the backlinks are being built. Realistically, there are appropriate techniques for building backlinks. However, cases of directly selling backlinks essentially violate the rules.

                                   Related Article: What Are Backlinks?

Costs of SEO Services 

The costs of SEO services vary depending on the type of service and the size of the site. As a rough guideline, the typical costs for SEO services are as follows:

Service Type / Cost Range 

SEO Consulting Initial cost: ¥100,000 – ¥300,000 Monthly fee: ¥200,000 – ¥500,000

Website Design Fixed cost: ¥100,000 – over ¥1,000,000 

Content SEO Monthly fee: a few thousand yen – ¥500,000 Per article cost: a few thousand yen – ¥100,000

Internal SEO (Technical SEO) Fixed cost: ¥100,000 – ¥1,000,000 

External SEO Monthly fee: ¥10,000 – ¥150,000

Typically, the pricing for SEO services is based on the human resources required by the SEO company. Therefore, the larger the site and the more difficult the keywords are to rank for, the higher the service cost.

Additionally, there are two main pricing models for SEO services.

-Fixed Fee 


Related Article: What Are the Costs of SEO? Explaining the Costs for Ranking High on Google

Fixed Fee 

The fixed fee model refers to cases where service prices are set outright, or costs are paid on a monthly basis.

In principle, with a fixed fee service, detailed SEO strategies are proposed after consulting on business plans.

The costs fluctuate based on the difficulty of the keywords. If the results are not achieved, the risk falls on the client, which tends to make this model cheaper compared to performance-based services.


The performance-based model incurs costs when targeted keywords achieve high rankings. This model is often used in external SEO services.

Typically, costs arise once certain search rankings are achieved, such as within the top 20 or top 10. At first glance, this may seem like a low-risk pricing model for the client. However, caution is needed in cases like the following:

Costs accrue based on the duration or period the search ranking is maintained

In this scenario, costs could continue indefinitely, similar to ongoing expenses for online advertising. Therefore, before placing an order, always inquire about the detailed pricing structure. Then, consider the cost-effectiveness of the service when deciding to place an order.

Benefits of Using an SEO Company

The primary advantage of hiring an SEO company is the likelihood of effective SEO due to their expertise. However, there are also secondary benefits, such as:

-Accumulation of SEO know-how within the company 

-Access to the latest web marketing information

Accumulating SEO Know-How Within the Company 

When you engage the services of an SEO company, you gain access to professional techniques, which build up as knowledge within your company.

Especially if you plan to handle SEO in-house in the future, SEO consulting services are well-suited for this transition.

Access to the Latest Web Marketing Information 

Typically, SEO companies are always up-to-date with the latest web marketing information. They share this knowledge with clients and propose strategies based on it.

On the other hand, keeping up with the latest SEO information can be a burden within a company. Contracting SEO services can alleviate this burden while allowing you to choose the appropriate strategies.

When to Consider Hiring an SEO Company

SEO is not suitable for every situation. Consider hiring an SEO company if it aligns with your company’s environment. Companies that typically benefit from SEO include:

-Companies engaged in B2B (business-to-business) operations 

-Companies dealing with high-value products

Companies engaged in B2B operations 

For B2B businesses, SEO and B2B are highly compatible, often yielding a high return on investment. Therefore, if your company is involved in B2B and has not been successful with its SEO efforts, consider consulting with an SEO company.

In the B2B market, potential customers tend to conduct thorough research before purchasing products or services. Typically, they use websites as their source of information. Thus, the role of SEO is significant in generating business opportunities.

Companies dealing with high-value products

For companies dealing with high-value products, prospective buyers tend to do extensive research before making a purchase. SEO, much like with B2B products, contributes to sales. Especially, content that accurately captures the buying intent can stimulate the desire to purchase.

Due to the nature of high-value products, the profit per sale can be significant, making it easier to recover the investment spent on SEO. However, capturing keywords related to high-value products is extremely challenging. Therefore, consider consulting with a specialized SEO company.

Things to Know Before Choosing an SEO Company 

Before selecting an SEO company, it’s important to know the following:

-It takes a long time to see the effects of SEO. 

-SEO companies are often chosen based on their reputation and reliability. 

-You should choose an SEO company with the goal of achieving your company’s objectives in mind.

It generally takes a long term to see results from SEO efforts

It generally takes a long term to see results from SEO efforts.

According to a study by the globally renowned SEO company Ahrefs, the average age of domains for top-ranking websites in search engines is 650 days. Furthermore, the top-ranked sites tend to have older domains.

Quote:Ahrefs |How old are the atop-ranking page?

This indicates that sites ranked at the top have been in operation for a long time. Keep this in mind and decide whether to hire an SEO company based on the long-term nature of SEO.

Related Article: What is Ahrefs?

SEO companies tend to be chosen based on their reputation and reliability

Prospective clients considering SEO services tend to select SEO companies based on reputation and reliability.

A survey by the American digital marketing firm Webfx, which interviewed 150 companies, found that users of SEO services choose their SEO provider based on various factors illustrated in their results.

From this data, we find that 31% of customers choose an SEO company based on referrals from trusted sources. Following that, 21.60% make their choice based on direct outreach by the service provider, and 17% decide through online searches.

The credibility of actual user testimonials plays a significant role in selecting an SEO company. Furthermore, the endorsement from “someone they trust” provides additional encouragement. Given the specialized nature and cost associated with SEO, “reliability” is generally a major consideration. If you are considering using SEO services, start by looking for a company with a strong reputation for reliability.

You should choose an SEO company with your company’s goals in mind 

SEO is about promoting your website to appear high in search engine rankings for specific keywords. However, simply appearing on a search engine does not necessarily translate into benefits for your company. Therefore, it is crucial to set goals.

The goals you set here are steps towards ultimately generating profit, such as:

-Increasing the number of inquiries about your services 

-Increasing the number of requests for your service materials 

-Increasing the number of business proposals for your services

To achieve these goals, consider an SEO company or services that match your company.

How to Choose an SEO Company 

The right SEO company varies by business. By following these steps, you can find a provider that matches your needs more easily:

Step 1: Acquire basic SEO knowledge 

Step 2: Define your ultimate SEO goals and budget 

Step 3: Check the reputation of SEO companies from their users 

Step 4: Request information from multiple SEO companies 

Step 5: Ask questions during negotiations with the SEO company

Step 1: Acquire basic SEO knowledge 

First, acquire a basic understanding of SEO. Having at least a minimal knowledge of SEO helps in determining the purpose of your SEO efforts and choosing the right SEO company for your needs.

Especially in the process of searching for an SEO company, this knowledge will be useful during negotiations to discern if a company is competent.

Step 2: Define your ultimate SEO goals and budget 

It is important to set goals in SEO. Then, outline the timeframe and costs required to achieve these goals.

-Goals (conversions or sales) 

-General direction for SEO measures 

-Budget needed to achieve goals 

-Time required to achieve goals

Step 3: Check the reputation of SEO companies from their users 

First, identify potential SEO companies. A way to do this is by checking the feedback from actual users. Specifically, you can check the following information:

Source / Checkpoints 

Google Business Profile / View customer reviews on the SEO company’s information page 

Facebook /Business usage is common on this real-name SNS, and information about SEO companies is also available

If possible, directly contacting users of the SEO company can provide valuable insights.

Step 4: Request information from multiple SEO companies 

Once you have narrowed down your options, request detailed information on their services, costs, and contract terms from the potential SEO companies.

Then, compile any unclear points to verify during negotiations.

Step 5: Ask questions during negotiations with the SEO company 

During negotiations, ask any questions you have prepared in advance, as well as any new questions that arise from the explanations provided.

Your ability to ask questions in this phase is enhanced by “Step 1: Acquire basic SEO knowledge.” Specific points you should question include the following:

-Clarify the overall costs involved 

-Specify the contract duration 

-Verify if the negotiation partner is knowledgeable about your industry 

-Check the negotiation partner’s successful case studies and track record 

-Ensure the negotiation partner is up-to-date with the latest SEO information

Additionally, in cases like SEO consulting services where a long-term contract of over six months is necessary, it’s also crucial to assess whether smooth communication with the negotiation partner is likely.

Warning Signs of Unreliable SEO Companies 

SEO requires advanced expertise, making it challenging for clients with limited SEO knowledge to make informed decisions. This environment can lead to the existence of inappropriate SEO services.

Service fees are extremely low

Beware of services priced significantly lower than the market average. 

Proper SEO research and operations require appropriate effort and time, and an SEO company will allocate substantial human resources to these tasks. Extremely low-priced SEO services may indicate that the business model is not viable, suggesting a low probability of effective, appropriate SEO interventions and potentially even the inclusion of unethical SEO practices, known as black hat SEO.

For example, Tokyo SEO Maker (this site) offers a “Budget SEO Plan.” As you can check on the page below, the closer the service gets to genuine SEO efforts (the more human resources it involves), the higher the cost. Moreover, compared to industry standards, we have adjusted the prices to make our SEO services more affordable.

Reference URL: Tokyo SEO Maker’s Budget SEO Plan

Opaque contract duration and costs 

Be cautious if the contract duration and the costs involved are unclear.

Typically, SEO takes a long time to show effects. Due to this, monthly service plans usually involve a contract duration of about six months. Tokyo SEO Maker’s SEO consulting services and budget SEO plan also set a six-month contract period.

However, a longer contract duration can be disadvantageous for the client. For example, during the SEO service contract period, clients are obliged to continue paying, which restricts their ability to switch to other services midway. Thus, it’s important to thoroughly verify the contract duration and the total costs during preliminary negotiations.

Related Articles For Recommended SEO companies

Related Articles for Recommended SEO companies

-Recommended SEO companies

-How to choose a budget SEO company 

-How to choose an SEO consulting company 

-Explaining phone sales by SEO companies

List of SEO Companies by Prefecture

SEO Companies by Prefecture

Okinawa, Saga, Nagasaki

Kagoshima, Fukuoka, Kumamoto

Oita, Kochi, Hokkaido

Ehime, Kagawa, Aomori

Iwate, Tottori, Yamaguchi

Miyagi, Hiroshima, Yamagata

Okayama, Ibaraki, Shimane

Tochigi, Wakayama, Gunma

Nara, Saitama, Tokyo

Chiba, Osaka, Kanagawa

Shiga, Niigata, Kyoto

Toyama, Hyogo, Ishikawa

Mie, Fukui, Aichi

Yamanashi, Shizuoka, Nagano


Frequently Asked Questions About SEO Companies 

We have compiled frequently asked questions about SEO companies in an FAQ format.

Q: Is it advisable to use an SEO company? 

A: Whether to use an SEO company depends on the specific circumstances of your business.

For example, it may be worthwhile to hire an SEO company if:

-Your company has a web manager, but results are lacking 

-Your company urgently needs SEO measures, despite not having web-savvy personnel

Furthermore, the following products and services tend to have good synergy with SEO measures, potentially leading to increased sales.

-Those targeted at B2B markets

-Those involving high-value items

Q: Are SEO company services trustworthy? 

A: SEO company services are based on accumulated evidence of their effectiveness, making the reliability of the SEO company paramount. However, there are indeed some questionable SEO services out there.

SEO involves attracting customers through search engines. The results on search engines are determined by the search engine providers, so there are no guaranteed SEO strategies. SEO knowledge is essentially accumulated by third-party SEO companies, independent of the search engine providers. Due to the highly specialized nature of this field, there are indeed providers of poor-quality SEO services.

To discern proper SEO services, it’s necessary to arm yourself with at least basic SEO knowledge and adopt a defensive posture. Start by understanding the overall picture of SEO through the article below.

Related article: [2024 Latest Version] What is SEO? Explaining SEO Practices in a Way Beginners Can Understand

Q: What are the recommended SEO companies? 

A: The recommended SEO company varies depending on the purpose and circumstances under which your company operates its website.

For example, you should look for an SEO company that matches well with:

-The purpose of your company’s web operations 

-The budget available for SEO measures 

-Your industry 

-Your company’s culture

Related article: Recommended SEO companies

Q: What SEO services are compatible with in-house SEO? 

A: SEO consulting services are well-suited for in-house SEO.

SEO consulting involves providing SEO strategy advice to clients. If you opt for SEO consulting services, the actual SEO tasks will be carried out within your company, making SEO consulting particularly appropriate for accumulating SEO know-how internally.

Related articles: What is In-House SEO? Explaining What’s Necessary for Managing SEO Internally

Related article: What is SEO Consulting? Explaining the Job Content and How to Choose an SEO Company

Q: Are backlink strategies by SEO companies dangerous? 

A: Backlink strategies in SEO have delicate aspects, so it’s crucial to fully understand the service details.

Google prohibits the purchase of backlinks and penalizes strategies that artificially increase backlinks or gather low-quality backlinks. However, the correct backlink strategies do have SEO benefits. For example, the following are proper backlink strategies:

  • Establishing natural backlinks, such as reciprocal linking with sister sites.
  • Building a website that naturally attracts backlinks.
  • Actively gathering backlinks through planned articles or inter-company collaboration projects.


An SEO consulting company specializes in providing SEO services to clients. Employees of an SEO company possess advanced web marketing knowledge and skills. On the other hand, general companies might not have such specialized knowledge. However, with web-based business becoming commonplace, more companies are turning to SEO companies to boost their sales. Yet, this also comes with the risk of choosing the wrong SEO company.


Author Profile

International Web Consultant

International Web Consultant Paveena Suphawet

A trilingual professional in English, Thai, and Japanese, she has numerous achievements in international SEO. She studied the latest IT technologies at Assumption International University, Thailand, and majored in International Business at the University of Greenwich, UK. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil’s Thai branch, she became a key member of Admano from its establishment.

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