
T O K Y O S E O m a k e r

Drive Business Growth
Through Proven Strategic Consulting

Fast-Track Your Profits - Streamline to Sell More, Effortlessly
Let Our Team of Web Pros Tackle All Your Digital Marketing Challenges.

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Our Unique Features

Tokyo SEO Maker is a team of web marketing pros who've been diving deep into search engines for years.
Using our specialized skills, we've helped over 2,000 small and medium-sized businesses succeed.

  • SEOに強い

    Expert in SEO

    Web marketing is all about "creating a system that sells online.Master SEO with us to turn your web marketing into an efficient engine for sustained success.

    At our company, we've accumulated a wealth of SEO techniques and unique know-how through extensive research on the latest Google algorithms in japan. We provide support to foreign companies wishing to enter the Japanese market.We specialize in Japanese SEO and have successfully guided numerous foreign companies' websites to success in the Japanese SEO landscape.

  • 分析に強い

    Specialist in Analysis

    Every site is unique, and so is our approach. By accurately identifying your challenges, we deliver targeted solutions for best results.

    Our company conducts thorough 3C analysis (Customer, Company, Competitor) to pinpoint current issues. Furthermore, we propose marketing strategies that lead to results, based on data-driven strategies from Google Analytics analysis.

  • 海外にも強い

    Effective Globally

    Different countries have unique search behaviors and platforms. We customize strategies to be effective globally.

    Our team includes trilingual overseas SEO consultants, enabling us to handle SEO in Japan,Thai and Asia. In addition, we collaborate with several local corporations, allowing us to propose marketing strategies in collaborative efforts with local entities and perform native checks.

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Our Published Works

Bringing you the latest book info from Tokyo SEO Maker.

Tokyo SEO Maker's 2023 Ultimate Guide to SEO

Tokyo SEO Maker's 2023 Ultimate Guide to SEO

Covering the basics to advanced SEO as of 2023. Perfect for beginners too.It is a Japanese book.

ChatGPT × SEO Writing Practical Techniques

ChatGPT × SEO Writing Practical Techniques

Learn how to secure top search rankings with text generated by ChatGPT.It is a Japanese book.

Surviving the New Age of DX: Latest Business Strategies for SMEs:

Surviving the New Age of DX: Latest Business Strategies for SMEs:

A comprehensive guide to essential marketing knowledge and cutting-edge business strategies every business owner should know.It is a Japanese book.

Breaking into JAPAN SEO

Breaking into JAPAN SEO

This is the first English book aimed at the foreign market. It is available on Amazon in 12 countries worldwide. It provides a detailed explanation in English about SEO for foreign companies to succeed in Japan.

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Essential SEO Guide

Download Tokyo SEO Maker's Essential SEO Guide. Don't Miss Out on Key Insights for Your SEO Journey.

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Contact Us

We manage ad campaigns and provide content writing, specializing in both domestic and international SEO.

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